3 resultados para ISOTOPE APPLICATIONS

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The Neogene sediments from DSDP site 341 on the Voring Plateau, Norwegian Sea, contain a thin glauconitic pellet-bearing subunit, which separates underlying pelagic clays from overlying glacial-marine sediments. Oxygen isotope measurements of benthic foraminifera show a delta18O shift of + 1? during deposition of this subunit, probably a combined effect of a drop in bottom water temperature and a rise in seawater delta18O. The chronology of this sedimentological and O isotope transition is, however, poorly constrained by fossil evidence. Rb-Sr dating of glauconitic pellets indicates that the lower part of the glauconitic subunit was deposited 11.6 +/- 0.2 Ma ago. Further geochronological evidence, derived from the Sr and C isotopic compositions of foraminifera compared with known seawater-time variations, indicates that the lower pelagic clays are early to middle Miocene, deposited at a mean rate of ~15 m/Ma. The glauconitic subunit contains part of the middle Miocene and probably all of the late Miocene in a condensed sequence with a very low mean depositional rate (~0.2 m/Ma). The overlying glacial marine sediments are probably Pliocene, with a high mean rate of deposition, ~45 m/Ma. This is the first application of C, O and Sr isotopic stratigraphy combined with Rb-Sr dating of glauconitic minerals, and it illustrates the applications of this integrated approach in geochronology.


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Barite can precipitate in microenvironments in the water column (marine barite), from supersaturated pore fluids at the oxic-anoxic boundary within marine sediments and where Ba-rich pore fluids are expelled and come into contact with sulfate-rich seawater (diagenetic barite), or from hydrothermal solutions (hydrothermal barite). Barite is relatively resistant to alteration after burial and has been used in paleoceanographic studies to reconstruct seawater chemistry and productivity through time. For such applications it is very important to determine the origin of the barite used, because both diagenetic and hydrothermal barite deposits may not accurately record the open-ocean contemporaneous seawater chemistry and productivity. We show here that it is possible to distinguish between the different types of barite by using Sr and S isotopes along with crystal morphology and size characteristics.


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Stable isotope data from eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) core TR163-19 (2°15'N, 90°57'W, 2348 m) are presented for the surface-dwelling foraminifers Globigerinoides ruber and G. sacculifer and thermocline-dwelling Globorotalia menardii and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei. Using species-specific normalization factors derived from experimental and plankton tow data, we reconstruct a 360 kyr record of water column hydrography across the past three glacial cycles. We demonstrate that G. ruber maintains a mixed layer habitat throughout the entire record, while G. sacculifer records a mixture of thermocline and mixed layer conditions and G. menardii and N. dutertrei record thermocline properties. We conclude that G. sacculifer is not appropriate for paleoceanographic applications in regions with steep vertical hydrographic gradients. Results suggest that this region of the EEP had a thicker mixed layer and deeper d13CDIC boundary between the surface and equatorial undercurrent during the last two glacial periods. A shift in N. dutertrei and G. sacculifer geochemistry prior to ~185 kyr suggests water column structure and chemocline gradients changed, possibly due to a shift in the position of the undercurrent relative to this site. The timing and magnitude of glacial-interglacial d13C variations between species indicates that near-surface carbon chemistry is controlled by changes in productivity, atmospheric circulation, and advected intermediate water sources north of the Antarctic polar front. These results demonstrate that when properly calibrated for species differences, multispecies geochemical data sets can be invaluable for reconstructing water column structure and properties in the past.