105 resultados para Gretchen Gfeller

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Ten sites were drilled in the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (North East Pacific) along a 100 km-long east-west transect during Leg ODP 168. This study focuses on the mineralogical and chemical study of sediments that overly basaltic basement through which seawater circulates. Silicate authigenesis was observed in the sediment layer just above basement at sites located more than 30 km from the ridge axis. This sediment alteration is particularly abundant at ODP Sites 1031 and 1029 where authigenic formation of Fe-Mg rich smectite and zeolite and the dissolution of biogenic calcite are observed. Comparison of the distribution of the alteration in the basal sediment collected along this transect suggests that diffusional transport of aqueous solutes from the basement into the overlying sediment cannot produce the mineralogical and chemical changes in the basal sediments at Sites 1031 located on a basement topographic high, and at Site 1029 located at about 50 km from the ridge axis on a buried basement area. Vertical advection of basement fluid though the sediment section is required to produce this alteration. These processes are still active at Site 1031, based on systematic variations in pore-water profiles and temperatures obtained from stable isotopic data on calcium carbonates and the nature of authigenic minerals. At Site 1029, there is no present-day advection of basement fluids though the sediment section, suggesting that this is a relic site for fluid flow.


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Fluid circulation in peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems influences the incorporation of carbon into the oceanic crust and its long-term storage. At low to moderate temperatures, serpentinization of peridotite produces alkaline fluids that are rich in CH4 and H2. Upon mixing with seawater, these fluids precipitate carbonate, forming an extensive network of calcite veins in the basement rocks, while H2 and CH4 serve as an energy source for microorganisms. Here, we analyzed the carbon geochemistry of two ancient peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems: 1) ophiolites cropping out in the Northern Apennines, and 2) calcite-veined serpentinites from the Iberian Margin (Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 149 and 173), and compare them to active peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems such as the Lost City hydrothermal field (LCHF) on the Atlantis Massif near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Our results show that large amounts of carbonate are formed during serpentinization of mantle rocks exposed on the seafloor (up to 9.6 wt.% C in ophicalcites) and that carbon incorporation decreases with depth. In the Northern Apennine serpentinites, serpentinization temperatures decrease from 240 °C to < 150 °C, while carbonates are formed at temperatures decreasing from ~ 150 °C to < 50 °C. At the Iberian Margin both carbonate formation and serpentinization temperatures are lower than in the Northern Apennines with serpentinization starting at ~ 150 °C, followed by clay alteration at < 100 °C and carbonate formation at < 19-44 °C. Comparison with various active peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems on the MAR shows that the serpentinites from the Northern Apennines record a thermal evolution similar to that of the basement of the LCHF and that tectonic activity on the Jurassic seafloor, comparable to the present-day processes leading to oceanic core complexes, probably led to formation of fractures and faults, which promoted fluid circulation to greater depth and cooling of the mantle rocks. Thus, our study provides further evidence that the Northern Apennine serpentinites host a paleo-stockwork of a hydrothermal system similar to the basement of the LCHF. Furthermore, we argue that the extent of carbonate uptake is mainly controlled by the presence of fluid pathways. Low serpentinization temperatures promote microbial activity, which leads to enhanced biomass formation and the storage of organic carbon. Organic carbon becomes dominant with increasing depth and is the principal carbon phase at more than 50-100 m depth of the serpentinite basement at the Iberian Margin. We estimate that annually 1.1 to 2.7 × 1012 g C is stored within peridotites exposed to seawater, of which 30-40% is fixed within the uppermost 20-50 m mainly as carbonate. Additionally, we conclude that alteration of oceanic lithosphere is an important factor in the long-term global carbon cycle, having the potential to store carbon for millions of years.


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Microthermometric and isotopic analyses of fluid inclusions in primitive olivine gabbros, oxide gabbros, and evolved granitic material recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B at the Southwest Indian Ridge provide new insights into the evolution of C-O-H-NaCl fluids in the plutonic foundation of the oceanic crust. The variably altered and deformed plutonic rocks span a crustal section of over 1500 m and record a remarkably complex magma-hydrothermal history. Magmatic fluids within this suite followed two chemically distinct paths during cooling through the subsolidus regime: the first path included formation of CO2+CH4+H2O+C fluids with up to 43 mole% CH4; the second path produced hypersaline brines that contain up to 50% NaCl equivalent salinities. Subsequent to devolatilization, respeciation of magmatic CO2, attendant graphite precipitation, and cooling from 800°C to 500°C promoted formation of CH4-enriched fluids. These fluids are characterized by average d13C(CH4) values of -27.1+/-4.3 per mil (N=45) with associated d13C(CO2) compositions ranging from -24.9 per mil to -1.9 per mil (N=39), and average dD values of exsolved vapor of -41+/-12 per mil (N=23). In pods, veins, and lenses of highly fractionated residual material, hypersaline brines formed during condensation and by direct exsolution in the absence of a conjugate vapor phase. Entrapped CO2+CH4+H2O-rich fluids within many oxide-bearing rocks and felsic zones are significantly depleted in 13C (with d13C(CO2) values down to about -25 per mil) and contain CO2 concentrations higher than those predicted by equilibrium devolatilization models. We hypothesize that lower effective pressures in high-temperature shear zones promoted infiltration of highly fractionated melts and compositionally evolved volatiles into focused zones of deformation, significantly weakening the rock strength. In felsic-rich zones, volatile build-up may have driven hydraulic fracturing of gabbroic wall rocks resulting in the formation of magmatic breccias. Comparison of isotopic compositions of fluids in plutonic rocks from 735B, the MARK area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and the Mid-Cayman Rise indicate (1) that the carbon isotope composition of the lower oceanic crust may be far more heterogeneous than previously believed and (2) that carbon-bearing species in the oceanic crust and their distribution at depth are highly variable.


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The concentrations of mercury (Hg) and other trace metals (Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Ba, Re, U) and the Hg isotopic composition were examined across a dramatic redox and productivity transition in a mid-Pleistocene Mediterranean Sea sapropel sequence. Characteristic trace metal enrichment in organic-rich layers was observed, with organic-rich sapropel layers ranging in Hg concentration from 314 to 488 ng/g (avg = 385), with an average enrichment in Hg by a factor of 5.9 compared to organic-poor background sediments, which range from 39 to 94 ng/g Hg (avg = 66). Comparison of seawater concentrations and sapropel accumulations of trace metals suggests that organic matter quantitatively delivers Hg to the seafloor. Near complete scavenging of Hg from the water column renders the sapropel Hg isotopic composition representative of mid-Pleistocene Mediterranean seawater. Sapropels have an average d202Hg value of -0.91 per mil ± 0.15 per mil (n = 5, 1 SD) and D199Hg value of 0.11 per mil ± 0.03 per mil (n = 5, 1 SD). Background sediments have an average d202Hg of -0.76 per mil ± 0.16 per mil (n = 5, 1 SD) and D199Hg of 0.05 per mil ± 0.01 per mil (n = 5, 1 SD), which is indistinguishable from the sapropel values. We suggest that the sapropel isotopic composition is most representative of the mid-Pleistocene Tyrrhenian Sea.


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We present results of a detailed mineralogical and geochemical study of the progressive hydrothermal alteration of clastic sediments recovered at ODP Site 858 in an area of active hydrothermal venting at the sedimented, axial rift valley of Middle Valley (northern Juan de Fuca Ridge). These results allow a characterization of newly formed phyllosilicates and provide constraints on the mechanisms of clay formation and controls of mineral reactions on the chemical and isotopic composition of hydrothermal fluids. Hydrothermal alteration at Site 858 is characterized by a progressive change in phyllosilicate assemblages with depth. In the immediate vent area, at Hole 858B, detrital layers are intercalated with pure hydrothermal precipitates at the top of the section, with a predominance of hydrothermal phases at depth. Sequentially downhole in Hole 858B, the clay fraction of the pure hydrothermal layers changes from smectite to corrensite to swelling chlorite and finally to chlorite. In three pure hydrothermal layers in the deepest part of Hole 858B, the clay minerals coexist with neoformed quartz. Neoformed and detrital components are clearly distinguished on the basis of morphology, as seen by SEM and TEM, and by their chemical and stable isotope compositions. Corrensite is characterized by a 24 Å stacking sequence and high Si- and Mg-contents, with Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio of = 0.08. We propose that corrensite is a unique, possibly metastable, mineralogical phase and was precipitated directly from seawater-dominated hydrothermal fluids. Hydrothermal chlorite in Hole 858B has a stacking sequence of 14 Å with Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios of ? 0.35. The chemistry and structure of swelling chlorite suggest that it is a corrensiteychlorite mixed-layer phase. The mineralogical zonation in Hole 858B is accompanied by a systematic decrease in d18O, reflecting both the high thermal gradients that prevail at Site 858 and extensive sediment-fluid interaction. Precipitation of the Mg-phyllosilicates in the vent region directly controls the chemical and isotopic compositions of the pore fluids. This is particularly evident by decreases in Mg and enrichments in deuterium and salinity in the pore fluids at depths at which corrensite and chlorite are formed. Structural formulae calculated from TEM-EDX analyses were used to construct clay-H2O oxygen isotope fractionation curves based on oxygen bond models. Our results suggest isotopic disequilibrium conditions for corrensite-quartz and swelling chlorite-quartz precipitation, but yield an equilibrium temperature of 300° C ± 30° for chlorite-quartz at 32 m below the surface. This estimate is consistent with independent estimates and indicates steep thermal gradients of 10-11°/m in the vent region.


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We tested the hypothesis that development of the Antarctic urchin Sterechinus neumayeri under future ocean conditions of warming and acidification would incur physiological costs, reducing the tolerance of a secondary stressor. The aim of this study is twofold: (1) quantify current austral spring temperature and pH near sea urchin habitat at Cape Evans in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica and (2) spawn S. neumayeri in the laboratory and raise early developmental stages (EDSs) under ambient (-0.7 °C; 400 µatm pCO2) and future (+2.6 °C; 650 and 1,000 µatm pCO2) ocean conditions and expose four EDSs (blastula, gastrula, prism, and 4-arm echinopluteus) to a one hour acute heat stress and assess survivorship. Results of field data from 2011 to 2012 show extremely stable inter-annual pH conditions ranging from 7.99 to 8.08, suggesting that future ocean acidification will drastically alter the pH-seascape for S. neumayeri. In the laboratory, S. neumayeri EDSs appear to be tolerant of temperatures and pCO2 levels above their current habitat conditions. EDSs survived acute heat exposures >20 °C above habitat temperatures of -1.9 °C. No pCO2 effect was observed for EDSs reared at -0.7 °C. When reared at +2.6 °C, small but significant pCO2 effects were observed at the blastula and prism stage, suggesting that multiple stressors are more detrimental than single stressors. While surprisingly tolerant overall, blastulae were the most sensitive stage to ocean warming and acidification. We conclude that S. neumayeri may be unexpectedly physiologically tolerant of future ocean conditions.


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Ocean warming and ocean acidification, both consequences of anthropogenic production of CO2, will combine to influence the physiological performance of many species in the marine environment. In this study, we used an integrative approach to forecast the impact of future ocean conditions on larval purple sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) from the northeast Pacific Ocean. In laboratory experiments that simulated ocean warming and ocean acidification, we examined larval development, skeletal growth, metabolism and patterns of gene expression using an orthogonal comparison of two temperature (13°C and 18°C) and pCO2 (400 and 1100 µatm) conditions. Simultaneous exposure to increased temperature and pCO2 significantly reduced larval metabolism and triggered a widespread downregulation of histone encoding genes. pCO2 but not temperature impaired skeletal growth and reduced the expression of a major spicule matrix protein, suggesting that skeletal growth will not be further inhibited by ocean warming. Importantly, shifts in skeletal growth were not associated with developmental delay. Collectively, our results indicate that global change variables will have additive effects that exceed thresholds for optimized physiological performance in this keystone marine species.


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Anthropogenically-modulated reductions in pH, termed ocean acidification, could pose a major threat to the physiological performance, stocks, and biodiversity of calcifiers and may devalue their ecosystem services. Recent debate has focussed on the need to develop approaches to arrest the potential negative impacts of ocean acidification on ecosystems dominated by calcareous organisms. In this study, we demonstrate the role of a discrete (i.e. diffusion) boundary layer (DBL), formed at the surface of some calcifying species under slow flows, in buffering them from the corrosive effects of low pH seawater. The coralline macroalga Arthrocardia corymbosa was grown in a multifactorial experiment with two mean pH levels (8.05 'ambient' and 7.65 a worst case 'ocean acidification' scenario projected for 2100), each with two levels of seawater flow (fast and slow, i.e. DBL thin or thick). Coralline algae grown under slow flows with thick DBLs (i.e., unstirred with regular replenishment of seawater to their surface) maintained net growth and calcification at pH 7.65 whereas those in higher flows with thin DBLs had net dissolution. Growth under ambient seawater pH (8.05) was not significantly different in thin and thick DBL treatments. No other measured diagnostic (recruit sizes and numbers, photosynthetic metrics, %C, %N, %MgCO3) responded to the effects of reduced seawater pH. Thus, flow conditions that promote the formation of thick DBLs, may enhance the subsistence of calcifiers by creating localised hydrodynamic conditions where metabolic activity ameliorates the negative impacts of ocean acidification.


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The carbon geochemistry of serpentinized peridotites and gabbroic rocks recovered at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field (LCHF) and drilled at IODP Hole 1309D at the central dome of the Atlantis Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30°N) was examined to characterize carbon sources and speciation in oceanic basement rocks affected by long-lived hydrothermal alteration. Our study presents new data on the geochemistry of organic carbon in the oceanic lithosphere and provides constraints on the fate of dissolved organic carbon in seawater during serpentinization. The basement rocks of the Atlantis Massif are characterized by total carbon (TC) contents of 59 ppm to 1.6 wt% and 17863_TC values ranging from -28.7? to +2.3?. In contrast, total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations and isotopic compositions are relatively constant (d13C_TOC: -28.9? to -21.5?) and variations in d13CTC reflect mixing of organic carbon with carbonates of marine origin. Saturated hydrocarbons extracted from serpentinites beneath the LCHF consist of n-alkanes ranging from C15 to C30. Longer-chain hydrocarbons (up to C40) are observed in olivine-rich samples from the central dome (IODP Hole 1309D). Occurrences of isoprenoids (pristane, phytane and squalane), polycyclic compounds (hopanes and steranes) and higher relative abundances of n-C16 to n-C20 alkanes in the serpentinites of the southern wall suggest a marine organic input. The vent fluids are characterized by high concentrations of methane and hydrogen, with a putative abiotic origin of hydrocarbons; however, evidence for an inorganic source of n-alkanes in the basement rocks remains equivocal. We propose that high seawater fluxes in the southern part of the Atlantis Massif likely favor the transport and incorporation of marine dissolved organic carbon and overprints possible abiotic geochemical signatures. The presence of pristane, phytane and squalane biomarkers in olivine-rich samples associated with local faults at the central dome implies fracture-controlled seawater circulation deep into the gabbroic core of the massif. Thus, our study indicates that hydrocarbons account for an important proportion of the total carbon stored in the Atlantis Massif basement and suggests that serpentinites may represent an important (as yet unidentified) reservoir for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from seawater.


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Ocean acidification and warming are both primarily caused by increased levels of atmospheric CO2, and marine organisms are exposed to these two stressors simultaneously. Although the effects of temperature on fish have been investigated over the last century, the long-term effects of moderate CO2 exposure and the combination of both stressors are almost entirely unknown. A proteomics approach was used to assess the adverse physiological and biochemical changes that may occur from the exposure to these two environmental stressors. We analysed gills and blood plasma of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) exposed to temperatures of 12°C (control) and 18°C (impaired growth) in combination with control (400 µatm) or high-CO2 water (1000 µatm) for 14 weeks. The proteomic analysis was performed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) followed by Nanoflow LC-MS/MS using a LTQ-Orbitrap. The high-CO2 treatment induced the up-regulation of immune system-related proteins, as indicated by the up-regulation of the plasma proteins complement component C3 and fibrinogen beta chain precursor in both temperature treatments. Changes in gill proteome in the high-CO2 (18°C) group were mostly related to increased energy metabolism proteins (ATP synthase, malate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase thermostable, and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase), possibly coupled to a higher energy demand. Gills from fish exposed to high-CO2 at both temperature treatments showed changes in proteins associated with increased cellular turnover and apoptosis signalling (annexin 5, eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma, receptor for protein kinase C, and putative ribosomal protein S27). This study indicates that moderate CO2-driven acidification, alone and combined with high temperature, can elicit biochemical changes that may affect fish health.


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Barium concentrations were measured on 17 pore fluid and 13 sediment samples from Sites 1253 and 1254 drilled offshore Costa Rica during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 205. An additional 83 pore fluid and 29 sediment samples were analyzed for Ba concentrations from Sites 1039 and 1040 drilled during ODP Leg 170 offshore Costa Rica. Sites 1039/1253 and 1040/1254 are part of a transect across the Middle America Trench offshore Nicoya Peninsula. The entire incoming sediment section is being underthrust beneath the margin, providing an ideal setting to examine Ba cycling in the shallow levels of the subduction zone. Results from these analyses indicate that a significant amount of Ba is liberated from the mineral barite (BaSO4) in the uppermost hemipelagic sediments arcward of the trench. The shallow distillation of Ba may impact the amount of sedimentary Ba reaching the deeper subduction zone.


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The Lost City hydrothermal system at the southern Atlantis Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30°N) provides a natural laboratory for studying serpentinization processes, the temporal evolution of ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems, and alteration conditions during formation and emplacement of an oceanic core complex. Here we present B, O, and Sr isotope data to investigate fluid/rock interaction and mass transfer during detachment faulting and exhumation of lithospheric sequences within the Atlantis Massif. Our data indicate that extensive serpentinization was a seawater-dominated process that occurred predominately at temperatures of 150-250 °C and at high integrated W/R ratios that led to a marked boron enrichment (34-91 ppm). Boron removal from seawater during serpentinization is positively correlated with changes in d11B (11-16 per mil) but shows no correlation with O-isotope composition. Modeling indicates that B concentrations and isotope values of the serpentinites are controlled by transient temperature-pH conditions. In contrast to prior studies, we conclude that low-temperature marine weathering processes are insignificant for boron geochemistry of the Atlantis Massif serpentinites. Talc- and amphibole-rich fault rocks formed within a zone of detachment faulting at temperatures of approximately 270-350 °C and at low W/R ratios. Talc formation in ultramafic domains in the massif was subsequent to an early stage of serpentinization and was controlled by the access of Si-rich fluids derived through seawater-gabbro interactions. Replacement of serpentine by talc resulted in boron loss and significant lowering of d11B values (9-10 per mil), which we model as the product of progressive extraction of boron. Our study provides new constraints on the boron geochemical cycle at oceanic spreading ridges and suggests that serpentinization associated with ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems may have important implications for the behavior of boron in subduction zone settings.


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