529 resultados para Hoplias aff. malabaricus

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Benthic foraminiferal assemblages are a widespread tool to understand changes in organic matter flux and bottom-water oxygenation and their relation to paleoceanographic changes in the Upper Cretaceous oceans. In this study, assemblage data (diversity, total number, and number per species and gram) from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 390 (Blake Nose, western North Atlantic) were processed for the lower Maastrichtian (Globotruncana falsostuarti - Gansserina gansseri Planktic Foraminiferal Zone). These data document significant changes in nutrient flux to the sea floor as well as bottom-water oxygenation during this time interval. Parallel to the observed changes in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages the number of inoceramid shells decreases, reflecting also a significant increase in bottom-water oxygenation. We speculate, that these data could reflect the onset of a shift from warmer low-latitude to cooler high-latitude deep-water sources. This speculation will predate the major reorganization of the oceanic circulation resulting in a circulation mode similar to today at the Early/Late Maastrichtian boundary by ~1 Ma and therefore improves our understanding of Late Cretaceous paleoceanography.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 177, seven sites were drilled aligned on a transect across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. The primary scientific objective of Leg 177 was the study of the Cenozoic paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic history of the southern high latitudes and its relationship with the Antarctic cryosphere development. Of special emphasis was the recovery of Pliocene-Pleistocene sections, allowing paleoceanographic studies at millennial or higher time resolution, and the establishment of refined biostratigraphic zonations tied to the geomagnetic polarity record and stable isotope records. At most sites, multiple holes were drilled to ensure complete recovery of the section. A description of the recovered sections and the construction of a multihole splice for the establishment of a continuous composite is presented in the Leg 177 Initial Reports volume for each of the sites (Gersonde, Hodell, Blum, et al., 1999). Here we present the relative abundance pattern and the stratigraphic ranges of diatom taxa encountered from shore-based light microscope studies completed on the Pliocene-Pleistocene sequences from six of the drilled sites (Sites 1089-1094). No shore-based diatom studies have been conducted on the Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments obtained at Site 1088, located on the northern crest of the Agulhas Ridge, because of the scattered occurrence and poor preservation of diatoms in these sections (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999b). The data included in our report present the baseline of a diatom biostratigraphic study of Zielinski and Gersonde (2002), which (1) includes a refinement of the southern high-latitude Pliocene-Pleistocene diatom zonation, in particular for the middle and late Pleistocene, and (2) presents a biostratigraphic framework for the establishment of age models of the recovered sediment sections. Zielinski and Gersonde (2002) correlated the diatom ranges with the geomagnetic polarity record established shipboard (Sites 1090 and 1092) (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999c, 1999d) and on shore (Sites 1089, 1091, 1093, and 1094) by Channell and Stoner (2002). The Pliocene-Pleistocene diatom zonation proposed by Zielinski and Gersonde (2002) relies on a diatom zonation from Gersonde and Bárcena (1998) for the northern belt of the Southern Ocean. Because of latitudinal differentiation of sea-surface temperature, nutrients, and salinity between Antarctic and Subantarctic/subtropical water masses, the Pliocene-Pleistocene stratigraphic marker diatoms are not uniformly distributed in the Southern Ocean (Fenner, 1991; Gersonde and Bárcena, 1998). As a consequence, Zielinski and Gersonde (2002) propose two diatom zonations for application in the Antarctic Zone south of the Polar Front (Southern Zonation, Sites 1094 and 1093) and the area encompassing the Polar Front Zone (PFZ) and the Subantarctic Zone (Northern Zonation, Sites 1089-1092). This accounts especially for the Pleistocene zonation where Hemidiscus karstenii, whose first abundant occurrence datum and last occurrence datum defines the subzonation of the northern Thalassiosira lentiginosa Zone, occurs only sporadically in the cold-water realm south of the PFZ and thus is not applicable in sections from this area. However, newly established marker species assigned to the genus Rouxia (Rouxia leventerae and Rouxia constricta) are more related to cold-water environments and allow a refinement of the Pleistocene stratigraphic zonation for the southern cold areas. A study relying on quantitative counts of both Rouxia species confirms the utility of these stratigraphic markers for the identification of sequences attributed to marine isotope Stages 6 and 8 in the southern Southern Ocean (Zielinski et al., 2002).


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Biostratigraphical, taxonomical, and palaeocological results were obtained from Oxfordian to Tithonian foraminifers of the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean boreholes of the DSDP Legs 1, 11, 36, 41, 44, 50, and 79. An oversight on the cored Jurassic sections of the DSDP Legs 79 and the corresponding foraminiferal descriptions are given. The reddish brown, clayey and carbonaceous Cat Gap Formation (Oxfordian to Tithonian) of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, rich in radiolarians, yields less or more uniform, in most cases allochthonous foraminiferal faunas of Central European shelf character. No Callovian and Upper Tithonian foraminiferaI zones can be established. The zone of Pseudomarssonella durnortieri covers the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian, the zone of Neobulimina atlantica the Kimmeridgian/Lower Tithonian interval. Characteristic foraminiferal faunas are missing since the Upper Tithonian to Valanginian for reason of a widely distributed regression which caused hiatuses observed all over the Northern Atlantic Ocean and in parts of Europe. The Upper Jurassic cannot be subdivided into single stages by foraminiferal biostratigraphy alone. The fovaminiferal zones established by Moullad (1984) covering a Callovian-Tithonian interval may be of some local importance in the Tethyan realm: It has too long-ranging foraminiferal species to be used as index marker in the word-wide DSDP boreholes. Some taxonomical confusion is caused because in former publications some foraminiferal species have got different names both in the Jurassic and Cretaceous. The foraminiferal biostratigraphy of drilled sections from DSDP boreholes is restricted by the drilling technique and for palaeo-oceanographical, biological, and geological reasons. Foraminiferal faunas from the DSDP originally described as ,,bathyal, or ,,abyssal,, have to be derived from shallower water. This contrasts the palaeo-water depths of 3000-4000 m which result from sedimentological and palaeo-geographical investigations.


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An abrupt global warming of 3-4°C occurred near the end of the Maastrichtian at 65.45-65.10 Ma. The environmental effects of this warm event are here documented based on stable isotopes and quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera at the South Atlantic DSDP Site 525A. Stable isotopes of individual species mark a rapid increase in temperature and a reduction in the vertical water mass stratification that is accompanied by a decrease in niche habitats, reduced species diversity and/or abundance, smaller species morphologies or dwarfing, and reduced photosymbiotic activity. During the warm event, the relative abundance of a large number of species decreased, including tropical-subtropical affiliated species, whereas typical mid-latitude species retained high abundances. This indicates that climate warming did not create favorable conditions for all tropical-subtropical species at mid-latitudes and did not cause a massive retreat in the local mid-latitude population. A noticeable exception is the ecological generalist Heterohelix dentata Stenestad that dominated during the cool intervals, but significantly decreased during the warm event. However, dwarfing is the most striking response to the abrupt warming and occurred in various species of different morphologies and lineages (e.g. biserial, trochospiral, keeled globotruncanids). Dwarfing is a typical reaction to environmental stress conditions and was likely the result of increased reproduction rates. Similarly, photosymbiotic activity appears to have been reduced significantly during the maximum warming, as indicated by decreased delta13C values. The foraminiferal response to climate change is thus multifaceted resulting in decreased species diversity, decreased species populations, increased competition due to reduced niche habitats, dwarfing and reduced photosymbiotic activity.


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A total of eighteen species of marine ostracods, in at least twelve genera, have been recovered from Early and Late Oligocene glacio-marine sediments from boreholes CRP-3 and CRP-2/2A in the Victoria Land Basin, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Faunas are sparse and generally moderately-well preserved. Previously, three species or closely related species have been recorded only from glacial settings (Kuiperiana meridionalislain (Müller), Australicythere polylyca (Müller), Hemicytheridea aff. H. kinggeorgeensis Blaszyk), but palaeotemperatures somewhat higher than at present in the Ross Sea are suggested by the presence of Austrocythere reticulotuberculata Hartmann, Cluthia aff. C. antiqua Ayress & Drapala and Cytherella? sp. 4796. Majungaella sp. 4471 is an enigmatic component, representing a genus previously known only from warm Cretaceous and Eocene, and relatively warm interglacial Pliocene habitats in southern Gondwana and the Antarctic Peninsula. Palaeobiogeographical considerations indicate that during Early Oligocene times, the Ross Sea area had faunal links with both Antarctic Peninsula/South America and southern Australasia. Three species present in the Early Oligocene glacial environments at Cape Roberts have survived to the Recent in the cool-cold Antarctic/Sub-Antarctic region: Austrocythere reticulotuberculata Hartmann, Australicythere polylyca (Müller), and Kuiperiana meridionalis (Müller).


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Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 563, located on the west flank of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, recovered a long Miocene section from which magnetostratigraphic and isotopic stratigraphy are available. Quantitative analyses of calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been performed in the Lower and Middle Miocene sediments from Site 563. The abundance patterns of the identified species allow us to determine several bioevents for this time interval. The recognized biohorizons, related to the available magnetostratigraphy, provide new data on the biostratigraphic value of many species and on the synchroneity of the events over a wide geographic area. Relations with the oxygen isotope stratigraphy are also reported. Sphenolith distribution is examined in particular detail due to their biostratigraphic importance in the Early Miocene. In particular the recently described species Sphenolithus procerus, Sphenolithus tintinnabulum and Sphenolithus multispinatus can be useful to subdivide the Lower Miocene zones NN2 and NN3. A large variety of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus has been identified within zones NN6 and NN7.


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Sites 545 and 547 collectively penetrated 629 m of mid-Cretaceous strata (upper Aptian to upper Cenomanian) off central Morocco during Leg 79 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Site 545, at the base of the steep Mazagan Escarpment, records a virtually complete succession of hemipelagic sediments of early late Aptian to middle Cenomanian age. Minor faunal recycling occurred throughout much of the upper Aptian to middle Albian part of the sequence (Cores 55 through 41), reflecting bottom currents along the Mazagan Escarpment. This may be related to the strong upwelling regime and high surface water productivity over Site 545 during the latest Aptian through middle Albian. The upwelling system ceased rather abruptly in this area in late middle Albian time. Recycling of older strata by bottom currents also ceased in the late middle Albian and resulted in a slower average accumulation rate in the upper Albian to middle Cenomanian section of Site 545 (Cores 40 through 28). However, intervals of pebbly claystone conglomerates in Cores 40 and 34 record sporadic instability in the slope adjacent to Site 545. Site 547, located only about 15 km seaward, is situated in a small sub-basin adjacent to the basement block drilled by Site 544. It contains an expanded upper Albian to upper Cenomanian sequence as a result of the numerous conglomeratic intervals throughout much of the section. In contrast to Site 545, the conglomerates were not derived from older strata cropping out on the Mazagan Escarpment; rather, they originated penecontemporaneously from a local unstable slope. A detailed biostratigraphic framework based on planktonic foraminifers is established for the mid-Cretaceous sections of Sites 545 and 547 and a new composite zonal scheme is proposed for the early late Aptian through early late Cenomanian interval. Fifty-five species are recognized and illustrated