120 resultados para Lower Central Sequence

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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On Leg 85, 16 holes were cored at five sites. Thirteen of the holes were cored with the hydraulic piston corer (HPC) or the variable-length hydraulic piston corer (VLHPC) or both; the remainder were rotary drilled. Partially duplicating stratigraphic sections were successfully recovered by hydraulic piston coring at Sites 572 to 575. Sub-bottom penetration was deepest (about 210 m) at HPC Hole 575A, which bottomed in lower Miocene sediments. Penetration by hydraulic piston coring was limited at all sites not by the failure of the corer to stroke out but by the excessive force (overpull) necessary to retrieve the core barrel from the hole. The sediments recovered are relatively uniform siliceous-calcareous oozes to calcareous ooze-chalks. Paleomagnetic measurements were made at all stratigraphic levels, but magnetostratigraphic sequences could be resolved only for the Pleistocene-Pliocene and for brief upper, middle, and lower Miocene sections. In the younger and less consolidated sediments, the declination often shows large-scale azimuthal rotations downcore. These smooth trends vary from core to core, indicating either rotation between the sediment and the core liner or the rotation of the core barrel during the coring or retrieval process. Thus, azimuthal orientation of the samples was impossible even though a Kuster azimuthal orientation tool was used during the hydraulic piston coring. At all sites, the downhole shift from mainly siliceous to mainly calcareous ooze-chalk coincided with a decrease in NRM intensity of at least one order of magnitude, to 1.0*10**-8 G. Diagenesis is the probable reason for this behavior, although the dilution of magnetic carriers as the result of higher accumulation rates may also be a factor. A tectonic analysis using data from samples with stable remanence indicates a northward plate motion of about 0.3 deg/m.y. during the last 18 m.y., a rate that agrees with most previous reconstructions of Pacific Plate motion.


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The first marine incursion of the incipient North Atlantic Ocean is recorded in the uppermost Triassic to Lower Jurassic sequence of DSDP Site 547 off central Morocco. A lithologic change from continental red beds below to slope breccias and hemipelagic carbonates above indicates that a carbonate ramp was probably established by Sinemurian time along the Moroccan continental margin and that subsidence in the adjacent basin was rapid in the early phases of continental rift. Foraminifers recovered from the Liassic (Sinemurian-Pliensbachian) basinal deposits are diverse and well preserved. The faunas are compositionally similar to contemporaneous neritic assemblages of Europe and the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. The Middle Jurassic in Hole 547B is characterized by regressive deposits that are poor in foraminifers. The major Late Jurassic "Atlantic" transgression is again represented by basinal deposits consisting of limestone breccias and pelagic carbonates. Foraminifers recovered from this interval are transitional between Late Jurassic assemblages reported from deep-sea deposits in the North Atlantic and typical Late Jurassic neritic assemblages of Europe. The Late Jurassic assemblages of Hole 547B are primarily dominated by nodosariids and spirillinids with moderate abundances of simple arenaceous forms. Nonreticulate epistominids occur very rarely in the Upper Jurassic of Hole 547B. It is tentatively suggested that these represent upper bathyal assemblages.


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Cores from Leg 122, Sites 762 and 763, were sampled at intervals of one sample per 1.5-m section in the Lower Cretaceous sequences. More than 400 samples were studied, most of which contained dinoflagellate cysts, spores, pollen, and various types of palynoclasts. From the entire palynomorph assemblage mainly dinoflagellate cysts were studied to give a stratigraphic outline for the Lower Cretaceous. Stratigraphic units were interpreted in terms of zones in use for the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Australia. At both sites a condensed Valanginian to Aptian sequence and an expanded middle to late Berriasian sequence containing a rich microplankton assemblage were recovered. Sites 762 and 763 can be correlated with each other and with the wells Eendracht-1 and Vinck-1.


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Three phases of volcanism have been recognized in the lower Paleogene sequence of the southwest Rockall Plateau which are related to the onset of seafloor spreading in the NE Atlantic. The earliest, Phase 1, is marked by a sequence of tholeiitic basalts and hyaloclastites which form the dipping reflector sequence in Edoras Basin. Phase 2 is characterized by tuffs and lapilli tuffs of air-fall origin, ranging in composition from basic to intermediate. They were generated by highly explosive igneous activity due to magma-water interaction, and terminate at the level of a major transgression. Subsequently, volcanism reverted to tholeiitic basalt type, producing the thin tuffs and minor basalt flows of Phase 3. Alteration of the volcanic glass and diagenesis of the tuffs and lapilli tuffs has been considerable in many cases, with a large number of diagenetic mineral phases observed, including smectite, celadonite, analcime, phillipsite, clinoptilolite, mordenite, and calcite. Although calcite is the latest observed diagenetic cement, it nevertheless occurred relatively early, in one case totally preserving basaltic glass from alteration.


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Oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios were measured from Maestrichtian benthic and planktonic foraminifer species and bulk carbonate samples from ODP Sites 689 and 690, drilled on the Maud Rise during Leg 113. Careful scanning electron microscope observations reveal that test calcite in some intervals was diagenetically altered, although Sr/Ca and isotopic ratios of these tests do not appear to have been modified significantly. Foraminifer d18O values at both sites document a cooling trend during early Maestrichtian time, a rapid drop in water temperatures at the time of the first appearance of Abathomphalus mayaroensis in the high southern latitude regions (about 69.9 Ma), and lower water temperatures during late Maestrichtian time. d13C values record a depletion in 13C in the latest early Maestrichtian time beginning at about 72.2 Ma, just prior to the sharp late Maestrichtian increase in d18O values. These trends are similar to those previously reported for well-preserved benthic foraminifer species from Seymour Island, in the Antarctic Peninsula. Paleotemperature estimates are also comparable to those at Seymour Island and suggest temperate climatic conditions in Antarctica and that bottom waters in the southern South Atlantic region were of Antarctic origin. Benthic and planktonic foraminifer 613C values fluctuate sympathetically and are higher in upper Maestrichtian sediments than in the lower Maestrichtian sequence.


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The technique of 40Ar-39Ar step-heating dating was applied to three rock samples from core of DSDP Site 443, one sample from Site 445, and four samples at Site 446. All sites were drilled during DSDP Leg 58. At Site 443 (Shikoku Basin), about 116 meters of basalt basement was drilled. Three samples were chosen for dating from different levels in the basalt; two samples are aphyric basalt, and the other is subophitic dolerite. At Site 445 (Daito Ridge), no basement rock was drilled; however, conglomeratic sandstone was cored in the lower part of the hole. 40Ar-39Ar dating was applied to a basalt pebble in the conglomerate. At Site 446 (Daito Basin), the lower cored sequence is clay stone interlayered with 16 basalt sills. Four samples were chosen from sills at different levels.


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The Lower Cretaceous and Miocene sequences of the NW African passive continental margin consist of siliciclastic, volcaniclastic and hybrid sediments. These sediments contain a variety of diagenetic carbonates associated with zeolites, smectite clays and pyrite, reflecting the detrital mineralogical composition and conditions which prevailed during opening of the North Atlantic. In the Lower Cretaceous siliciclastic sediments, siderite (-6 per mil to +0.7per mil d18O PDB, -19.6 per mil to +0.6 per mil d13C PDB) was precipitated as thin layers and nodules from modified marine porewaters with input of dissolved carbon from the alteration of organic matter. Microcrystalline dolomite layers, lenses, nodules and disseminated crystals (-3.0 per mil to +2.5 per mil d18O PDB, -7.2 per mil to +4.9 per mil d13C PDB) predominate in slump and debris-flow deposits within the Lower Miocene sequence. During the opening of the Atlantic, volcanic activity in the Canary Islands area resulted in input of volcaniclastic sediments to the Middle and Upper Miocene sequences. Calcite is the dominant diagenetic carbonate in the siliciclastic-bioclastic-volcaniclastic hybrid and in the volcaniclastic sediments, which commonly contain pore-rimming smectite. Diagenetic calcite (-22 per mil to +1.6 per mil d18O PDB, -35.7 per mil to +0.8 per mil d13C PDB) was precipitated due to the interaction of volcaniclastic and bioclastic grains with marine porewaters. Phillipsite is confined to the alteration of volcaniclastic sediments, whereas clinoptilolite is widely disseminated, occurring essentially within foraminiferal chambers, and formed due to the dissolution of biogenic silica.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 103 recovered Lower Cretaceous sediments from the Galicia margin off the coast of Iberia. The high diversity and abundance of assemblages makes this excellent material for the study of Early Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils. With the exception of a hiatus between the upper Hauterivian and lower Barremian, nannofossil distributions form a continuous composite section from the lower Valanginian to lower Cenomanian sediments recovered at the four sites. The sedimentation history of this rifted continental margin is complex, and careful examination of the nannofossil content and lithology is necessary in order to obtain optimum biostratigraphic resolution. The Lower Cretaceous sequence consists of a lower Valanginian calpionellid marlstone overlain by terrigenous sandstone turbidites deposited in the Valanginian and Hauterivian during initial rifting of this part of the margin. Interbedded calcareous marl and claystone microturbidites overlie the sandstone turbidites. Rifting processes culminated in the late Aptian-early Albian, resulting in the deposition of a calcareous, clastic turbidite sequence. The subsequent deposition of dark carbonaceous claystones (black shales) represents the beginning of seafloor spreading, as the margin continued to subside to depths near or below the CCD. The diversity, abundance, and preservation of nannofossils within these varied lithologies differ, and an attempt to distinguish between near shore and open-marine assemblages is made. Genera used for this purpose include Nannoconus, Micrantholithus, Pickelhaube, and Lithraphidites. In this study, six new species and one new subspecies are described and documented. Ranges of other species are extended, and an attempt is made to clarify existing, yet poorly understood, taxonomic concepts. A technique in which a single specimen is viewed with both light and scanning electron microscopes was used extensively to aid in this task. In addition, further subdivisions of the Sissingh (1977) zonation are suggested in order to increase biostratigraphic resolution.


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A virtually complete composite history of Cenozoic pelagic sedimentation was recovered from ODP Sites 738 (62°43' S) and 744 (61°35' S), drilled during Leg 119 on the Kerguelen Plateau. An excellent magnetobiochronologic record was obtained from upper Eocene through Holocene sediments at Site 744, and an expanded lower Paleocene through lower Oligocene sequence was cored at Hole 738. Analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of over 125 planktonic foraminifer taxa from these sites reveals changes in species composition that were strongly influenced by the climatic evolution of Antarctic water masses. Early Paleocene planktonic foraminifer assemblages are nearly identical in species composition to coeval assemblages from low and middle latitude sites, showing the same patterns of post-extinction recovery and taxonomic radiation. Biogeographic isolation, revealed by the absence of tropical keeled species, became apparent by late early Paleocene time. Diversity increased near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary when keeled morozovellids immigrated to the Kerguelen Plateau. Greatest diversity (23 species) was achieved by early Eocene time, corresponding to a Cenozoic warming maximum that has been recognized in lower Eocene deep sea and terrestrial sediments worldwide. A gradual decline in diversity from the late early through middle Eocene, primarily due to the disappearance of acarininids, parallels the record of cooling paleotemperatures in Southern Ocean surface waters. Chiloguembelina-dominated assemblages appeared in the late middle Eocene and persisted through the early Oligocene as Antarctic surface waters became thermally isolated. Late Eocene and early Oligocene assemblages exhibit considerably lower diversity than the older Eocene faunas, and were dominated by chiloguembelinids, subbotinids, and catapsydracids during a time of pronounced climatic cooling and development of continental glaciation on East Antarctica. The small foraminifer Globigerinit? juvenilis replaced chiloguembelinids as the dominant taxon during the late Oligocene. Diversity increased slightly toward the end of the late Oligocene with new appearances of several tenuitellid, globoturborotalitid, and globigerinid species. The trend toward diminishing planktonic foraminifer diversity was renewed during the late early Miocene as siliceous productivity increased in the Antarctic surface waters, culminating with the reduction to nearly monospecific assemblages of Neogloboqu?drin? p?chyderm? that occur in Pliocene-Holocene biosiliceous sediments. An Antarctic Paleogene zonal scheme previously devised for ODP Sites 689 and 690 in the Weddell Sea is used to biostratigraphically subdivide the Kerguelen Plateau sequence. The definition of one Antarctic Paleogene biozone is modified in the present study to facilitate correlation within the southern high latitudes. The ages of 13 late Eoceneearly Miocene datum events are calibrated based on a magnetobiochronologic age model developed for Site 744.


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Sediments from ODP Holes 699A, 700B, 702B, 703A, and 704B were studied in order to determine and to understand the distribution of Bolboforma. Ten Bolboforma taxa were detected in the 294 samples analyzed. Based on Bolboforma species, a zonation correlated to the paleomagnetic record is proposed for the late middle Eocene to early Oligocene. Four biozones can be defined: the Bolboforma indistincta Zone for the lower part of the upper middle Eocene sequence, the Bolboforma eocena Zone for the upper part of the upper middle Eocene to upper Eocene, the Bolboforma geomaris Zone for the upper Eocene, and the Bolboforma latdorfensis Zone for the lower Oligocene sequence.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 105, three sites (Sites 645 through 647) were drilled in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea to examine the tectonic evolution and the climatic and oceanic histories of this region. Biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic results vary at each site, while stratigraphic resolution depends on the limited abundance of marker species and the completeness of the paleomagnetic record. Because of the paucity of planktonic microfossils and the poor paleomagnetic record signatures, stratigraphic determinations at Site 645 often rely on defining minimum temporal constraints on specific samples or stratigraphic intervals. The completed stratigraphy indicates that the sedimentary sequence recovered at Site 645 is early Miocene to Holocene in age. The magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphies are better defined at Sites 646 and 647 in the Labrador Sea. Site 646 generally contains a well-developed magnetostratigraphy and calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy. This biostratigraphy is based on calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifers typical of the North Atlantic Ocean. Siliceous microfossils are also present at Site 646, but they are restricted to upper Pliocene through Holocene sediments. The stratigraphic sequence recovered at Site 646 is late Miocene to Holocene in age. Based primarily on the calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy, the sequence recovered at Site 647 consists of lower Eocene to lower Oligocene, lower Miocene, upper Miocene, and upper Pliocene through Holocene sediments. Three hiatuses are present in this sequence: the older hiatus separates lower Oligocene sediments from lower Miocene sediments, another hiatus separates lower Miocene sediments from upper Miocene sediments, and the youngest one separates upper Miocene from upper Pliocene sediments. A magnetostratigraphy is defined for the interval from the Gauss/Matuyama boundary through the Brunhes (Clement et al., this volume). Both planktonic foraminifers and siliceous microfossils have restricted occurrences. Planktonic foraminifers occur in Pliocene and younger sediments, and siliceous microfossils are present in lower Miocene and lower Oligocene sediments. The near-continuous Eocene through lower Oligocene sequence recovered at Site 647 allows the calcareous nannofossils and diatom stratigraphies at this site to act as a Paleogene stratigraphic framework. This framework can be compared with the stratigraphy previously completed for DSDP Site 112.