26 resultados para Label fusion

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Drilling at site 207 (DSDP Leg 21), located on the broad summit of the Lord Howe Rise, bottomed in rhyolitic rocks. Sanidine concentrates from four samples of the rhyolite were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar total fusion method and conventional K-Ar method, and yielded concordant ages of 93.7 +/- 1.1 my, equivalent to the early part of the Upper Cretaceous. At this time the Lord Howe Rise, which has continental-type structure, is thought to have been emergent and adjacent to the eastern margin of the Australian-antarctic continent. Subsequent to 94 my ago and prior to deposition of Maastrichtian (70-65 myBP) marine sediments on top of the rhyolitic basement of the Lord Howe Rise, rifting occurred and the formation of the Tasman Basin began by sea-floor spreading with rotation of the Rise away from the margin of Australia. Subsidence of the Rise continued until Early Eocene (about 50 myBP), probably marking the end of sea-floor spreading in the Tasman Basin. These large scale movements relate to the breakup of this part of Gondwanaland in the Upper Cretaceous.


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The technique of 40Ar-39Ar step-heating dating was applied to three rock samples from core of DSDP Site 443, one sample from Site 445, and four samples at Site 446. All sites were drilled during DSDP Leg 58. At Site 443 (Shikoku Basin), about 116 meters of basalt basement was drilled. Three samples were chosen for dating from different levels in the basalt; two samples are aphyric basalt, and the other is subophitic dolerite. At Site 445 (Daito Ridge), no basement rock was drilled; however, conglomeratic sandstone was cored in the lower part of the hole. 40Ar-39Ar dating was applied to a basalt pebble in the conglomerate. At Site 446 (Daito Basin), the lower cored sequence is clay stone interlayered with 16 basalt sills. Four samples were chosen from sills at different levels.


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Detrital K-feldspars and muscovites from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 116 cores that have depositional ages from 0 to 18 Ma have been dated by the 40Ar/39Ar technique. Four to thirteen individual K-feldspars have been dated from seven stratigraphic levels, each of which have a very large range, up to 1660 Ma. At each level investigated, at least one K-feldspar yielded an age minimum which is, within uncertainty, identical to the age of deposition. One to twelve single muscovite crystals from each of six levels have also been studied. The range of muscovite ages is less than that of the K-feldspars and, with one exception, reveal only a 20-Ma spread in ages. As with the K-feldspars, each level investigated contains muscovites with mineral ages essentially identical to depositional ages. These results indicate that a significant portion of the material in the Bengal Fan is first-cycle detritus derived from the Himalayas. Therefore, the significant proportion of sediment deposited in the distal fan in the early to mid Miocene can be ascribed to a significant pulse of uplift and erosion in the collision zone. Moreover, these data indicate that during the entire Neogene, some portion of the Himalayan orogen was experiencing rapid erosion (<= uplift). The lack of granulite facies rocks in the eastern Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau suggests that very rapid uplift must have been distributed in brief pulses in different places in the mountain belt. We suggest that the great majority of the crystals with young apparent ages have been derived from the southern slope of the Himalayas, predominantly from near the main central thrust zone. These data provide further evidence against tectonic models in which the Himalayas and Tibetan plateaus are uplifted either uniformly during the past 40 m.y. or mostly within the last 2 to 5 m.y.


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40Ar-39Ar step-heating dating was applied to a basalt from Hole 462 and to basalt and dolerite samples from Hole 462A. Only a basalt sample at Hole 462A yielded a reasonable isochron age, 110 ± 3 million years. The radiometric age is consistent with the fossil record (Cenomanian) in the sediments, into which the basalt sill intruded. However, the age is much less than that of the oceanic basement as deduced from the magnetic anomaly (M-26).


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Distinctive, massive to stratified, pale blue volcaniclastics, initially referred to as the "blue tuff," were encountered at all four sites drilled during ODP Leg 127 in the Japan Sea. Detailed vertical sequence analysis, plagioclase chemistry, plagioclase 87Sr/86Sr isotopic composition, and 40Ar/39Ar age dating indicate that thick sequences of the blue tuff are not genetically related. Blue tuffs at Hole 794B were apparently deposited by density flows at ambient temperature. Deposition was penecontemporaneous with a large submarine phreatomagmatic eruption at 14.9 Ma in bathyal or deeper water depths. The blue tuffs at this location comprise mostly reworked hydroclastic glass shards and lesser amounts of plagioclase crystals. Pyrogenic plagioclase has an average An mole% of 18±3. Comparison of blue tuff plagioclase compositions with the composition of plagioclase from acoustic basement at Site 794 suggests that these rocks are not genetically related. As such, the extrapolation of sediment accumulation rate data in conjunction with this more precise age for the blue tuff corroborates previous minimum age estimates of 16.2 Ma for acoustic basement at Site 794. Blue tuffs at Hole 796B were probably deposited at ambient temperatures by downslope slumping and density flow of reworked pyrogenic debris. This debris includes abundant bubble wall glass shards and plagioclase crystals, with variable admixture of volcanic lithic and intrabasinal fragments. Pyrogenic fragments were produced by subaerial or shallow submarine, magmatic eruptions dated at 7.6 Ma. Blue tuffs contain a heterogeneous mixture of unrelated fragments including a mixed population of plagioclase crystals. The average An mole% of the predominant, probable comagmatic, plagioclase population is 30±4. The two sequences of blue tuff studied are distinct in age, mineral composition, and the eruptive origin of pyroclastic fragments. Preliminary 87Sr/86Sr isotopic compositions of plagioclase, however, indicates that blue tuffs at both locations are the product of typical, subduction-related island arc magmatism. Based on the results of this study, there is no justification for stratigraphic correlation of widespread, Miocene, blue to blue-gray bentonitic tuff and tuffaceous sandstones nor the interpretation that these strata are indicative of regional, explosive submarine volcanism genetically related to rifting and formation of the Japan Sea. Rather, these reworked pyroclastic strata of intermediate composition were deposited over a protracted 6-8 m.y. period in association with widespread, subduction-related submarine to subaerial volcanism in the Japan Sea backarc basin.


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The 40Ar/39Ar stepheating dating method was applied to parts of three boulders recovered at Site 439, DSDP Leg 57. All the samples gave a well-defined isochron. The isochron ages agree with each other within the experimental uncertainties and give a mean value of 21.4 ± 1.0 Ma.