10 resultados para Low dielectric loss

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The mineralogy and chemistry of altered basalts and the stable isotopic compositions of secondary vein carbonates were studied in cores from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 843B, located in 95-Ma crust of the Hawaiian Arch. Millimeter- to centimeter-sized dark alteration halos around veins are 5%-15% altered to celadonite and Fe-oxyhydroxides, plus minor saponite and calcite. Adjacent gray host rocks are about 15% altered to saponite and calcite. The dark halos are enriched in H2O+, CO2, FeT, K2O, MnO, and Fe3+/FeT and depleted in SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, and TiO2 relative to gray host rocks. Brown alteration halos occur around veins where veins are more abundant, and are similar to dark halos, but contain more Fe-oxyhydroxides and exhibit greater Fe2O3T contents and higher Fe3+/FeT. Stable isotopic compositions of vein carbonates are consistent with their precipitation from seawater at temperatures of 5°-40°C. Crosscutting relationships of veins and zoned vein and vesicle fillings reveal a sequence of secondary mineral formation and alteration conditions. Celadonite and Fe-oxyhydroxides formed and dark alteration halos developed relatively early, under oxidizing conditions at low temperatures (<50°C). Saponite formed later at lower seawater/rock ratios and under more reducing conditions. Calcite and pyrite formed last in veins and vesicles from more evolved, seawaterderived fluids at temperatures of 5°-40°C. A second stage of celadonite, with compositions distinct from the early celadonite, also occurred relatively late (within the "calcite stage"), and may be related to refracturing of the crust and introduction of less-evolved seawater solutions into the rocks. Trends to higher K2O contents are attributed to alteration, but high K/Ti, Ba, and Zr contents indicate the presence of enriched or transitional MORB. CO2 contents of Pacific ODP cores exhibit a general increase with age suggesting progressive fixation of CO2 as calcite in the crust, but this could be complicated by local heterogeneities in fracturing and calcite formation in the crust.


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Low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of basement from Site 801 was studied through analyses of the mineralogy, chemistry, and oxygen isotopic compositions of the rocks. The more than 100-m section of 170-Ma basement consists of 60 m of tholeiitic basalt separated from the overlying 60 m of alkalic basalts by a >3-m-thick Fe-Si hydrothermal deposit. Four alteration types were distinguished in the basalts: (1) saponite-type (Mg-smectite) rocks are generally slightly altered, exhibiting small increases in H2O, d18O, and oxidation; (2) celadonite-type rocks are also slightly altered, but exhibit uptake of alkalis in addition to hydration and oxidation, reflecting somewhat greater seawater/rock ratios than the saponite type; (3) Al-saponite-type alteration resulted in oxidation, hydration, and alkali and 18O uptake and losses of Ca and Na due to the breakdown of plagioclase and clinopyroxene; and (4) blue-green rocks exhibit the greatest chemical changes, including oxidation, hydration, alkali uptake, and loss of Ca, Na, and Mg due to the complete breakdown of plagioclase and olivine to K-feldspar and phyllosilicates. Saponite- and celadonite-type alteration of the tholeiite section occurred at a normal mid-ocean ridge basalt spreading center at temperatures <20°C. Near- or off-axis intrusion of an alkali basalt magma at depth reinitiated hydrothermal circulation, and the Fe-Si hydrothermal deposit formed from cool (<60°C) distal hydrothermal fluids. Focusing of fluid flow in the rocks immediately underlying the deposit resulted in the extensive alteration of the blue-green rocks at similar temperatures. Al-saponite alteration of the subsequent alkali basalts overlying the deposit occurred at relatively high water/rock ratios as part of the same low-temperature circulation system that formed the hydrothermal deposit. Abundant calcite formed in the rocks during progressive "aging" of the crust during its long history away from the spreading center.


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Devoted to studies of phosphatized rocks from the Kammu Seamount.


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With various low-temperature experiments performed on magnetic mineral extracts of marine sedimentary deposits from the Argentine continental slope near the Rio de la Plata estuary, a so far unreported style of partial magnetic self-reversal has been detected. In these sediments the sulphate-methane transition (SMT) zone is situated at depths between 4 and 8 m, where reductive diagenesis severely alters the magnetic mineral assemblage. Throughout the sediment column magnetite and ilmenite are present together with titanomagnetite and titanohematite of varying compositions. In the SMT zone (titano-)magnetite only occurs as inclusions in a siliceous matrix and as intergrowths with lamellar ilmenite and titanium-rich titanohematite, originating from high temperature deuteric oxidation within the volcanic host rocks. These abundant structures were visualized by scanning electron microscopy and analysed by energy dispersive spectroscopy. Warming of field-cooled and zero-field-cooled low-temperature saturation remanence displays magnetic phase transitions of titanium-rich titanohematite below 50 K and the Verwey transition of magnetite. A prominent irreversible decline characterizes zero-field cooling of room temperature saturation remanence. It typically sets out at ~210 K and is most clearly developed in the lower part of the SMT zone, where low-temperature hysteresis measurements identified ~210 K as the blocking temperature range of a titanohematite phase with a Curie temperature of around 240 K. The mechanism responsible for the marked loss of remanence is, therefore, sought in partial magnetic self-reversal by magnetostatic interaction of (titano-)magnetite and titanohematite. When titanohematite becomes ferrimagnetic upon cooling, its spontaneous magnetic moments order antiparallel to the (titano-)magnetite remanence causing an drastic initial decrease of global magnetization. The loss of remanence during subsequent further cooling appears to result from two combined effects (1) magnetic interaction between the two phases by which the (titano-)magnetite domain structure is substantially modified and (2) low-temperature demagnetization of (titano-)magnetite due to decreasing magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The depletion of titanomagnetite and superior preservation of titanohematite is characteristic for strongly reducing sedimentary environments. Typical residuals of magnetic mineral assemblages derived from basaltic volcanics will be intergrowths of titanohematite lamellae with titanomagnetite relics. Low-temperature remanence cycling is, therefore, proposed as a diagnostic method to magnetically characterize such alteration (palaeo-)environments.


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One-atmosphere melting experiments, controlled to approximately the fayalite-magnetite-quartz oxygen buffer, performed on a basalt from Hole 797C crystallized olivine and plagioclase nearly simultaneously from about 1235°C and augite from about 1175°C. The liquid compositions indicate systematic trends of increasing FeO and TiO2 and decreasing Al2O3 with decreasing MgO. Experimental olivine compositions vary from Fo90 to Fo78, plagioclase from An79 to An67, and augite from En49 to En46. The KD value for the Fe2+ and Mg distribution between olivine and liquid is 0.31. The KD value for the distribution of Fetotal and Mg between augite and liquid averages 0.24. These KD values suggest experimental equilibrium. The KD values for Na and Ca distribution between plagioclase and liquid range between 0.55 and 0.99 and are dependent on crystallization temperature. Projected on pseudoternary basaltic phase diagrams, the liquid line of descent moves toward increasing quartz normative compositions, revealing a typical tholeiitic crystallization trend with marked Fe and Ti enrichments. Such enrichments are a reflection of the dominance of plagioclase in the crystallizing assemblage. The experimental results can explain the marked Fe- and Ti-enrichment trends observed for the sills of the lower part of Hole 797C, but have no direct bearing on the origin of the relatively evolved high-Al basalts of Hole 794C.


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Compositions, structures, and microstructures of different types of phosphorites and poorly phosphatized rocks from low atolls in the near-equatorial part of the Western Indian Ocean are described. The rocks were examined under optical and scanning microscopes using microprobe techniques and etching of selected samples with weak solvents as well as with the help of chemical analyses. It is proved that phosphorites have been formed owing to the uneven phosphatization of primary carbonate rocks; degree of their phosphatization ranges from traces to 40% P2O5. In the phosphorites numerous organic remains were encountered; they included fragments of plankton, debris of tortoise shells, and coccoidal and filamentous bacteria-like formations. It is suggested that the phosphorites formed due to high local biological productivity over the outer edges of coral reefs and are not related to guano accumulation or to endoupwelling.


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The distribution of methane and hydrogen sulfide concentrations in sediments of various basins of the Baltic Sea was investigated during 4 cruises in 1995 and 1996. Significant differences in the concentrations of both compounds were recorded between the basins and also between different areas within the Gotland Deep. High-methane sediments with distinctly increasing concentrations from the surface to deeper layers were distinguished from low-methane sediments without a clear gradient. Methane concentrations exhibited a fair correlation with the sediment accumulation rate, determined by measuring the total thickness of the post-Ancylus Holocene sequence on echosounding profiles in the Gotland Deep. Only weak correlations were observed with the content of organic matter in the surface layers of the sediments. Hydrogen sulfide concentrations in the sediments showed a positive correlation with methane concentrations, but, in contrast to methane concentrations, were strongly influenced by the transition from oxic to anoxic conditions in the water column between 1995 and 1996. Sediments in the deepest part of the Gotland Basin (>237 m water depth), covering an area of approximately 35 km**2, were characterized by especially high accumulation rates (>70 cm/ka) and high methane and hydrogen sulfide contents. Concentrations of these compounds decreased rapidly towards the slope of the basin.


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The CRP-2/2A core, drilled in western McMurdo Sound in October and November 1998, penetrated 624 m of Quaternary. Pliocene, lower Miocene, and Oligocene glacigenic sediments. The palaeoclimatic record of CRP-2/2A is examined using major element analyses of bulk core samples of fine grained sediments (mudstones and siltstones) and the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) of Nesbitt & Young (1982). The CIA is calculated from the relative abundances of AI, K, Ca, and Na oxides, and its magnitude increases as the effects of chemical weathering increase. However, changes in sediment provenance can also affect the CIA, and provenance changes are recorded by shifts in the Al2O3/TiO2 ratios and the Nb contents of these CRP-2/2A mudstones. Relatively low CIA values (40-50) occur throughout the CRP-2/2A sequence, whereas the Al2O3/TiO2 ratio decreases upsection. The major provenance change is an abrupt onset of McMurdo Volcanic Group detritus at ~300 mbsf and is best characterized by a rapid increase in Nb content in the sediments. This provenance shift is not evident in the CIA record, suggesting that a contribution from the Ferrar Dolerite to the older sediments was replaced by an input of McMurdo Volcanic Group material in the younger sediments. If this is true, then the relatively uniform CIA values indicate relatively consistent palaeoweathering intensities throughout the Oligocene and early Miocene in the areas that supplied sediment to CRP-2/2A.


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Dissolution of anthropogenic CO(2) increases the partial pressure of CO(2) (pCO(2)) and decreases the pH of seawater. The rate of Fe uptake by the dominant N(2)-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium declines as pH decreases in metal-buffered medium. The slower Fe-uptake rate at low pH results from changes in Fe chemistry and not from a physiological response of the organism. Contrary to previous observations in nutrient-replete media, increasing pCO(2)/decreasing pH causes a decrease in the rates of N(2) fixation and growth in Trichodesmium under low-Fe conditions. This result was obtained even though the bioavailability of Fe was maintained at a constant level by increasing the total Fe concentration at low pH. Short-term experiments in which pCO(2) and pH were varied independently showed that the decrease in N(2) fixation is caused by decreasing pH rather than by increasing pCO(2) and corresponds to a lower efficiency of the nitrogenase enzyme. To compensate partially for the loss of N(2) fixation efficiency at low pH, Trichodesmium synthesizes additional nitrogenase. This increase comes partly at the cost of down-regulation of Fe-containing photosynthetic proteins. Our results show that although increasing pCO(2) often is beneficial to photosynthetic marine organisms, the concurrent decreasing pH can affect primary producers negatively. Such negative effects can occur both through chemical mechanisms, such as the bioavailability of key nutrients like Fe, and through biological mechanisms, as shown by the decrease in N(2) fixation in Fe-limited Trichodesmium.


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Rising atmospheric CO2 often triggers the production of plant phenolics, including many that serve as herbivore deterrents, digestion reducers, antimicrobials, or ultraviolet sunscreens. Such responses are predicted by popular models of plant defense, especially resource availability models which link carbon availability to phenolic biosynthesis. CO2 availability is also increasing in the oceans, where anthropogenic emissions cause ocean acidification, decreasing seawater pH and shifting the carbonate system towards further CO2 enrichment. Such conditions tend to increase seagrass productivity but may also increase rates of grazing on these marine plants. Here we show that high CO2 / low pH conditions of OA decrease, rather than increase, concentrations of phenolic protective substances in seagrasses and eurysaline marine plants. We observed a loss of simple and polymeric phenolics in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa near a volcanic CO2 vent on the Island of Vulcano, Italy, where pH values decreased from 8.1 to 7.3 and pCO2 concentrations increased ten-fold. We observed similar responses in two estuarine species, Ruppia maritima and Potamogeton perfoliatus, in in situ Free-Ocean-Carbon-Enrichment experiments conducted in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, USA. These responses are strikingly different than those exhibited by terrestrial plants. The loss of phenolic substances may explain the higher-than-usual rates of grazing observed near undersea CO2 vents and suggests that ocean acidification may alter coastal carbon fluxes by affecting rates of decomposition, grazing, and disease. Our observations temper recent predictions that seagrasses would necessarily be "winners" in a high CO2 world.