12 resultados para MATRIZ OD

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The source rock potential of Cretaceous organic rich whole rock samples from deep sea drilling project (DSDP) wells offshore southwestern Africa was investigated using bulk and quantitative pyrolysis techniques. The sample material was taken from organic rich intervals of Aptian, Albian and Turonian aged core samples from DSDP site 364 offshore Angola, DSDP well 530A north of the Walvis Ridge offshore Namibia, and DSDP well 361 offshore South Africa. The analytical program included TOC, Rock-Eval, pyrolysis GC, bulk kinetics and micro-scale sealed vessel pyrolysis (MSSV) experiments. The results were used to determine differences in the source rock petroleum type organofacies, petroleum composition, gas/oil ratio (GOR) and pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) behavior of hydrocarbons generated from these black shales for petroleum system modeling purposes. The investigated Aptian and Albian organic rich shales proved to contain excellent quality marine kerogens. The highest source rock potential was identified in sapropelic shales in DSDP well 364, containing very homogeneous Type II and organic sulfur rich Type IIS kerogen. They generate P-N-A low wax oils and low GOR sulfur rich oils, whereas Type III kerogen rich silty sandstones of DSDP well 361 show a potential for gas/condensate generation. Bulk kinetic experiments on these samples indicate that the organic sulfur contents influence kerogen transformation rates, Type IIS kerogen being the least stable. South of the Walvis Ridge, the Turonian contains predominantly a Type III kerogen. North of the Walvis Ridge, the Turonian black shales contain Type II kerogen and have the potential to generate P-N-A low and high wax oils, the latter with a high GOR at high maturity. Our results provide the first compositional kinetic description of Cretaceous organic rich black shales, and demonstrate the excellent source rock potential, especially of the Aptian-aged source rock, that has been recognized in a number of the South Atlantic offshore basins.


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The Mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) was the time when quasi-periodic (? 100 kyr), high-amplitude glacial variability developed in the absence of any significant change in the character of orbital forcing, leading to the establishment of the characteristic pattern of late Pleistocene climate variability. It has long been known that the interval around 900 ka stands out as a critical point of the MPT, when major glaciations started occurring most notably in the northern hemisphere. Here we examine the record of climatic conditions during this significant interval, using high-resolution stable isotope records from benthic and planktonic foraminifera from a sediment core in the North Atlantic (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 306, Site U1313). We have considered the time interval from late in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 23 to MIS 20 (910 to 790 ka). Our data indicate that interglacial MIS 21 was a climatically unstable period and was broken into four interstadial periods, which have been identified and correlated across the North Atlantic region. These extra peaks tend to contradict previous studies that interpreted the MIS 21 variability as consisting essentially of a linear response to cyclical changes in orbital parameters. Cooling events in the surface record during MIS 21 were associated with low benthic carbon isotope excursions, suggesting a coupling between surface temperature changes and the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Time series analysis performed on the whole interval indicates that benthic and planktonic oxygen isotopes have significant concentrations of spectral power centered on periods of 10.7 kyr and 6 kyr, which is in agreement with the second and forth harmonic of precession. The excellent correspondence between the foraminifera d18O records and insolation variations at the Equator in March and September suggests that a mechanism related to low-latitude precession variations, advected to the high latitudes by tropical convective processes, might have generated such a response. This scenario accounts for the presence of oscillations at frequencies equal to precession harmonics at Site U1313, as well as the occurrence of higher amplitude oscillations between the MIS22/21 transition and most of MIS 21, times of enhanced insolation variability.


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An expanded and largely complete upper Paleocene to upper Eocene section was recovered from the pelagic cap overlying Allison Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 865 (18°26'N, 179°33'W; paleodepth 1300-1500 m). Reconstructions show that the site was within a few degrees of the equator during the Paleogene. Because no other Paleogene sections have been recovered in the Pacific Ocean at such a low latitude, Site 865 provides a unique record of equatorial Pacific paleoceanography. Detailed stable isotopic investigations were conducted on three planktonic foraminiferal taxa (species of Acarinina, Morozovella, and Subbotina). We studied benthic foraminiferal isotopes at much lower resolution on species of Cibicidoides and Lenticulina, Nuttallides truempyi and Gavelinella beccariiformis, because of their exceptional rarity. The d18O and d13C stratigraphies from Site 865 are generally similar to those derived from other Paleocene and Eocene sections. The planktonic foraminiferal records at Site 865, however, include significantly less short-term, single-sample variability than those from higher-latitude sites, indicating that this tropical, oligotrophic location had a comparatively stable water column structure with a deep mixed layer and less seasonal variability. Low-amplitude (0.1-0.8 per mil) oscillations on timescales of 250,000 to 300,000 years correlate between the d13C records of all planktonic taxa and may represent fluctuations in the mixing intensity of surface waters. Peak sea surface temperatures of 24°-25°C occurred in the earliest Eocene, followed by a rapid cooling of 3-6°C in the late early Eocene. Temperatures remained cool and stable through the middle Eocene. In the late Eocene, surface water temperatures decreased further. Vertical temperature gradients decreased dramatically in the late Paleocene and were relatively constant through much of the Eocene but increased markedly in the late Eocene. Intermediate waters warmed through the late Paleocene, reaching a maximum temperature of 10°C in the early Eocene. Cooling in the middle and late Eocene paralleled that of surface waters, with latest Eocene temperatures below 5°C. Extinction patterns of benthic foraminifera in the latest Paleocene were similar to those observed at other Pacific sites and were coeval with a short-term, very rapid negative excursion in d13C values in planktonic and benthic taxa as at other sites. During this excursion, benthic foraminiferal d18O values decreased markedly, indicating warming of 4 to 6°C for tropical intermediate waters, while planktonic taxa show slight warming (1°C) followed by 2°C of cooling. Convergence of d18O values of planktonic and benthic foraminifera suggests that thermal gradients in the water column in this tropical location collapsed during the excursion. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that equatorial Pacific surface waters were a potential source of warm, higher salinity waters which filled portions of the deep ocean in the latest Paleocene. Oxygen isotopic data indicate that equator to high southern latitude sea surface thermal gradients decreased to as little as 4°C at the peak of the excursion, suggesting some fundamental change in global heat transport.