329 resultados para Horizontal surface phytoplankton distribution

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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From 1978 to 1981, intensive sedimentological investigations were carried out on the Northfrisian intertidal shoals between the small island of Gröde and Nordstrand lsland as a part of an interdisciplinary research projekt. The objective of this sedimentological study was to reveal long and short term tendencies in sedimentation and erosion in the environment. The presented study mainly concentrated on surface mapping in the tidal flats which based on more than 5000 sediment samples. The relative amounts of the grain-size fractions <0.063 mm and >0.125 mm are presented on maps. Predominant sediment typs are well sorted fine sands ("Wattsand") and muddy sands ("Schlicksand"), pure muds covering only small areas. The fine-grained deposits are either found in the lee-side of an island in elongated bays having a low waterdepth during high tide near the shore or near exposed "Klei" outcrops as well as sporadically on the edge of tidal rills. Together with standardized fields observations of biological and physical properties, the maps indicate a slight erosive tendency in large sections of the investigated area.


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According to results of Cruise 22 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in the Northwest Pacific in July-August 1990, picophytoplankton represented mainly by cyanobacteria (up to 90%) comprised from 70 to 99% of total phytoplankton. Nanophytoplankton constituted substantial part of total biomass (22-37%) and consisted mainly of small phytoflagellates (2-4 ?m), cryptomonades, and coccolithophorids Emiliania huxleyi. Summer species such as Neodenticula seminae prevailed among large phytoplankton. Horizontal and vertical distribution of phytoplankton groups and species was described. Taxonomy and vertical distribution were related to nutrient concentrations in the upper mixed layer.


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Through the processes of the biological pump, carbon is exported to the deep ocean in the form of dissolved and particulate organic matter. There are several ways by which downward export fluxes can be estimated. The great attraction of the 234Th technique is that its fundamental operation allows a downward flux rate to be determined from a single water column profile of thorium coupled to an estimate of POC/234Th ratio in sinking matter. We present a database of 723 estimates of organic carbon export from the surface ocean derived from the 234Th technique. Data were collected from tables in papers published between 1985 and 2013 only. We also present sampling dates, publication dates and sampling areas. Most of the open ocean Longhurst provinces are represented by several measurements. However, the Western Pacific, the Atlantic Arctic, South Pacific and the South Indian Ocean are not well represented. There is a variety of integration depths ranging from surface to 220m. Globally the fluxes ranged from -22 to 125 mmol of C/m**2/d. We believe that this database is important for providing new global estimate of the magnitude of the biological carbon pump.


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A database containing the global and diffuse components of the surface solar hourly irradiation measured from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2010 at eight stations of the Egyptian Meteorological Authority is presented. For three of these sites (Cairo, Aswan, and El-Farafra), the direct component is also available. In addition, a series of meteorological variables including surface pressure, relative humidity, temperature, wind speed and direction is provided at the same hourly resolution at all stations. The details of the experimental sites and instruments used for the acquisition are given. Special attention is paid to the quality of the data and the procedure applied to flag suspicious or erroneous measurements is described in details. Between 88 and 99% of the daytime measurements are validated by this quality control. Except at Barrani where the number is lower (13500), between 20000 and 29000 measurements of global and diffuse hourly irradiation are available at all sites for the 7-year period. Similarly, from 9000 to 13000 measurements of direct hourly irradiation values are provided for the three sites where this component is measured. With its high temporal resolution this consistent irradiation and meteorological database constitutes a reliable source to estimate the potential of solar energy in Egypt. It is also adapted to the study of high-frequency atmospheric processes such as the impact of aerosols on atmospheric radiative transfer. In the next future, it is planned to complete regularly the present 2004-2010 database.


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The measurements were obtained during two North Sea wide STAR-shaped cruises during summer 1986 and winter 1987, which were performed to investigate the circulation induced transport and biologically induced pollutant transfer within the interdisciplinary research in the project "ZISCH - Zirkulation und Schadstoffumsatz in der Nordsee / Circulation and Contaminant Fluxes in the North Sea (1984-1989)". The inventory presents parameters measured on hydrodynamics, nutrient dynamics, ecosystem dynamics and pollutant dynamics in the pelagic and benthic realm. The research program had the objective of quantifying fluxes of major budgets, especially contaminants in the North Sea. In spring 1986, following the phytoplankton spring bloom, and in late winter 1987, at minimum primary production activity, the North Sea ecosystem was investigated on a station net covering the whole North Sea. The station net was shaped like a star. Sampling started in the centre, followed by the northwest section and moving counter clockwise around the North Sea following the residual currents. By this strategy, a time series was measured in the central North Sea and more synoptic data sets were obtained in the individual sections. Generally advection processes have to be considered when comparing the data from different stations. The entire sampling period lasted for more than six weeks in each cruise. Thus, a time-lag should be considered especially when comparing the data from the eastern and the western part of the central and northern North Sea, where samples were taken at the beginning and at the end of the campaign. The ZISCH investigations represented a qualitatively and quantitatively new approach to North Sea research in several respects. (1) The first simultaneous blanket coverage of all important biological, chemical and physical parameters in the entire North Sea ecosystem; (2) the first simultaneous measurements of major contaminants (metals and organohaline compounds) in the different ecosystem compartments; (3) simultaneous determinations of atmospheric inputs of momentum, energy and matter as important ecosystem boundary conditions; (4) performance of the complex measurement program during two seasons, namely the spring plankton bloom and the subsequent winter period of minimal biological activity; and (5) support of data analysis and interpretation by oceanographic and meteorological numerical models on the same scales.


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Material was collected in the Ob River estuary and the adjacent shallow Kara Sea shelf between 71°14.0'N and 75°33.0'N at the end of September 2007. Latitudinal zonation in phytoplankton distribution was demonstrated; this zonation was determined by changes in salinity and concentration of nutrients. Characteristic of the phytocenosis in the southern desalinated zone composed of freshwater diatom and green algae species were high population density (1500000 cells/l), biomass (210 ?g C/l), chlorophyll concentration (4.5 ?g/l), and uniform distribution in the water column. High primary production (~40 ?g C/l/day) was recorded in the upper 1.5 m layer. The estuarine frontal zone located to the north had a halocline at depth 3-5 m. Freshwater species with low abundance (250000 cells/l), biomass (24 ?g C/l), and chlorophyll concentration (1.5 ?g/l) dominated above the halocline. Marine diatom algae, dinoflagellates, and autotrophic flagellates formed a considerable part of the phytocenosis below the halocline; community characteristics were two-fold lower as compared with the upper layer. Maximal values of primary production (~10 ?g C/l/day) were recorded in the upper 1.5 m layer. The phytocenosis in the seaward zone was formed by marine alga species and was considerably poorer as compared with the frontal zone. Assimilation rates of carbon per chlorophyll a at the end of the vegetation season within the studied area were low, average 0.4-1.0 ?g C/?g Chl/hour in the upper layer and 0.03-0.1 ?g C/?g Chl/hour below the pycnocline.


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Studies were carried out mostly in the area of RMS Titanic wreck site (41°44'N, 49°57'W) located above the continental slope and the south of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. In a period from 18.06 to 24.09.2001 five surveys of production characteristics of surface phytoplankton were conducted over 5-9 days. Mean values of these characteristics obtained during the surveys were 9.2-11.7 mg C/m**3 per day for primary production (C_phs), 0.102-0.188 mg/m**3 for chlorophyll a (C_chls), and 4.44-7.42 mg C/mg chl. a per hour for assimilation number (AN). The main reason for low C_phs variability was a significant inverse relationship (R=-0.66) between AN and C_chls found over the research area. When cold shelf waters dominated in the area (27.07 to 19.08.2001), C_chls values for the slope region (0.125+/-0.031 µg/l) and for the outer shelf (0.130+/-0.040 µg/l) were similar. During strengthening of influence of warmer slope waters within area (from 29.08 to 13.09.2001), C_chls concentration within surface waters of the outer shelf was 0.152+/-0.039 µg/l and exceeded one for the slope region (0.094+/-0.004 µg/l) by factor 1.6. Against the background of low Cchls values, the High values of integral primary production in the water column (510-1010 mg C/m**2 per day) at low C_chls values measured within the area were determined both by high assimilation activity of phytoplankton and by the deep (30-40 m) maximum of primary production. Main reasons for formation of such a maximum were high chlorophyll concentration within the layer of the deep chlorophyll maximum (up to 0.5-2.5 µg/l) and in the relatively high solar irradiance within this layer varying from 1.4 to 8.6% of subsurface PAR.


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Phytoplankton biomass distribution (chlorophyll a, chl. a) and species composition (cell numbers) were investigated during three expeditions to the Kara Sea with "Akademik Boris Petrov" (BP) in 1997, 1999, and 2000. The distribution of biomass in the estuaries of Ob and Yenisei showed a similar range in 1997 (0.2 to 3.2 µg/l) and 2000 (0.4 to 3.5 ug/l); higher chl. a concentrations during these two years were found in Yenisei than in Ob. In 1999, phytoplankton biomass in the Ob and Ob Estuary was much higher than in 1997 and 2000, with maximum values above 10.0 ug chl. a/l. In 1999, biomass in Yenisei was lower (1.5 to ~5 ug/l) than in Ob but slightly higher than in 1997 and in 2000. During the expedition in 2000, the research area extended farther to the north, here, lowest phytoplankton biomass during all three years was found. Typical summer values for integrated chl.a biomass (surface to bottom) ranged between 6 and 20 mg m**-2. Strong differences existed in species composition in both rivers, the estuaries, and the open Kara Sea. In general, three or four different populations could be distinguished in surface waters: (1) freshwater diatoms together with bluegreen algae in both rivers, (2) centric and small pennate diatoms mainly brackish species in the estuaries, (3) north of 74°N, brackish/marine species dominated, i.e. in 1999 Thalassiosira cfpunctigera and Chaetoceros spp prevailed in the phytoplankton bloom in Ob. (4) At the northernmost, almost marine stations, a region with a more heterogeneous composition of unicellular plankton was encountered. We assume, we found different seasonal signals of phytoplankton development during 1997/2000 and 1999, respectively. However, the yearly fluctuation of freshwater runoff of both rivers seems to have the strongest influence on the timing and duration of phytoplankton blooms, species compositions and biomass standing stocks during summer.


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The biogeochemistry of iodine in the waters of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean was investigated during the Polarstern cruise ANTXXIV-3 ZERO&DRAKE. The speciation and distribution of iodine (iodate and iodide) in seawater was examined across gradients of iron concentrations and phytoplankton abundance, ranging from an open ocean region along the Zero Meridian to the Weddell Sea and Drake Passage. Iodine cycling in high latitudes differs from that in low latitudes due to differences in the plankton community composition and the physicochemical characteristics. Iodate concentrations ranged between 400 and 450 nmol/L from the surface to the bottom. Surface concentrations of iodide (17 to over 60 nmol/L) were about an order of magnitude higher than below the pycnocline. The peak values of iodide lay nearly always within the euphotic zone and showed a weak, positive correlation with nitrite concentrations in the upper 200 m. In all vertical profiles a pronounced sub-surface maximum in iodide appears between 50 and 200 m depth indicating an iodide drawdown at the near surface. Iodide distribution in the Weddell Sea showed elevated levels in Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW) indicating slow oxidation kinetics and the potential for iodide as a tracer of WSBW formation.


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Abundance and species composition of copepods were studied during the expedition ANT XXI/1 on a latitudinal transect in the eastern Atlantic from 34°49.5' N to 27°28.1' S between 2-20 November 2002. Stratified zooplankton tows were carried out at 19 stations with a multiple opening-closing net between 300 m water depth and the surface. Cyclopoid and calanoid copepods showed similar patterns of distribution and abundance. Oithona was the most abundant cyclopoid genus, followed by Oncaea. A total of 149 calanoid copepod species were identified. Clausocalanus was by far the most abundant genus, comprising on average about 45% of all calanoids, followed by Calocalanus (13%), Delibus (9%), Paracalanus (6%), and Pleuromamma (5%). All other genera comprised on average less than 5% each, with 40 genera less than 1%. The calanoid copepod communities were distinguished broadly in accordance with sea surface temperature, separating the subtropical from the tropical stations, and were largely determined by variation in species composition and species abundance. Nine Clausocalanus species were identified. The most numerous Clausocalanus species was C. furcatus, which on average comprised half of all adult of this genus. C. pergens, C. paululus, and C. jobei, contributed an average of 19%, 9%, and 9%, respectively. The Clausocalanus species differed markedly in their horizontal and vertical distributions: C. furcatus, C. jobei, and C. mastigophorus had widespread distributions and inhabited the upper water layers. Major differences between the species were found in abundance. C. paululus and C. arcuicornis were biantitropical and were absent or occurred in very low numbers in the equatorial zone. C. parapergens was found at all stations and showed a bimodal distribution pattern with maxima in the subtropics. C. pergens occurred in higher numbers only at the southern stations, where it replaced C. furcatus in dominance. In contrast to the widespread species, the bulk of the C. paululus, C. arcuicornis, C. parapergens, and C. pergens populations was concentrated in the colder, deeper water layers below the thermocline, thereby avoiding the warm surface waters. C. lividus was found only at the most northern and C. ingens only at the most southern stations. Both species were found almost exclusively in the upper 50 m. The distinct differences in abundance and horizontal and vertical distribution suggest a strong ecological differentiation among the Clausocalanus species.


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Biogenic barium in marine sediments has been suggested to be a reliable proxy of export productivity from the surface ocean and algorithms have been developed to link these properties. However, problems arise when the proposed algorithms are applied to predominantly terrigenous sediments. A major source of error is incorrect estimates of the terrigenous Ba/Al ratio in normative calculations of the amount of biogenic barium in the sediment. Compared to an often used "global average" Ba/Al ratio, much better results can be obtained by estimating the terrigenous Ba/Al ratio from exponential regression of the Ba/Al ratios of surface sediments obtained from continental slope transects. This method has been applied to surface sediments from the Chilean continental slope. The calculated regional terrigenous Ba/Al ratios could be verified with purely terrigenous samples from Chilean rivers. The resulting accumulation rates of biogenic barium on the Chilean continental slope reliably reproduce the regional pattern of primary productivity in the southern Peru-Chile Current, indicating the potential of biogenic barium as a useful (paleo)productivity proxy.