46 resultados para Environmental management. Environmental strategies. Millennium inorganic chemicals. Crystal global

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Topographic variation, the spatial variation in elevation and terrain features, underpins a myriad of patterns and processes in geography and ecology and is key to understanding the variation of life on the planet. The characterization of this variation is scale-dependent, i.e. it varies with the distance over which features are assessed and with the spatial grain (grid cell resolution) of analysis. A fully standardized and global multivariate product of different terrain features has the potential to support many large-scale basic research and analytical applications, however to date, such technique is unavailable. Here we used the digital elevation model products of global 250 m GMTED and near-global 90 m SRTM to derive a suite of topographic variables: elevation, slope, aspect, eastness, northness, roughness, terrain roughness index, topographic position index, vector ruggedness measure, profile and tangential curvature, and 10 geomorphological landform classes. We aggregated each variable to 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 km spatial grains using several aggregation approaches (median, average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, percent cover, count, majority, Shannon Index, entropy, uniformity). While a global cross-correlation underlines the high similarity of many variables, a more detailed view in four mountain regions reveals local differences, as well as scale variations in the aggregated variables at different spatial grains. All newly-developed variables are available for download at http://www.earthenv.org and can serve as a basis for standardized hydrological, environmental and biodiversity modeling at a global extent.


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This dataset contains raster grids in GeoTIFF format describing the benthic environment of South Georgia. The data include topographic layers that are directly calculated from a bathymetry grid (Slope, Aspect, Roughness, Slope, Terrain Ruggedness Index, Topographic Position Index). A benthic classification of the area is included, based on topographic layers. Also included are sea-bed environmental layers that are interpolated from global three dimensional grids (Alkalinity, Apparent Oxygen Utilisation, Omega Aragonite, Omega Calcite, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrate, pH, Phosphate, Salinity, Silicate, Temperature, and Total CO2). These layers were used to construct a habitat suitability model for Octocorallia. The geographic extent is 43°57'56.65"W - 33°45'38.19"W and 52°47'29.50"S - 56° 9'11.03"S. The spatial resolution is 150m x 150m (except for benthic classification wihch is 450m x 450m). The map projection is EPSG:3762.


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The flux of sediment and organic carbon from continents to the coastal ocean is an important factor governing organic burial in coastal sediments, and these systems preserve important records of environmental and biogeochemical conditions during past global change events. Burial of organic materials in coastal systems can be promoted by chemical resilience or through protection by association with mineral surfaces, but the role and influence of these processes on organic records from ancient sediments is poorly known. We studied sediment and organic matter burial as particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral-bound organic matter (MOM) in near-shore marine sediments from the Wilson Lake core (New Jersey, USA) that span the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), a climatic perturbation 55.9 Myr ago. Our results show that distinct POM and MOM fractions can be isolated from sediments. Both fractions appear to be dominated by terrestrial material, but POM consisted primarily of recently synthesized material whereas MOM included a significant fraction of pre-aged organic matter from soils or ancient sediments. Variation in organic burial through the PETM is associated with changes in inorganic nitrogen burial, clay mineralogy, and clastic grain size that we associate with enhanced continental weathering, erosion and redeposition of ancient kaolinites, and eustatic sea level variation, respectively. These results provide a new perspective on factors governing carbon burial and carbon isotope records in ancient marine margin settings and offer information on rate and phasing of late Paleocene/early Eocene Earth system changes that may constrain interpretations of the cause of the PETM climate change event.


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Quantitative distributions of calcareous nannofossils are analysed in the early-middle Pleistocene at the small Gephyrocapsa and Pseudoemiliania lacunosa zone transition in deep-sea cores from the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program [ODP] Sites 977, 964 and 967, Deep Sea Drilling Project [DSDP] Site 607). The temporal and spatial mode of occurrence of medium-sized gephyrocapsids and reticulofenestrids has been examined to refine biostratigraphic constraints and evaluate possible relationships of stratigraphic patterns to environmental changes during a period of global climatic deterioration. The timing of bioevents has been calibrated using high-resolution sampling and correlation to the delta18O record in chronologically well-constrained sections. Newly identified events and ecostratigraphical signals enhance the stratigraphic resolution at the early-middle Pleistocene. The first occurrence (FO) of intermediate morphotypes between Pseudoemiliania and Reticulofenestra (Reticulofenestra sp.) is proposed as a reliable event within marine isotope stage (MIS) 35 or at the MIS 35/34 transition. The distribution of Reticulofenestra asanoi is characterized by rare and scattered occurrences in its lowest range, but the first common occurrence (FCO) is consistently identified at MIS 32 or 32/31; the last common occurrence (LCO) of the species is a distinctive event at MIS 23. In the studied interval, Gephyrocapsa omega dominates among medium-sized Gephyrocapsa. The FO of G. omega and contemporaneous re-entry of medium-sized gephyrocapsids at the lower-middle Pleistocene transition are diachronous between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea and from the western to eastern Mediterranean. In the Mediterranean, the LO of G. omega falls at MIS 15, insolation cycle 54 and is isochronous among the sites. Abundance fluctuations of G. omega show notable relations to early-middle Pleistocene climate changes; they considerably increase in abundance at the interglacial stages, suggesting warm water preferences. Gephyrocapsa omega temporarily disappears during the glacial MIS 22 and MIS 20. Above MIS 20, an impoverishment in G. omega and in the total abundance of medium-sized gephyrocapsids occurs. A decrease in abundance of G. omega is observed between the western Site 977 and the easternmost Site 967 in the Mediterranean Sea, as a possible response to high salinity and/or low nutrient content. Possible environmental influences on the distribution of R. asanoi and of Reticulofenestra sp. are discussed.


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Detailed data on land use and land cover constitute important information for Earth system models, environmental monitoring and ecosystem services research. Global land cover products are evolving rapidly; however, there is still a lack of information particularly for heterogeneous agricultural landscapes. We censused land use and land cover field by field in the agricultural mosaic catchment Haean in South Korea. We recorded the land cover types with additional information on agricultural practice. In this paper we introduce the data, their collection and the post-processing protocol. Furthermore, because it is important to quantitatively evaluate available land use and land cover products, we compared our data with the MODIS Land Cover Type product (MCD12Q1). During the studied period, a large portion of dry fields was converted to perennial crops. Compared to our data, the forested area was underrepresented and the agricultural area overrepresented in MCD12Q1. In addition, linear landscape elements such as waterbodies were missing in the MODIS product due to its coarse spatial resolution. The data presented here can be useful for earth science and ecosystem services research.


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The El Niño/ Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon is the strongest known natural interannual climate fluctuation. The most recent two extreme ENSO events of 1982/83 and 1997/98 severley hit the socio-economy of main parts of Indonesia. As the climate variability is not homogeneous over the whole Archipelago of Indonesia, ENSO events cause negative precipitation anomalies of diverse magnitude and uration in different regions. Understanding the hydrology of humid tropical catchments is an essential prerequisite to investigate the impact of climate variability on the catchment hydrology. Together with the quantitative assessment of future water resource changes they are essential tools to develop mitigation strategies on a catchment scale. These results can be integrated into long term Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) strategies. The general objective of this study is to investigate and quantify the impact of ENSO caused climate variability on the water balance and the implications for water resources of a mesoscale tropical catchment.


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A high-resolution multiproxy study performed on a marine record from SE Pacific off southern South America was used to reconstruct past regional environmental changes and their relation to global climate, particularly to El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon during the last 2200 years. Our results suggest a sustained northward shift in the position of the zonal systems, i.e. the Southern Westerly Wind belt and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which occurred between 1300 and 750 yr BP. The synchrony of the latitudinal shift with cooling in Antarctica and reduced ENSO activity observed in several marine and terrestrial archives across South America suggests a causal link between ENSO and the proposed displacement of the zonal systems. This shift might have acted as a positive feedback to more La Niña-like conditions between 1300 and 750 yr BP by steepening the hemispheric and tropical Pacific zonal sea surface temperature gradient. This scenario further suggests different boundary conditions for ENSO before 1300 and after 750 yr BP.