61 resultados para Gradient Flows

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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On the basis of their respective eruptive environments and chemical characteristics, alkalic dolerite sills from the northern Pigafetta Basin (Site 800) and tholeiitic pillow lavas from the Mariana Basin (Site 802) sampled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 are considered to represent examples of the widespread mid-Cretaceous volcanic event in the western Pacific. Both groups of basic rocks feature mild, low-grade, anoxic smectite-celadonite-carbonate-pyrite alteration; late-stage oxidation is very limited in extent, with the exception of the uppermost sill unit at Site 800. The aphyric and nonvesicular Site 800 alkalic dolerite sills are all well-evolved mineralogically and chemically, being mainly of hawaiite composition, and are similar to ocean island basalts. They are characterized by high contents of incompatible elements (for example, 300-400 ppm Zr), well-fractionated rare earth element patterns ([La/Yb]N 18-21) and HIMU isotopic characters. They probably represent deep-sea, lateral, intrusive off-shoots from nearby seamounts of similar age. The olivine-plagioclase +/- clinopyroxene phyric tholeiitic pillow lavas and thin flows of Site 802 are nonvesicular and quench-textured throughout. Relative to normal-type mid-ocean ridge basalt, they are enriched in large-ion-lithophile elements, exhibit flat (unfractionated) rare earth element patterns and have distinctive (lower) Zr/Nb, Zr/Ta, La/Ta, and Hf/Th ratios. Overall they are compositionally and isotopically similar to the mid-Cretaceous tholeiites of the Nauru basin and the Ontong-Java and Manihiki plateaus. The Site 802 tholeiites differ from the thickened crustal segments of the oceanic plateaus, however, in apparently representing only a thin veneer over the local basement in an off-axis environment.


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A portable Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS), model EM27/SUN, was deployed onboard the research vessel Polarstern to measure the column-average dry air mole fractions of carbon dioxide (XCO2) and methane (XCH4) by means of direct sunlight absorption spectrometry. We report on technical developments as well as data calibration and reduction measures required to achieve the targeted accuracy of fractions of a percent in retrieved XCO2 and XCH4 while operating the instrument under field conditions onboard the moving platform during a 6-week cruise on the Atlantic from Cape Town (South Africa, 34° S, 18° E; 5 March 2014) to Bremerhaven (Germany, 54° N, 19° E; 14 April 2014). We demonstrate that our solar tracker typically achieved a tracking precision of better than 0.05° toward the center of the sun throughout the ship cruise which facilitates accurate XCO2 and XCH4 retrievals even under harsh ambient wind conditions. We define several quality filters that screen spectra, e.g., when the field of view was partially obstructed by ship structures or when the lines-of-sight crossed the ship exhaust plume. The measurements in clean oceanic air, can be used to characterize a spurious air-mass dependency. After the campaign, deployment of the spectrometer alongside the TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network) instrument at Karlsruhe, Germany, allowed for determining a calibration factor that makes the entire campaign record traceable to World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standards. Comparisons to observations of the GOSAT satellite and concentration fields modeled by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) demonstrate that the observational setup is well suited to provide validation opportunities above the ocean and along interhemispheric transects.


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Native Cu occurs in amygdules, fractures and groundmass of tholeiites from Ocean Drilling Program Site 642 on the Vøring Plateau. Similar occurrences have been reported in other tholeiites of the early Tertiary North Atlantic Volcanic Province drilled at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 342 on the Vøring Plateau and 553 on the Rockall Plateau. The flows containing the native Cu have distinctive alteration patterns characterized by the combination of reddened flow tops, distinctive pastel coloration of the upper parts of the flows, relative abundance of celadonite, and the presence of native Cu. These associations suggest that subaerial weathering and subsequent seawater-basalt interaction are related to the occurrence of native Cu. An additional factor may be the increase in compatibility of Cu in silicates and Fe- Ti oxides that may accompany sub-solidus oxidation of basaltic flows. Native Cu occurrences in Site 642 tholeiites have some striking similarities to the large native Cu deposits in the Precambrian basalts of the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan, that are suggestive of similar mineralization processes.


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This paper presents the morpho-sedimentary characterization and interpretations of the assemblage of landforms of the East Greenland continental slope and Greenland Basin, based on swath bathymetry and sub-bottom TOPAS profiles. The interpretation of landforms reveals the glacial influence on recent sedimentary processes shaping the seafloor, including mass-wasting and turbidite flows. The timing of landform development points to a predominantly glacial origin of the sediment supplied to the continental margin, supporting the scenario of a Greenland Ice Sheet extending across the continental shelf, or even to the shelf-edge, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Major sedimentary processes along the central section of the eastern Greenland Continental Slope, the Norske margin, suggest a relatively high glacial sediment input during the LGM that, probably triggered by tectonic activity, led to the development of scarps and channels on the slope and debris flows on the continental rise. The more southerly Kejser Franz Josef margin has small-scale mass-wasting deposits and an extensive turbidite system that developed in relation to both channelised and unconfined turbidity flows which transferred sediments into the deep Greenland Basin.


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This data set contains a time series of plant height measurements (vegetative and reproductive) from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In addition, data on species specific plant heights for the main experiment are available from 2002. In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. 1. Plant height was recorded, generally, twice a year just before biomass harvest (during peak standing biomass in late May and in late August). Methodologies of measuring height have varied somewhat over the years. In earlier year the streched plant height was measured, while in later years the standing height without streching the plant was measured. Vegetative height was measured either as the height of the highest leaf or as the length of the main axis of non-flowering plants. Regenerating height was measured either as the height of the highest flower on a plant or as the height of the main axis of flowering. Sampled plants were either randomly selected in the core area of plots or along transects in defined distances. For details refer to the description of individual years. Starting in 2006, also the plots of the management experiment, that altered mowing frequency and fertilized subplots (see further details in the general description of the Jena Experiment) were sampled. 2. Species specific plant height was recorded two times in 2002: in late July (vegetative height) and just before biomass harvest during peak standing biomass in late August (vegetative and regenerative height). For each plot and each sown species in the species pool, 3 plant individuals (if present) from the central area of the plots were randomly selected and used to measure vegetative height (non-flowering indviduals) and regenerative height (flowering individuals) as stretched height. Provided are the means over the three measuremnts per plant species per plot.


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Coral reefs persist in an accretion-erosion balance and ocean acidification resulting from anthropogenic CO2 emissions threatens to shift this balance in favor of net reef erosion. Corals and calcifying algae, largely responsible for reef accretion, are vulnerable to environmental changes associated with ocean acidification, but the direct effects of lower pH on reef erosion has received less attention, particularly in the context of known drivers of bioerosion and natural variability. This study examines the balance between reef accretion and erosion along a well-characterized natural environmental gradient in Kane'ohe Bay, Hawai'i using experimental blocks of coral skeleton. Comparing before and after micro-computed tomography (µCT) scans to quantify net accretion and erosion, we show that, at the small spatial scale of this study (tens of meters), pH was a better predictor of the accretion-erosion balance than environmental drivers suggested by prior studies, including resource availability, temperature, distance from shore, or depth. In addition, this study highlights the fine-scale variation of pH in coastal systems and the importance of microhabitat variation for reef accretion and erosion processes. We demonstrate significant changes in both the mean and variance of pH on the order of meters, providing a local perspective on global increases in pCO2. Our findings suggest that increases in reef erosion, combined with expected decreases in calcification, will accelerate the shift of coral reefs to an erosion-dominated system in a high-CO2 world. This shift will make reefs increasingly susceptible to storm damage and sea-level rise, threatening the maintenance of the ecosystem services that coral reefs provide.


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This dataset presents Differential Global Positioning System data (DGPS) acquired within the Bossons glacier proglacial area. Bossons glacier is a rapidly retreating glacier and its proglacial area is deglaciated for ~30 years. Bossons stream is one of the outlets of the subglacial drainage system. It starts as a 800 m steep cascade reach, then flows through an area with gentler slope : the Plan des Eaux (PdE). PdE is a 300 m long, 50 m wide proglacial alluvial plain with an increasing channel mobility in the downstream direction but decreasing slope gradient and incision. As it may act a sediment trap, studying periglacial and proglacial erosion processes in the Bossons catchment requires to quantify PdE sediment volume evolution. A several meter-sized block located within Bossons proglacial area was set up as GPS base : its location was measured by one antenna (Topcon Hyper Pro) by performing 600 consecutive measurements throughout one day. A second antenna (Topcon Hyper Pro) was then used to measure XYZ location of points in the proglacial area with a ~2 m grid. Radio communication between the two antennas allowed differential calculations to be automatically carried out on field using the Topcon FC-250 hand controller. This methodology yields 3 cm XY and 1.5 cm Z uncertainties. DGPS data have been acquired through 10 campaigns from 2004 to 2014; campaigns from 2004 to 2008 cover a smaller area than those from 2010 to 2014. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) have been interpolated from DGPS data and difference between two DEMs yields deposited and eroded volume within PdE. Maps of PdE volume variation between two campaigns show that incision mainly occurs in the upper and lower sections where as deposition dominates in the middle section. Deposition, denudation and net rate (deposition rate - denudation rate) are calculated by normalizing volumes by DEM areas. Deposition dominates results with a mean net rate of 29 mm/yr. However, strong inter-annual variability exists and some years are dominated by denudation : -36 mm/yr and -100 mm/yr for 2006 and 2011, respectively. Nonetheless, oldest campaigns (2004 to 2008) were carried out on the lower part part of the alluvial plain and ruling them out to keep only complete DEM (2010 to 2014) yields a mean net rate of ~15 mm/yr. This results is coherent with field observations of both strong deposition (e.g. flood deposits) and strong erosion (e.g. 30 cm incision) evidences. Bossons glacier proglacial area is thus dynamic with year-to-year geormorphological changes but may leans toward increasing its mean elevation through a deposition dominated system.