8 resultados para Hutchby, Ian: Conversation analysis. Principles, practices and application

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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We present uranium-thoriumchronology for a 102 mcore through a Pleistocene reef at Tahiti (French Polynesia) sampled during IODP Expedition 310 "Tahiti Sea Level". We employ total and partial dissolution procedures on the older coral samples to investigate the diagenetic overprint of the uranium-thoriumsystem. Although alteration of the U-Th system cannot be robustly corrected, diagenetic trends in the U-Th data, combined with sea level and subsidence constraints for the growth of the corals enables the age of critical samples to be constrained to marine isotope stage 9. We use the ages of the corals, together with d18O based sea-level histories, to provide maximum constraints on possible paleo water-depths. These depth constraints are then compared to independent depth estimates based on algal and foraminiferal assemblages, microbioerosion patterns, and sedimentary facies, confirming the accuracy of these paleo water-depth estimates. We also use the fact that corals could not have grown above sea level to place amaximumconstraint on the subsidence rate of Tahiti to be 0.39 m ka**-1,with the most likely rate being close to the existing minimum estimate of 0.25m ka**-1.


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The circum-Antarctic Southern Ocean is an important region for global marine food webs and carbon cycling because of sea-ice formation and its unique plankton ecosystem. However, the mechanisms underlying the installation of this distinct ecosystem and the geological timing of its development remain unknown. Here, we show, on the basis of fossil marine dinoflagellate cyst records, that a major restructuring of the Southern Ocean plankton ecosystem occurred abruptly and concomitant with the first major Antarctic glaciation in the earliest Oligocene (~33.6 million years ago). This turnover marks a regime shift in zooplankton-phytoplankton interactions and community structure, which indicates the appearance of eutrophic and seasonally productive environments on the Antarctic margin. We conclude that earliest Oligocene cooling, ice-sheet expansion, and subsequent sea-ice formation were important drivers of biotic evolution in the Southern Ocean.


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We report on metal enrichment along a natural pH gradient owing to increased CO2 degassing at cold, shal- low seeps of Vulcano Island in the Mediterranean Sea, off Sicily. We assessed composition of unfiltered and filtered seawater (b100 nm) along acidic zones ranging between ambient and pH 5, and showed that most seep derived elements are present as nanoclusters which then aggregate into larger colloids while mixing with ambient seawater along a pH gradient. Size and elemental composition of such naturally occurring nanoparticles assessed by modern characterisation methods were in good agreement with the results from conventional analytical methods. We provide analytical evidence for the presence in the water column of a large fraction of seep derived ele- ments (e.g. approximately 50% of iron, over 80% of Mn, 100% of Cr, S and Zn) in the form of nano sized par- ticles (e.g. b100 nm) even at typical open ocean pHs. We launch in situ sampling protocols and sample preparation procedures for multi-method suitable to obtain accurate measurements on nanoparticles from environmental samples. Based on our results a first insight to the formation of natural nanoparticles at cold CO2 seeps is presented and the persistence of such nano-clusters in the surrounding seawater is stipulated.


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Oceanic sediments deposited at high rate close to continents are dominated by terrigenous material. Aside from dilution by biogenic components, their chemical compositions reflect those of nearby continental masses. This study focuses on oceanic sediments coming from the juvenile Canadian Cordillera and highlights systematic differences between detritus deriving from juvenile crust and detritus from old and mature crust. We report major and trace element concentrations for 68 sediments from the northernmost part of the Cascade forearc, drilled at ODP Sites 888 and 1027. The calculated weighted averages for each site can then be used in the future to quantify the contribution of subducted sediments to Cascades volcanism. The two sites have similar compositions but Site 888, located closer to the continent, has higher sandy turbidite contents and displays higher bulk SiO2/Al2O3 with lower bulk Nb/Zr, attributed to the presence of zircons in the coarse sands. Comparison with published data for other oceanic sedimentary piles demonstrates the existence of systematic differences between modern sediments deriving from juvenile terranes (juvenile sediments) and modern sediments derived from mature continental areas (cratonic sediments). The most striking systematic difference is for Th/Nb, Th/U, Nb/U and Th/Rb ratios: juvenile sediments have much lower ratios than cratonic sediments. The small enrichment of Th over Nb in cratonic sediments may be explained by intracrustal magmatic and metamorphic differentiation processes. In contrast, their elevated Th/U and Nb/U ratios (average values of 6.87 and 7.95, respectively) in comparison to juvenile sediments (Th/U ~ 3.09, Nb/U ~ 5.15) suggest extensive U and Rb losses on old cratons. Uranium and Rb losses are attributed to long-term leaching by rain and river water during exposure of the continental crust at the surface. Over geological times, the weathering effects create a slow but systematic increase of Th/U with exposure time.


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A. Continental slope sediments off Spanish-Sahara and Senegal contain up to 4% organic carbon and up to 0.4% total nitrogen. The highest concentrations were found in sediments from water depths between 1000 and 2000 m. The regional and vertical distribution of organic matter differs significantly. Off Spanish-Sahara the organic matter content of sediment deposited during glacial times (Wuerm, Late Riss) is high whereas sediments deposited during interglacial times (Recent, Eem) are low in organic matter. Opposite distribution was found in sediments off Senegal. The sediments contain 30 to 130 ppm of fixed nitrogen. In most sediments this corresponds to 2-8 % of the total nitrogen. Only in sediments deposited during interglacial times off Spanish-Sahara up to 20 % of the total nitrogen is contained as inorganically bound nitrogen. Positive correlations of the fixed nitrogen concentrations to the amounts of clay, alumina, and potassium suggest that it is primarily fixed to illites. The amino acid nitrogen and hexosamine nitrogen account for 17 to 26 % and 1.3 to 2.4 %, respectively of the total nitrogen content of the sediments. The concentrations vary between 200 and 850 ppm amino acid nitrogen and 20 to 70 ppm hexosamine nitrogen, both parallel the fluctiations of organic matter in the sediment. Fulvic acids, humic acids, and the total organic matter of the sediments may be clearly differentiated from one another and their amino acid and hexosamine contents and their amino acid composition: a) Fulvic acids contain only half as much amino acids as humic acids b) The molar amino acid/hexosamine ratios of the fulvic acids are half those of the humic acids and the total organic matter of the sediment c) The amino acid spectra of fulvic acids are characterized by an enrichment of aspartic acid, alanine, and methionine sulfoxide and a depletion of glycine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, lysine, and arginine compared to the spectra of the humic acids and those of the total organic matter fraction of the sediment. d) The amino acid spectra of the humic acids and those of the total organic matter fraction of the sediments are about the same with the exception that arginine is clearly enriched in the total organic matter. In general, as indicated by the amino compounds humic acids resemble closer the total organic matter composition than the low molecular fulvic acids do. This supports the general idea that during the course of diagenesis in reducing sediments organic matter stabilizes from a fulvic-like structure to humic-like structure and finally to kerogen. The decomposition rates of single aminio acids differ significantly from one another. Generally amino acids which are preferentially contained in humic acids and the total organic matter fraction show a smaller loss with time than those preferably well documented in case of the basic amino acids lysine and arginine which- although thermally unstable- are the most stable amino acids in the sediments. A favoured incorporation of these compounds into high molecular substances as well as into clay minerals may explain their relatively high "stability" in the sediment. The nitrogen loss from the sediments due to the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria amounts to 20-40 % of the total organic nitrogen now present. At least 40 % of the organic nitrogen which is liberated by sulphate-reducing bacteria can be explained ny decomposition of amino acids alone. B. Deep-sea sediments from the Central Pacific The deep-seas sediments contain 1 to 2 orders of magnitude less organic matter than the continental slope sediments off NW Africa, i.e. 0.04 to 0.3 % organic carbon. The fixed nitrogen content of the deep-sea sediments ranges from 60 to 270 ppm or from 20 to 45 % of the total nitrogen content. While ammonia is the prevailing inorganic nitrogen compound in anoxic pore waters, nitrate predominates in the oxic environment of the deep-sea sediments. Near the sediment/water interface interstital nitrate concentrations of around 30 µg-at. N/l were recorded. These generally increase with sediment depth by 10 to 15 µg-at. NO3- N/l. This suggests the presence of free oxygen and the activity of nitrifying bacteria in the interstitial waters. The ammonia content of the interstitial water of the oxic deep-sea sediments ranges from 2 to 60 µg-at. N/l and thus is several orders of magnitude less than in anoxic sediments. In contrast to recorded nitrate gradients towards the sediments/water interface, there are no ammonia concentration gradients. However, ammonia concentrations appear to be characteristic for certain regional areas. It is suggested that this regional differentiation is caused by ion exchange reactions involving potassium and ammonium ions rather than by different decomposition rates of organic matter. C. C/N ratios All estimated C/N ratios of surface sediments vary between 3 and 9 in the deep-sea and the continental margin, respectively. Whereas the C/N ratios generally increase with depth in the sediment cores off NW Africa they decrease in the deep-sea cores. The lowest values of around 1.3 were found in the deeper sections of the deep-sea cores, the highest of around 10 in the sediments off NW Africa. The wide range of the C/N ratios as well as their opposite behaviour with increasing sediment depth in both the deep-sea and continental margin sediment cores, can be attributed mainly to the combination of the following three factors: 1. Inorganic and organic substances bound within the latticed of clay minerals tend to decrease the C/N ratios. 2. Organic matter not protected by absorption on the clay minerals tends to increase C/N ratios 3. Diagenetic alteration of organic matter by micro-organisms tends to increase C/N ratios through preferential loss of nitrogen The diagenetic changes of the microbially decomposable organic matter results in both oxic and anoxic environments in a preferential loss of nitrogen and hence in higher C/N ratios of the organic fraction. This holds true for most of the continental margin sediments off NW Africa which contain relatively high amounts of organic matter so that factors 2 and 3 predominate there. The relative low C/N ratios of the sediments deposited during interglacial times off Spanish-Sahara, which are low in organic carbon, show the increasing influence of factor 1 - the nitrogen-rich organic substances bound to clay minerals. In the deep-sea sediments from the Central Pacific this factor completely predominates so that the C/N rations of the sediments approach that of the substance absorbed to clay minerals with decreasing organic matter content. In the deeper core sections the unprotected organic matter has been completely destroyed so that the C/N ratios of the total sediments eventually fall into the same range as those of the pure clay mineral fraction.


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A multiproxy record including benthic foraminifera, diatoms and XRF data of a marine sediment core from a SW Greenland fjord provides a detailed reconstruction of the oceanographic and climatic variations of the region during the last 4400 cal. years. The lower part of our record represents the final termination of the Holocene Thermal Maximum. After the onset of the 'Neoglaciation' at approximately 3.2 ka cal. BP, the fjord system was subject to a number of marked hydrographical changes that were closely linked to the general climatic and oceanographic development of the Labrador Sea and the North Atlantic region. Our data show that increased advection of Atlantic water (Irminger Sea Water) from the West Greenland Current into the Labrador Sea was a typical feature of Northeast Atlantic cooling episodes such as the 'Little Ice Age' and the 'European Dark Ages', while the advection of Irminger Sea Water decreased significantly during warm episodes such as the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' and the 'Roman Warm Period'.Whereas the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' was characterized by relatively cool climate as suggested by low meltwater production, the preceding 'Dark Ages' display higher meltwater runoff and consequently warmer climate. When compared with European climate, these regional climate anomalies indicate persisting patterns of advection of colder, respectively warmer air masses in the study region during these periods and thus a long-term seesaw climate pattern between West Greenland and Europe.


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We refined the strontium isotope seawater curve for the Paleocene and early Eocene by analysis of samples recovered from the Walvis Ridge during Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) Leg 208. The highest 87Sr/86Sr values occurred in the earliest Paleocene at 65 Ma and generally decreased throughout the Paleocene, reaching minimum values between 53 and 51 Ma in the early Eocene before beginning to increase again at 50 Ma. A plausible explanation for the 87Sr/86Sr decrease between 65 and 51 Ma is increased rates of hydrothermal activity and/or the eruption and weathering of large igneous provinces (e.g., Deccan Traps and North Atlantic). Strontium isotope variations closely parallel sea level and benthic d18O changes during the late Paleocene and early Eocene, supporting previous studies linking tectonic reorganization and increased volcanism to high sea level, high CO2, and warm global temperatures.