14 resultados para MICROFLUIDIC CHIPS

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Objectives: The International Polar Year (IPY) Inuit Health Survey provided an opportunity to compare dietary and body mass index (BMI) data with data collected a decade earlier for the same communities. Study design: A dietary survey included 1,929 randomly selected participants aged 15 years or older, selected from 18 Inuit communities in 1998-1999. The IPY survey included 2,595 randomly selected participants aged 18 years or older, selected from 36 Inuit communities in 2007-2008. Data from the same 18 communities included in both surveys were compared for adults 20 years and older. Methods: Twenty-four-hour dietary recall data were analysed to assess the percentage of energy from traditional and market foods by sex and age groups. Body mass index (BMI) was assessed to establish the prevalence of obesity by sex and age groups in both surveys. Results: There was a significant decrease (p<=0.05) in energy contribution from traditional food and a significant increase in market food consumption over time. Sugar-sweetened beverages, chips and pasta all increased as percentages of energy. BMI increased overall for women and for each age stratum evaluated (p<0.05). Conclusion: The nutrition transition continues in the Canadian Arctic with a concurrent increase in BMI.


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At all DSDP Leg 56 drilling sites, exotic pebbles occur commonly, throughout the cores. Chips of carbonate nodules occur only at Site 434 on the lower inner trench wall. Both exotic pebbles and carbonate nodule chips sometimes tend to be concentrated at particular levels of cores. Exotic pebbles are generally well rounded and consist of various rock types, such as dacite, andesite, basalt, tuff, gabbro, granodiorite, metaquartzite, biotite hornfels, lithic wacke, mudstone, etc., of which dacite occurs commonly at all the sites. Almost all pebbles at Site 436 and most at Sites 434 and 435 may have been rafted by ice. Some at the latter sites may have been derived by down-slope slumping. Carbonate nodules consist of microcrystalline dolomite, manganoan calcite, and siderite; CaCO3 content ranges from 22 to 65 per cent. They are also generally characterized by a high content of P2O5. The nodules are commonly rich in diatom remains, some of which indicate that the nodules are autochthonous. Some nodules contain abundant glass shards, with a modal refractive index of 1.499, almost identical to shards in the surrounding mud and ooze. These facts suggest that the carbonate nodules may have been formed diagenetically, in situ. This may throw light on problems of the formation of carbonate nodules in ancient "geosynclinal" sediments. It is also very important to point out that these carbonate nodules were formed within sediment deposited well below the CCD.


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We report on the EPICA Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctica) deep drilling operation. Starting with the scientific questions that led to the outline of the EPICA project, we introduce the setting of sister drillings at NorthGRIP and EPICA Dome C within the European ice-coring community. The progress of the drilling operation is described within the context of three parallel, deep-drilling operations, the problems that occurred and the solutions we developed. Modified procedures are described, such as the monitoring of penetration rate via cable weight rather than motor torque, and modifications to the system (e.g. closing the openings at the lower end of the outer barrel to reduce the risk of immersing the drill in highly concentrated chip suspension). Parameters of the drilling (e.g. core-break force, cutter pitch, chips balance, liquid level, core production rate and piece number) are discussed. We also review the operational mode, particularly in the context of achieved core length and piece length, which have to be optimized for drilling efficiency and core quality respectively. We conclude with recommendations addressing the design of the chip-collection openings and strictly limiting the cable-load drop with respect to the load at the start of the run.


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Endolithic bioerosion is difficult to analyse and to describe, and it usually requires damaging of the sample material. Sponge erosion (Entobia) may be one of the most difficult to evaluate as it is simultaneously macroscopically inhomogeneous and microstructurally intricate. We studied the bioerosion traces of the two Australian sponges Cliona celata Grant, 1826 (sensu Schönberg 2000) and Cliona orientalis Thiele, 1900 with a newly available radiographic technology: high resolution X-ray micro-computed tomography (MCT). MCT allows non-destructive visualisation of live and dead structures in three dimensions and was compared to traditional microscopic methods. MCT and microscopy showed that C. celata bioerosion was more intense in the centre and branched out in the periphery. In contrast, C. orientalis produced a dense, even trace meshwork and caused an overall more intense erosion pattern than C. celata. Extended pioneering filaments were not usually found at the margins of the studied sponge erosion, but branches ended abruptly or tapered to points. Results obtained with MCT were similar in quality to observations from transparent optical spar under the dissecting microscope. Microstructures could not be resolved as well as with e.g. scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Even though sponge scars and sponge chips were easily recognisable on maximum magnification MCT images, they lacked the detail that is available from SEM. Other drawbacks of MCT involve high costs and presently limited access. Even though MCT cannot presently replace traditional techniques such as corrosion casts viewed by SEM, we obtained valuable information. Especially for the possibility to measure endolithic pore volumes, we regard MCT as a very promising tool that will continue to be optimised. A combination of different methods will produce the best results in the study of Entobia.


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Calcareous nannofossils, pollen, and spores were examined on samples from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 Site 1095 on the continental rise and Sites 1097, 1100, and 1103 on the outer continental shelf of the western Antarctic Peninsula. Stratigraphically useful specimens of calcareous nannofossils occur in Site 1095 sediments assigned to Zones CN15, CN13b, and CN11. Calcareous nannofossils are rare but occur throughout the sedimentary sequences from seismic Units S1 to S3 on the continental shelf. Most of the calcareous nannofossils in Units S1 and S2 are composed of Cretaceous specimens that have been recycled by glacial processes. The occurrence of Dictyococcites in samples within Unit S3 upper Miocene sediments without any reworked specimens suggests those sediments are deposited in an open-ocean environment. These results are consistent with those from foraminifer and radiolarian studies. Pollen and spores including Nothofagidites, the genus for fossil pollen referred to as Nothofagus, are also observed in Unit S3 sediments. The sparse occurrence of pollen and spores, however, makes it difficult to assess the nature of the Antarctic terrestrial vegetation.


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Large organic food falls to the deep sea - such as whale carcasses and wood logs - support the development of reduced, sulfidic niches in an otherwise oxygenated, oligotrophic deep-sea environment. These transient hot spot ecosystems may serve the dispersal of highly adapted chemosynthetic organisms such as thiotrophic bivalves and siboglinid worms. Here we investigated the biogeochemical and microbiological processes leading to the development of sulfidic niches. Wood colonization experiments were carried out for the duration of one year in the vicinity of a cold seep area in the Nile deep-sea fan (Eastern Mediterranean) at depths of 1690 m. Wood logs were deployed in 2006 during the BIONIL cruise (RV Meteor M70/2 with ROV Quest, Marum, Germany) and sampled in 2007 during the Medeco-2 cruise (RV Pourquoi Pas? with ROV Victor 6000, Ifremer, France). Wood-boring bivalves played a key role in the initial degradation of the wood, the dispersal of wood chips and fecal matter around the wood log, and the provision of colonization surfaces to other organisms. Total oxygen uptake measured with a ROV-operated benthic chamber module was higher at the wood (0.5 m away) in contrast to 10 m away at a reference site (25 mmol m-2 d-1 and 1 mmol m-2 d-1, respectively), indicating an increased activity of sedimentary communities around the wood falls. Bacterial cell numbers associated with wood increased substantially from freshly submerged wood to the wood chip/fecal matter layer next to the wood experiments, as determined with Acridine Orange Direct Counts (AODC) and DAPI-stained counts. Microsensor measurements of sulfide, oxygen and pH were conducted ex situ. Sulfide fluxes were higher at the wood experiments when compared to reference measurements (19 and 32 mmol m-2 d-1 vs. 0 and 16 mmol -2 d-1, respectively). Sulfate reduction (SR) rates at the wood experiments were determined in ex situ incubations (1.3 and 2.0 mmol m-2 d-1) and fell into the lower range of SR rates previously observed from other chemosynthetic habitats at cold seeps. There was no influence of wood deposition on phosphate, silicate and nitrate concentrations, but ammonium concentrations were elevated at the wood chip-sediment boundary layer. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon were much higher at the wood experiments (wood chip-sediment boundary layer) in comparison to measurements at the reference sites, which may indicate that cellulose degradation was highest under anoxic conditions and hence enabled by anaerobic benthic bacteria, e.g. fermenters and sulfate reducers. Our observations demonstrate that, after one year, the presence of wood at the seafloor had led to the creation of sulfidic niches, comparable to what has been observed at whale falls, albeit at lower rates.


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Siliceous sediments and sedimentary rocks occur as chert and silicified chalk, limestone, and claystone in Site 585 lower Miocene to Campanian sediments, with one older occurrence of chert near the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary. The recovered drill breccia in the Miocene to middle Eocene interval is dominated by bright red, orange, yellow, and brown chips and fragments of chert. In early Eocene and older sediments gray silicified limestone and yellowish brown chert fragments predominate. Recovery is poor in cores with chert because chert tends to fracture into smaller pieces that escape the drill and because the hard chert fragments grind away other sediments during rotary drilling. Thin-section and hand-sample studies show complex diagenetic histories of silicification (silica pore infill) and chertification (silica replacement of host rock). Multiple events of silicification can occur in the same rocks, producing chert from silicified limestone. Despite some prior silicification, silicified limestone is porous enough to provide conduits for dissolved silica-charged pore waters. Silicification and chert are more abundant in the coarser parts of the sedimentary section. These factors reflect the importance of porosity and permeability as well as chemical and lithologic controls in the process of silica diagenesis.


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In many marine biogeographic realms, bioeroding sponges dominate the internal bioerosion of calcareous substrates such as mollusc beds and coral reef framework. They biochemically dissolve part of the carbonate and liberate so-called sponge chips, a process that is expected to be facilitated and accelerated in a more acidic environment inherent to the present global change. The bioerosion capacity of the demosponge Cliona celata Grant, 1826 in subfossil oyster shells was assessed via alkalinity anomaly technique based on 4 days of experimental exposure to three different levels of carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) at ambient temperature in the cold-temperate waters of Helgoland Island, North Sea. The rate of chemical bioerosion at present-day pCO2 was quantified with 0.08-0.1 kg/m**2/year. Chemical bioerosion was positively correlated with increasing pCO2, with rates more than doubling at carbon dioxide levels predicted for the end of the twenty-first century, clearly confirming that C. celata bioerosion can be expected to be enhanced with progressing ocean acidification (OA). Together with previously published experimental evidence, the present results suggest that OA accelerates sponge bioerosion (1) across latitudes and biogeographic areas, (2) independent of sponge growth form, and (3) for species with or without photosymbionts alike. A general increase in sponge bioerosion with advancing OA can be expected to have a significant impact on global carbonate (re)cycling and may result in widespread negative effects, e.g. on the stability of wild and farmed shellfish populations, as well as calcareous framework builders in tropical and cold-water coral reef ecosystems.


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Surface sediments from the continental slope and rise of North-West Africa between the Canary lslands and the Cape Verde Islands are mainly composed of silt-sized material (2-63 µm). A number of sampling profiles were run normal to the coast and the composition of the silt fraction was determined quantitatively by scanning electron microscope analysis. The carbonate portion of the sediment was found to be nearly exclusively of biogenic origin. The most important contributors are planktonic foraminifers and coccoliths with minor contributions derived from pteropods. Plankton-produced biogenic opal such as diatoms and radiolarians play a very minor role. The high production rates of opal-silica plankton which exists in the surface waters of the NW-African upwelling system does not give rise to corresponding increases of opal accumulation in the bottom sediment. Benthic producers consist mainly of foraminifers and molluscs but the entire input from benthic producers is extremely small. An exception to this occurs in the prodelta sediments of the Senegal river. Downslope particle transport is indicated by the occurrence of shallow-water coralline algae, ascidian sclerites and cliona boring chips and can be traced as far down as the continental rise. The non-carbonate silt fraction mostly consists of quartz which is derived as eolian dust from the Sahara desert by the Harmattan and the NE-Trade-wind system. The percentage of carbonate in the surface sediments directly indicates the relative proportions of autochthonous biogenic components and terrigenous allochthonous quartz particles.