4 resultados para Eriksson, Mats O. G
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
This study focused on the bacterial diversity associated with microbial mats of deep-sea cold seeps at the Norwegian continental margin. Study sites included the Storegga and Nyegga areas as well as the Håkon Mosby mud volcano, where the mats occurred at temperatures permanently close to the freezing point of seawater. Two visually different mat types, i.e. small gray mats and extensive white mats, were studied with the aim to determine the identity of the mat-forming sulfide oxidizers, and to investigate which environmental factors (e.g. sulfate reduction and methane oxidation rates) shown here could explain the observed diversity. Sequence data have been submitted to the EMBL database under accession No. FR847864-FR847887 (giant sulfur bacteria), No. FR827864 (Menez Gwen filament; see Supplementary Material) and No. FR875365-FR877509 (except FR875905; remaining partial sequences).
This publication presents results of microbiological and biogeochemical studies in the White Sea. Material was obtained during a series of expeditions in 1999-2002. The studies were carried out in the open part of the White Sea, in the Onega, Dvina and Kandalaksha Bays, as well as in the intertidal zone of the Kandalaksha Bay. Quantitative characteristics of activity of microbial processes in waters and bottom sediments of the White Sea were obtained. The total number of bacteria was equal to 150000-800000 cells/ml, and intensity of dark CO2 assimilation was equal to 0.9-17 µg C/l/day. Bacterial sulfate reduction was equal to 3-150 mg S/m**2/day, and methane formation and oxidation was equal to 13-6840 and 20-14650 µl CH4/m**2/day, respectively. Extremely high values of intensity of all principal microbial processes were found in intertidal sediments rich in organic matter: under decomposing macrophytes, in local pits at the lower intertidal boundary, and in the mouth of a freshwater brook. Average hydrogen sulfide production in highly productive intertidal sediments was 1950-4300 mg S/m**2/day, methane production was 0.5-8.7 ml CH4/m**2/day, and intensity of methane oxidation was up to 17.5 ml CH4/m**2/day. Calculations performed with account for areas occupied by microlandscapes of increased productivity showed that diurnal production of H2S and CH4 per 1 km**2 of the intertidal zone (August) was estimated as 60.8-202 kg S/km**2/day and 192-300 l CH4/km**2/day, respectively.
The composition of algal pigments and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) was determined in microbial mats from two lakes in Victoria Land (Continental Antarctica) with different lithology and environmental features. The aim was to expand knowledge of benthic autotrophic communities in Antarctic lacustrine ecosystems, providing reference data for future assessment of possible changes in environmental conditions and freshwater communities. The results of chemical analyses were supported by microscopy observations. Pigment profiles showed that filamentous cyanobacteria are dominant in both lakes. Samples from the water body at Edmonson Point had greater biodiversity, fewer pigments and lower EPS ratios than those from the lake at Kar Plateau. Differences in mat composition and in pigment and EPS profile between the two lakes are discussed in terms of local environmental conditions such as lithology, ice-cover and UV radiation. The present study suggests that a chemical approach could be useful in the study of benthic communities in Antarctic lakes and their variations in space and time.
Biogeochemical measurements in sediment cores collected with the submersible JAGO (pusch cores) and a TV-MUC in the Black Sea during MSM15/1, Northwest Crimea (HYPOX Project), at water depths between 152-156 m. A series of microbial mats were sampled on the hypoxic region of the Crimean Shelf. Concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) and nitrogen (N) were measured on finely powdered, freeze-dried subsamples of sediment using a using a Fisons NA-1500 elemental analyzer. For organic carbon determination samples were pre-treated with 12.5% HCl to remove carbonates. Chlorophyll a (chl a), phaeopigments (PHAEO) and chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE) was measured according to Schubert et al., (2005) and total hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA) and single amino acid: ASP, GLU, SER, HIS, GLY, THR, ARG, ALA, TYR, MET, VAL, PHE, ILE, LEU, LYS following Dauwe et al., 1998. High-resolution ex situ sulfide and pH microprofiles, were assessed only for station MSM15/1_492_PUC1. "in mat 1, 2 and 3" refers to 3 different profiles in 3 different spots of the microbial mat, whereas "outside mat", a profile outside the microbial mat.