756 resultados para Leg Cuts
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Seismic data acquired over the eastern shelf and margin of the South Orkney microcontinent, Antarctica, have shown a high-amplitude reflection lying at a sub-bottom two-way traveltime (TWT) of 0.5-0.8 s. There appear to be two causes for the reflection which apply in different parts of the shelf. The more widespread cause of the reflection is a break-up unconformity associated with the opening of Jane Basin to the east. This is clearly seen where reflections in the underlying sequence are discordant. In contrast, in Eotvos Basin and the southeastern part of Bouguer Basin, the high-amplitude reflection in places cuts across bedding and is interpreted to be caused by silica diagenesis. A post-cruise analysis of core samples from Site 696 in Eotvos Basin by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the presence of a silica diagenetic front at 520-530 mbsf. The position of the unconformity at this site is uncertain, but probably coincides with a change of detrital input near 548 mbsf. Fluctuations of physical properties related to the depth of the diagenetic front are difficult to separate from those related to the variation of detrital composition over the same depth interval. Correlation of the drilling record with the seismic record is difficult but with a synthetic seismogram it is demonstrated that diagenesis is the probable cause of the high-amplitude reflection. In Bouguer Basin at Site 695 the depth of the high-amplitude reflection was not reached by drilling; however, the reflection is probably also caused by silica diagenesis because of the biogenic silica-rich composition of the sediments cored. The estimated temperatures and ages of the sediments at the depths of the high-amplitude reflections at Sites 695 and 696 compare favorably with similar data from other diagenetic fronts of the world. The high-amplitude reflection in Bouguer Basin is commonly of inverse polarity, possibly caused either by interference between reflections from several closely-spaced reflecting layers, such as chert horizons, or by free gas trapped near the diagenetic front.
Site 26 was selected on the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 15°N and 5°S is offset to the east nearly 4000 kilometers through a series of fracture zones. One of the most prominent of these is the Vema Fracture Zone, a narrow east-west trending trough which cuts through the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at latitude 11°N.
Sulfur isotope ratios have been determined in 19 selected igneous rocks from Leg 126. The d34S of the analyzed rocks ranges from -0.1 â to +19.60 â. The overall variation in sulfur isotope composition of the rocks is caused by varying degrees of seawater alteration. Most of the samples are altered by seawater and only five of them are considered to have maintained their magmatic sulfur isotope composition. These samples are all from the backarc sites and have d34S values varying from +0.2 â to +1.6 â, of which the high d34S values suggest that the earliest magmas in the rift are more arc-like in their sulfur isotope composition than the later magmas. The d34S values from the forearc sites are similar to or heavier than the sulfur isotope composition of the present arc.
A comparison of 50 basalts recovered at Sites 706, 707, 713, and 715 along the Reunion hotspot trace during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115 in the Indian Ocean shows that seafloor alteration had little effect on noble metal concentrations (Au, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru, and Ir), determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), which generally tend to decrease with magma evolution. Their compatible-element behavior may be related to the precipitation of Ir-Os-based alloys, chromite, sulfides, and/or olivine and clinopyroxene in some combination. The simplest explanation indicates silicate control of concentrations during differentiation. Basalts from the different sites show varying degrees of alkalinity. Noble metal abundances tend to increase with decreasing basalt alkalinity (i.e., with increasing percentages of mantle melting), indicating that the metals behave as compatible elements during mantle melting. The retention of low-melting-point Au, Pd, and Rh in mantle sulfides, which mostly dissolve before significant proportions of Ir-Os-based alloys melt, explains increasing Pd/Ir ratios with decreasing alkalinity (increasing melting percentages) in oceanic basalts. High noble metal concentrations in Indian Ocean basalts (weighted averages of Au, Pd, Rh, Pt, Ru, and Ir in Leg 115 basalts are 3.2, 8.1, 0.31, 7.3, 0.22, and 0.11 ppb, respectively), compared with basalts from some other ocean basins, may reflect fundamental primary variations in upper- mantle noble metal abundances
Strontium, neodymium, and lead isotope ratios are reported for 13 Leg 115 basalts as well as 3 basalts from Texaco drill hole SM-1 on the Mascarene Plateau. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and eNd range from 0.70330 to 0.70439 and 5.5 to 7.4, respectively, although 87Sr/86Sr ratios higher than 0.70383 are found only in SM-1 basalts. The high 87Sr/86Sr values are thought to reflect seawater Sr in secondary phases, although all samples were strongly leached in HC1 before analysis. 206Pb/204Pb ratios range from 18.53 to 18.80, and sho high 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios relative to 206Pb/204Pb ratios, typical of Indian Ocean mid-ocean ridge (MORB) and oceanic-island basalts (OIB). Isotopic compositions of Leg 115 basalts generally fall between fields for MORB and Reunion Island basalts, consistent with the conclusion drawn from geochronological studies that Deccan flood basalt volcanism, the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge, and the Mascarene Plateau are all products of the Reunion mantle plume. Isotopic compositions of magmas produced by this plume have varied systematically with time in the direction of less "depleted," less MORB-like isotopic signatures. This compositional change has been accompanied by a decrease in eruption rate. We interpret Deccan volcanism as the voluminous beginning of the plume. Reduced entrainment of asthenosphere following melting of the plume head resulted in less MORB-like isotope ratios in magmas and a decrease in eruptive activity with time.