123 resultados para Geomorphological subdivision

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Sea floor morphology plays an important role in many scientific disciplines such as ecology, hydrology and sedimentology since geomorphic features can act as physical controls for e.g. species distribution, oceanographically flow-path estimations or sedimentation processes. In this study, we provide a terrain analysis of the Weddell Sea based on the 500 m × 500 m resolution bathymetry data provided by the mapping project IBCSO. Seventeen seabed classes are recognized at the sea floor based on a fine and broad scale Benthic Positioning Index calculation highlighting the diversity of the glacially carved shelf. Beside the morphology, slope, aspect, terrain rugosity and hillshade were calculated. Applying zonal statistics to the geomorphic features identified unambiguously the shelf edge of the Weddell Sea with a width of 45-70 km and a mean depth of about 1200 m ranging from 270 m to 4300 m. A complex morphology of troughs, flat ridges, pinnacles, steep slopes, seamounts, outcrops, and narrow ridges, structures with approx. 5-7 km width, build an approx. 40-70 km long swath along the shelf edge. The study shows where scarps and depressions control the connection between shelf and abyssal and where high and low declination within the scarps e.g. occur. For evaluation purpose, 428 grain size samples were added to the seabed class map. The mean values of mud, sand and gravel of those samples falling into a single seabed class was calculated, respectively, and assigned to a sediment texture class according to a common sediment classification scheme.


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A series of minor moraine ridges are observed on the till surface in the proglacial area of Yala Glacier, Nepal Himalaya. The till surface, which is often fluted, consists ofsix different till sheets. It lies present glacial margin and the bulky terminal moraine ridges. These till sheets correspond to six re-advance stages during the general retreat which followed Little Ice Age ad- vance which formed the bulky terminal moraine ridges. Field observations and till fabric analysis suggest that the minor moraine ridges of Yala Glacier seem to be formed annually, by ice push. On the assumption that their annual character was maintained for a long time, and that the time span needed for each re-advance was proportional to the height of terminal moraine of each till sheet, the dating of Little fee Age moraines was attempted. The results indicate that Little Ice Age advances occurred in 1815 and in 1843, roughly simultanously with those in Europe.


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This data set provides a detailed inventory of lakes in the Lena Delta, northern Siberia, with respect to the lakes' association with one of the three geomorphological main terraces of the Lena Delta. The inventory is based on Landsat-7 ETM+ image data and spatial analysis in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Several morphometric lake attributes were determined from the resulting dataset and statistically analyzed. Significant differences in the morphometric lake characteristics allowed the distinction of a mean lake type for each main terrace. The lake types reflect the special lithological and cryolithological conditions and geomorphological processes prevailing on each terrace. In Morgenstern et al. (2008), special focus was laid on the investigation of lake orientation and the discussion of possible mechanisms for the evolution of the second terrace's oriented lakes.


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A wide variety of environmental records is necessary for analysing and understanding the complex Late Quaternary dynamics of permafrost-dominated Arctic landscapes. A NE Siberian periglacial key region was studied in detail using sediment records, remote sensing data, and terrain modelling, all incorporated in a geographical information system (GIS). The study area consists of the Bykovsky Peninsula and the adjacent Khorogor Valley in the Kharaulakh Ridge situated a few kilometres southeast of the Lena Delta. In this study a comprehensive cryolithological database containing information from 176 sites was compiled. The information from these sites is based on the review of previously published borehole data, outcrop profiles, surface samples, and our own field data. These archives cover depositional records of three periods: from Pliocene to Early Pleistocene, the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene. The main sediment sequences on the Bykovsky Peninsula consist of up to 50 m thick ice-rich permafrost deposits (Ice Complex) that were accumulated during the Late Pleistocene. They were formed as a result of nival processes around extensive snowfields in the Kharaulakh Ridge, slope processes in these mountains (such as in the Khorogor Valley), and alluvial/proluvial sedimentation in a flat accumulation plain dominated by polygonal tundra in the mountain foreland (Bykovsky Peninsula). During the early to middle Holocene warming, a general landscape transformation occurred from an extensive Late Pleistocene accumulation plain to a strongly thermokarst-dominated relief dissected by numerous depressions. Thermokarst subsidence had an enormous influence on the periglacial hydrological patterns, the sediment deposition, and on the composition and distribution of habitats. Climate deterioration, lake drainage, and talik refreezing occurred during the middle to late Holocene. The investigated region was reached by the post-glacial sea level rise during the middle Holocene, triggering thermo-abrasion of ice-rich coasts and the marine inundation of thermokarst depressions.


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On the Lower Brule Indian Reservation in South Dakota, about 3 million tons of metallic manganese are in low-grade deposits in the DeGrey Member of the Pierre Shale on the reservation. The geology and methods of mining and processing this sub-economic mineral resource have been studied extensively; technologically, extraction of manganese is possible. However, an efficient, economical method to separate manganese-bearing nodules from the shale host rocks has yet to be found. The manganiferous nodules occur in the Oacoma zone of the Sully shale member (De-Grey Member) which is a subdivision of the South Dakota Pierre Shale formation. These nodular deposits have an interesting similarity in stratigraphical position, lithology and manganese content to those of the Porcupine Mountain area in Manitoba.


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During "Meteor" Cruise 6/1966 in the northwest Atlantic a systematic survey of the bottom topography of the southeast Greenland continental margin was undertaken. Eighty-seven profiles transverse to the shelf edge at distances of 3-4 nautical miles and two longitudinal profiles parallel to the coast were carried out with the ELAC Narrow Beam Echo-Sounder giving a reliable record of even steep slopes. On the basis of the echo soundings the topography and morphology of the continental shelf and slope are evaluated. A detailed bathymetric chart and a serial profile chart were designed as working material for the morphological research. These maps along with the original echograms are morphometrically evaluated. The analysis of the sea bottom features is the basis of a subsequent morphogenetical interpretation, verified and extended by means of interpretation of magnetic data and sediment analysis (grain size, roundness, lithology). The results of the research are expressed in a geomorphological map. The primary findings can be summarized as follows: 1) The southeast Greenland shelf by its bottom topography can be clearly designated as a glacially formed area. The glacial features of the shelf can be classified into two zones nearly parallel to the coast: glacial erosion forms on the inner shelf and glacial accumulation forms on the outer shelf. The inner shelf is characterized by the rugged and hummocky topography of ice scoured plains with clear west/east slope asymmetry. On the outer shelf three types of glacial accumulation forms can be recognized: ice margin deposits with clearly expressed terminal moraines, glacial till plains and glaciomarine outwash fans. Both zones of the shelf can be subdivided into two levels of relief. The ice scoured plains, with average depths of 240 meters (m), are dissected to a maximum depth of 1060 m (Gyldenloves Trough) by trough valleys, which are the prolongations of the Greenland fjords. The banks of the outer shelf, with an average depth of 180 m, surround glacial basins with a maximum depth of 670 meters. 2) The sediments of the continental shelf can be classified as glacial due to their grain size distribution and the degree of roundness of the gravel particles. The ice margin deposits on the outer shelf can be recognized by their high percentage of gravels. On the inner shelf a rock surface is suggested, intermittently covered by glacial deposits. In the shelf troughs fine-grained sediments occur mixed with gravels. 3) Topography and sediments show that the southeast Greenland shelf was covered by an ice sheet resting on the sea floor during the Pleistocene ice-age. The large end moraines along the shelf edge probably indicate the maximum extent of the Wurm shelf ice resting on the sea floor. The breakthroughs of the end moraines in front of the glacial basins suggest that the shelf ice has floated further seaward over the increasing depths. 4) Petrographically the shelf sediments consist of gneisses, granites and basalts. While gneisses and granites occire on the nearby coast, basalt is not known to exist here. Either this material has been drifted by icebergs from the basalt province to the north or exists on the southeast Greenland shelf itself. The last interpretation is supported bythe high portion of basalt contained in the sediment samples taken and the strong magnetic anomalies probably caused by basaltic intrusions. 5) A magnetic profile allows the recognition of two magnetically differing areas which approximately coincide with the glacial erosion and accumulation zones. The inner shelf shows a strong and variable magnetic field because the glacially eroded basement forms the sea floor. The outer shelf is characterized by a weak and homogenous magnetic field, as the magnetized basement lies at greater depthy, buried by a thick cover of glacial sediments. The strong magnetic anomalies of the inner shelf are probably caused by dike swarms, similar to those observed further to the north in the Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord region. This interpretation is supported by the high basalt content of the sediment samples and the rough topography of the ice scoured plains which correlates in general with the magnetic fluctuations. The dike structures of the basement have been differentially eroded by the shelf ice. 6) The continental slope, extending from the shelf break at 313 m to a depth of 1270 m with an average slope of 11°, is characterized by delta-shaped projections in front of the shelf basins, by marginal plateaus, ridges and hills, by canyons and slumping features. The projections could be identified as glaciomarine sediment fans. This conclusion is supported by the strong decrease of magnetic field intensity. The deep sea hills and ridges with their greater magnetic intensities have to be regarded as basement outcrops projecting through the glaciomarine sediment cover. The upper continental rise, sloping seaward at about 2°, is composed of wide sediment fans and slump material. A marginal depression on the continental rise running parallel to the shelf edge has been identified. In this depression bottom currents capable of erosion have been recorded. South of Cape Farvel the depression extends to the accumulation zone of the "Eirik" sedimentary ridge. 7) By means of a study of the recent marine processes, postglacial modification of the ice-formed relief can be postulated. The retention effect of the fjord troughs and the high velocity of the East Greenland stream prevents the glacial features from being buried by sediments. Bottom currents capable of active erosion have only been found in the marginal depression on the continental rise. In addition, at the time of the lowest glacio-eustatic sea level, the shelf bottom was not situated in the zone of wave erosion. Only on the continental slope and rise bottom currents, sediment slumps and turbidity currents have led to significant recent modifications. Considering these results, the geomorphological development of the southeast Greenland continental terrace can be suggested as follows: 1. initial formation of a "peneplain", 2. fluvial incision, 3. submergence, and finally 4. glacial modification.


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Results of detailed geophysical, geological and gas- and hydrochemical research in the Caribbean-Mexican Basin and the Western Atlantic obtained during Cruise 4 of R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov are published in the book. Distribution of the thermal field in different tectonic structures of the region is shown. Places of submarine hydrothermal vent discharge in tectonically active structures are described. They are confirmed by geothermal, geological and hydrochemical data. Based on lithofacies analysis of modern sediments installed their Specificity of different genetic types, facies and macrofacies of recent sediments in different geomorphological zones of the sea floor is shown. For description of hydrogeochemical situation of modern sedimentation and primary diagenesis the water column and interstitial sediment waters have been studied.


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A basaltic sequence of Eocene submarine-erupted pyroclastic sediments totals at least 388 m at DSDP Site 253 on the Ninetyeast Ridge. These fossiliferous hyaloclastic sediments have been erupted and fragmented by explosive volcanism (hydroexplosions) in shallow water. The occurrence of interbedded basaltic ash-fall tuffs within the younger horizons of the hyaloclastic sequence marks the emergence of some Ninetyeast Ridge volcanic vents above sea level. Considerable textural variation allows subdivision of the sequence into six informal lithostratigraphic units. Hydrothermal and diagenetic alteration has caused the complete replacement of all original glass by smectites, and the introduction of abundant zeolite and calcite cements. The major and trace element contents of the hyaloclastites vary due to the alteration, and the admixture of biogenous calcite. On a calcium carbonate-free basis systematic variations are recognisable. Mg, Ni, Cr and Cu are enriched, and Li and Zn depleted in the three older units relative to the younger three. The chemical variability is reflected by the development of saponite in the older part of the sequence and montmorillonite in the younger; and by the presence of a quartz-normative basalt flow occurring in Unit II, in contrast to the Mg-rich highly olivine-normative basalt at the base of the sequence. The younger and older parts of the sequence therefore appear to have been derived from magmas of different chemistry. The sequence, like other basaltic rocks recovered from the Ninetyeast Ridge, is enriched in the light relative to the heavy rare earth elements (REE) although the REE contents vary unsystematically with depth, probably because of the high-temperature subaqueous alteration and the presence of biogenous calcite. This REE data indicates that the Ninetyeast Ridge volcanism was different from that which produces mid-ocean ridge basalts.