199 resultados para Hemochromatosis (HC)

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The study of diatoms in core HC11 collected from the southwestern part of Chukchi Sea, allowed to distinguish 3 diatoms ecological zones, reflecting paleoenvironmental changes during the last 2300 years. The sediment age was based on the sedimentation rates, determined by 210Pb and radiocarbon dating of mollusk shells. The environmental changes of Chukchi Sea revealed by examination of diatoms correlates with global climate changes - the warming of the early and middle Subatlantic and cooling of the late Subatlantic (Little Ice Age). Warming early and middle Subatlantic in the Chukchi Sea was probably stronger than the warming of the late 20th century and was not accompanied by significant changes in sea level.


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Drilling at ODP Site 641 (on the western margin of Galicia Bank, off northwestern Spain) revealed a thin, but pronounced, interval of black shale and gray-green claystone. Our high-resolution study combines the sedimentology, micropaleontology (palynomorphs and others), organic and inorganic geochemistry, and isotopic values of this layer to demonstrate the distinct nature of the sediment and prove that the sequence represents the local sedimentary expression of the global Cenomanian/Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) of Schlanger and Jenkyns (1976), Arthur and Schlanger (1979), and Jenkyns (1980), also called the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE). The most striking evidence is that the strong positive d13C excursion characterizing the CTBE sequences in shallow areas can be traced into a pronounced deep-sea expression, thus providing a good stratigraphic marker for the CTBE in various paleosettings. The isotopic excursion at Site 641 coincides with an extremely enriched trace metal content, with values that were previously unknown for the Cretaceous Atlantic. Similar to other CTBE occurrences, the organic carbon content is high (up to 11%) and the organic matter is of dominantly marine origin (kerogen type II). The bulk mineralogy of the CTBE sediments does not differ significantly from the general trend of Cretaceous North Atlantic sediments (dominance of smectite and zeolite with minor amounts of illite and scattered palygorskite, kaolinite, and chlorite); thus, no evidence for either increased volcanic activity nor a drastic climatic change in the borderlands was found. Results from Site 641 are compared with the CTBE section found at Site 398, DSDP Leg 47B (Vigo Seamount at the southern end of the Galicia Bank).


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The Cenozoic sediments sampled in ODP Leg 104 on the Vøring Plateau show a distinct variability of the total organic carbon content (TOC) and the accumulation rates of TOC. Based on the geochemical and organic-petrographic characterization of the sedimentary organic matter (OM), the allochthonous and autochthonous proportion of the OM could be quantified. The results clearly demonstrate that high TOC percentages and TOC accumulation rates in Cenozoic sediment sections display a generally high input of allochthonous organic matter. Oxidized and partly well-rounded organic particles built up the main portion of OM within the Miocene, TOC-rich sediments. The most probable source of this oxidized OM are reworked sediments from the Scandinavian shelf. Changes in the input of these organic particles are to some degree correlative with sea-level changes. The Cenozoic accumulation of autochthonous OM is low and does not reveal a clear variation during the Miocene and early Pliocene. In spite of a high accumulation rate of biogenic opal during the Early Miocene, the accumulation rate of autochthonous TOC is low. The autochthonous particle assemblage is dominated by relatively inert OM, like dinoflagellate cysts. This points to an intensive biological and/or early diagenetic degradation of the marine OM under well oxidized bottom water conditions during the last 23 Myr. Nevertheless, a continuation of marine OM degradation during later stages of diagenesis cannot be excluded. A prominent dominance of allochthonous OM over autochthonous is documented with the beginning of the Pliocene. At 2.45 Ma the episodic occurrence of ice-rafted, thermally mature OM reflects the onset of the glacial erosion of Mesozoic, coal and black shale bearing sediments on the Scandinavian and Barents Sea shelves. The first occurrence of these, in view of the actual burial depth, thermally overmature OM particles is, therefore, a marker for the beginning of the strong Scandinavian glaciation and the advance of the glacial front toward the shelves.


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The fact that the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) intensity of mid-oceanic-ridge basalt (MORB) samples shows systematic variations as a function of age has long been recognized: maximum as well as average intensities are generally high for very young samples, falling off rather rapidly to less than half the recent values in samples between 10 and 30 Ma, whereupon they slowly rise in the early Tertiary and Cretaceous to values that approach those of the very young samples. NRM intensities measured in this study follow the same trends as those observed in previous publications. In this study, we take a statistical approach and examine whether this pattern can be explained by variations in one or more of all previously proposed mechanisms: chemical composition of the magnetic minerals, abundance of these magnetization carriers, vectorial superposition of parallel or antiparallel components of magnetization, magnetic grain or domain size patterns, low-temperature oxidation to titanomaghemite, or geomagnetic field behavior. We find that the samples do not show any compositional, petrological, rock-magnetic, or paleomagnetic patterns that can explain the trends. Geomagnetic field intensity is the only effect that cannot be directly tested on the same samples, but it shows a similar pattern as our measured NRM intensities. We therefore conclude that the geomagnetic field strength was, on-average, significantly greater during the Cretaceous than during the Oligocene and Miocene.


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One of the key objectives of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 75 was to shed light on the underlying causes of Cretaceous oceanic anoxia in the South Atlantic by addressing two major hypotheses: productivity productivity-driven anoxia vs. enhanced ocean stratification leading to preservation of organic matter and black shale deposition. Here we present a detailed geochemical dataset from sediments deposited during the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) transition and the global oceanic anoxic event 2 (OAE 2) at DSDP Site 530A, located off-shore Namibia (southeast Angola Basin, north of Walvis Ridge). To characterise the succession of alternating black and green shales at this site and to reconstruct the evolution of their paleoenvironmental setting, we have combined data derived from investigations on bulk organic matter, biomarkers and the inorganic fraction. The location of the C/T boundary itself is biostratigraphically not well constrained due to the carbonate-poor (but organic matter-rich) facies of these sediments. The bulk d13Corg record and compound-specific d13C data, in combination with published as well as new biostratigraphic data, enabled us to locate more precisely the C/T boundary at DSDP Site 530A. The compound-specific d13C record is the first of this kind reported from C/T black shales in the South Atlantic. It is employed for paleoenvironmental reconstructions and chemostratigraphic correlation to other C/T sections in order to discuss the paleoceanographic aspects and implications of the observations at DSDP Site 530A in a broader context, e.g., with regard to the potential trigger mechanisms of OAE 2, global changes in black shale deposition and climate. On a stratigraphic level, an approximation and monitoring of the syndepositional degree of oxygen depletion within the sediments/bottom waters in comparison to the upper water column is achieved by comparing normalised concentrations of redox-sensitive trace elements with the abundance of highly source specific molecular compounds. These biomarkers are derived from photoautotrophic and simultaneously anoxygenic green sulphur bacteria (Chlorobiacea) and are interpreted as paleoindicators for events of photic zone euxinia. In contrast to a number of other OAE 2 sections that are characterised by continuous black shale sequences, DSDP Site 530A represents a highly dynamic setting where newly deposited black shales were repeatedly exposed to conditions of subtle bottom water re-oxidation, presumably leading to their progressive alteration into green shales. The frequent alternation between both facies and the related anoxic to slight oxygenated conditions can be best explained by variations in vertical extent of an oxygen minimum zone in response to changes in a highly productive western continental margin setting driven by upwelling.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 was located in the central part of the New Hebrides Island Arc, in the Southwest Pacific. Here the d'Entrecasteaux Zone of ridges, the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and South d'Entrecasteaux Chain, is colliding with the arc. The region has a Neogene history of subduction polarity reversal, ridge-arc collision, and back-arc spreading. The reasons for drilling in this region included the following: (1) to determine the differences in the style and time scale of deformation associated with the two ridge-like features (a fairly continuous ridge and an irregularly topographic seamount chain) that are colliding with the central New Hebrides Island Arc; (2) to document the evolution of the magmatic arc in relation to the collision process and possible Neogene reversal of subduction; and (3) to understand the process of dewatering of a small accretionary wedge associated with ridge collision and subduction. Seven sites were occupied during the leg, five (Sites 827-831) were located in the d'Entrecasteaux Zone where collision is active. Three sites (Sites 827, 828, and 829) were located where the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge is colliding, whereas two sites (Sites 830 and 831) were located in the South d'Entrecasteaux Chain collision zone. Sites 828 (on North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge) and 831 (on Bougainville Guyot) were located on the Pacific Plate, whereas all other sites were located on a microplate of the North Fiji Basin. Two sites (Sites 832 and 831) were located in the intra-arc North Aoba Basin. Results of Leg 134 drilling showed that forearc deformation associated with the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and South d'Entrecasteaux Chain collision is distinct and different. The d'Entrecasteaux Zone is an Eocene subduction/obduction complex with a distinct submerged island arc. Collision and subduction of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge results in off scraping of ridge material and plating of the forearc with thrust sheets (flakes) as well as distinct forearc uplift. Some offscraped sedimentary rocks and surficial volcanic basement rocks of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge are being underplated to the New Hebrides Island forearc. In contrast, the South d'Entrecasteaux Chain is a serrated feature resulting in intermittent collision and subduction of seamounts. The collision of the Bougainville Guyot has indented the forearc and appears to be causing shortening through thrust faulting. In addition, we found that the Quaternary relative convergence rate between the New Hebrides Island Arc at the latitude of Espiritu Santo Island is as high as 14 to 16 cm/yr. The northward migration rate of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone was found the be ~2 to 4 cm/yr based on the newly determined Quaternary relative convergence rate. Using these rates we established the timing of initial d'Entrecasteaux Zone collision with the arc at ~3 Ma at the latitude of Epi Island and fixed the impact of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge upon Espiritu Santo Island at early Pleistocene (between 1.89 and 1.58 Ma). Dewatering is occurring in the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge accretionary wedge, and the wedge is dryer than other previously studied accretionary wedges, such as Barbados. This could be the result of less sediment being subducted at the New Hebrides compared to the Barbados.


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Results of 40Ar-39Ar Ar dating constrain the age of the submerged volcanic succession, part of the seaward-dipping reflector sequence of the Southeast Greenland volcanic rifted margin, recovered during Leg 163. At the 63ºN drilling transect, the fully normally magnetized volcanic units at Holes 989B (Unit 1) and 990A (Units 1 and 2) are dated at 57.1 ± 1.3 Ma and 55.6 ± 0.6 Ma, respectively. This correlates with a common magnetochron, C25n. The underlying, reversely magnetized lavas at Hole 990A (Units 3-13) yield an average age of 55.8 ± 0.7 Ma and may correlate with C25r. The argon data, however, are also consistent with eruption of the lavas at Site 990 during the very earliest portion of C24. If so, the normally polarized units have to be correlated to a cryptochron (e.g., C24r-11 at ~55.57 Ma). The lavas at Holes 989B and 990A have typical oceanic compositions, implying that final plate separation between Greenland and northwest Europe took place at ~56 Ma. The age for Hole 989B lava is younger than expected from the seismic interpretations, posing questions about the structural evolution of the margin. An age of 49.6 ± 0.2 Ma for the basaltic lava at Site 988 (~66ºN) points to the importance of postbreakup tholeiitic magmatism at the rifted margin. Together with results from Leg 152, a virtually complete time frame for ~12 m.y. of pre-, syn-, and postbreakup volcanism during rifted margin evolution in Southeast Greenland can now be assembled. This time frame includes continental type volcanism at ~61-60 Ma, synbreakup volcanism beginning at ~57 Ma, and postbreakup volcanism at ~49.6 Ma. These discrete time windows coincide with distinct periods of tholeiitic magmatism from the onshore East Greenland Tertiary Igneous Province and is consistent with discrete mantle-melting events triggered by plume arrival (~61-60 Ma) under central Greenland, continental breakup (~57-54 Ma), and passage of the plume axis beneath the East Greenland rifted margin after breakup (~50-49 Ma), respectively.


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During IODP Expedition 302 (Arctic Coring Expedition-ACEX), the first scientific drilling campaign in the permantly ice-covered central Arctic Ocean, a 430 m thick sequence of upper Cretaceaous to Quaternary sediments has been drilled. The lower half of this sequence is composed of organic-carbon-rich (black shale-type) sediments with total organic carbon contents of about 1-14%. Significant amounts of the organic matter preserved in these sediments is of algae-type origin and accumulated under anoxic/euxinic conditions. Here, for the first time detailed data on the source-rock potential of these black shales are presented, indicating that most of the Eocene sediments have a (fair to) good source-rock potential, prone to generate a gas/oil mixture. The source-rock potential of the Campanian and upper Paleocene sediments, on the other hand, is rather low. The presence of oil or gas already generated in situ, however, can be ruled out due to the immaturity of the ACEX sediments.