10 resultados para Hydrogen Production
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
Dissolution of anthropogenic CO(2) increases the partial pressure of CO(2) (pCO(2)) and decreases the pH of seawater. The rate of Fe uptake by the dominant N(2)-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium declines as pH decreases in metal-buffered medium. The slower Fe-uptake rate at low pH results from changes in Fe chemistry and not from a physiological response of the organism. Contrary to previous observations in nutrient-replete media, increasing pCO(2)/decreasing pH causes a decrease in the rates of N(2) fixation and growth in Trichodesmium under low-Fe conditions. This result was obtained even though the bioavailability of Fe was maintained at a constant level by increasing the total Fe concentration at low pH. Short-term experiments in which pCO(2) and pH were varied independently showed that the decrease in N(2) fixation is caused by decreasing pH rather than by increasing pCO(2) and corresponds to a lower efficiency of the nitrogenase enzyme. To compensate partially for the loss of N(2) fixation efficiency at low pH, Trichodesmium synthesizes additional nitrogenase. This increase comes partly at the cost of down-regulation of Fe-containing photosynthetic proteins. Our results show that although increasing pCO(2) often is beneficial to photosynthetic marine organisms, the concurrent decreasing pH can affect primary producers negatively. Such negative effects can occur both through chemical mechanisms, such as the bioavailability of key nutrients like Fe, and through biological mechanisms, as shown by the decrease in N(2) fixation in Fe-limited Trichodesmium.
Hydrothermal emission of mantle helium appears to be directly related to magma production rate, but other processes can generate methane and hydrogen on mid-ocean ridges. In an on-going effort to characterize these processes in the South Atlantic, the flux and distribution of these gases were investigated in the vicinity of a powerful black smoker recently discovered at 8°17.9' S, 13°30.4' W. The vent lies on the shoulder of an oblique offset in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and discharges high concentrations of methane and hydrogen. Measurements during expeditions in 2004 and 2006 show that the ratio of CH4 to 3He in the neutrally buoyant plume is quite high, 4 x 10**8. The CTD stations were accompanied by velocity measurements with lowered acoustic Doppler current profilers (LADCP), and from these data we estimate the methane transport to have been 0.5 mol/sec in a WSW-trending plume that seems to develop during the ebb tidal phase. This transport is an order of magnitude greater than the source of CH4 calculated from its concentration in the vent fluid and the rise height of the plume. From this range of methane fluxes, the source of 3He is estimated to be between 0.14 and 1.2 nmol/sec. In either case, the 3He source is significantly lower than expected from the spreading rate of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. From the inventory of methane in the rift valley adjacent to the vent, it appears that the average specific rate of oxidation is 2.6 to 23/yr, corresponding to a turnover time between 140 and 16 days. Vertical profiles of methane in the surrounding region often exhibited Gaussian-like distributions, and the variances appear to increase with distance from the vent. Using a Gaussian plume model, we obtained a range of vertical eddy diffusivities between 0.009 and 0.08 m2m2/sec. These high values may be due to tidally driven internal waves across the promontory on which the vent is located.
Total dissolvable iron (TDFe), particulate iron (PFe) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 measurements were performed along a N-S transect in the upper 250 m in the Southern Ocean (62°00E/66°42S - 49°00S, ANTARES II cruise, February 1994). TDFe was organically extracted (APDC/DDDC-chloroform) and analysed by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS), PFe was analysed by GFAAS following a strong mixed-acid leach, and H2O2 was analysed on board by fluorometry. The respective detection limits are equal to 0.13 nmol/kg, 0.02 nmol/kg, and 3.0 nmol/kg. TDFe concentrations vary from 0.4 to 6.2 nmol/kg and profiles are not completely depleted in the surface. PFe concentrations vary from 0.02 to 0.2 nmol/kg. Iron/carbon (Fe/C) uptake ratios for phytoplankton were calculated either from seawater or particle measurements. They are variable along the transect but are consistent when they could be compared. All the observed ratios are within the range of values proposed for the Fe/C uptake ratios by phytoplankton. Using our uptake ratio calculated in the Permanent Open Ocean Zone (4 x 10**?6 mol/mol), we estimate that the primary production which can be supported by the iron input flux into the surface waters is two times higher than the measured primary production in the same area. In the surface waters, H2O2 concentrations vary from 5.0 to 19.7 nmol/kg. Such low concentrations are due to strong vertical mixing, low dissolved organic matter concentrations and the latitude of the site.
The discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in 1977 revolutionized our understanding of the energy sources that fuel primary productivity on Earth. Hydrothermal vent ecosystems are dominated by animals that live in symbiosis with chemosynthetic bacteria. So far, only two energy sources have been shown to power chemosynthetic symbioses: reduced sulphur compounds and methane. Using metagenome sequencing, single-gene fluorescence in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, shipboard incubations and in situ mass spectrometry, we show here that the symbionts of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge use hydrogen to power primary production. In addition, we show that the symbionts of Bathymodiolus mussels from Pacific vents have hupL, the key gene for hydrogen oxidation. Furthermore, the symbionts of other vent animals such as the tubeworm Riftia pachyptila and the shrimp Rimicaris exoculata also have hupL. We propose that the ability to use hydrogen as an energy source is widespread in hydrothermal vent symbioses, particularly at sites where hydrogen is abundant.
The discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in 1977 revolutionized our understanding of the energy sources that fuel primary productivity on Earth. Hydrothermal vent ecosystems are dominated by animals that live in symbiosis with chemosynthetic bacteria. So far, only two energy sources have been shown to power chemosynthetic symbioses: reduced sulphur compounds and methane. Using metagenome sequencing, single-gene fluorescence in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, shipboard incubations and in situ mass spectrometry, we show here that the symbionts of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge use hydrogen to power primary production. In addition, we show that the symbionts of Bathymodiolus mussels from Pacific vents have hupL, the key gene for hydrogen oxidation. Furthermore, the symbionts of other vent animals such as the tubeworm Riftia pachyptila and the shrimp Rimicaris exoculata also have hupL. We propose that the ability to use hydrogen as an energy source is widespread in hydrothermal vent symbioses, particularly at sites where hydrogen is abundant.
Rate of CO2 assimilation was determined above the Broken Spur and TAG active hydrothermal fields for three main ecosystems: (1) hydrothermal vents; (2) 300 m near-bottom layer of plume water; and (3) bottom sediments. In water samples from warm (40-45°C) vents assimilation rates were maximal and reached 2.82-3.76 µg C/l/day. In plume waters CO2 assimilation rates ranged from 0.38 to 0.65 µg C/l/day. In bottom sediments CO2 assimilation rates varied from 0.8 to 28.0 µg C/l/day, rising up to 56 mg C/kg/day near shrimp swarms. In the most active plume zone of the long-living TAG field bacterial production of organic matter (OM) from carbonic is up to 170 mg C/m**2/day); production of autotrophic process of bacterial chemosynthesis reaches about 90% (156 mg C/m**2/day). Thus, chemosynthetic production of OM in September-October is almost equal to that of photosynthetic production in the oceanic region. Bacterial production of OM above the Broken Spur hydrothermal field is one order lower and reaches only 20 mg C/m**2/day.
Measurements of the stable isotopic composition (dD(H2) or dD) of atmospheric molecular hydrogen (H2) are a useful addition to mixing ratio (X(H2)) measurements for understanding the atmospheric H2 cycle. dD datasets published so far consist mostly of observations at background locations. We complement these with observations from the Cabauw tall tower at the CESAR site, situated in a densely populated region of the Netherlands. Our measurements show a large anthropogenic influence on the local H2 cycle, with frequently occurring pollution events that are characterized by X(H2) values that reach up to 1 ppm and low dD values. An isotopic source signature analysis yields an apparent source signature below -400 per mil, which is much more D-depleted than the fossil fuel combustion source signature commonly used in H2 budget studies. Two diurnal cycles that were sampled at a suburban site near London also show a more D-depleted source signature (-340 per mil), though not as extremely depleted as at Cabauw. The source signature of the Northwest European vehicle fleet may have shifted to somewhat lower values due to changes in vehicle technology and driving conditions. Even so, the surprisingly depleted apparent source signature at Cabauw requires additional explanation; microbial H2 production seems the most likely cause. The Cabauw tower site also allowed us to sample vertical profiles. We found no decrease in (H2) at lower sampling levels (20 and 60m) with respect to higher sampling levels (120 and 200m). There was a significant shift to lower median dD values at the lower levels. This confirms the limited role of soil uptake around Cabauw, and again points to microbial H2 production during an extended growing season, as well as to possible differences in average fossil fuel combustion source signature between the different footprint areas of the sampling levels. So, although knowledge of the background cycle of H2 has improved over the last decade, surprising features come to light when a non-background location is studied, revealing remaining gaps in our understanding.