133 resultados para Femur mineral content

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Analyses of rock clasts and of heavy minerals in upper Miocene coarse detrital units drilled along the East Sardinia passive-type continental margin (Sites 654, 653, 652, and 656) reveal that the stretched basement contains quite complex rock suites. Taking also into account previous sampling data, in moving from west to east across the margin, the nature of the basement changes drastically. To the west there are mostly Hercynian basement rocks with their cover, referable to the alpine foreland of the Corsica-Sardinia block. To the east, along the lower margin, where crustal thinning is quite severe, the basement contains rock suites referable to a pre-upper Tortonian orogenized zone with units constituting parts of the Alpine and Apenninic chains (presumably with thickened continental crust prior to stretching). Largest thinning and ocean forming occurred then, in a rather short time, mostly at the expense of unstable crust just thickened by orogenetic/tectogenetic processes.


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Aufbau und Ausdehnung der Schwermineral-Anreicherungen (Ilmenit, Granat, Amphibol) am Strand südlich Skagens wurden in langen Schürfgräben untersucht. Die Seifenlagen ziehen durchgehend vom Kliff-Fuß bis zur mittleren Meereshöhe hin und liegen meist diskordant auf der alten Strandschichtung. Ihre strandparallele Ausdehnung beträgt bis zu 100 m. Aufgebaut werden sie aus dünnen Schwermineral-Lamellen, die in kleinerem Umfang überall in den Strandablagerungen zu finden sind und hier das Gefüge nachzeichnen (Rippeln, Strandwallschichtung, Schichtstörungen). Die Seifenbildung geht in einem Gebiet mit verstärktem Küstenabtrag vor sich (Lee-Erosion südlich der Hafenmolen von Skagen). Dieses deutet darauf hin, daß die Schwerminerale bei Aufarbeitung bereits vorhandener Sedimente infolge ihres unterschiedlichen hydraulischen Verhaltens Zurückbleiben und schließlich angereichert werden. Die Korngrößenverteilung der Minerale in verschiedenen Sedimentproben zeigen, daß mit steigender Schwermineral-Anreicherung eine Kornverfeinerung und Zunahme der spezifisch schwersten Minerale (opake Erzminerale und Zirkon) auftritt. In ähnlicher Weise werden die Sortierungswerte besser. Die Aufbereitung des Sedimentes wird, in Anlehnung an v. ENGELHARDT (1939), mit einem doppelten Sortierungsvorgang durch die Wasserbewegung am Strand erklärt. Beim Absinken des Sandes nach dem Brecherschwall tritt eine Vorsortierung ein, die den Abtransport der leichteren und größeren Minerale im Sog begünstigt. Verbindungen zu Vorstellungen der Aufbereitungstechnik (Rundherdverfahren) und Hydrodynamik ('laminare Unterschicht') werden hergestellt. Die Dünensande Skagens sind infolge ihres hohen Schwermineralgehaltes und günstiger Äquivalentgrößen der einzelnen Minerale besonders bedeutsam für die Seifenbildung am Strand.


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The Okinawa Trough (OT) in the East Asian continental margin is characterized by thick terrigenous sediment and ubiquitous volcanic-hydrothermal activities. In this study, the clays collected during IODP Expedition 331 to the middle OT (Iheya North Knoll) were analyzed for mineralogical and geochemical compositions. By comparing with the clays from the East China Sea shelf and surrounding rivers, we examine different clay origins. The hydrothermal field in the mid-OT is dominated by Mg-rich chlorite, while the recharge zone has clay mineral assemblages similar to the shelf and rivers, showing high content of illite, subordinate chlorite and kaolinite and scarce smectite. Compared to the terrigenous clays, the hydrothermal clays in the OT have high concentrations of Mg, Mn and Zr but low Fe, Na, K, Ca, Ba, Sr, P, Sc and Ti, while the hydrothermal clays in the mid-ocean ridge are relatively enriched in Fe and V and depleted in Al, Mg, Zr, Sc and Ti. Different fractionation patterns of rare earth elements also register in the terrigenous and hydrothermal clays, diagnostic of variable clay origins. We infer that the OT hydrothermal clay was primarily formed by the chemical alteration of detrital sediments subject to the hydrothermal fluids. The remarkably different compositions of hydrothermal clays between the sediment-rich back arc basin like OT and the sediment-starved ocean ridge suggest different physical and chemical processes of hydrothermal fluids and fluid-rock/sediment reactions under various geologic settings.


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Sorption of volatile hydrocarbon gases (VHCs) to marine sediments is a recognized phenomenon that has been investigated in the context of petroleum exploration. However, little is known about the biogeochemistry of sorbed methane and higher VHCs in environments that are not influenced by thermogenic processes. This study evaluated two different extraction protocols for sorbed VHCs, used high pressure equipment to investigate the sorption of methane to pure clay mineral phases, and conducted a geochemical and mineralogical survey of sediment samples from different oceanographic settings and geochemical regimes that are not significantly influenced by thermogenic gas. Extraction of sediments under alkaline conditions yielded higher concentrations of sorbed methane than the established protocol for acidic extraction. Application of alkaline extraction in the environmental survey revealed the presence of substantial amounts of sorbed methane in 374 out of 411 samples (91%). Particularly high amounts, up to 2.1 mmol kg**-1 dry sediment, were recovered from methanogenic sediments. Carbon isotopic compositions of sorbed methane suggested substantial contributions from biogenic sources, both in sulfate-depleted and sulfate-reducing sediments. Carbon isotopic relationships between sorbed and dissolved methane indicate a coupling of the two pools. While our sorption experiments and extraction conditions point to an important role for clay minerals as sorbents, mineralogical analyses of marine sediments suggest that variations in mineral composition are not controlling variations in quantities of sorbed methane. We conclude that the distribution of sorbed methane in sediments is strongly influenced by in situ production.