32 resultados para Hills And Dales

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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During "Meteor" Cruise 6/1966 in the northwest Atlantic a systematic survey of the bottom topography of the southeast Greenland continental margin was undertaken. Eighty-seven profiles transverse to the shelf edge at distances of 3-4 nautical miles and two longitudinal profiles parallel to the coast were carried out with the ELAC Narrow Beam Echo-Sounder giving a reliable record of even steep slopes. On the basis of the echo soundings the topography and morphology of the continental shelf and slope are evaluated. A detailed bathymetric chart and a serial profile chart were designed as working material for the morphological research. These maps along with the original echograms are morphometrically evaluated. The analysis of the sea bottom features is the basis of a subsequent morphogenetical interpretation, verified and extended by means of interpretation of magnetic data and sediment analysis (grain size, roundness, lithology). The results of the research are expressed in a geomorphological map. The primary findings can be summarized as follows: 1) The southeast Greenland shelf by its bottom topography can be clearly designated as a glacially formed area. The glacial features of the shelf can be classified into two zones nearly parallel to the coast: glacial erosion forms on the inner shelf and glacial accumulation forms on the outer shelf. The inner shelf is characterized by the rugged and hummocky topography of ice scoured plains with clear west/east slope asymmetry. On the outer shelf three types of glacial accumulation forms can be recognized: ice margin deposits with clearly expressed terminal moraines, glacial till plains and glaciomarine outwash fans. Both zones of the shelf can be subdivided into two levels of relief. The ice scoured plains, with average depths of 240 meters (m), are dissected to a maximum depth of 1060 m (Gyldenloves Trough) by trough valleys, which are the prolongations of the Greenland fjords. The banks of the outer shelf, with an average depth of 180 m, surround glacial basins with a maximum depth of 670 meters. 2) The sediments of the continental shelf can be classified as glacial due to their grain size distribution and the degree of roundness of the gravel particles. The ice margin deposits on the outer shelf can be recognized by their high percentage of gravels. On the inner shelf a rock surface is suggested, intermittently covered by glacial deposits. In the shelf troughs fine-grained sediments occur mixed with gravels. 3) Topography and sediments show that the southeast Greenland shelf was covered by an ice sheet resting on the sea floor during the Pleistocene ice-age. The large end moraines along the shelf edge probably indicate the maximum extent of the Wurm shelf ice resting on the sea floor. The breakthroughs of the end moraines in front of the glacial basins suggest that the shelf ice has floated further seaward over the increasing depths. 4) Petrographically the shelf sediments consist of gneisses, granites and basalts. While gneisses and granites occire on the nearby coast, basalt is not known to exist here. Either this material has been drifted by icebergs from the basalt province to the north or exists on the southeast Greenland shelf itself. The last interpretation is supported bythe high portion of basalt contained in the sediment samples taken and the strong magnetic anomalies probably caused by basaltic intrusions. 5) A magnetic profile allows the recognition of two magnetically differing areas which approximately coincide with the glacial erosion and accumulation zones. The inner shelf shows a strong and variable magnetic field because the glacially eroded basement forms the sea floor. The outer shelf is characterized by a weak and homogenous magnetic field, as the magnetized basement lies at greater depthy, buried by a thick cover of glacial sediments. The strong magnetic anomalies of the inner shelf are probably caused by dike swarms, similar to those observed further to the north in the Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord region. This interpretation is supported by the high basalt content of the sediment samples and the rough topography of the ice scoured plains which correlates in general with the magnetic fluctuations. The dike structures of the basement have been differentially eroded by the shelf ice. 6) The continental slope, extending from the shelf break at 313 m to a depth of 1270 m with an average slope of 11°, is characterized by delta-shaped projections in front of the shelf basins, by marginal plateaus, ridges and hills, by canyons and slumping features. The projections could be identified as glaciomarine sediment fans. This conclusion is supported by the strong decrease of magnetic field intensity. The deep sea hills and ridges with their greater magnetic intensities have to be regarded as basement outcrops projecting through the glaciomarine sediment cover. The upper continental rise, sloping seaward at about 2°, is composed of wide sediment fans and slump material. A marginal depression on the continental rise running parallel to the shelf edge has been identified. In this depression bottom currents capable of erosion have been recorded. South of Cape Farvel the depression extends to the accumulation zone of the "Eirik" sedimentary ridge. 7) By means of a study of the recent marine processes, postglacial modification of the ice-formed relief can be postulated. The retention effect of the fjord troughs and the high velocity of the East Greenland stream prevents the glacial features from being buried by sediments. Bottom currents capable of active erosion have only been found in the marginal depression on the continental rise. In addition, at the time of the lowest glacio-eustatic sea level, the shelf bottom was not situated in the zone of wave erosion. Only on the continental slope and rise bottom currents, sediment slumps and turbidity currents have led to significant recent modifications. Considering these results, the geomorphological development of the southeast Greenland continental terrace can be suggested as follows: 1. initial formation of a "peneplain", 2. fluvial incision, 3. submergence, and finally 4. glacial modification.


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The major topographic features, or provinces, beyond the continental slope off the Atlantic coast of the United States are (1) Sohm Plain, (2) Hatteras Plain, (3) Nares Plain, (4) Blake Basin, (5) Blake Plateau-Bahama Banks, and (6) Bermuda Rise. The whole of the described area is commonly referred to as the North American Basin. This basin is bounded on the north by Newfoundland Ridge and on the south by Puerto Rico Trench. Topographic features of note within the basin are the divide and the area of depressions between Sohm and Hatteras Plains, the sharply crested Blake Ridge, and the Puerto Rico Ridge. Recently accumulated data on deep-sea oores has given good evidence that the silt and sand covering the abyssal plains are displaced continental sediments in a virtually quartz-free oceanic environment. These sediments were deposited on a primary volcanic bottom. The primary or volcanic bottom is characterized by abyssal hills and seamounts, and the sediment bottom is characterized by abyssal plains, which extend seaward from the continental margins. On the Blake Plateau, bottom photographs and dredge hauls in the axis of the stream show that locally sediment has been removed and the bottom is paved with crusts and nodules of manganese. Photographs and dredged samples from the outer part of the New England Seamount, Chain and Caryn Peak also indicate extensive encrustations of manganese oxide which acts as a binding agent in areas of ooze or other organic debris and thus helps to stabilize the bottom.


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The properties of background aerosols and their dependence on meteorological, geographical and human influence are examined using measured spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD), total mass concentration (Mt) and derived number size distribution (NSD) over two distinct coastal locations of Antarctica; Maitri (70°S, 12°E, 123 m m.s.l.) and Larsemann Hills (LH; 69°S, 77°E, 48 m m.s.l.) during southern hemispheric summer of 2007-2008 as a part of the 27th Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica (ISEA) during International Polar Year (IPY). Our investigations showed comparable values for the mean columnar AOD at 500 nm over Maitri (0.034±0.005) and LH (0.032±0.006) indicating good spatial homogeneity in the columnar aerosol properties over the coastal Antarctica. Estimation of Angstrom exponent a showed accumulation mode dominance at Maitri (alpha ~1.2±0.3) and coarse mode dominance at LH (0.7±0.2). On the other hand, mass concentration (M(T)) of ambient aerosols showed relatively high values (~8.25±2.87 µg/m**3) at Maitri in comparison to LH (6.03±1.33 µg/m**3).


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Antarctic glacier forefields are extreme environments and pioneer sites for ecological succession. Increasing temperatures due to global warming lead to enhanced deglaciation processes in cold-affected habitats, and new terrain is becoming exposed to soil formation and microbial colonization. However, only little is known about the impact of environmental changes on microbial communities and how they develop in connection to shifting habitat characteristics. In this study, using a combination of molecular and geochemical analysis, we determine the structure and development of bacterial communities depending on soil parameters in two different glacier forefields on Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Our results demonstrate that deglaciation-dependent habitat formation, resulting in a gradient in soil moisture, pH and conductivity, leads to an orderly bacterial succession for some groups, for example Cyanobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Deltaproteobacteria in a transect representing 'classical' glacier forefields. A variable bacterial distribution and different composed communities were revealed according to soil heterogeneity in a slightly 'matured' glacier forefield transect, where Gemmatimonadetes, Flavobacteria, Gamma- and Deltaproteobacteria occur depending on water availability and soil depth. Actinobacteria are dominant in both sites with dominance connected to certain trace elements in the glacier forefields.


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A University of Hawaii oceanographic cruise, Abyssal Hills 69, with the R/V Mahi, was carried out to study the association of manganese nodules with an abyssal hill. Manganese nodules from three dredge hauls on an abyssal hill located at 36°W and 157°W exhibited differences in morphology and composition between stations only three miles apart. The morphology of the nodules suggests that nodules from a single site have similar morphologies because they began growth at the same time, probably because of a volcanic event. Differences in morphology between stations indicate a local supply of elements. Atomic absorption analysis for manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, and copper revealed that nodules nearest to a probable fault line and source of volcanism have a, lower manganese to iron ratio than nodules farther removed. This finding supports the theory that volcanism contributes to the formation of some nodules. Additional evidence showing association with volcanism consists of volcanic nuclei in nodules, crusts formed on layers of volcanic ash, and basalt encrusted to various degrees. The variation in cobalt, nickel, and copper contents Gt the nodules from a single dredge is two-to threefold, but iron content is more uniiorm. Four of the six cores from the area increased in manganese concentration with depth, suggesting that diffusion is concentrating manganese in the upper zone of the sediments or in nodules. The author concludes that volcanism is contributing to the formation of nodules by supplying nuclei and transition elements, but is not necessary for the formation of manganese nodules.


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Radiocarbon dating was carried out on the total organic carbon of 19 lacustrine and marine sediment samples from the Bunger Hills. The results indicate that radiocarbon contamination is negligible throughout two sediment sequences from a fresh water lake. In contrast, two sequences from marine basins are irregularly influenced by the Antarctic Marine Reservoir Effect, which today amounts to more than 1000 years, depending on the degree of dilution with meltwater. All sediments were deposited during Holocene time.


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The overarching goal of the Yamal portion of the Greening of the Arctic project is to examine how the terrain and anthropogenic factors of reindeer herding and resource development combined with the climate variations on the Yamal Peninsula affect the spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation change and how these changes are in turn affecting traditional herding of the indigenous people of the region. The purpose of the expeditions was to collect groundobservations in support of remote sensing studies at four locations along a transect that traverses all the major bioclimate subzones of the Yamal Peninsula. This data report is a summary of information collected during the 2007 and 2008 expeditions. It includes all the information from the 2008 data report (Walker et al. 2008) plus new information collected at Kharasavey in Aug 2008. The locations included in this report are Nadym (northern taiga subzone), Laborovaya (southern tundra = subzone E of the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM), Vaskiny Dachi (southern typical tundra = subzone D), and Kharasavey (northern typical tundra = subzone C). Another expedition is planned for summer 2009 to the northernmost site at Belyy Ostrov (Arctic tundra = subzone B). Data are reported from 10 study sites - 2 at Nadym, 2 at Laborovaya, and 3 at Vaskiny Dachi and 3 at Kharasavey. The sites are representative of the zonal soils and vegetation, but also include variation related to substrate (clayey vs. sandy soils). Most of the information was collected along 5 transects at each sample site, 5 permanent vegetation study plots, and 1-2 soil pits at each site. The expedition also established soil and permafrost monitoring sites at each location. This data report includes: (1) background for the project, (2) general descriptions and photographs of each locality and sample site, (3) maps of the sites, study plots, and transects at each location, (4) summary of sampling methods used, (5) tabular summaries of the vegetation data (species lists, estimates of cover abundance for each species within vegetation plots, measured percent ground cover of species along transects, site factors for each study plot), (6) summaries of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and leaf area index (LAI) along each transect, (7) soil descriptions and photos of the soil pits at each study site, (8) summaries of thaw measurements along each transect, and (9) contact information for each of the participants. One of the primary objectives was to provide the Russian partners with full documentation of the methods so that Russian observers in future years could repeat the observations independently.


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In contrast to the adjacent parts of the Transantarctic Mountains, the Mesozoic macrofossil record of north Victoria Land remains poorly documented. During the Ninth German Antarctic North Victoria Land Expedition (GANOVEX IX 2005/2006) twelve fossil sites in southern north Victoria Land were discovered and sampled. Fossils from the Triassic to Early Jurassic Section Peak Formation were collected from Archambault Ridge, Anderton Glacier, Skinner Ridge, Timber Peak, Vulcan Hills, Runaway Hills, Section Peak and Shafer Peak. These localities have yielded abundant fossil wood and compressions of horsetails, ferns, and seed ferns. In addition, several beetle elytra were found at Timber Peak. Fossil localities of the overlying Shafer Peak Formation and Exposure Hill-type deposits occur at Shafer Peak and in the Mount Carson area, and have yielded various trace fossils, permineralized wood, leaf compressions, and conchostracans. Two newly discovered fossil sites are associated with the late Early Jurassic Kirkpatrick lava flows. Upright-standing tree trunks have been recorded at Suture Bench, and highly fossiliferous sedimentary interbeds occur at the southwestern end of the Mesa Range. Of special interest is the exquisite fossil preservation at some of the sites. Compression fossils from Timber Peak and Shafer Peak contain well-preserved cuticles, which is very rare in the Antarctic. An Early Jurassic permineralized deposit at Mount Carson contains structurally preserved ferns. Furthermore, the arthropod fossils from sedimentary interbeds at the Mesa Range are preserved in minute detail, including antennae and limb spines of a blattid insect.