36 resultados para ITCZ

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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We present a 3000-yr rainfall reconstruction from the Galápagos Islands that is based on paired biomarker records from the sediment of El Junco Lake. Located in the eastern equatorial Pacific, the climate of the Galápagos Islands is governed by movements of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). We use a novel method for reconstructing past ENSO- and ITCZ-related rainfall changes through analysis of molecular and isotopic biomarker records representing several types of plants and algae that grow under differing climatic conditions. We propose that ?D values of dinosterol, a sterol produced by dinoflagellates, record changes in mean rainfall in El Junco Lake, while dD values of C34 botryococcene, a hydrocarbon unique to the green alga Botryococcus braunii, record changes in rainfall associated with moderate-to-strong El Niño events. We use these proxies to infer changes in mean rainfall and El Niño-related rainfall over the past 3000 yr. During periods in which the inferred change in El Niño-related rainfall opposed the change in mean rainfall, we infer changes in the amount of ITCZ-related rainfall. Simulations with an idealized isotope hydrology model of El Junco Lake help illustrate the interpretation of these proxy reconstructions. Opposing changes in El Niño- and ITCZ-related rainfall appear to account for several of the largest inferred hydrologic changes in El Junco Lake. We propose that these reconstructions can be used to infer changes in frequency and/or intensity of El Niño events and changes in the position of the ITCZ in the eastern equatorial Pacific over the past 3000 yr. Comparison with El Junco Lake sediment grain size records indicates general agreement of inferred rainfall changes over the late Holocene.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde das Zeitintervall zwischen 20 und 10 ka vor heute einschließlich des Heinrichevent 1 und der Younger Dryas am Kern GeoB 3910-2 neu untersucht. An organischen Parametern, basierend auf der Verteilung von bakteriellen GDGTs, und Elementkonzentrationen wurde eine Rekonstruktion der klimatischen Bedingungen und Veränderungen im Hinterland von NO Brasilien durchgeführt. Es zeigt sich, dass sich die durchschnittliche Landtemperatur gleich der Oberflächenwassertemperatur verhält und im Gegensatz zu den Phasen von H6 bis H2 dem antarktischen Erwärmungstrend ab 17 ka vor heute folgt. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch die südwärts Verlagerung der ITCZ während H1 und der YD die Niederschläge in NO Brasilen intensiviert wurden, was eine Ausbreitung der Flüsse und Änderung der Erosionsgebiete zur Folge hatte.


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We present a high-resolution reconstruction of tropical palaeoenvironmental changes for the last deglacial transition (18 to 9 cal. kyr BP) based on integrated oceanic and terrestrial proxies from a Congo fan core. Pollen, grass cuticle, Pediastrum and dinoflagellate cyst fluxes, sedimentation rates and planktonic foraminiferal d18O ratios, uK37 sea-surface temperature and alkane/alkenone ratio data highlight a series of abrupt changes in Congo River palaeodischarge. A major discharge pulse is registered at around 13.0 cal. kyr BP which we attribute to latitudinal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) during deglaciation. The data indicate abrupt and short-lived changes in the equatorial precipitation regime within a system of monsoonal dynamics forced by precessional cycles. The phases of enhanced Congo discharge stimulated river-induced upwelling and enhanced productivity in the adjacent ocean.


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Evidence from geologic archives suggests that there were large changes in the tropical hydrologic cycle associated with the two prominent northern hemisphere deglacial cooling events, Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1; ~19 to 15 kyr BP; kyr BP = 1000 yr before present) and the Younger Dryas (~12.9 to 11.7 kyr BP). These hydrologic shifts have been alternatively attributed to high and low latitude origin. Here, we present a new record of hydrologic variability based on planktic foraminifera-derived d18O of seawater (d18Osw) estimates from a sediment core from the tropical Eastern Indian Ocean, and using 12 additional d18Osw records, construct a single record of the dominant mode of tropical Eastern Equatorial Pacific and Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) hydrologic variability. We show that deglacial hydrologic shifts parallel variations in the reconstructed interhemispheric temperature gradient, suggesting a strong response to variations in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and the attendant heat redistribution. A transient model simulation of the last deglaciation suggests that hydrologic changes, including a southward shift in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) which likely occurred during these northern hemisphere cold events, coupled with oceanic advection and mixing, resulted in increased salinity in the Indonesian region of the IPWP and the eastern tropical Pacific, which is recorded by the d18Osw proxy. Based on our observations and modeling results we suggest the interhemispheric temperature gradient directly controls the tropical hydrologic cycle on these time scales, which in turn mediates poleward atmospheric heat transport.


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Sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 138 in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean were analyzed for variations in eolian accumulation rate and mean grain-size. Latitudinal and temporal patterns of these parameters showed important changes in the intensity of atmospheric circulation and eolian flux associated with the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and suggested that eolian input parameters could be used to define its paleoposition through time. Modern atmospheric circulation in the equatorial region is weakest in the intertropical convergence zone and increases as the trade winds are approached to the north and south. Thus, the expected spatial pattern of eolian grain size would have the finest material deposited beneath the ITCZ and a coarsening of material in both directions away from this zone. Sediments from ODP Leg 138 show this pattern for much of the Pleistocene and Pliocene but, prior to about 4 Ma, begin to lose the northern coarse component suggesting that the ITCZ was located north of its present position during the late Miocene. Eolian flux records also show a latitudinal pattern of deposition associated with the position of the ITCZ that, similar to eolian grain-size variability, suggests a more northerly position of the ITCZ during the late Miocene. Overall, the regional input of eolian material to the equatorial Pacific has decreased throughout the late Neogene. This reduction in eolian input reflects climatic changes to relatively wetter conditions in the continental eolian source regions beginning during the late Pliocene.


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Titanium and iron concentration data from the anoxic Cariaco Basin, off the Venezuelan coast, can be used to infer variations in the hydrological cycle over northern South America during the past 14,000 years with subdecadal resolution. Following a dry Younger Dryas, a period of increased precipitation and riverine discharge occurred during the Holocene 'thermal maximum'. Since ~5400 years ago, a trend toward drier conditions is evident from the data, with high-amplitude fluctuations and precipitation minima during the time interval 3800 to 2800 years ago and during the 'Little Ice Age'. These regional changes in precipitation are best explained by shifts in the mean latitude of the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), potentially driven by Pacific-based climate variability. The Cariaco Basin record exhibits strong correlations with climate records from distant regions, including the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere, providing evidence for global teleconnections among regional climates.


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Abundance patterns of planktic and benthic foraminifera from a tropical Atlantic drill site (Ocean Drilling Program Site 1259, Demerara Rise, Suriname margin) display a pronounced 400 kyr cyclicity, uninterrupted throughout our ~87.8-92 Ma record, between two clearly distinguishable assemblages: (1) a pelagic foraminifer fauna, which represents a deep oxygen minimum zone, and (2) another assemblage representing a shallow oxygen minimum zone where the foraminifer fauna is dominated by a higher diversity population of mostly small clavate and biserial species common in epicontinental seas. The cyclic changes in the long eccentricity band (400 kyr) between these two assemblages are proposed to reflect changes in the mean latitudinal position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Associated fluctuations in precipitation and trade wind strength may have influenced the upwelling regime at Demerara Rise leading to the observed cyclicity of planktic foraminiferal assemblages. The severe Turonian to Coniacian paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes in the Atlantic Ocean (e.g., gateway opening, cooling, and glaciation), however, seem to have no influence on the composition of tropical planktic foraminiferal faunas. There is no apparent relationship between foraminifer abundances and a major deflection in the stable isotope record interpreted elsewhere as a sign of the growth and decay of a large polar ice sheet.


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The final phase of the closure of the Panamanian Gateway and the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) both occurred during the Late Pliocene. Glacial-interglacial (G-IG) variations in sea level might, therefore, have had a significant impact on the remaining connections between the East Pacific and the Caribbean. Here, we present combined foraminiferal Mg/Ca and d18O measurements from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1241 from the East Pacific and ODP Site 999 from the Caribbean. The studied time interval covers the first three major G-IG Marine Isotope Stages (MIS 95-100, ~2.5 Ma) after the intensification of NHG. Analyses were performed on the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina dutertrei and Globigerinoides sacculifer, representing water mass properties in the thermocline and the mixed-layer, respectively. Changes in sea water temperature, relative salinity, and water column stratification strongly suggest that the Panamanian Gateway temporarily closed during glacial MIS 98 and 100, as a result of changes in ice volume equivalent to a drop in sea level of 60-90 m. Reconstructed sea surface temperatures (SST) from G. sacculifer show a glacial decrease of 2.5°C at Site 1241, but increases of up to 3°C at Site 999 during glacial MIS 98 and 100 suggesting that the Panamanian Gateway closed during these glacial periods. The Mg/Ca-temperatures of N. dutertrei remain relatively stable in the East Pacific, but do show a 3°C warming in the Caribbean at the onset of these glacial periods suggesting that the closing of the gateway also changed the water column stratification. We infer that the glacial closure of the gateway allowed the Western Atlantic Warm Pool to extend into the southern Caribbean, increasing SST (G. sacculifer) and deepening the thermocline (N. dutertrei). Additionally, ice volume appears to have become large enough during MIS 100 to survive the relatively short lasting interglacial MIS 99 so that the gateway remained closed. Towards the end of MIS 98, during MIS 97 and into MIS 96 temperatures on both sides are mostly similar suggesting water masses exchanged again. Additionally, Caribbean variations in SST and d18Owater follow a precession-like cyclicity rather than the obliquity-controlled variations characteristic of the East-Pacific and many other tropical areas, suggesting that regional atmospheric processes related to the trade winds and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) had a dominant impact in the Caribbean.


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The provenance of eolian dust supplied to deep-sea sediments has the potential to offer insights into changes in past atmospheric circulation. Specifically, measuring temporal changes in dust provenance can shed light on changes in the mean position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), a region acting as a barrier separating wind-blown material derived from northern versus southern hemisphere sources. Here we have analyzed Nd, Sr, and Pb isotope ratios in the operationally-defined detrital component extracted from deep-sea sediments in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) along a meridional transect at 110°W from 3°S to 7°N (ODP Leg 138, sites 848-853). Sr isotope results show that barite Sr has a significant influence on 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of samples in the upwelling zone of the EEP. However, sites located >3° or more away from the equator (sites 852 and 853) are believed to not be affected by barite Sr and provide useful detrital Sr signals. 208Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios in all cores fall into the Pb-isotope space of five potential dust sources (Asia, North and Central/South America, Sahara, and Australia), with no distinct isotopic fingerprinting of the dominant source(s). epsilon-Nd values were most valuable for discerning detrital source provenance, and their values at all sites, ranging from ~5.46 to ~3.25, were more unradiogenic for sediments deposited during the last glacial than for those deposited during the Holocene. There are distinct latitudinal trends in the epsilon-Nd values, with more radiogenic values further south and less radiogenic values further north, excluding site 848. This distinction holds true for both Holocene and last glacial periods. For the most southerly site, 848, we invoke, for the first time, a distinct southern hemisphere Australian source as being responsible for the unradiogenic Nd isotope ratios. Both average last glacial and Holocene epsilon-Nd values show similar sharp gradients along the transect between 5.29°N and 2.77°N, suggesting little movement of the glacial ITCZ in the EEP. However, during the deglacial, this gradient is stronger and shifted further north between 5.29°N and 7.21°N, suggesting a more northerly, possibly stronger, deglacial ITCZ.


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We present a suite of new high-resolution records (0-135 ka) representing pulses of aeolian, fluvial, and biogenic sedimentation along the Senegalese continental margin. A multiproxy approach based on rock magnetic, element, and color data was applied on three cores enclosing the present-day northern limit of the ITCZ. A strong episodic aeolian contribution driven by stronger winds and dry conditions and characterized by high hematite and goethite input was revealed north of 13°N. These millennial-scale dust fluxes are synchronous with North Atlantic Heinrich stadials. Fluvial clay input driven by the West African monsoon predominates at 12°N and varies at Dansgaard-Oeschger time scales while marine productivity is strongly enhanced during the African humid periods and marine isotope stage 5. From latitudinal signal variations, we deduce that the last glacial ITCZ summer position was located between core positions at 12°26' and 13°40'N. Furthermore, this work also shows that submillennial periods of aridity over northwest Africa occurred more frequently and farther south than previously thought.


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Over 100 samples of recent surface sediments from the bottomn of the Atlantic Ocean offshore NW Africa between 34° and 6° N have been analysed palynologically. The objective of this study was to reveal the relation between source areas, transport systems, and resulting distribution patterns of pollen and spores in marine sediments off NW Africa, in order to lay a sound foundation for the interpretation of pollen records of marine cores from this area. The clear zonation of the NW-African vegetation (due to the distinct climatic gradient) is helpful in determining main source areas, and the presence of some major wind belts facilitates the registration of the average course of wind trajectories. The present circulation pattern is driven by the intertropical front (ITCZ) which shifts over the continent between c. 22° N (summer position) and c. 4° N (winter position) in the course of the year. Determination of the period of main pollen release and the average atmospheric circulation pattern effective at that time of the years is of prime importance. The distribution patterns in recent marine sediments of pollen of a series of genera and families appear to record climatological/ecological variables, such as the trajectory of the NE trade, January trades, African Easterly Jet (Saharan Air Layer), the northernmost and southernmost position of the intertropical convergence zone, and the extent and latitudinal situation of the NW-African vegetation belt. Pollen analysis of a series of dated deep-sea cores taken between c. 35° and the equator off NW African enable the construction of paleo-distribution maps for time slices of the past, forming a register of paleoclimatological/paleoecological information.


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Millennial-scale dry events in the Northern Hemisphere monsoon regions during the last Glacial period are commonly attributed to southward shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) associated with an intensification of the northeasterly (NE) trade wind system during intervals of reduced Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). Through the use of high-resolution last deglaciation pollen records from the continental slope off Senegal, our data show that one of the longest and most extreme droughts in the western Sahel history, which occurred during the North Atlantic Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), displayed a succession of three major phases. These phases progressed from an interval of maximum pollen representation of Saharan elements between ~19 and 17.4 kyr BP indicating the onset of aridity and intensified NE trade winds, followed by a millennial interlude of reduced input of Saharan pollen and increased input of Sahelian pollen, to a final phase between ~16.2 and 15 kyr BP that was characterized by a second maximum of Saharan pollen abundances. This change in the pollen assemblage indicates a mid-HS1 interlude of NE trade wind relaxation, occurring between two distinct trade wind maxima, along with an intensified mid-tropospheric African Easterly Jet (AEJ) indicating a substantial change in West African atmospheric processes. The pollen data thus suggest that although the NE trades have weakened, the Sahel drought remained severe during this time interval. Therefore, a simple strengthening of trade winds and a southward shift of the West African monsoon trough alone cannot fully explain millennial-scale Sahel droughts during periods of AMOC weakening. Instead, we suggest that an intensification of the AEJ is needed to explain the persistence of the drought during HS1. Simulations with the Community Climate System Model indicate that an intensified AEJ during periods of reduced AMOC affected the North African climate by enhancing moisture divergence over the West African realm, thereby extending the Sahel drought for about 4000 years.


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A 328 cm-long piston core (KODOS 02-01-02) collected from the northeast equatorial Pacific at 16°12'N, 125°59'W was investigated for eolian mass fluxes and grain sizes to test these proxies as a tool for the paleo-position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The eolian mass fluxes of the lower interval below 250 cm (15.5-7.6 Ma) are very uniform at 5 +/- 1 mg/cm**2/kyr, while those of the upper interval above 250 cm (from 7.6 Ma) are over 2 times higher than the lower interval at 12 +/- 1 mg/cm**2/kyr. The median grain size of the eolian dusts in the lower interval increases from 8.4 Phi to 8.0 Phi downward, while that of the upper interval varies in a narrow range from 8.8 Phi to 8.6 Phi. The determined values compare well in magnitude to those of central Pacific sediments for the upper interval and equatorial and southeast Pacific sediments for the lower interval. This result suggests a possibility that the study site had been under the influence of southeast trade winds at its earlier depositional period due to the northerly position of the ITCZ, and subsequently of the northeast trade winds for a later period when the upper sediments were deposited. This interpretation is consistent with a mineralogical and geochemical study published elsewhere that assigned the provenance of the study core dust to Central/South America for the lower interval and to Asia for the upper interval. This study suggests that the distinct differences in eolian mass flux and grain size observed across the ITCZ can be used to trace the paleo-latitude of the ITCZ.


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Hide Intense debate persists about the climatic mechanisms governing hydrologic changes in tropical and subtropical southeast Africa since the Last Glacial Maximum, about 20,000 years ago. In particular, the relative importance of atmospheric and oceanic processes is not firmly established. Southward shifts of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) driven by high-latitude climate changes have been suggested as a primary forcing, whereas other studies infer a predominant influence of Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures on regional rainfall changes. To address this question, a continuous record representing an integrated signal of regional climate variability is required, but has until now been missing. Here we show that remote atmospheric forcing by cold events in the northern high latitudes appears to have been the main driver of hydro-climatology in southeast Africa during rapid climate changes over the past 17,000 years. Our results are based on a reconstruction of precipitation and river discharge changes, as recorded in a marine sediment core off the mouth of the Zambezi River, near the southern boundary of the modern seasonal ITCZ migration. Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures did not exert a primary control over southeast African hydrologic variability. Instead, phases of high precipitation and terrestrial discharge occurred when the ITCZ was forced southwards during Northern Hemisphere cold events, such as Heinrich stadial 1 (around 16,000 years ago) and the Younger Dryas (around 12,000 years ago), or when local summer insolation was high in the late Holocene, i.e., during the last 4,000 years.


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The large-diameter piston core LL44-GPC3 from the central North Pacific Ocean records continuous sedimentation of eolian dust since the Late Cretaceous. Two intervals resolved by Nd and Pb isotopic data relate to dust coming from America (prior to ~40 Ma) and dust coming from Asia (since ~40 Ma). The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) separates these depositional regimes today and may have been at a paleolatitude of ~23°N prior to 40 Ma. Such a northerly location of the ITCZ is consistent with sluggish atmospheric circulation and warm climate for the Northern Hemisphere of the early to middle Eocene. Since ~40 Ma, correlations between Nd (~7.55 > epsilon-Nd(t) > ~10.81) and Pb (18.625 < 206/4Pb < 18.879; 15.624 < 207/4Pb < 15.666; 38.611 < 208/4Pb < 38.960; 0.8294 < 207/6Pb < 0.8389; 2.0539 < 208/6Pb < 2.0743) isotopes reflect the progressive drying of central Asia triggered by the westward retreat of the paleo-Tethys. Comparisons between the changes with time in the isotopically well-defined dust flux and Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of Pacific deep water allow one to draw two major conclusions: (1) dust-bound Nd became a resolvable contribution to Pacific seawater only after the one order of magnitude increase in dust flux starting at ~3.5 Ma. Therefore eolian Nd was unimportant for Pacific seawater Nd prior to 3.5 Ma. (2) The lack of a response of Pacific deep water Pb to this huge flux increase suggests that dust-bound Pb has never been important. Instead, mobile Pb associated with island arc volcanic exhalatives probably consists of a significant contribution to Pacific deep water Pb and possibly to seawater elsewhere far away from landmasses.