36 resultados para Juvenile offenders

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Fourten Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) and two crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophaga) were immobilised at Drescher Inlet (Riiser Larsen Ice Shelf), eastern Weddell Sea coast, between January and February 1990 using a combination of ketamine, xylazine, and diazepam. Eleven Weddell seals were drugged once, and two and one were drugged two and three times each, coming to a total of 18 immobilisation procedures. Another 16 seals were immobilised between January and February 1992. Ten seals were drugged once, and three and two were drugged two and three times each, coming to a total of 25 immobilisation procedures. Narcoses were terminated with yohimbine. Data as given by doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.438920 were selected for publication. Data sets doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.438921 and doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.438926 followed the same methods and dose regimes.


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B Body wet weight and mantle length of juvenile Sepia officinalis were monitored over a peroid of five weeks. The animals had hatched in our aquarium system in Bremerhaven, Germany at 16°C and were descendants of individuals collected in the Oosterschelde estuary, Netherlands. Animals were kept in natural sea water at 10 or 17°C and fed small live shrimp (Palaemonetes varians) ad libitum daily. At the end of the experiment some animals kept at 17°C were sacrificed using ethanol. Haemolymph was withdrawn from the head vein using syringe and needle. Haemolymph samples were stored at -20°C until Na+, Cl-, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and SO42- concentrations were determined using ion chromatography. Mean body weight more that tripled at 17°C during the investigation period, while growth was impared by exposue to 10°C. Haemolymph ion concentrations were similar to those in sea water, except for sulphate. The concentration of this ion in the haemolymph was more that ten times lower than in sea water.


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Marine mammals forage in dynamic environments characterized by variables that are continuously changing in relation to large-scale oceanographic processes. In the present study, behavioural states of satellite-tagged juvenile southern elephant seals (n = 16) from Marion Island were assessed for each reliable location, using variation in turning angle and speed in a state-space modelling framework. A mixed modelling approach was used to analyse the behavioural response of juvenile southern elephant seals to sea-surface temperature and proximity to frontal and bathymetric features. The findings emphasised the importance of frontal features as potentially rewarding areas for foraging juvenile southern elephant seals and provided further evidence of the importance of the area west of Marion Island for higher trophic-level predators. The importance of bathymetric features during the transit phase of juvenile southern elephant seal migrations indicates the use of these features as possible navigational cues.


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The study aimed at investigating effects of three differently acting biocides; the insecticide esfenvalerate, the fungicide picoxystrobin and the bactericide triclosan, applied individually and as a mixture, on an earthworm community in the field. A concentration-response design was chosen and results were analyzed using univariate and multivariate approaches. Effects on juvenile proportions were less pronounced and more variable than effects on abundance, but effects in general were species- and chemical-specific, and temporal variations distinct. Esfenvalerate and picoxystrobin appeared to elicit stronger effects than triclosan at laboratory-based ECx values, which is in accordance with our previous laboratory study on Eisenia fetida. The mixture affected abundance and juvenile proportions, but the latter only at high mixture concentrations. Esfenvalerate and picoxystrobin appeared to be the main drivers for the mixture's toxicity. Species-specific toxicity patterns question the reliability of mixture toxicity predictions derived on E. fetida for field earthworms. Biocide concentrations equaling EC50s (reproduction) for E. fetida provoked effects on the field earthworms mainly exceeding 50%, indicating effect intensification from the laboratory to field as well as the influence of indirect effects produced by species interactions. The differing results of the present field study and the previous laboratory study imply that lower- and higher-tier studies may not be mutually exclusive, but to be used in complementary.


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The dataset contains raw data (quantification cycle) for a study which determined the most suitable hepatic reference genes for normalisation of qPCR data orginating from juvenile Atlantic salmon (14 days) exposed to 14 and 22 degrees C. These results will be useful for anyone wanting to study the effects of climate change/elevated temperature on reproductive physiology of fish (and perhaphs other vertebrates).


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Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), mainly distributed in the Yangtze River, has been listed as a grade I protected animal in China because of a dramatic decline in population owing to loss of natural habitat for reproduction and interference by human activities. Understanding the proteome profile of Chinese sturgeon liver would provide an invaluable resource for protecting and increasing the stocks of this species. In this study, we have analyzed proteome profiles of juvenile Chinese sturgeon liver using a one-dimensional gel electrophoresis coupled to LC-MS/MS approach. A total of 1059 proteins and 2084 peptides were identified. The liver proteome was found to be associated with diverse biological processes, cellular components and molecular functions. The proteome profile identified a variety of significant pathways including carbohydrate metabolism, fatty acid metabolism and amino acid metabolism pathways. It also established a network for protein biosynthesis, folding and catabolic processes. The proteome profile established in this study can be used for understanding the development of Chinese sturgeon and studying the molecular mechanisms of action under environmental or chemical stress, providing very useful omics information that can be applied to preserve this species.


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In spring, Arctic coastal fast ice is inhabited by high densities of sea ice algae and, among other fauna, juveniles of benthic polychaetes. This paper investigates the hypothesis that growth rates of juveniles of the common sympagic polychaete, Scolelepis squamata (Polychaeta: Spionidae), are significantly faster at sea ice algal bloom concentrations compared to concurrent phytoplankton concentrations. Juvenile S. squamata from fast ice off Barrow, Alaska, were fed with different algal concentrations at 0 and 5 °C, simulating ambient high sea ice algal concentrations, concurrent low phytoplankton concentrations, and an intermediate concentration. Growth rates, calculated using a simple linear regression equation, were significantly higher (up to 115 times) at the highest algal concentration compared to the lowest. At the highest algal concentration, juveniles grew faster at 5 °C compared to those feeding at 0 °C with a Q10 of 2.0. We conclude that highly concentrated sea ice algae can sustain faster growth rates of polychaete juveniles compared to the less dense spring phytoplankton concentrations. The earlier melt of Arctic sea ice predicted with climate change might cause a mismatch between occurrence of polychaete juveniles and food availability in the near future. Our data indicate that this reduction in food availability might counteract any faster growth of a pelagic juvenile stage based on forecasted increased water temperatures.


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We combined longitudinal analyses of otolith microstructure and trace elemental composition in ~ age 1-2 Pacific bluefin tuna (PBT, n = 24) for inferring the arrival of individuals in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME). Element:Ca ratios in transverse otolith sections (9-12 rows, triplicate ablations from coreprimordium to edge, ø50 µm) were quantified for eight elements: Li, Mg, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Sr, and Ba, which was followed by microstructure analysis to provide age estimates corresponding to each ablation spot. Age estimates from otoliths ranged from 328 to 498 days post hatch. The combined elemental signatures of four elements (Ba, Mg, Co, Cu) showed a significant increase at the otolith edge in approximately half of the individuals (30-60 days prior to catch). Given the different oceanographic properties of oligotrophic open Pacific vs. high nutrient, upwelling CCLME waters, this signal is consistent with the entry of the fish into the CCLME, which was estimated to occur primarily in July after a transoceanic migration of ~1.5-2.0 months.


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Ocean acidification, the assimilation of atmospheric CO2 by the oceans that decreases the pH and CaCO3 saturation state (Omega) of seawater, is projected to have severe adverse consequences for calcifying organisms. While strong evidence suggests calcification by tropical reef-building corals containing algal symbionts (zooxanthellae) will decline over the next century, likely responses of azooxanthellate corals to ocean acidification are less well understood. Because azooxanthellate corals do not obtain photosynthetic energy from symbionts, they provide a system for studying the direct effects of acidification on energy available for calcification. The solitary azooxanthellate orange cup coral Balanophyllia elegans often lives in low-pH, upwelled waters along the California coast. In an 8-month factorial experiment, we measured the effects of three pCO2 treatments (410, 770, and 1220 µatm) and two feeding frequencies (3-day and 21-day intervals) on "planulation" (larval release) by adult B. elegans, and on the survival, skeletal growth, and calcification of newly settled juveniles. Planulation rates were affected by food level but not pCO2. Juvenile mortality was highest under high pCO2 (1220 µatm) and low food (21-day intervals). Feeding rate had a greater impact on calcification of B. elegans than pCO2. While net calcification was positive even at 1220 µatm (~3 times current atmospheric pCO2), overall calcification declined by ~25-45%, and skeletal density declined by ~35-45% as pCO2 increased from 410 to 1220 µatm. Aragonite crystal morphology changed at high pCO2, becoming significantly shorter but not wider at 1220 µatm. We conclude that food abundance is critical for azooxanthellate coral calcification, and that B. elegans may be partially protected from adverse consequences of ocean acidification in habitats with abundant heterotrophic food.


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Ocean surface CO2 levels are increasing in line with rising atmospheric CO2 and could exceed 900 µatm by year 2100, with extremes above 2000 µatm in some coastal habitats. The imminent increase in ocean pCO2 is predicted to have negative consequences for marine fishes, including reduced aerobic performance, but variability among species could be expected. Understanding interspecific responses to ocean acidification is important for predicting the consequences of ocean acidification on communities and ecosystems. In the present study, the effects of exposure to near-future seawater CO2 (860 µatm) on resting (M O2rest) and maximum (M O2max) oxygen consumption rates were determined for three tropical coral reef fish species interlinked through predator-prey relationships: juvenile Pomacentrus moluccensis and Pomacentrus amboinensis, and one of their predators: adult Pseudochromis fuscus. Contrary to predictions, one of the prey species, P. amboinensis, displayed a 28-39% increase in M O2max after both an acute and four-day exposure to near-future CO2 seawater, while maintaining M O2rest. By contrast, the same treatment had no significant effects on M O2rest or M O2max of the other two species. However, acute exposure of P. amboinensis to 1400 and 2400 µatm CO2 resulted in M O2max returning to control values. Overall, the findings suggest that: (1) the metabolic costs of living in a near-future CO2 seawater environment were insignificant for the species examined at rest; (2) the M O2max response of tropical reef species to near-future CO2 seawater can be dependent on the severity of external hypercapnia; and (3) near-future ocean pCO2 may not be detrimental to aerobic scope of all fish species and it may even augment aerobic scope of some species. The present results also highlight that close phylogenetic relatedness and living in the same environment, does not necessarily imply similar physiological responses to near-future CO2.


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Although ocean acidification is expected to reduce carbonate saturation and yield negative impacts on open-ocean calcifying organisms in the near future, acidification in coastal ecosystems may already be affecting these organisms. Few studies have addressed the effects of sedimentary saturation state on benthic invertebrates. Here, we investigate whether sedimentary aragonite saturation (Omega aragonite) and proton concentration ([H+]) affect burrowing and dispersal rates of juvenile soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria) in a laboratory flume experiment. Two size classes of juvenile clams (0.5-1.5 mm and 1.51-2.5 mm) were subjected to a range of sediment Omega aragonite and [H+] conditions within the range of typical estuarine sediments (Omega aragonite 0.21-1.87; pH 6.8-7.8; [H+] 1.58 × 10**-8-1.51 × 10**- 7) by the addition of varying amounts of CO2, while overlying water pH was kept constant ~ 7.8 (Omega aragonite ~ 1.97). There was a significant positive relationship between the percent of juvenile clams burrowed in still water and Omega aragonite and a significant negative relationship between burrowing and [H+]. Clams were subsequently exposed to one of two different flow conditions (flume; 11 cm/s and 23 cm/s) and there was a significant negative relationship between Omega aragonite and dispersal, regardless of clam size class and flow speed. No apparent relationship was evident between dispersal and [H+]. The results of this study suggest that sediment acidification may play an important role in soft-shell clam recruitment and dispersal. When assessing the impacts of open-ocean and coastal acidification on infaunal organisms, future studies should address the effects of sediment acidification to adequately understand how calcifying organisms may be affected by shifting pH conditions.


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The interactive effects of nutrient availability and ocean acidification on coral calcification were investigated using post-settlement juvenile corals of Acropora digitifera cultured in nutrient-sufficient or nutrient-depleted seawater for 4 d and then exposed to seawater with different partial pressure of carbon dioxide () conditions (38.8 or 92.5 Pa) for 10 d. After the nutrient pretreatment, corals in the high nutrient condition (HN corals) had a significantly higher abundance of endosymbiotic algae than did those in the low nutrient condition (LN corals). The high abundance of endosymbionts in HN corals was reduced as a result of subsequent seawater acidification, and the chlorophyll a per algal cell increased. The photosynthetic oxygen production rate by endosymbionts was enhanced by the acidified seawater regardless of the nutrient treatment, indicating that the reduction in endosymbiont density in HN corals due to acidification was compensated for by the increase in chlorophyll a per cell. Though the photosynthetic rate increased in the acidified conditions for both LN and HN corals, the calcification rate significantly decreased for LN corals but not for HN corals. The acquisition of nutrients from seawater, rather than the increase in alkalinity caused by photosynthesis, might effectively alleviate the negative response of coral calcification to seawater acidification, suggesting that the response of corals and their endosymbionts to ocean acidification can be influenced by nutrient conditions.


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Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are acidifying the world's oceans. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that ocean acidification can impact survival, growth, development and physiology of marine invertebrates. Here we tested the impact of long term (up to 16 months) and trans life-cycle (adult, embryo/larvae and juvenile) exposure to elevated pCO2 (1200 µatm, compared to control 400 µatm) on the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Female fecundity was decreased 4.5 fold when acclimated to elevated pCO2 for 4 months during reproductive conditioning while no difference was observed in females acclimated for 16 months. Moreover, adult pre-exposure for 4 months to elevated pCO2, had a direct negative impact on subsequent larval settlement success. Five to nine times fewer offspring reached the juvenile stage in cultures using gametes collected from adults previously acclimated to high pCO2 for 4 months. However, no difference in larval survival was observed when adults were pre-exposed for 16 months to elevated pCO2. pCO2 had no direct negative impact on juvenile survival except when both larvae and juveniles were raised in elevated pCO2. These negative effects on settlement success and juvenile survival can be attributed to carry-over effects from adults to larvae and from larvae to juveniles. Our results support the contention that adult sea urchins can acclimate to moderately elevated pCO2 in a matter of a few months and that carry-over effects can exacerbate the negative impact of ocean acidification on larvae and juveniles.