46 resultados para Gremi de Fabricants de Cotó i Midó (València)-Reglaments

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Basalts from Hole 504B, Leg 83, exhibit remarkable uniformity in major and trace element composition throughout the 1075.5 m of basement drilled. The majority of the basalts, Group D', have unusual compositions relative to normal (Type I) mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). These basalts have relatively high mg values (0.60-0.70) and CaO abundances (11.7-13.7%; Ca/Al = 0.78-0.89), but exhibit a marked depletion in compatible trace elements (Cr and Ni); moderately incompatible trace elements (Zr, Y, Ti, etc.); and highly incompatible trace elements (Nb, LREE, etc.). Petrographic and compositional data indicate that most of these basalts are evolved, having fractionated significant amounts of plagioclase, olivine, and clinopyroxene. Melting experiments on similar basalt compositions from the upper portion of Hole 504B (Leg 70; Autio and Rhodes, 1983) indicate that the basalts are co-saturated with olivine and plagioclase and often clinopyroxene on the 1-atm. liquidus. Two rarely occurring groups, M' and T, are compositionally distinct from Group D' basalts. Group T is strongly depleted in all magmaphile elements except the highly incompatible ones (Nb, La, etc.), while Group M' has moderate concentrations of both moderately and highly incompatible trace elements and is similar to Type I MORB. Groups M' and T cannot be related to Group D' nor to each other by crystal fractionation, crystal accumulation, or magma mixing. The large differences in magmaphile element ratios (Zr/Nb, La/Yb) among these three chemical groups may be accounted for by complex melting models and/or local heterogeneity of the mantle beneath the Costa Rica Ridge. Xenocrysts and xenoliths of plagioclase and clinopyroxene similar in texture and mineral composition to crystals in coarse-grained basalts from the lower portion of the hole are common in Hole 504B basalts. These suggest that addition of solid components either from conduit or magma chamber walls has occurred and may be a common source of disequilibrium crystals in these basalts. However, mixing of plagioclase-laden depleted melts (similar to the Costa Rica Ridge Zone basalts) with normal MORB magmas could provide an alternate source for some refractory plagioclase crystals found out of equilibrium in many phyric MORB. The uniformity of major element compositions in Hole 504B basalts affords an ideal situation for investigating the effects of alteration on some major and trace elements in oceanic basalts. Alteration observed in whole-rock samples records primarily two events - a high-temperature and a low-temperature phase. High-temperature phases include: chlorite, talc, albite, actinolite, sphene, quartz, and pyrite. The low-temperature phases include smectite (saponite), epistilbite or laumontite, and minor calcite. Laumontite may actually straddle the gap between the low- and high-temperature mineral assemblages. Alteration is restricted primarily to partial replacement of primary phases. Metamorphic grade, in general, increases from the top to the bottom of Hole 504B (Legs 69, 70, and 83) as seen in the change from a smectiteto- chlorite-dominated secondary mineral assemblage. However, a systematic progression for the interval recovered during Leg 83 is not apparent. Rather, the extent of alteration appears to be a function of the initial texture and fracture density. Variations in whole-rock major and trace element concentrations cannot be attributed convincingly to any differences in alteration observed. Compositional characteristics of the secondary minerals indicated that extensive remobilization of elements has not occurred; local redistribution is suggested in most cases. Thus, the major and trace element signature of these basalts remains effectively the same as the original composition prior to alteration.


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Fifty samples of basalt recovered during ODP Leg 111 from the dikes (Layer 2C) of Hole 504B (1350.0-1562.3 m below seafloor) were analyzed by X-ray-fluorescence techniques. All of the samples are highly depleted in magmaphile elements relative to other mid-ocean ridge basalts, with TiO2 = 0.75-1.24 wt%, Na2O = 1.59-2.22 wt%, Zr = 38-64 ppm, Nb = 0.3-1.5 ppm, and Y = 20-30 ppm (for samples containing 0%-2% phenocrysts), but have ratios of highly incompatible elements similar to normal Type I mid-ocean ridge basalts (e.g., Zr/Nb > 30). Abundances of compatible elements are similar to those of typical mid-ocean ridge basalts, with MgO = 7.2-9.2 wt%, Fe2O3* = 9.3-12.5 wt%, Ni = 55-164 ppm, and Cr = 26-388 ppm. Approximately 2% of the samples recovered from the top part of Hole 504B are similar to normal Type I or Type II ocean floor basalts. However, all of the analyzed Leg 111 samples from Hole 504B are depleted basalts. Aphyric dike rocks from Leg 111 are virtually identical to the depleted aphyric samples recovered from the pillow lavas and dikes in the upper 1075 m of Hole 504B during DSDP Legs 69, 70, and 83, with the exception of elements readily altered by seawater (Sr, Rb, and K). These elements reach a maximum in both abundance and variability in the pillow lavas of the upper 571.5 m of Hole 504B and decline to more constant values in the dike system sampled on Legs 83 and 111, apparently as a result of a decrease in porosity and increase in alteration temperatures relative to the pillow lavas. Based on compositional similarities to the vast majority of the pillows and flows, the dikes sampled on Leg 111 appear to be the feeder system for the pillow lavas in the upper part of Hole 504B. The incompatible-element-depleted compositions of the Costa Rica Rift Zone basalts are consistent with multistage melting of a normal mid-ocean ridge source.


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The mid-Pliocene was an episode of prolonged global warmth and strong North Atlantic thermohaline circulation, interrupted briefly at circa 3.30 Ma by a global cooling event corresponding to marine isotope stage (MIS) M2. Paleoceanographic changes in the eastern North Atlantic have been reconstructed between circa 3.35 and 3.24 Ma at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 610 and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site 1308. Mg/Ca ratios and d18O from Globigerina bulloides are used to reconstruct the temperature and relative salinity of surface waters, and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are used to assess variability in the North Atlantic Current (NAC). Our sea surface temperature data indicate warm waters at both sites before and after MIS M2 but a cooling of ~2-3°C during MIS M2. A dinoflagellate cyst assemblage overturn marked by a decline in Operculodinium centrocarpum reflects a southward shift or slowdown of the NAC between circa 3.330 and 3.283 Ma, reducing northward heat transport 23-35 ka before the global ice volume maximum of MIS M2. This will have established conditions that ultimately allowed the Greenland ice sheet to expand, leading to the global cooling event at MIS M2. Comparison with an ice-rafted debris record excludes fresh water input via icebergs in the northeast Atlantic as a cause of NAC decline. The mechanism causing the temporary disruption of the NAC may be related to a brief reopening of the Panamanian Gateway at about this time.


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Earth's climate underwent a fundamental change between 1250 and 700 thousand years ago, the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT), when the dominant periodicity of climate cycles changed from 41,000 to 100,000 years in the absence of significant change in orbital forcing. Over this time, an increase occurred in the amplitude of change of deep ocean foraminiferal oxygen isotopic ratios, traditionally interpreted as defining the main rhythm of ice ages although containing large effects of changes in deep-ocean temperature. We have separated the effects of decreasing temperature and increasing global ice volume on oxygen isotope ratios. Our results suggest that the MPT was initiated by an abrupt increase in Antarctic ice volume at 900 ka. We see no evidence of a pattern of gradual cooling but near-freezing temperatures occur at every glacial maximum.


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The Menez Gwen hydrothermal vents, located on the flanks of a small young volcanic structure in the axial valley of the Menez Gwen seamount, are the shallowest known vent systems on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge that host chemosynthetic communities. Although visited several times by research cruises, very few images have been published of the active sites, and their spatial dimensions and morphologies remain difficult to comprehend. We visited the vents on the eastern flank of the small Menez Gwen volcano during cruises with RV Poseidon (POS402, 2010) and RV Meteor (M82/3, 2010), and used new bathymetry and imagery data to provide first detailed information on the extents, surface morphologies, spatial patterns of the hydrothermal discharge and the distribution of dominant megafauna of five active sites. The investigated sites were mostly covered by soft sediments and abundant white precipitates, and bordered by basaltic pillows. The hydrothermally-influenced areas of the sites ranged from 59 to 200 m**2. Geo-referenced photomosaics and video data revealed that the symbiotic mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus was the dominant species and present at all sites. Using literature data on average body sizes and biomasses of Menez Gwen B. azoricus, we estimated that the B. azoricus populations inhabiting the eastern flank sites of the small volcano range between 28,640 and 50,120 individuals with a total biomass of 50 to 380 kg wet weight. Based on modeled rates of chemical consumption by the symbionts, the annual methane and sulfide consumption by B. azoricus could reach 1760 mol CH4 yr**-1 and 11,060 mol H2S yr**-1. We propose that the chemical consumption by B. azoricus over at the Menez Gwen sites is low compared to the natural release of methane and sulfide via venting fluids.


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Sediment dynamics in limnic, fluvial and marine environments can be assessed by granulometric and rock-magnetic methodologies. While classical grain-size analysis by sieving or settling mainly bears information on composition and transport, the magnetic mineral assemblages reflect to a larger extent the petrology and weathering conditions in the sediment source areas. Here, we combine both methods to investigate Late Quaternary marine sediments from five cores along a transect across the continental slope off Senegal. This region near the modern summer Intertropical Convergence Zone is particularly sensitive to climate change and receives sediments from several aeolian, fluvial and marine sources. From each of the investigated five GeoB sediment cores (494-2956 m water depth) two time slices were processed which represent contrasting climatic conditions: the arid Heinrich Stadial 1 (~ 15 kyr BP) and the humid Mid Holocene (~ 6 kyr BP). Each sediment sample was split into 16 grain-size fractions ranging from 1.6 to 500 µm. Concentration and grain-size indicative magnetic parameters (susceptibility, SIRM, HIRM, ARM and ARM/IRM) were determined at room temperature for each of these fractions. The joint consideration of whole sediment and magnetic mineral grain-size distributions allows to address several important issues: (i) distinction of two aeolian sediment fractions, one carried by the north-easterly trade winds (40-63 µm) and the other by the overlying easterly Harmattan wind (10-20 µm) as well as a fluvial fraction assigned to the Senegal River (< 10 µm); (ii) identification of three terrigenous sediment source areas: southern Sahara and Sahel dust (low fine-grained magnetite amounts and a comparatively high haematite content), dust from Senegalese coastal dunes (intermediate fine-grained magnetite and haematite contents) and soils from the upper reaches of the Senegal River (high fine-grained magnetite content); (iii) detection of partial diagenetic dissolution of fine magnetite particles as a function of organic input and shore distance; (iv) analysis of magnetic properties of marine carbonates dominating the grain-size fractions 63-500 µm.


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Benthic foraminiferal faunas from three bathyal sequences provide a proxy record of oceanographic changes through the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) on either side of the Subtropical Front (STF), east of New Zealand. Canonical correspondence analyses show that factors related to water depth, latitude and climate cycles were more significant than oceanographic factors in determining changes in faunal assemblage composition over the last 1 Ma. Even so, mid-Pleistocene faunal changes are recognizable and can be linked to inferred palaeoceanographic causes. North of the largely stationary STF the faunas were less variable than to the south, perhaps reflecting the less extreme glacial-interglacial fluctuations in the overlying Subtropical Surface Water. Prior to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 21 and after MIS 15, the northern faunas had fairly constant composition, but during most of the MPT faunal composition fluctuated in response to climate-related food-supply variations. Faunal changes through the MPT suggest increasing food supply and decreasing dissolved bottom oxygen. South of the STF, beneath Subantarctic Surface Water, mid-Pleistocene faunas exhibited strong glacial-interglacial fluctuations, inferred to be due to higher interglacial nutrient supply and lower oxygen levels. The most dramatic faunal change in the south occurred at the end of the MPT (MIS 17- 12). with an acme of Abditodentrix pseudothalmanni, possibly reflecting higher carbon flux and lower bottom oxygen. This study suggests that the mid-Pleistocene decline and extinction of a group of elongate, cylindrical deep-sea foraminifera may have been related to decreased bottom oxygen concentrations as aresult of slower deep-water currents.


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Lipid components of hydrothermal deposits from the unusual field at 14°45'N MAR and from the typical field at 29°N MAR were studied. For the first time mixed nature of organic matter (OM) from hydrothermal sulfide deposits was established with use of biochemical, gas chromatographic, and molecular methods of studies. In composition of OM lipids of phytoplankton, those of chemosynthesis bacteria and non-biogenic synthesis lipids were determined. Specific conditions of localization of sulfide deposits originated from ''black smokers'' (reducing conditions, absence of free oxygen, presence of reduced sulfur preventing OM from decomposition) let biogenic material, including bacterial one, be preserved in sulfide deposits. The hydrothermal system at 14°45'N MAR is characterized by geological, geochemical and thermodynamic conditions allowing abiogenic synthesis of methane and petroleum hydrocarbons. For sulfide deposits at 29°N and other active hydrothermal fields known at MAR, abiogenic synthesis of hydrocarbons occurs in lower scales.


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We construct age models for a suite of cores from the northeast Atlantic Ocean by means of accelerator mass spectrometer dating of a key core, BOFS 5K, and correlation with the rest of the suite. The effects of bioturbation and foraminiferal species abundance gradients upon the age record are modeled using a simple equation. The degree of bioturbation is estimated by comparing modeled profiles with dispersal of the Vedde Ash layer in core 5K, and we find a mixing depth of roughly 8 cm for sand-sized material. Using this value, we estimate that age offsets between unbioturbated sediment and some foraminifera species after mixing may be up to 2500 years, with lesser effect on fine carbonate (< 10 µm) ages. The bioturbation model illustrates problems associated with the dating of 'instantaneous' events such as ash layers and the 'Heinrich' peaks of ice-rafted detritus. Correlations between core 5K and the other cores from the BOFS suite are made on the basis of similarities in the downcore profiles of oxygen and carbon isotopes, magnetic susceptibility, water and carbonate content, and via marker horizons in X radiographs and ash beds.


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Mineralogy and geochemistry of sulfide-bearing rocks and ores discovered within the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field are studied. Samples were taken during Cruise 49 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh of the p.p. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology. Mineral composition of rocks and ores were studied by traditional methods of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (CAMSCAN), and microprobe analysis (EPMA SX-50). Contents of trace elements were determined by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Zn-Cu ore comprises zonal sulfide chimney intergrowths. Numerous Se-rich copper ore fragments occur in volcanomictic layered gritstones and/or barite slabs. Mineral composition, zonality and association of trace elements in ore are typical of black smokers formed at the basalt base near the Azores Triple Junction in the MAR. Obtained results make it possible to reconstruct formation history of the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field into the high-temperature (Cu-Se association in ore clasts), medium-temperature (Zn-Cu-As association in ore), and recent (Ba-SiO2 association) stages.


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Fatty acid and alcohol profiles and stable nitrogen and carbon isotope values, d15N and d13C, of Calanus finmarchicus CV were studied in June 2004 to estimate their trophic status along the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge i.e. the Reykjanes Ridge (RR), extending from Iceland in the north to the productive region of the Sub-Polar Front (SPF) in the south. Two main groups of stations were defined in the study area based on fatty acid (FA) and fatty alcohol compositions, the stations in the RR area constituted one group and the stations in the frontal area constituted another. The sum of relative amounts of the dietary FAs was significantly higher in the RR area than in the frontal area. Conversely, the long-chained FAs, 20:1 and 22:1, were found in significantly lower relative amounts in the RR area than in the frontal area, thus indicating later ascent of the animals in the frontal area. Further support of this is provided by the fatty alcohols ratio 20:1/22:1 which differed significantly between the two areas. The d15N values were significantly higher in the frontal area compared to the RR area indicating higher trophic position and/or different pelagic-POM baseline in these areas.