31 resultados para Lake Huguang Maar

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Here we use compound-specific hydrogen isotope data of aquatic and terrestrial lipid biomarkers from precisely dated annually laminated sediments from Lake Meerfelder Maar (MFM) in Western Germany to reconstruct decadal resolved hydroclimatic changes during the Younger Dryas. We show that cooling at MFM begun synchronous to the onset of cooling in Greenland at 12.850 years BP. Major environmental changes at MFM however took place 170 years later as a result of substantially drier conditions.


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Lake Meerfelder Maar (Germany) provides a varved record from the Last Glacial/Interglacial transition back to ca 1500 years BP. This study shows results for the Holocene sequence from new cores collected in 2009 based on varve counting, microfacies and micro-XRF analyses. The main goal of combining those analyses is to provide a new approach for interpreting long-term palaeolimnological proxy data and testing the climate-proxy stationarity throughout the current interglacial period. Varve counting provides a new independent Holocene chronology (MFM2012) with an estimated counting error of 1-0.5% and supported by 14C dating. Varve structure and thickness and geochemical composition of the varves give information about the main environmental processes that affect the lake and its catchment as well as the possible climate variability behind. Varves are couplets of i) a spring/summer laminae composed of monospecific diatom blooms and ii) an autumn/winter sub-layer made of minerogenic material and re-worked sediments. Thickness of the varves and sub-layers reflect lake variability and allow seasons to be distinguished as well as seasonal proxies. Changes in the winter minerogenic influx into the lake are reflected by Ti intensities and the Si/Ti ratio as a indicator for diatom concentration, which can be used as a proxy for water circulation during the early spring. Long-term variability of geochemical composition shows a reduction of the detrital material input (Ti) at 5,000 varve yrs BP and a visible sensitivity to water mixing (Si/Ti) during the Late Holocene. Variations of Ti intensities during the early and mid-Holocene do not show a clear relationship with climate. In contrast, higher values of the Si/Ti ratio together with thicker varves have been interpreted as wind-stress phases, which coincide with centennial variability of European cold/wet episodes during the Late Holocene. Our findings show that a long-term change in the lake and/or variability of the climate system can influence proxy sensitivity of a lacustrine record.


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High-resolution palynological analysis on annually laminated sediments of Sihailongwan Maar Lake (SHL) provides new insights into the Holocene vegetation and climate dynamics of NE China. The robust chronology of the presented record is based on varve counting and AMS radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plant macro-remains. In addition to the qualitative interpretation of the pollen data, we provide quantitative reconstructions of vegetation and climate based on the method of biomization and weighted averaging partial least squares regression (WA-PLS) technique, respectively. Power spectra were computed to investigate the frequency domain distribution of proxy signals and potential natural periodicities. Pollen assemblages, pollen-derived biome scores and climate variables as well as the cyclicity pattern indicate that NE China experienced significant changes in temperature and moisture conditions during the Holocene. Within the earliest phase of the Holocene, a large-scale reorganization of vegetation occurred, reflecting the reconstructed shift towards higher temperatures and precipitation values and the initial Holocene strengthening and northward expansion of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). Afterwards, summer temperatures remain at a high level, whereas the reconstructed precipitation shows an increasing trend until approximately 4000 cal. yr BP. Since 3500 cal. yr BP, temperature and precipitation values decline, indicating moderate cooling and weakening of the EASM. A distinct periodicity of 550-600 years and evidence of a Mid-Holocene transition from a temperature-triggered to a predominantly moisture-triggered climate regime are derived from the power spectra analysis. The results obtained from SHL are largely consistent with other palaeoenvironmental records from NE China, substantiating the regional nature of the reconstructed vegetation and climate patterns. However, the reconstructed climate changes contrast with the moisture evolution recorded in S China and the mid-latitude (semi-)arid regions of N China. Whereas a clear insolation-related trend of monsoon intensity over the Holocene is lacking from the SHL record, variations in the coupled atmosphere-Pacific Ocean system can largely explain the reconstructed changes in NE China.


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A core from Meerfelder Maar, with a basal age of 29,000 years, provides a continuous sedimentary sequence from Late-Glacial times to the present. It includes the stratigraphical marker of the Laach Pumice Tuff. Sedimentological, geochemical, palynological, palaeobiological, palaeomagnetic and palaeontological analyses permit reconstructions of the history of the lake and its catchment area, and hence of the climate of the region, to be made. The discovery of Middle Oligocene marine, detrital fossils in the maar sediments provides insights into the palaeogeography of the Eifel region during Tertiary times.


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Foulden Maar is a highly resolved maar lake deposit from the South Island of New Zealand comprising laminated diatomite punctuated by numerous diatomaceous turbidites. Basaltic clasts found in debris flow deposits at the base of the cored sedimentary sequence yielded two new 40Ar/39Ar dates of 24.51±0.24 Ma and 23.38±0.24 Ma (2sigma). The younger date agrees within error with a previously published 40Ar/39Ar date of 23.17±0.19 Ma from a basaltic dyke adjacent to the maar crater. The diatomite is inferred to have been deposited over several tens of thousands of years in the latest Oligocene/earliest Miocene, and may have overlapped with the period of rapid glaciation and subsequent deglaciation of Antarctica known as the Mi-1 event. Sediment magnetic properties and SEM measurements indicate that the magnetic signal is dominated by pseudo-single domain pyrrhotite. The most likely source of detrital pyrrhotite is schist country rock fragments from the inferred tephra ring created by the phreatomagmatic eruption that formed the maar. Variations in magnetic concentration and lamina thickness indicate a decrease in erosional input and increase in diatom productivity throughout the depositional period, suggesting a long-term (tens of thousands of years) climatic change in New Zealand in the latest Oligocene/earliest Miocene.


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Permafrost-related processes drive regional landscape dynamics in the Arctic terrestrial system. A better understanding of past periods indicative of permafrost degradation and aggradation is important for predicting the future response of Arctic landscapes to climate change. Here, we used a multi-proxy approach to analyze a ~4 m long sediment core from a drained thermokarst lake basin on the northern Seward Peninsula in western Arctic Alaska (USA). Sedimentological, biogeochemistical, geochronological, micropaleontological (ostracoda, testate amoeba) and tephra analyses were used to determine the long-term environmental Early-Wisconsin to Holocene history preserved in our core for Central Beringia. Yedoma accumulation dominated throughout the Early to Late-Wisconsin but was interrupted by wetland formation from 44.5 to 41.5 ka BP. The latter was terminated by deposition of 1 m of volcanic tephra, most likely originating from the South Killeak Maar eruption at about 42 ka BP. Yedoma deposition continued until 22.5 ka BP and was followed by a depositional hiatus in the sediment core between 22.5 and 0.23 ka BP. We interpret this hiatus as due to intense thermokarst activity in the areas surrounding the site, which served as a sediment source during the Late-Wisconsin to Holocene climate transition. The lake forming the modern basin on the upland initiated around 0.23 ka BP, which drained catastrophically in spring 2005. The present study emphasizes that Arctic lake systems and periglacial landscapes are highly dynamic and permafrost formation as well as degradation in Central Beringia was controlled by regional to global climate patterns and as well as by local disturbances.


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The sedimentary archive from Laguna Potrok Aike is the only continuous record reaching back to the last Glacial period in continental southeastern Patagonia. Located in the path of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds and in the source region of dust deposited in Antarctica during Glacial periods, southern Patagonia is a vantage point to reconstruct past changes in aeolian activity. Here we use high-resolution rock-magnetic and physical grain size data from site 2 of the International Continental scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Potrok Aike maar lake Sediment Archive Drilling prOject (PASADO) in order to develop magnetic proxies of dust and wind intensity at 52°S since 51,200 cal BP. Rock-magnetic analysis indicate the magnetic mineral assemblage is dominated by detrital magnetite. Based on the estimated flux of magnetite to the lake and comparison with distal dust records from the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, kLF is interpreted as a dust indicator in the dust source of southern Patagonia at the millennial time scale, when ferrimagnetic grain size and coercivity influence is minimal. Comparison to physical grain-size data indicates that the median destructive field of isothermal remanent magnetisation (MDFIRM) mostly reflects medium to coarse magnetite bearing silts typically transported by winds for short-term suspension. Comparison with wind-intensity proxies from the Southern Hemisphere during the last Glacial period and with regional records from Patagonia since the last deglaciation including marine, lacustrine and peat bog sediments as well as speleothems reveals similar variability with MDFIRM up to the centennial time scale. MDFIRM is interpreted as a wind-intensity proxy independent of moisture changes for southeastern Patagonia, with stronger winds capable of transporting coarser magnetite bearing silts to the lake.