33 resultados para Emblemasoma mexicana n. sp.

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The relative abundances of benthic foraminifers from the Oman margin have been analyzed from ODP Sites 725 and 726 near the upper boundary of the oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ) and 728 near the lower boundary. The relative abundance pattern of the benthic foraminiferal species in the two shallow sites show synchronous changes, which, together with variations in the faunal composition, may be attributed to changes in the location of the upper boundary of the OMZ during the last 7 million years. At the deeper site, the relative abundance pattern shows considerable variation in the faunal composition during the last 8 million years. The strong dominance of the shallow-water species Ammonia beccarii during the early Pliocene at Site 728 suggests a water depth less than 400 m during the early Pliocene and subsequent subsidence during the middle and late Pliocene to the present > 1400 m water depth.


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Analogous to West- and North Africa, East Africa experienced more humid conditions between approximately 12 to 5 kyr BP, relative to today. While timing and extension of wet phases in the North and West are well constrained, this is not the case for the East African Humid Period. Here we present a record of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and sediment elemental compositions of a sediment core from the East African continental slope, in order to provide insight into the regional shallow Indian Ocean paleoceanography and East African climate history of the last 40 kyr. During glacial times, the dominance of a benthic foraminiferal assemblage characterized by Bulimina aculeata, suggests enhanced surface productivity and sustained flux of organic carbon to the sea floor. During Heinrich Stadial 1 (H1), the Nuttallides rugosus Assemblage indicates oligotrophic bottom water conditions and therefore implies a stronger flow of southern-sourced AAIW to the study site. During the East African Humid Period, the Saidovina karreriana Assemblage in combination with sedimentary C/N and Fe/Ca ratios suggest higher river runoff to the Indian Ocean, and hence more humid conditions in East Africa. Between 8.5 and 8.1 kyr, contemporaneous to the globally documented 8.2 kyr Event, a severe reduction in river deposits implies more arid conditions on the continent. Comparison of our marine data with terrestrial studies suggests that additional moisture from the Atlantic Ocean, delivered by an eastward migration of the Congo Air Boundary during that time period, could have contributed to East African rainfall. Since approximately 9 kyr, the gaining influence of the Millettiana millettii Assemblage indicates a redevelopment of the East African fringe reefs.


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Late Oligocene to late Pliocene vertical water-mass stratification along depth traverses in the northern Indian Ocean is depicted in this paper by benthic foraminifer index faunas. During most of this time, benthic faunas indicate well-oxygenated, bottom-water conditions at all depths except under the southern Indian upwelling and in the Pliocene in the southern Arabian Sea. Faunas suggest the initiation of lower oxygen conditions at intermediate depths in the northern Indian Ocean beginning in Oligocene Zone P21a. Lower oxygen conditions intensified during primary productivity pulses, possibly related to increased upwelling vigor, in the latest Oligocene and throughout most of the late middle through late Miocene. During times of elevated primary production, there may be more oxygen flux into sedimentary pore waters and the shallow infaunal habitat may become more oxygenated. One criterion for locating the source of "new" water masses is vertical homogeneity of benthic foraminifer indexes for well-oxygenated water masses from intermediate through abyssal depths. In the northern Mascarene Basin, this type of faunal homogeneity with depth corroborates the proposal that the northern Indian Ocean was an area of sinking well-oxygenated waters through most of the Miocene before Zone N17. Oxygenated, possibly "new" intermediate-water masses in the low- to middle-latitude Mascarene and Central Indian basins first developed in the late Oligocene. These well-oxygenated waters were probably more fertile than the Antarctic Intermediate Waters (AAIW) that cover intermediate depths in these areas today. Production of intermediate waters more similar to modern AAIW is indicated by the sparse benthic population of epifaunal rotaloid species in the northern Mascarene Basin during middle Miocene Zone N9 and from early through late Pliocene time. Deep-water characteristics are more difficult to interpret because of the extensive redeposition at the deeper sites. Redeposited intermediate, rather than shallow, water fossils and erosion from north to south in the Mascarene Basin are incompatible with the sluggish circulation from south to north through the western Indian Ocean basins today. Such erosion could result from the vigorous sinking of an intermediate-depth water mass of northern origin. Before late Oligocene Zone P22, benthic faunas indicate a twofold subdivision of the troposphere, with the boundary between upper and lower well-oxygenated water masses located from 2500-3000 mbsl. No characteristic bottom-water fauna developed before the end of late Oligocene Zone P22. Deep and abyssal benthic indexes suggest the development of water masses similar to those of the present day in the latest Miocene. Faunas containing deep-water benthic indexes, including the uvigerinids, suggestive of a water mass similar to modern Indian Deep Water (IDW), appeared during the late Miocene in the northern Mascarene and Central Indian basins. In the early Pliocene, this deep-water fauna was found only in the Central Indian Basin, whereas a fauna typical of modern Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) spread through deep waters at 2800 mbsl in the Mascarene Basin. By late Pliocene Zone N21, however, deep-water faunas similar to their modern analogs were developed in both the eastern and western basins. Abyssal faunas, studied only in the Mascarene Basin, show more or less similarity to those under modern AABW. Bottom-water faunas containing Nuttallides umbonifera or Epistominella exiguua were first differentiated at the end of Zone P22, then appeared episodically during the early Miocene. These AABW-type faunas reappeared and migrated updepth into deep waters during the glacial episodes at the end of the Miocene and at the beginning of the Pliocene. By late Pliocene Zone N21, however, a bottom-water fauna similar to that under eastern Indian Bottom Water (IBW) developed in the Mascarene Basin. Modern bottom-water characteristics of the Mascarene Basin must have developed after ZoneN21.


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Late Maestrichtian to late Eocene bathyal benthic foraminiferal faunas at Sites 752,753, and 754 on Broken Ridge in the eastern Indian Ocean were analyzed as to their stratigraphic distribution of species to clarify the relation between faunal turnovers and paleoceanographic changes. Based on Q-mode factor analysis, eight varimax assemblages were distinguished: the Stensioina beccariiformis assemblage in the upper Maestrichtian to upper Paleocene; the Cibicidoides hyphalus assemblage in the upper Maestrichtian; the Cibicidoides cf. pseudoperlucidus assemblage in the upper Paleocene; the Anomalinoides capitatusldanicus assemblage in the uppermost Paleocene to lower Eocene; the Cibicidoides subspiratus assemblage in the lower Eocene; the Nuttallides truempyi assemblage in the lower and middle Eocene; the Osangularia sp. 1 - Hanzawaia ammophila assemblage in the upper Eocene; and the Lenticulina spp. assemblage in the uppermost Eocene, Oligocene, and lower Miocene. The presence of the Osangularia sp. 1 - Hanzawaia ammophila assemblage is related to the shallowing episode on Broken Ridge (upper bathyal), as a result of the rifting event that occurred in the middle Eocene. The most distinct faunal change (the disappearance of about 37% of the species) occurred between the S. beccariiformis assemblage and the A. capitatusldanicus assemblage, at the end of the upper Paleocene. A. capitatusldanicus, Lenticulina spp., and varied forms of Cibicidoides replaced the Velasco-type fauna at this time. The timing of this event is well correlated with the known age at South Atlantic sites (Thomas, 1990 doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.113.123.1990; Kennett and Stott, 1990 doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.113.188.1990; Katz and Miller, 1990 doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.114.147.1991). The primary cause of the extinction of the Stensioina beccariiformis assemblage is elusive, but may have resulted from the cessation of deep-water formation in the Antarctic (Katz and Miller, 1990), and subsequent arrival of warm saline deep water (Thomas, 1990; Kennett and Stott, 1990). Another possibility may be a weakened influence of high-salinity water formed at the low latitudes such as the Tethys Sea. The extinction event corresponds to the change from higher delta13C values in benthic foraminifers to lower ones. An interpretation of delta13C values is that the eastern Indian deep water, characterized by young and nutrient-depleted water, became old water which was devoid of a supply of new water during the latest Paleocene to early Eocene. Prior to this benthic event, signals of related faunal change were detected in the following short periods: early and late Paleocene, near the boundary of nannofossil Zone CP4, and Zone CP5 of the late Paleocene at Site 752. Among common taxa in the upper Maestrichtian, only seven species disappeared or became extinct at the Cretaceous/ Tertiary boundary at Site 752. The benthic foraminiferal population did not change for up to 2 m above the boundary, in contrast to the rapid decrease of the plankt onic foraminiferal population at the boundary. A decrease in the number of benthic foraminifers occurs after that level, corresponding to an interval of decreased numbers of planktonic foraminifers and higher abundance of volcanic ash. Reduced species diversity (H') suggests a secondary effect attributable to the dissolution of foraminiferal tests. The different responses of planktonic and benthic foraminifers to the event just above the boundary suggest that the Cretaceous/Tertiary event was a surface event as also suggested by Thomas (1990). In addition, a positive shift of delta13C in benthic foraminifers after the event indicates nutrient-depleted bottom water at Site 752.


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The relationship between the distribution of benthic foraminifera and sediment type and depositional environment in the Arabian Sea is discussed. The benthic foraminiferal fauna were sampled in nineteen Recent surface sediment samples, and geochemical variables of the sediment of the same samples were measured. The water depths for the box core samples varies from 440 to 4040 m. A total of 103 species and six species-complexes were identified. The geochemical properties were found to correspond well to the sediment type and depositional environment and six different sediment/depositional environment types could be distinguished. Analysis of the benthic foraminiferal fauna reveals specific faunal assemblages that are closely related to these sediment/depositional environment types.


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During Leg 198 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), Paleogene sediments were recovered form 10 holes at four sites along a bathymetric transect from the Southern High of Shatsky Rise. In terms of age, the Paleogene successions span from the Cretaceous/Paleocene boundary to the early Oligocene. Sediments are mainly composed of tan nannofossil ooze with scattered darker layers richer in clay. This data report concerns planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy from three holes, specifically Hole 1209A (water depth = 2387 m), Hole 1210A (water depth = 2573 m), and Hole 1211A (water depth = 2907 m). The thickness of Paleogene sediments is 105.90 m in Hole 1209A, 95.05 m in Hole 1210A, and 56.11 m in the deepest Hole 1211A. Preliminary investigations conducted on board revealed that at Site 1209 the succession was mostly complete, whereas the succession was more condensed at Site 1211.


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