98 resultados para Kerr black holes Kerr metric buchi neri di Kerr metrica di Kerr ergosfera ergosphera orizzonte degli eventi event horizon

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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DSDP Leg 82 drilled nine sites to the southwest of the Azores Islands on the west flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) in an attempt to determine the temporal and spatial evolution of the Azores "hot-spot" activity. The chemistry of the basalts recovered during Leg 82 is extremely varied: in Holes 558 and 561, both enriched (E-type: CeN/YbN = 1.5 to 2.7; Zr/Nb = 4.5 to 9.6) and depleted (or normal-N-type: CeN/YbN = 0.6 to 0.8; Zr/Nb > 20) mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) occur as intercalated lava flows. To the north of the Hayes Fracture Zone, there is little apparent systematic relationship between basalt chemistry and geographic position. However, to the south of the Hayes Fracture Zone, the chemical character of the basalts (N-type MORB) is more uniform. The coexistence of both E-type and N-type MORB in one hole may be explicable in terms of either complex melting/ fractionation processes during basalt genesis or chemically heterogeneous mantle sources. Significant variation in the ratios of strongly incompatible trace elements (e.g., La/Ta; Th/Ta) in the basalts of Holes 558 and 561 are not easily explicable by processes such as dynamic partial melting or open system crystal fractionation. Rather, the trace element data require that the basalts are ultimately derived from at least two chemically distinct mantle sources. The results from Leg 82 are equivocal in terms of the evolution of the Azores "hot spot," but would appear not to be compatible with a simple model of E-type MORB magmatism associated with upwelling mantle "blobs." Models that invoke a locally chemically heterogeneous mantle are best able to account for the small-scale variation in basalt chemistry.


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Basalts recovered on DSDP Leg 92 include all the major basalt types so far recovered from the ocean crust of the eastern Pacific. Basalts from Holes 597, 597A, 597B, 597C, and 599B are tholeiites exhibiting all the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of N-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). Fragments of ferrobasalts and alkali basalts were also obtained, however, from Holes 60IB and 602B, respectively. Hole 597C, which penetrated 91 m into basement and is the deepest hole so far drilled in fast-spreading crust, yielded basalts that can be divided into three major lithologic units. The lowest unit, Unit III, contains modal olivine and comprises basalts which, at about 8 to 10% MgO, are as basic as any sampled from fast-spreading crust. The middle unit, Unit II, is the most evolved; its basalts are olivine free and contain between 6 and 7.5% MgO. The upper unit, Unit I, is intermediate in composition between Units II and III; it is characterized by both modal olivine and glomerocrysts made up of plagioclase and rare olivine. Unit I is probably a massive flow, whereas Units II and III may be massive flows or sills. The basalts appear to have undergone three stages of alteration ("deuteric," "relatively reducing," and "oxidizing"), the intensity of alteration decreasing markedly downcore. Hole 597B, at 26.4 m of basement penetration the only other "deep" hole, contains just one lithologic unit, which closely resembles Unit I of Hole 597C. Petrogenetic modeling reveals that the three lithologic units in Hole 597C are cogenetic and that they were derived from a depleted mantle source similar to the source of the tholeiites and ferrobasalts sampled in other holes; the alkali basalts are the only rocks derived from enriched mantle. Lavas of Unit III probably lay on the olivine-plagioclase cotectic, whereas the other lavas lay on an olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene peritectic. Some 60% of closed-system crystallization is needed to generate the most-evolved from the last-fractionated tholeiite, and a further 50% crystallization (80% overall) is needed to generate the ferrobasalts. Xenocrysts of calcic plagioclase and pseudomorphosed olivine in tholeiites from Hole 597B and Unit I of Hole 597C, and in the ferrobasalts from Hole 601B, provide evidence, however, that some magma mixing may have taken place.


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Contents of labile (acid-soluble) sulfides were determined in the upper layer of bottom sediments at 80 stations on the Caucasian shelf of the Black Sea. Maximum values of this parameter occurred in black mud accumulated in zones of intense pollution in the Gelendzhik and Tsemess bays and in shelf areas adjacent to large health resort objects and to seaports. Contents of acid-soluble sulfides in sediments varied from 400 to 900 mg S/dm**3 of wet mud. In zones of moderate pollution they varied from 200 to 400 mg S/dm**3. Rate of sulfate reduction was 10-40 mg S/dm**3 of wet sediment per day. Obtained data show that accumulation of labile sulfides in the upper layer of shelf bottom sediments is directly related to anthropogenic pollution and is one of the most hazardous environmental aftereffects.


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Results of studies during Project of an international expedition onboard R/V Vladimir Parshin in September-October 2005 are presented. Intensive development of Bacillariophyceae and Dynophyceae was recorded in coastal waters of Bulgaria, Turkey, and in the Danube River delta during period of investigations. Increase in algae population was accompanied by rising of chlorophyll a concentration up to 2.0-5.5 µg/l. In the deep water region it did not exceed 0.5 µg/l. Phytoplankton growth rate in the surface water layer varied from 0.1 to 1.0 1/day. This parameter and NO2+NO3 concentration, as well as the silicon concentration were correlative, as was described by the Michaelis-Menten equation. Phytoplankton growth was affected by basic nutrients. Zooplankton grazing varied from 0.10 to 0.69 1/day and average values in different regions varied by 1.5 times. Microalgae size range is one of major factors of grazing regulation. Rate of phytoplankton consumption was decreasing with increasing the largest diatom Pseudosolenia calcar-avis impact on total biomass of nano- and microphytoplankton.


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During field studies relationships between chlorophyll concentrations, phytoplankton biomass (total, individual sizes and species) and level of accumulation of total lipids, wax esters, triacylglycerols, and phospholipids in C. euxinus (copepodites V and females) were studied. These relationships allowed to display not only simple trophic relations between isolated parts of the C. euxinus population and phytoplankton, but also selective role of individual algae species in forming lipid reserves too. Besides it was found that geographical variability of chlorophyll concentration and phytoplankton biomass correlates closely only with those lipid fractions (wax esters and phospholipids) of C. euxinus, which accumulated and kept in a body for a fairly long time. No correlation was found between phytoplankton and for rapidly metabolized triacylglycerols, which have to be utilized within few hours.