em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) may induce activity of hepatic enzymes, mainly Phase I monooxygenases and conjugating Phase II enzymes, that catalyze the metabolism of PCBs leading to formation of metabolites and to potential adverse health effects. The present study investigates the concentration and pattern of PCBs, the induction of hepatic phase I and II enzymes, and the formation of hydroxy (OH) and methylsulfonyl (CH3SO2=MeSO2) PCB metabolites in two ringed seal (Phoca hispida) populations, which are contrasted by the degree of contamination exposure, that is, highly contaminated Baltic Sea (n = 31) and less contaminated Svalbard (n = 21). Phase I enzymes were measured as ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylation (EROD), benzyloxyresorufin-O-dealkylation (BROD), methoxyresorufin-O-demethylation (MROD), and pentoxyresorufin-O-dealkylation (PROD) activities, and phase II enzymes were measured as uridine diphosphophate glucuronosyl transferase (UDPGT) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST). Geographical comparison, multivariate, and correlation analysis indicated that sum-PCB had a positive impact on Phase I enzyme and GST activities leading to biotransformation of group III (vicinal ortho-meta-H atoms and <=1 ortho-chlorine (Cl)) and IV PCBs (vicinal meta-para-H atoms and <=2 ortho-Cl). The potential precursors for the main OH-PCBs detected in plasma in the Baltic seals were group III PCBs. MeSO2-PCBs detected in liver were mainly products of group IV PCB metabolism. Both CYP1A- and CYP2B-like enzymes are suggested to be involved in the PCB biotransformation in ringed seals.
The present study assessed and compared the oxidative and reductive biotransformation of brominated flame retardants, including established polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and emerging decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE) using an in vitro system based on liver microsomes from various arctic marine-feeding mammals: polar bear (Ursus maritimus), beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas), and ringed seal (Pusa hispida), and in laboratory rat as a mammalian model species. Greater depletion of fully brominated BDE209 (14-25% of 30pmol) and DBDPE (44-74% of 90pmol) occurred in individuals from all species relative to depletion of lower brominated PBDEs (BDEs 99,100, and 154; 0-3% of 30pmol). No evidence of simply debrominated metabolites was observed. Investigation of phenolic metabolites in rat and polar bear revealed formation of two phenolic, likely multiply debrominated, DBDPE metabolites in polar bear and one phenolic BDE154 metabolite in polar bear and rat microsomes. For BDE209 and DBDPE, observed metabolite concentrations were low to nondetectable, despite substantial parent depletion. These findings suggested possible underestimation of the ecosystem burden of total-BDE209, as well as its transformation products, and a need for research to identify and characterize the persistence and toxicity of major BDE209 metabolites. Similar cause for concern may exist regarding DBDPE, given similarities of physicochemical and environmental behavior to BDE209, current evidence of biotransformation, and increasing use of DBDPE as a replacement for BDE209.
In the future, marine organisms will face the challenge of coping with multiple environmental changes associated with increased levels of atmospheric Pco2, such as ocean warming and acidification. To predict how organisms may or may not meet these challenges, an in-depth understanding of the physiological and biochemical mechanisms underpinning organismal responses to climate change is needed. Here, we investigate the effects of elevated Pco2 and temperature on the whole-organism and cellular physiology of the periwinkle Littorina littorea. Metabolic rates (measured as respiration rates), adenylate energy nucleotide concentrations and indexes, and end-product metabolite concentrations were measured. Compared with values for control conditions, snails decreased their respiration rate by 31% in response to elevated Pco2 and by 15% in response to a combination of increased Pco2 and temperature. Decreased respiration rates were associated with metabolic reduction and an increase in end-product metabolites in acidified treatments, indicating an increased reliance on anaerobic metabolism. There was also an interactive effect of elevated Pco2 and temperature on total adenylate nucleotides, which was apparently compensated for by the maintenance of adenylate energy charge via AMP deaminase activity. Our findings suggest that marine intertidal organisms are likely to exhibit complex physiological responses to future environmental drivers, with likely negative effects on growth, population dynamics, and, ultimately, ecosystem processes.
Ocean drilling has revealed the existence of vast microbial populations in the deep subseafloor, but to date little is known about their metabolic activities. To better understand the biogeochemical processes in the deep biosphere, we investigate the stable carbon isotope chemistry of acetate and other carbon-bearing metabolites in sediment pore-waters. Acetate is a key metabolite in the cycling of carbon in anoxic sediments. Its stable carbon isotopic composition provides information on the metabolic processes dominating acetate turnover in situ. This study reports our findings for a methane-rich site at the northern Cascadia Margin (NE Pacific) where Expedition 311 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) sampled the upper 190 m of sediment. At Site U1329, d13C values of acetate span a wide range from -46.0 per mill to -11.0 per mill vs. VPDB and change systematically with sediment depth. In contrast, d13C values of both the bulk dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (-21.6 ± 1.3 per mill vs. VPDB) and the low-molecular-weight compound lactate (-20.9 ± 1.8 per mill vs. VPDB) show little variability. These species are interpreted to represent the carbon isotopic composition of fermentation products. Relative to DOC, acetate is up to 23.1 per mill depleted and up to 9.1 per mill enriched in 13C. Broadly, 13C-depletions of acetate relative to DOC indicate flux of carbon from acetogenesis into the acetate pool while 13C-enrichments of pore-water acetate relative to DOC suggest consumption of acetate by acetoclastic methanogenesis. Isotopic relationships between acetate and lactate or DOC provide new information on the carbon flow and the presence and activity of specific functional microbial communities in distinct biogeochemical horizons of the sediment. In particular, they suggest that acetogenic CO2-reduction can coexist with methanogenic CO2-reduction, a notion contrary to the hypothesis that hydrogen levels are controlled by the thermodynamically most favorable electron-accepting process. Further, the isotopic relationship suggests a relative increase in acetate flow to acetoclastic methanogenesis with depth although its contribution to total methanogenesis is probably small. Our study demonstrates how the stable carbon isotope biogeochemistry of acetate can be used to identify pathways of microbial carbon turnover in subsurface environments. Our observations also raise new questions regarding the factors controlling acetate turnover in marine sediments.
Diatoms are the major marine primary producers on the global scale and, recently, several methods have been developed to retrieve their abundance or dominance from satellite remote sensing data. In this work, we highlight the importance of the Southern Ocean (SO) in developing a global algorithm for diatom using an Abundance Based Approach (ABA). A large global in situ data set of phytoplankton pigments was compiled, particularly with more samples collected in the SO. We revised the ABA to take account of the information on the penetration depth (Zpd) and to improve the relationship between diatoms and total chlorophyll-a (TChla). The results showed that there is a distinct relationship between diatoms and TChla in the SO, and a new global model (ABAZpd) improved the estimation of diatoms abundance by 28% in the SO compared with the original ABA model. In addition, we developed a regional model for the SO which further improved the retrieval of diatoms by 17% compared with the global ABAZpd model. As a result, we found that diatom may be more abundant in the SO than previously thought. Linear trend analysis of diatom abundance using the regional model for the SO showed that there are statistically significant trends, both increasing and decreasing, in diatom abundance over the past eleven years in the region.
Persistent organochlorine (OC) contaminants (PCBs, DDTs, chlordanes (CHLs), dieldrin, hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), chlorobenzenes (CBzs)) were determined in adipose tissue of 92 polar bears (Ursus maritimus) sampled between 1999 and 2001 in central East Greenland (69°00'N to 74°00'N). OC data were presented from subadults (S: females: <5 years and males: <6 years), adult females (F: >=5 years) and adult males (M: >=6 years). Summed chlorobiphenyl (SumCBs) concentrations (41 congeners including co-eluters), SumCHLs and SumDDTs were the dominant classes of OCs. SumCBs concentrations were found to be 6470, 8240 and 9100 ng/g lipid weight (lw) i subadults, adult females and adult males, respectively. The corresponding figures were: 2010 (S), 2220 (F) and 1710 (M) ng/ g lw for SumCHLs and 462 (S), 462 (F) and 559 (M) ng/g lw for SumDDTs. The dominant CB congeners were CB153 (32.3%), CB180 (21.4%), CB170 (12.2%) and CB138 (11.0%). The metabolite p,p'-DDE (88.2%) dominated the SumDDTs, while oxychlordane was the dominant (57.1%) CHL-related compound. Concentrations of SumCBs, SumCBzs, SumDDTs, mirex and dieldrin were highest in adult males, whereas concentrations of SumHCHs were lower than in adult females but not than those in subadults. Adult females had the lowest concentrations of SumCBzs, mirex and dieldrin. Concentrations of SumCHLs were lowest in adult males, intermediate in subadults and highest in adult females. SumCB, SumHCH and SumCHL concentrations showed high seasonal variability in adult females but remained relatively constant in adult males and subadults. In general, the OC levels in females appeared to be highest in March and lowest in January or September. Concentrations of SumCBzs and dieldrin showed seasonal variability in all three groups, with a maximum in March in adult females. SumCBz concentrations in adult males and subadults of both sexes peaked in April-July, and dieldrin concentrations peaked in April-July in subadults, but not until August in adult males. SumDDT concentrations increased from January to a maximum in April-July for subadults and in August for adults. Temporal trends within the last decade were examined by comparing the present data to the concentrations reported in samples from 1990 from the same region. SumCB, p,p'-DDE and SumHCH concentrations in 1999-2001 were 22.1%, 66.3% and 39.3% lower than the 1990 concentrations, respectively. in contrast, SumCHL and dieldrin concentrations showed differences amongst sex and age groups in the temporal trends, where present concentrations are between 24.4% to 69.3% and 27.0% to 69.0% lower, respectively, relative to the 1990 levels. However, power analysis suggested that firm conclusions could not be drawn regarding the general time trend based on these two sampling periods. The range of half-lives of the various OC classes were estimated to lie between 4.5 and 20.6 years depending on the age and sex groups considered.
The tissue-specific composition of sum classes of brominated and chlorinated contaminants and metabolic/degradation byproducts was determined in adult male and female polar bears from East Greenland. Significantly (p < 0.05) higher concentrations of SUM-PCBs, various other organochlorines such as SUM-CHL, p,p'-DDE, SUM-CBz, SUM-HCHs, octachlorostyrene (OCS),SUM-mirex, dieldrin, the flame retardants SUM-PBDEs, and total-(R)-hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), SUM-methylsulfonyl (MeSO2)-PCBs and 3-MeSO2-p,p'-DDE, were found in the adipose and liver tissues relative to whole blood and brain. In contrast, SUM-hydroxyl (OH)-PCB, 4-OH-heptachlorostyrene and SUM-OH-PBDE concentrations were significantly highest (p < 0.05) in whole blood, whereas the highest concentrations of SUM-OH-PBBs were found in the adipose tissue. Based on the total concentrations of all organohalogens in all three tissues and blood, the combined body burden was estimated to be 1.34 ± 0.12 g, where >91% of this amount was accounted for by the adipose tissue alone, followed by the liver, whole blood, and brain. These results show that factors such as protein association and lipid solubility appear to be differentially influencing the toxicokinetics, in terms of tissue composition/localization and burden, of organohalogen classes with respect to chemical structure and properties such as the type of halogenation (e.g., chlorination or bromination), and the presence or absence of additional phenyl group substituents (e.g., MeO and OH groups). The tissue- and blood-specific accumulation (or retention) among organohalogen classes indicates that exposure and any potential contaminant-mediated effects in these polar bears are likely tissue or blood specific.
Adipose tissue was sampled from the western Hudson Bay (WHB) subpopulation of polar bears at intervals from 1991 to 2007 to examine temporal trends of PCB and OCP levels both on an individual and sum-contaminant basis. We also determined levels and temporal trends of emerging polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) and other current-use brominated flame retardants. Over the 17-year period, sum DDT (and p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDT) decreased (-8.4%/year); alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH) decreased (-11%/year); beta-HCH increased ( + 8.3%/year); and sum PCB and sum chlordane (CHL), both contaminants at highest concentrations in all years (>1 ppm), showed no distinct trends even when compared to previous data for this subpopulation dating back to 1968. Some of the less persistent PCB congeners decreased significantly (-1.6%/year to -6.3%/year), whereas CB153 levels tended to increase (+ 3.3%/year). Parent CHLs (c-nonachlor, t-nonachlor) declined, whereas non-monotonic trends were detected for metabolites (heptachlor epoxide, oxychlordane). sum chlorobenzene, octachlorostyrene, sum mirex, sum MeSO2-PCB and dieldrin did not significantly change. Increasing sum PBDE levels (+13%/year) matched increases in the four consistently detected congeners, BDE47, BDE99, BDE100 and BDE153. Although no trend was observed, total-(alpha)-HBCD was only detected post-2000. Levels of the highest concentration brominated contaminant, BB153, showed no temporal change. As long-term ecosystem changes affecting contaminant levels may also affect contaminant patterns, we examined the influence of year (i.e., aging or "weathering" of the contaminant pattern), dietary tracers (carbon stable isotope ratios, fatty acid patterns) and biological (age/sex) group on congener/metabolite profiles. Patterns of PCBs, CHLs and PBDEs were correlated with dietary tracers and biological group, but only PCB and CHL patterns were correlated with year. DDT patterns were not associated with any explanatory variables, possibly related to local DDT sources. Contaminant pattern trends may be useful in distinguishing the possible role of ecological/diet changes on contaminant burdens from expected dynamics due to atmospheric sources and weathering.