64 resultados para Icelandic wit and humor.

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The common occurrence of parallel phenotypic patterns suggests that a strong relationship exists between ecological dynamics and micro-evolution. Comparative studies from a large number of populations under varying sets of ecological drivers could contribute to a better understanding of this relationship. We used data on morphology of arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and ecological factors from 35 Icelandic lakes to test the hypothesis that morphological patterns among monomorphic charr populations from different lakes are related to interlake variation in ecological characteristics. There is extensive phenotypic diversity among populations of Icelandic charr, and populations are easily distinguished based on overall body morphology. The results obtained in the present study showed that the morphological diversity of charr was related to large-scale diversity in lake ecology. Variation in charr morphology was related to water origin (e.g. spring fed versus run-off), bedrock age, and fish community structure. The present study shows how various ecological factors can shape the biological diversity that we observe.


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A high-resolution study of palaeoceanographic changes off North Iceland during the time period 8600-5200 cal year BP is based on benthic and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. The core material (MD99-2275) was obtained from about 440 m water depth on the eastern part of the North Icelandic shelf. Changes in the faunal composition are interpreted to be mainly caused by variations in the strength of the relatively warm, high-salinity Irminger Current and the cold East Icelandic Current, which have been shown to be linked to the climatic changes in the North Atlantic region. Environmental proxies at that site are particularly sensitive to palaeoceanographic changes due to its position close to the marine Polar Front. Benthic assemblages show that relatively cold conditions prevailed at the base of the record. An increase in the influence of Atlantic water masses at the sea floor is seen at around 8400 cal year BP, whereas the surface waters were relatively warm already at 8600 cal year BP. The warming was interrupted by a cold event at around 8100-8000 cal year BP, registered both in the bottom and surface waters and correlated with the so-called 8.2 kyr cooling event. Both the benthic and the planktonic faunal compositions indicate that the Irminger Current had maximum influence in the area between 8000 and about 7300 cal year BP, followed by a gradually decreasing influence through the remaining part of the studied time interval. It is suggested that the contribution of Atlantic water masses from the east and north-east to the Arctic Surface waters off North Iceland increased after around 7000 cal year BP, and that this was further intensified after 6200 cal year BP. At present, the Arctic Surface Water north of Iceland consists of Polar waters, intermittently with direct influence from the East Greenland Current, mixed with Atlantic waters derived from the eastern part of the Nordic Seas. A comparison of the mean values of selected environmental proxies in the interval 8600-5200 cal year BP with the upper part of the same core shows that the water masses north of Iceland were considerably warmer during the Holocene thermal maximum than during the last 2000 cal year. In general, results from core MD99-2275 are in accordance with other marine records from the North Icelandic shelf and the northern North Atlantic region, although a detailed comparison on a centennial time scale is hampered by problems with spatial as well as temporal changes in the marine reservoir ages in the region.


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RV POSEIDON cruise POS264 was carried out by the Institut für Meereskunde of the University of Hamburg and staff from the Niels Bohr Instituttet for Astronomi, Fysik og Geofysik of the University of Copenhagen also participated. The cruise had several objectives: - to educate undergraduate students in the handling of oceanographic instrumentation and in the collection and analysis of field data, - to map the cold overflow through the Faroe-Bank Channel from the Norwegian Sea into the Icelandic Basin and to study its short-time variability and - to quantify the contributions of the water masses which are involved in the mixing of the overflow plume with its ambient water. The planning and preparation of the cruise involved the participating students and was carried out during seminars, both at the Universities of Hamburg and Copenhagen. Following a review of the recent literature and an analysis of historical data the observational programme was designed. Hydrographic and current profiling stations were occupied along several sections crossing the overflow. The experiment was financed by the University of Hamburg. Temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen data from CTD stations are presented. The temperature and salinity data were quality controlled and calibrated. Oxygen data are not calibrated as no oxygen samples were taken additionally during the cruise.


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In this study we map the spatial distribution of selected dissolved constituents in Icelandic river waters using GIS methods to study and interpret the connection between river chemistry, bedrock, hydrology, vegetation and aquatic ecology. Five parameters were selected: alkalinity, SiO2, Mo, F and the dissolved inorganic nitrogen and dissolved inorganic phosphorus mole ratio (DIN/DIP). The highest concentrations were found in rivers draining young rocks within the volcanic rift zone and especially those draining active central volcanoes. However, several catchments on the margins of the rift zone also had high values for these parameters, due to geothermal influence or wetlands within their catchment area. The DIN/DIP mole ratio was higher than 16 in rivers draining old rocks, but lowest in rivers within the volcanic rift zone. Thus primary production in the rivers is limited by fixed dissolved nitrogen within the rift zone, but dissolved phosphorus in the old Tertiary catchments. Nitrogen fixation within the rift zone can be enhanced by high dissolved molybdenum concentrations in the vicinity of volcanoes. The river catchments in this study were subdivided into several hydrological categories. Importantly, the variation in the hydrology of the catchments cannot alone explain the variation in dissolved constituents. The presence or absence of central volcanoes, young reactive rocks, geothermal systems and wetlands is important for the chemistry of the river waters. We used too many categories within several of the river catchments to be able to determine a statistically significant connection between the chem¬istry of the river waters and the hydrological categories. More data are needed from rivers draining one single hydrological category. The spatial dissolved constituent distribution clearly revealed the difference between the two extremes, the young rocks of the volcanic rift zone and the old Tertiary terrain.


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Surface and deepwater paleoclimate records in Irminger Sea core SO82-5 (59°N, 31°W) and Icelandic Sea core PS2644 (68°N, 22°W) exhibit large fluctuations in thermohaline circulation (THC) from 60 to 18 calendar kyr B.P., with a dominant periodicity of 1460 years from 46 to 22 calendar kyr B.P., matching the Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) temperature record [Grootes and Stuiver, 1997, doi:10.1029/97JC00880]. During interstadials, summer sea surface temperatures (SSTsu) in the Irminger Sea averaged to 8°C, and sea surface salinities (SSS) averaged to ~36.5, recording a strong Irminger Current and Atlantic THC. During stadials, SSTsu dropped to 2°-4°C, in phase with SSS drops by ~1-2. They reveal major meltwater injections along with the East Greenland Current, which turned off the North Atlantic deepwater convection and hence the heat advection to the north, in harmony with various ocean circulation and ice models. On the basis of the IRD composition, icebergs came from Iceland, east Greenland, and perhaps Svalbard and other northern ice sheets. However, the southward drifting icebergs were initially jammed in the Denmark Strait, reaching the Irminger Sea only with a lag of 155-195 years. We also conclude that the abrupt stadial terminations, the D-O warming events, were tied to iceberg melt via abundant seasonal sea ice and brine water formation in the meltwater-covered northwestern North Atlantic. In the 1/1460-year frequency band, benthic ?18O brine water spikes led the temperature maxima above Greenland and in the Irminger Sea by as little as 95 years. Thus abundant brine formation, which was induced by seasonal freezing of large parts of the northwestern Atlantic, may have finally entrained a current of warm surface water from the subtropics and thereby triggered the sudden reactivation of the THC. In summary, the internal dynamics of the east Greenland ice sheet may have formed the ultimate pacemaker of D-O cycles.


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The observation by Heinrich (1988) that, during the last glacial period, much of the input of ice-rafted detritus to the North Atlantic sediments may have occurred as a succession of catastrophic events, rekindled interest on the history of the northern ice sheets over the last glacial period. In this paper, we present a rapid method to study the distribution of these events (both in space and time) using whole core low-field magnetic susceptibility. We report on approximately 20 cores covering the last 150 to 250 kyr. Well-defined patterns of ice-rafted detritus appear during periods of large continental ice-sheet extent, although these are not always associated within their maxima. Most of the events may be traced across the North Atlantic Ocean. For the six most recent Heinrich layers (HL), two distinct patterns exist: HL1, HL2, HL4, HL5 are distributed along the northern boundary of the Glacial Polar Front, over most of the North Atlantic between ~40° and 50°N; HL3 is more restricted to the central and eastern part of the northern Atlantic. The Nd-Sr isotopic composition of the material constituting different Heinrich events indicates the different provenance of the two patterns: HL3 has a typical Scandinavia-Arctic-Icelandic 'young crust' signature, and the others have a large component of northern Quebec and northern West Greenland 'old crust' material. These isotopic results, obtained on core SU-9008 from the North American basin, are in agreement with the study by Jantschik and Huon (1992), who used K-Ar dating of silt- and clay-size fractions of an eastern basin core (ME-68-89). These data confirm the large spatial scale of these events, and the enormous amount of ice-rafted detritus they represent.