22 resultados para Mangrove ecosystems

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Incorporating the values of the services that ecosystems provide into decision making is becoming increasingly common in nature conservation and resource management policies, both locally and globally. Yet with limited funds for conservation of threatened species and ecosystems there is a desire to identify priority areas where investment efficiently conserves multiple ecosystem services. We mapped four mangrove ecosystems services (coastal protection, fisheries, biodiversity, and carbon storage) across Fiji. Using a cost-effectiveness analysis, we prioritised mangrove areas for each service, where the effectiveness was a function of the benefits provided to the local communities, and the costs were associated with restricting specific uses of mangroves. We demonstrate that, although priority mangrove areas (top 20%) for each service can be managed at relatively low opportunity costs (ranging from 4.5 to 11.3% of overall opportunity costs), prioritising for a single service yields relatively low co-benefits due to limited geographical overlap with priority areas for other services. None-the-less, prioritisation of mangrove areas provides greater overlap of benefits than if sites were selected randomly for most ecosystem services. We discuss deficiencies in the mapping of ecosystems services in data poor regions and how this may impact upon the equity of managing mangroves for particular services across the urban-rural divide in developing countries. Finally we discuss how our maps may aid decision-makers to direct funding for mangrove management from various sources to localities that best meet funding objectives, as well as how this knowledge can aid in creating a national mangrove zoning scheme.


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Angola Basin and Cape Basin (southeast Atlantic) surface sediments and sediment cores show that maxima in the abundance of taraxerol (relative to other land-derived lipids) covary with maxima in the relative abundance of pollen from the mangrove tree genus Rhizophora and that in the surface sediments offshore maxima in the relative abundance of taraxerol occur at latitudes with abundant coastal mangrove forests. Together with the observation that Rhizophora mangle and Rhizophora racemosa leaves are extraordinarily rich in taraxerol, this strongly indicates that taraxerol can be used as a lipid biomarker for mangrove input to the SE Atlantic. The proxy-environment relations for taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen down-core show that increased taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen abundances occur during transgressions and periods with a humid climate. These environmental changes modify the coastal erosion and sedimentation patterns, enhancing the extent of the mangrove ecosystem and/or the transport of mangrove organic matter offshore. Analyses of mid-Pleistocene sediments show that interruption of the pattern of taraxerol maxima during precession minima occurs almost only during periods of low obliquity. This demonstrates the complex environmental response of the interaction between precession-related humidity cycles and obliquity-related sea-level changes on mangrove input.


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Across the Earth, mangroves play an important role in coastal protection, both as nurseries and carbon sinks. However, due to various human and environmental impacts, the coverage of mangroves is declining on a global scale. The Red Sea is in the northern-most area of the distribution range of mangroves. Little is known about the surface covered by mangroves at this northern limit or about the changes experienced by Red Sea mangroves. We sought to study changes in the coverage of Red Sea mangroves by using multi-temporal Landsat data (1972, 2000 and 2013). Interestingly, our results show that there has been no decline in mangrove stands in the Red Sea but rather a slight increase. The area covered by mangroves is about 69 km**2 along the African shore and 51 km**2 along the Arabian Peninsula shore. From 1972 to 2013, the area covered by mangroves increased by about 0.29%/y. We conclude that the trend exhibited by Red Sea mangroves departs from the general global decline of mangroves. Along the Red Sea, mangroves expanded by 12% over the 41 years from 1972 to 2013. Losses to Red Sea mangroves, mostly due to coastal development, have been compensated by afforestation projects.


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The Late Permian mass extinction event about 252 million years ago was the most severe biotic crisis of the past 500 million years and occurred during an episode of global warming. The loss of around two-thirds of marine genera is thought to have had substantial ecological effects, but the overall impacts on the functioning of marine ecosystems and the pattern of marine recovery are uncertain. Here we analyse the fossil occurrences of all known benthic marine invertebrate genera from the Permian and Triassic periods, and assign each to a functional group based on their inferred lifestyle. We show that despite the selective extinction of 62-74% of these genera, all but one functional group persisted through the crisis, indicating that there was no significant loss of functional diversity at the global scale. In addition, only one new mode of life originated in the extinction aftermath. We suggest that Early Triassic marine ecosystems were not as ecologically depauperate as widely assumed. Functional diversity was, however, reduced in particular regions and habitats, such as tropical reefs; at these smaller scales, recovery varied spatially and temporally, probably driven by migration of surviving groups. We find that marine ecosystems did not return to their pre-extinction state, and by the Middle Triassic greater functional evenness is recorded, resulting from the radiation of previously subordinate groups such as motile, epifaunal grazers.


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Sulfidic muds of cold seeps on the Nile Deep Sea Fan are populated by different types of mat-forming sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. The predominant sulfide oxidizers of three different mats were identified by microscopic and phylogenetic analyses as (i) Arcobacter species producing cotton-ball-like sulfur precipitates, (ii) large filamentous sulfur bacteria including Beggiatoa species, or (iii) single, spherical cells resembling Thiomargarita species. High resolution in situ microprofiles revealed different geochemical settings selecting for different mat types. Arcobacter mats occurred where oxygen and sulfide overlapped at the bottom water interface. Filamentous sulfide oxidizers were associated with non-overlapping, steep gradients of oxygen and sulfide. A dense population of Thiomargarita was favored by temporarily changing supplies of oxygen and sulfide. These results indicate that the decisive factors in selecting for different mat-forming bacteria within one deep-sea province are spatial or temporal variations in energy supply. Furthermore, the occurrence of Arcobacter spp.-related 16S rRNA genes in the sediments below all three types of mats, as well as on top of brine lakes of the Nile Deep Sea Fan, indicates that this group of sulfide oxidizers can switch between different life modes depending on the geobiochemical habitat setting.


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To understand the adaptation of euphausiid (krill) species to oxygen minimum zones (OMZ), respiratory response and stress experiments combining hypoxia/reoxygenation exposure with warming were conducted. Experimental krill species were obtained from the Antarctic (South Georgia area), the Humboldt Current system (HCS, Chilean coast), and the Northern California Current system (NCCS, Oregon). Euphausia mucronata from the HCS shows oxyconforming or oxygen partial pressure (pO2)-dependent respiration below 80% air saturation (18 kPa). Normoxic subsurface oxygenation in winter posed a "high oxygen stress" for this species. The NCCS krill, Euphausia pacifica, and the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba maintain respiration rates constant down to low critical pO2 values of 6 kPa (30% air saturation) and 11 kPa (55% air saturation), respectively. Antarctic krill had the lowest antioxidant enzyme activities, but the highest concentrations of the molecular antioxidant glutathione (GSH) and was not affected by 6 h exposure to moderate hypoxia. Temperate krill species had higher SOD (superoxide dismutase) values in winter than in summer, which relate to higher winter metabolic rate (E. pacifica). In all species, antioxidant enzyme activities remained constant during hypoxic exposure at habitat temperature. Warming by 7°C above habitat temperature in summer increased SOD activities and GSH levels in E. mucronata (HCS), but no oxidative damage occurred. In winter, when the NCCS is well mixed and the OMZ is deeper, +4°C of warming combined with hypoxia represents a lethal condition for E. pacifica. In summer, when the OMZ expands upwards (100 m subsurface), antioxidant defences counteracted hypoxia and reoxygenation effects in E. pacifica, but only at mildly elevated temperature (+2°C). In this season, experimental warming by +4°C reduced antioxidant activities and the hypoxia combination again caused mortality of exposed specimens. We conclude that a climate change scenario combining warming and hypoxia represents a serious threat to E. pacifica and, as a consequence, NCCS food webs.


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Three sediment cores from the Bragança Peninsula located in the coastal region in the north-eastern portion of Pará State have been studied by pollen analysis to reconstruct Holocene environmental changes and dynamics of the mangrove ecosystem. The cores were taken from an Avicennia forest (Bosque de Avicennia (BDA)), a salt marsh area (Campo Salgado (CS)) and a Rhizophora dominated area (Furo do Chato). Pollen traps were installed in five different areas of the peninsula to study modern pollen deposition. Nine accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates provide time control and show that sediment deposits accumulated relatively undisturbed. Mangrove vegetation started to develop at different times at the three sites: at 5120 14C yr BP at the CS site, at 2170 14C yr BP at the BDA site and at 1440 14C yr BP at the FDC site. Since mid Holocene times, the mangroves covered even the most elevated area on the peninsula, which is today a salt marsh, suggesting somewhat higher relative sea-levels. The pollen concentration in relatively undisturbed deposits seems to be an indicator for the frequency of inundation. The tidal inundation frequency decreased, probably related to lower sea-levels, during the late Holocene around 1770 14C yr BP at BDA, around 910 14C yr BP at FDC and around 750 14C yr BP at CS. The change from a mangrove ecosystem to a salt marsh on the higher elevation, around 420 14C yr BP is probably natural and not due to an anthropogenic impact. Modern pollen rain from different mangrove types show different ratios between Rhizophora and Avicennia pollen, which can be used to reconstruct past composition of the mangrove. In spite of bioturbation and especially tidal inundation, which change the local pollen deposition within the mangrove zone, past mangrove dynamics can be reconstructed. The pollen record for BDA indicates a mixed Rhizophora/Avicennia mangrove vegetation between 2170 and 1770 14C yr BP. Later Rhizophora trees became more frequent and since ca. 200 14C yr BP Avicennia dominated in the forest.


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We analyzed the pollen content of a marine core located near the bay of Guayaquil in Ecuador to document the link between sea surface temperatures (SST) and changes in rainfall regimes on the adjacent continent during the Holocene. Based on the expansion/regression of five vegetation types, we observe three successive climatic patterns. In the first phase, between 11,700 and 7700 cal yr BP, the presence of a cloud (Andean) forest in the mid altitudes and mangroves in the estuary of the Guayas Basin, were associated with a maximum in boreal summer insolation, a northernmost position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), a land- sea thermal contrast, and dryness. Between 7700 and 2850 cal yr BP, the expansion of the coastal herbs and the regression of the mangrove indicate a drier climate with weak ITCZ and low ENSO variability while austral winter insolation gradually increased. The interval between 4200 and 2850 cal yr BP was marked by the coolest and driest climatic conditions of the Holocene due to the weak influence of the ITCZ and a strengthening of the Humboldt Current. After 2850 cal yr BP, high variability and amplitude of the Andean forest changes occurred when ENSO frequency and amplitude increased, indicating high variability in land-sea connections. The ITCZ reached the latitude of Guayaquil only after 2500 cal yr BP inducing the bimodal precipitation regime we observe today. Our study shows that besides insolation, the ITCZ position and ENSO frequency, changes in eastern equatorial Pacific SSTs play a major role in determining the composition of the ecosystems and the hydrological cycle of the Ecuadorian Pacific coast and the Western Cordillera in Ecuador.