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em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The Great Belt, the largest inlet to the Baltic Sea, has a deep and well defined channel system. A distinct thermohaline layer at roughly 18 to 20 m of water depth separates the saltier and generally cooler deeper North Sea water from the brackish and warmer surface water. It is practically a current dominated area, with the strongest bottom currents due to prolonged west winds. The size and shape of the surface sediments and their grain size distributions show a close relationship with the prevailing hydrographical conditions. Southerly current marks predominate while northerly directions are confined to 10 to 14 m of water depth. The degree of bioturbation is highest in the uppermost sedimentary cover where practically all original stratification has been destroyed. Various bioturbate structures have been identified with the fauna. Coiling ratios of Ammonia beccarii (Linnaeus) have been successfully applied for correlation in the postglacial sediments of the early Littorina Transgression. The succession shows that in the Boreal brackish water conditions were probably followed by peat and limnic sediments as the sea regressed. With the Littorina Transgression, the sea again entered the area and high sedimentation rates resulted in the major deposits of the Great Belt. At least for the last 4000 years, sedimentation rates had been very low. Present day currents sweep out the sediments, mainly to the southern marginal areas.


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Tropical south-western Pacific temperatures are of vital importance to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), but the role of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the growth of the GBR since the Last Glacial Maximum remains largely unknown. Here we present records of Sr/Ca and d18O for Last Glacial Maximum and deglacial corals that show a considerably steeper meridional SST gradient than the present day in the central GBR. We find a 1-2 °C larger temperature decrease between 17° and 20°S about 20,000 to 13,000 years ago. The result is best explained by the northward expansion of cooler subtropical waters due to a weakening of the South Pacific gyre and East Australian Current. Our findings indicate that the GBR experienced substantial meridional temperature change during the last deglaciation, and serve to explain anomalous deglacial drying of northeastern Australia. Overall, the GBR developed through significant SST change and may be more resilient than previously thought.


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Western Wright Valley, from Wright Upper Glacier to the western end of the Dais, can be divided into three broad geomorphic regions: the elevated Labyrinth, the narrow Dais which is connected to the Labyrinth, and the North and South forks which are bifurcated by the Dais. Soil associations of Typic Haplorthels/Haploturbels with ice-cemented permafrost at < 70 cm are most common in each of these geomorphic regions. Amongst the Haplo Great Groups are patches of Salic and Typic Anhyorthels with ice-cemented permafrost at > 70 cm. They are developed in situ in strongly weathered drift with very low surface boulder frequency and occur on the upper erosion surface of the Labyrinth and on the Dais. Typic Anhyorthels also occur at lower elevation on sinuous and patchy Wright Upper III drift within the forks. Salic Aquorthels exist only in the South Fork marginal to Don Juan Pond, whereas Salic Haplorthels occur in low areas of both South and North forks where any water table is > 50 cm. Most soils within the study area have an alkaline pH dominated by Na+ and Cl- ions. The low salt accumulation within Haplorthels/Haploturbels may be due to limited depth of soil development and possibly leaching.


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Due to its strong influence on heat and moisture exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, sea ice is an essential component of the global climate system. In the context of its alarming decrease in terms of concentration, thickness and duration, understanding the processes controlling sea-ice variability and reconstructing paleo-sea-ice extent in polar regions have become of great interest for the scientific community. In this study, for the first time, IP25, a recently developed biomarker sea-ice proxy, was used for a high-resolution reconstruction of the sea-ice extent and its variability in the western North Pacific and western Bering Sea during the past 18,000 years. To identify mechanisms controlling the sea-ice variability, IP25 data were associated with published sea-surface temperature as well as diatom and biogenic opal data. The results indicate that a seasonal sea-ice cover existed during cold periods (Heinrich Stadial 1 and Younger Dryas), whereas during warmer intervals (Bølling-Allerød and Holocene) reduced sea ice or ice-free conditions prevailed in the study area. The variability in sea-ice extent seems to be linked to climate anomalies and sea-level changes controlling the oceanographic circulation between the subarctic Pacific and the Bering Sea, especially the Alaskan Stream injection though the Aleutian passes.


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The marine transgression Into the Baltic Sea through the Great Belt took place around 9,370 calibrated C-14-years B.P. The sedimentary sequence from the early brackish phase and the change to marine conditions has been investigated in detail through C-14-datings, and oxygen and carbon isotope measurements, and is interpreted by comparison with modern analogs. The oldest brackish sediments are the strongly laminated clays and silts rich in organic carbon followed by non-laminated heavily bioturbated silts. The bedding and textural characteristics and stable isotope analyses on Ammonia beccarii (dextral) and A. beccarii (sinistral) show that the deposltlonal conditions respond to a change at about 9,100 cal. a B.P. from an unstratified brackish water environment in the initial stage of the Littorina Transgression to a thermohaline layered milieu in the upper unit. The oxygen isotope results indicate that the bottom waters of this latter period had salinities and temperatures comparable to the present day Kiel Bay waters. The isotopic composition of the total organic carbon and the d13C-values of A. beccarii reveal a gradual change from an initially lacustrine/terrestrial provenance toward a brackish/marine dominated depositional environment. A stagnation of the sea level at around 9,100 to 9,400 B.P. is indicated.


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Many studies argue, based partly on Pb isotopic evidence, that recycled, subducted slabs reside in the mantle source of ocean island basalts (OIB) (Hofmann and White, 1982, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(82)90161-3; Weaver, 1991 doi:10.1016/0012-821X(91)90217-6; Lassiter, and Hauri, 1998, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00240-4). Such models, however, have remained largely untested against actual subduction zone inputs, due to the scarcity of comprehensive measurements of both radioactive parents (Th and U) and radiogenic daughter (Pb) in altered oceanic crust (AOC). Here, we discuss new, comprehensive measurements of U, Th, and Pb concentrations in the oldest AOC, ODP Site 801, and consider the effect of subducting this crust on the long-term Pb isotope evolution of the mantle. The upper 500 m of AOC at Site 801 shows >4-fold enrichment in U over pristine glass during seafloor alteration, but no net change to Pb or Th. Without subduction zone processing, ancient AOC would evolve to low 208Pb/206Pb compositions unobserved in the modern mantle (Hart and Staudigel, 1989 [Isotopic characterization and identification of recycled components, in: Crust/Mantle Recycling at Convergence Zones, Eds. S.R. Hart, L. Gqlen, NATO ASI Series. Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 258, pp. 15-28, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Boston, 1989]). Subduction, however, drives U-Th-Pb fractionation as AOC dehydrates in the earth's interior. Pacific arcs define mixing trends requiring 8-fold enrichment in Pb over U in AOC-derived fluid. A mass balance across the Mariana subduction zone shows that 44-75% of Pb but <10% of U is lost from AOC to the arc, and a further 10-23% of Pb and 19-40% of U is lost to the back-arc. Pb is lost shallow and U deep from subducted AOC, which may be a consequence of the stability of phases binding these elements during seafloor alteration: U in carbonate and Pb in sulfides. The upper end of these recycling estimates, which reflect maximum arc and back-arc growth rates, remove enough Pb and U from the slab to enable it to evolve rapidly (<<0.5 Ga) to sources suitable to explain the 208Pb/206Pb isotopic array of OIB, although these conditions fail to simultaneously satisfy the 207Pb/206Pb system. Lower growth rates would require additional U loss (29%) at depths beyond the zones of arc and back-arc magmagenesis, which would decrease upper mantle kappa (232Th/238U) over time, consistent with one solution to the "kappa conundrum" (Elliott et al., 1999, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00077-1). The net effects of alteration (doubling of l [238U/204Pb]) and subduction (doubling of omega [232Th/204Pb]) are sufficient to create the Pb isotopic signatures of oceanic basalts.


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Records of mean sortable silt and planktonic foraminiferal preservation from the Ceará Rise (western equatorial Atlantic) and from the Caribbean are presented to analyze the Pliocene (3.5-2.2 Ma) to Pleistocene (1.6-0.3 Ma) evolution of near-bottom current strength and the carbonate corrosiveness of deep water. During the mid-Pleistocene climate transition (~1 Ma) a drastic decrease in glacial bottom current strength and an increase in carbonate corrosiveness is registered, demonstrating a substantial decrease in the glacial contribution of the Lower North Atlantic Deep Water (LNADW) to the Atlantic Ocean. Also, an increased sensitivity to eccentricity orbital forcing is registered after the MPT. By contrast, carbonate preservation increases considerably in the deep Caribbean in response to a strong and persistent stable contribution of Upper North Atlantic Deep Water (UNADW). We found evidence for the strongest and most stable circulation within the LNADW cell during the Northern Hemisphere cooling period between ~3.2 and 2.75 Ma. This is in agreement with the 'superconveyor model' which postulates that the highest NADW production took place prior to ~2.7 Ma. A considerable decrease in bottom current strength and planktonic foraminiferal preservation is observed synchronous with the first occurrence of large-scale continental ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere. This documents the final termination of the 'superconveyor' at ca. 2.75 Ma. However, our data do not support a 'superconveyor' in the interval between 3.5 and 3.2 Ma when high-amplitude fluctuations in bottom current flow and preservation in planktonic foraminifera are observed. Because of the great sensitivity of NADW production to changes in surface water salinity, we assume that the high-amplitude fluctuations of LNADW circulation prior to ~3.2 Ma are linked to changes in the Atlantic salinity budget. After 2.75 Ma they are primarily controlled by ice-sheet forcing. In contrast to the stepwise deterioration of planktonic foraminiferal preservation in the western deep Atlantic, a trend toward better preservation from the Pliocene to Pleistocene is observed in the deep Caribbean. This indicates a long-term increase in the contribution of UNADW to the Atlantic Ocean.


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The benthic stable isotope record from ODP Site 761 (Wombat Plateau, NW Australia, 2179.3 m water depth) documents complete recovery of the middle Miocene delta13C excursion corresponding to the climatic optimum and subsequent expansion of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The six main delta13C maxima of the "Monterey Excursion" between 16.4 and 13.6 Ma and the characteristic stepped increase in delta18O between 14.5 and 13.9 Ma are clearly identified. The sedimentary record of the shallower ODP Sites 1126 and 1134 [Great Australian Bight (GAB), SWAustralia, 783.8 and 701 m water depth, respectively] is truncated by several unconformities. However, a composite benthic stable isotope curve for these sites provides a first middle Miocene bathyal record for southwest Australia. The delta18O and delta13C curves for Sites 1126 and 1134 indicate a cooler, better-ventilated water mass at ~700 m water depth in the Great Australian Bight since approximately 16 Ma. This cooler and younger water mass probably originated from a close southern source. Cooling of the bottom water at ~16 Ma started much earlier than at other sites of equivalent paleodepths in the central and western parts of the Indian Ocean. At Site 761, the delta18O curve shows an excellent match with the global sea level curve between ~11.5 and 15.1 Ma, and thus closely reflects changes in global ice volume. Prior to 15.1 Ma, the mismatch between the delta18O curve and the sea level curve indicates that delta18O fluctuations are mainly due to changes in bottom water temperature.


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Sea level related radiocarbon, palynological and stratigraphical data from sediment cores in the Western Baltic have been tested against the existing sea level curves for the region. The relative sea level rise curves for the beginning of the Holocene show no significant deviations between the Kiel, Mecklenburg und Lübeck Bays and hence do not support the previously reported differences in the averaged regional subsidence rates for this time interval. Local subsidence and upheaval due to salt tectonics probably played a greater role than previously suspected in the region. The sea level possibly stagnated around -28 m during the early Holocene before rising very rapidly to -14 m. The submarine terraces at -30 m and perhaps also at -27 m were formed during the lacustrine phase of the Western Baltic when the water levels were controlled by the main thresholds in the Great Belt.


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The oceanic carbon cycle mainly comprises the production and dissolution/ preservation of carbonate particles in the water column or within the sediment. Carbon dioxide is one of the major controlling factors for the production and dissolution of carbonate. There is a steady exchange between the ocean and atmosphere in order to achieve an equilibrium of CO2; an anthropogenic rise of CO2 in the atmosphere would therefore also increase the amount of CO2 in the ocean. The increased amount of CO2 in the ocean, due to increasing CO2-emissions into the atmosphere since the industrial revolution, has been interpreted as "ocean acidification" (Caldeira and Wickett, 2003). Its alarming effects, such as dissolution and reduced CaCO3 formation, on reefs and other carbonate shell producing organisms form the topic of current discussions (Kolbert, 2006). Decreasing temperatures and increasing pressure and CO2 enhance the dissolution of carbonate particles at the sediment-water interface in the deep sea. Moreover, dissolution processes are dependent of the saturation state of the surrounding water with respect to calcite or aragonite. Significantly increased dissolution has been observed below the aragonite or calcite chemical lysocline; below the aragonite compensation depth (ACD), or calcite compensation depth (CCD), all aragonite or calcite particles, respectively, are dissolved. Aragonite, which is more prone to dissolution than calcite, features a shallower lysocline and compensation depth than calcite. In the 1980's it was suggested that significant dissolution also occurs in the water column or at the sediment-water interface above the lysocline. Unknown quantities of carbonate produced at the sea surface, would be dissolved due to this process. This would affect the calculation of the carbonate production and the entire carbonate budget of the world's ocean. Following this assumption, a number of studies have been carried out to monitor supralysoclinal dissolution at various locations: at Ceara Rise in the western equatorial Atlantic (Martin and Sayles, 1996), in the Arabian Sea (Milliman et al., 1999), in the equatorial Indian Ocean (Peterson and Prell, 1985; Schulte and Bard, 2003), and in the equatorial Pacific (Kimoto et al., 2003). Despite the evidence for supralysoclinal dissolution in some areas of the world's ocean, the question still exists whether dissolution occurs above the lysocline in the entire ocean. The first part of this thesis seeks answers to this question, based on the global budget model of Milliman et al. (1999). As study area the Bahamas and Florida Straits are most suitable because of the high production of carbonate, and because there the depth of the lysocline is the deepest worldwide. To monitor the occurrence of supralysoclinal dissolution, the preservation of aragonitic pteropod shells was determined, using the Limacina inflata Dissolution Index (LDX; Gerhardt and Henrich, 2001). Analyses of the grain-size distribution, the mineralogy, and the foraminifera assemblage revealed further aspects concerning the preservation state of the sediment. All samples located at the Bahamian platform are well preserved. In contrast, the samples from the Florida Straits show dissolution in 800 to 1000 m and below 1500 m water depth. Degradation of organic material and the subsequent release of CO2 probably causes supralysoclinal dissolution. A northward extension of the corrosive Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) flows through the Caribbean Sea into the Gulf of Mexico and might enhance dissolution processes at around 1000 m water depth. The second part of this study deals with the preservation of Pliocene to Holocene carbonate sediments from both the windward and leeward basins adjacent to Great Bahama Bank (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 632, 633, and 1006). Detailed census counts of the sand fraction (250-500 µm) show the general composition of the coarse grained sediment. Further methods used to examine the preservation state of carbonates include the amount of organic carbon and various dissolution indices, such as the LDX and the Fragmentation Index. Carbonate concretions (nodules) have been observed in the sand fraction. They are similar to the concretions or aggregates previously mentioned by Mullins et al. (1980a) and Droxler et al. (1988a), respectively. Nonetheless, a detailed study of such grains has not been made to date, although they form an important part of periplatform sediments. Stable isotopemeasurements of the nodules' matrix confirm previous suggestions that the nodules have formed in situ as a result of early diagenetic processes (Mullins et al., 1980a). The two cores, which are located in Exuma Sound (Sites 632 and 633), at the eastern margin of Great Bahama Bank (GBB), show an increasing amount of nodules with increasing core depth. In Pliocene sediments, the amount of nodules might rise up to 100%. In contrast, nodules only occur within glacial stages in the deeper part of the studied core interval (between 30 and 70 mbsf) at Site 1006 on the western margin of GBB. Above this level the sediment is constantly being flushed by bottom water, that might also contain corrosive AAIW, which would hinder cementation. Fine carbonate particles (<63 µm) form the matrix of the nodules and do therefore not contribute to the fine fraction. At the same time, the amount of the coarse fraction (>63 µm) increases due to the nodule formation. The formation of nodules might therefore significantly alter the grain-size distribution of the sediment. A direct comparison of the amount of nodules with the grain-size distribution shows that core intervals with high amounts of nodules are indeed coarser than the intervals with low amounts of nodules. On the other hand, an initially coarser sediment might facilitate the formation of nodules, as a high porosity and permeability enhances early diagenetic processes (Westphal et al., 1999). This suggestion was also confirmed: the glacial intervals at Site 1006 are interpreted to have already been rather coarse prior to the formation of nodules. This assumption is based on the grain-size distribution in the upper part of the core, which is not yet affected by diagenesis, but also shows coarser sediment during the glacial stages. As expected, the coarser, glacial deposits in the lower part of the core show the highest amounts of nodules. The same effect was observed at Site 632, where turbidites cause distinct coarse layers and reveal higher amounts of nodules than non-turbiditic sequences. Site 633 shows a different pattern: both the amount of nodules and the coarseness of the sediment steadily increase with increasing core depth. Based on these sedimentological findings, the following model has been developed: a grain-size pattern characterised by prominent coarse peaks (as observed at Sites 632 and 1006) is barely altered. The greatest coarsening effect due to the nodule formation will occur in those layers, which have initially been coarser than the adjacent sediment intervals. In this case, the overall trend of the grain-size pattern before and after formation of the nodules is similar to each other. Although the sediment is altered due to diagenetic processes, grain size could be used as a proxy for e.g. changes in the bottom-water current. The other case described in the model is based on a consistent initial grain-size distribution, as observed at Site 633. In this case, the nodule reflects the increasing diagenetic alteration with increasing core depth rather than the initial grain-size pattern. In the latter scenario, the overall grain-size trend is significantly changed which makes grain size unreliable as a proxy for any palaeoenvironmental changes. The results of this study contribute to the understanding of general sedimentation processes in the periplatform realm: the preservation state of surface samples shows the influence of supralysoclinal dissolution due to the degradation of organic matter and due to the presence of corrosive water masses; the composition of the sand fraction shows the alteration of the carbonate sediment due to early diagenetic processes. However, open questions are how and when the alteration processes occur and how geochemical parameters, such as the rise in alkalinity or the amount of strontium, are linked to them. These geochemical parameters might reveal more information about the depth in the sediment column, where dissolution and cementation processes occur.


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During U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public hearings held in 1973, 1974 and 1975 prior to Texas Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas lease sales, concern was expressed by the National Marine Fisheries Service, scientists from Texas A&M and the University of Texas and private citizens over the possible environmental impact of oil and gas drilling and production operations on coral reefs and fishing banks in or adjacent to lease blocks to be sold. As a result, certain restrictive regulations concerning drilling operations in the vicinity of the well documented coral reefs and biostromal communities at the East and West Flower Gardens were established by BLM, and Signal Oil Company was required to provide a biological and geological baseline study of the less well known Stetson Bank before a drilling permit could be issued. Considering the almost total lack of knowledge of the geology and biotic communities associated with the South Texas OCS banks lying in or near lease blocks to be offered for sale in 1975, BLM contracted with Texas A&M University to provide the biological and geological baseline information required to facilitate judgments as to the extent and nature of restrictive regulations on drilling near these banks which might be required to insure their protection. In pursuit of this, scientists from Texas A&M University were to direct their attention toward assessments of ground fish populations, unique biological and geological features, substratum type and distribution, and the biotic and geologic relationships between these banks and those farther north.