2 resultados para Finnite diferences

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Records of Cd/Ca in planktonic foraminiferal calcite of Globigerinoides bulloides in cores from the Subantarctic region of the Southern Ocean show large glacial-interglacial variations with lower Cd/Ca (by 0.06-0.10 µmol/mol) at glacial times. Interpretation of these records in terms of lower dissolved phosphate and inferred higher glacial nutrient utilization has significant implications for glacial atmospheric carbon dioxide (pCO2) draw-down. However, box core-top data for G. bulloides in the North Atlantic suggest that the incorporation of Cd into planktonic foraminifera relative to seawater (DCd) is temperature sensitive (DCd=0.637 exp 0.15T). When the Subantarctic planktonic Cd/Ca records are corrected for this temperature dependence, they show little or no glacial-interglacial diferences. If, as seems likely, this observation can be interpreted to indicate a minimal change (< 0.5 µmol/kg) in surface water phosphate concentrations, then the explanation for lowered glacial pCO2 must be looked for elsewhere.


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The focus of this paper is the conversion of radiocarbon ages to calibrated (cal) ages for the interval 24,00-0 cal BP (Before Present, 0 cal BP = AD 1950), based upon a sample set of dendrochronologically dated tree rings, uranium-thorium dated corals, and varve-counted marine sediment. The 14C age-cal age information, produced by many laboratories, is converted to 14C profiles and calibration curves, for the atmosphere as well as the oceans. We discuss offsets in measured 14C ages and the errors therein, regional 14C age diferences, tree-coral 14C age comparisons and the time dependence of marine reservoir ages, and evaluate decadal vs. single-year 14C results. Changes in oceanic deepwater circulation, especialy for the 16,00-1,00 cal BP interval, are reflected in the Delta14C values of INTCAL98.