13 resultados para Early-onset

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Neogene to Quaternary records of biogenic opal contents and opal accumulation rates are presented for Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101, which were drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 in the Bellingshausen Sea, a marginal sea in the eastern Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. The opal records in the drift sediments on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula provide signals of paleoproductivity, although they are influenced by dissolution in the water column and the sediment column. Opal contents at Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101 show similar long-term trends through the Neogene and Quaternary, whereas the opal accumulation rates exhibit marked discrepancies, which are caused by local differences in opal preservation linked to local variations of bottom current-induced supply of lithogenic detritus. We used a regression describing the relationship between opal preservation and sedimentation rate to extract the signal of primary opal deposition on the seafloor in the Bellingshausen Sea from the opal accumulation in the drift deposits. On long-term timescales, the reconstructed opal depositional rates show patterns similar to those of the opal contents and a much better coherency between the different locations on the Antarctic Peninsula continental rise. Therefore, the estimated opal depositional rates are suggested to represent a suitable proxy for paleoproductivity in the drift setting of the Bellingshausen Sea. Supposing that the sea-ice coverage within the Antarctic Zone was the main factor controlling biological productivity in the Bellingshausen Sea, and thus the estimated opal depositional rates on the continental rise, we reconstructed paleoceanographic long-term changes during the Neogene and Quaternary considering the climatic control on regional and global scales. Slightly enhanced opal depositional rates during the late Miocene are interpreted to indicate warmer climatic conditions in the vicinity of the Antarctic Peninsula than at present. The contribution of heat from the Northern Component Water (NCW) into the Southern Ocean seems only to have played a subordinate role during that time. High opal depositional rates during the early Pliocene document a strong reduction of sea-ice coverage and relatively warm climatic conditions in the Bellingshausen Sea. The early onset of the Pliocene warmth points to a positive feedback of regional Antarctic climate on the global thermohaline circulation. A decrease of opal deposition between 3.1 and 1.8 Ma likely reflects sea-ice expansion in response to reduced NCW flow, caused by the onset and intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Throughout the Quaternary, a relatively constant level of opal depositional rates in the Bellingshausen Sea indicates stable climatic conditions in the Antarctic Peninsula area.


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A lacustrine sediment core from Store Koldewey, northeast Greenland, was biogeochemically, biologically and sedimentologically investigated in order to reconstruct long- and short-term climatic and environmental variability. The chronology of the uppermost 189 cm of the record is based on ten 14C AMS age determinations of aquatic mosses. The record covers almost the entire Holocene and revealed changes on multidecadal to centennial scales. Dating of the oldest mosses shows that lacustrine biogenic productivity already began at around 11 cal. kyr BP. This age pre-dates the onset of biogenic productivity in other lakes on Store Koldewey by about 2 kyr. In spite of the early onset of biogenic production organic matter accumulation remained low and minerogenic sedimentation dominated. At about 9.5 cal. kyr BP moss, sulphur, organic carbon and biogenic silica content started to increase, indicating that the environment stabilized and the biogenic production in the lake adjusted to more preferable conditions. Subsequently, the biogenic productivity experienced repeated changes and varied both on long- and short-term scales. The long-term trend shows a maximum during the early Holocene thus responding to increased temperatures during the Holocene Thermal Maximum. Superimposed on the long-term trend, biogenic productivity also experienced repeated short-term fluctuations that match partly the NGRIP temperatures. The most pronounced decrease of biogenic productivity occurred at around 8.2 cal. kyr BP. Perennial lake ice coverage resulting from low temperatures is supposed to have caused decreased lacustrine biogenic productivity. From the middle Holocene to the present repeated decreases of productivity occurred that could be related to periods with severe sea-ice conditions of the East Greenland Current. Besides the dependence on air temperature it therefore demonstrates the sensitivity of lacustrine biogenic productivity in coastal high arctic areas to short-term cold spells that are mediated by the currents emanating from the Arctic Ocean. However, the data also emphasize the difficulties associated with the interpretation of lacustrine records.


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Corresponding millennial-scale climate changes have been reported from the North Atlantic region and from east Asia for the last glacial period on independent timescales only. To assess their degree of synchrony we suggest interpreting Greenland ice core dust parameters as proxies for the east Asian monsoon systems. This allows comparing North Atlantic and east Asian climate on the same timescale in high resolution ice core data without relative dating uncertainties. We find that during Dansgaard-Oeschger events North Atlantic region temperature and east Asian storminess were tightly coupled and changed synchronously within 5-10 years with no systematic lead or lag, thus providing instantaneous climatic feedback. The tight link between North Atlantic and east Asian glacial climate could have amplified changes in the northern polar cell to larger scales. We further find evidence for an early onset of a Younger Dryas-like event in continental Asia, which gives evidence for heterogeneous climate change within east Asia during the last deglaciation.


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Variable climatic and oceanographic conditions characterized the last interglacial at high northern latitudes, probably related to changes in the strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The magnitudes of these changes are comparable to the Holocene variability, and were thus significantly subdued compared to glacial climate changes. A thermal optimum occurred during the early part of the interglacial, followed by a period of reduced Atlantic inflow to the northernmost Nordic Seas. Subsequently, a new period with increased strength of the AMOC occurred. Significant amounts of Ice-Rafted Debris (IRD) were deposited in the northernmost Nordic Seas before any major change of the global ice volume. This implies an early onset of local ice sheet growth, probably the result of enhanced inflow of Atlantic water to the northernmost Nordic Seas contemporary with a Northern Hemisphere summer insolation minimum. Contrasting sea-land conditions provided large moisture fluxes towards land, giving rise to rapid, early glacial growth. Throughout the glacial part of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, millennial-scale cold events occurred along the axis of the warm water transport, from the subtropics all the way to the northernmost Nordic Seas. Correlation of IRD events from sites in the Fram Strait, on the Voring Plateau, and in the North Atlantic provides evidence that the major Northern Hemisphere ice sheets at times responded coherently to the same forcing. The widespread distribution of these events highlights the importance of the oceanic influence on the regional climate system.


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Geochemical studies of organic "biomarker" compounds were applied to Eemian sediments cored at Dagebuell (DA-1) on the west coast, and at Krummland (KR-1) in the east of the Baltic Zone of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. 10 samples from the early stage of the Eemian Transgression to the high Eem at Krummland, and 24 samples from the peak and late phases of the Eemian at Dagebuell provide new insights on the development of the Eemian Sea in the region. C37-C39-ethyl- and methyl-ketones in the Krummland sediments indicated unstable conditions at the onset of the marine trangression, and freshwater influence in keeping with their shallow nearshore environment. In the Dagebuell deposits, patterns typical of marine to brackish conditions were observed, comparable to those found today in the Skagerrak and Belt Sea areas. The sea-surface temperatures estimated from the alkenone unsaturation ratio UK37 at DA-1 corroborate the evidence from "standard" faunal and pollen assemblages, and lithological successions. Here, the temperature maximum attained in pollen assemblage zone PAZ Illc, indicates the early onset of very warm conditions, preceding the highest sea level of the penultimate interglacial by 8,000 years, based on previously published U/Th ages.


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Clay-mineral composition and biogenic opal content in upper Miocene to Quaternary drift sediments recovered at two Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites from the continental rise in the Bellingshausen Sea had been analyzed in order to reconstruct the climatic and glacial history of the Antarctic Peninsula. The clay mineral composition at both sites is dominated by smectite, illite, and chlorite, and alternates between a smectite-enriched and a chlorite-enriched assemblage throughout the last 9.3 my. The spatial distribution of clay minerals in Holocene sediments west of the Antarctic Peninsula facilitates the identification of particular source areas, and thus the reconstruction of transport pathways. The similarity to clay mineral variations reported from upper Quaternary sequences suggests that the short-term clay-mineralogical fluctuations in the ODP cores reflect glacial-interglacial cyclicity. Thus, repeated ice advances and retreats in response to a varying size of the Antarctic Peninsula ice cap are likely to have occurred throughout the late Neogene and Quaternary. The clay minerals in the drift sediments exhibit only slight long-term variations, which are caused by local changes in glacial erosion and in supply of source rocks, rather than by major climatic changes. The opal records at the ODP sites are dominated by long-term variations since the late Miocene. We infer that the opal content in the drift sediments, although it is influenced by dissolution in the water column and the sediment column and by the burial with lithogenic detritus, provides a signal of paleoproductivity. Because the annual sea-ice coverage is regarded as the main factor controlling biological productivity, the opal signal helps to reconstruct paleoceanographic changes in the Bellingshausen Sea. Slightly enhanced opal deposition during the late Miocene indicates slightly warmer climatic conditions in the Antarctic Peninsula area than at present. During the early Pliocene, enhanced opal deposition in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean and coinciding high opal concentrations in sedimentary sequences from the Atlantic and Indian sectors document a strong reduction of sea-ice cover and relatively warm climatic conditions. Thereby, the early onset of the Pliocene warmth in the Bellingshausen Sea points to a positive feedback of regional Antarctic climate on the global thermohaline circulation. A decrease of opal deposition between 3.1 and 2.6 Ma likely reflects sea-ice expansion in response to reduced supply of northern-sourced deep-waters to the Southern Ocean, caused by the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Throughout the Quaternary, a relatively constant level of opal deposition on the Antarctic continental margin indicates relatively stable climatic conditions.


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The Eocene-Oligocene (E-O) boundary interval is considered to be one of the major transitions in Earth's climate, witnessing the first major expansion of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. However, the extent of the associated climatic cooling, especially for high northern latitude continental landmasses, is poorly constrained. In this study we reconstruct the first mean annual air temperature (MAAT) for the Greenland landmass during the late Eocene and early Oligocene by applying a new proxy based on the distribution of branched tetraether lipids derived from soil bacteria preserved in a marine sediment core from the Greenland Basin. The temperature estimates are compared with a composite continental temperature record based on bio-climatic analysis of pollen assemblages. Both proxies reveal comparable late Eocene MAATs of ~13-15 °C and a gradual long-term cooling of ~3-5 °C starting near the E-O boundary. These data are in agreement with other MAAT reconstructions from northern midlatitude continents and suggest a general cooling of the Northern Hemisphere during the E-O transition.


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Sedimentation in the central Pacific during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous was dominated by abundant biogenic silica. A synthesis of the stratigraphy, lithology, petrology, and geochemistry of the radiolarites in Sites 801 and 800 documents the sedimentation processes and trends in the equatorial central Pacific from the Middle Jurassic through the Early Cretaceous. Paleolatitude and paleodepth reconstructions enable comparisons with previous DSDP sites and identification of the general patterns of sedimentation over a wide region of the Pacific. Clayey radiolarites dominated sedimentation on Pacific oceanic crust within tropical paleolatitudes from at least the latest Bathonian through Tithonian. Radiolarian productivity rose to a peak within 5° of the paleoequator, where accumulation rates of biogenic silica exceeded 1000 g/cm**2/m.y. Wavy-bedded radiolarian cherts developed in the upper Tithonian at Site 801 coinciding with the proximity of this site to the paleoequator. Ribbon-bedding of some radiolarian cherts exposed on Pacific margins may have formed from silicification of radiolarite deposited near the equatorial high-productivity zone where radiolarian/clay ratios were high. Silicification processes in sediments extensively mixed by bioturbation or enriched in clay or carbonate generally resulted in discontinuous bands or nodules of porcellanite or chert, e.g., a "knobby" radiolarite. Ribbon-bedded cherts require primary alternations of radiolarian-rich and clay-rich layers as an initial structural template, coupled with abundant biogenic silica in both layers. During diagenesis, migration of silica from clay-rich layers leaves radiolarian "ghosts" or voids, and the precipitation in adjacent radiolarite layers results in silicification of the inter-radiolarian matrix and infilling of radiolarian tests. Alternations of claystone and clay-rich radiolarian grainstone were deposited during the Callovian at Site 801 and during the Berriasian-Valanginian at Site 800, but did not silicify to form bedded chert. Carbonate was not preserved on the Pacific oceanic floor or spreading ridges during the Jurassic, perhaps due to an elevated level of dissolved carbon dioxide. During the Berriasian through Hauterivian, the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) descended to approximately 3500 m, permitting the accumulation of siliceous limestones at near-ridge sites. Carbonate accumulation rates exceeded 1500 g/cm**2/m.y. at sites above the CCD, yet there is no evidence of an equatorial carbonate bulge during the Early Cretaceous. In the Barremian and Aptian, the CCD rose, coincident with the onset of mid-plate volcanic activity. Abundance of Fe and Mn and the associated formation of authigenic Fe-smectite clays was a function of proximity to the spreading ridges, with secondary enrichments occurring during episodes of spreading-center reorganizations. Callovian radiolarite at Site 801 is anomalously depleted in Mn, which resulted either from inhibited precipitation of Mn-oxides by lower pH of interstitial waters induced by high dissolved oceanic CO2 levels or from diagenetic mobilization of Mn. Influx of terrigenous (eolian) clay apparently changed with paleolatitude and geological age. Cyclic variations in productivity of radiolarians and of nannofossils and in the influx of terrigenous clay are attributed to Milankovitch climatic cycles of precession (20,000 yr) and eccentricity (100,000 yr). Diagenetic redistribution of biogenic silica and carbonate enhanced the expression of this cyclic sedimentation. Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments were deposited under oxygenated bottom-water conditions at all depths, accompanied by bioturbation and pervasive oxidation of organic carbon and metals. Despite the more "equable" climate conditions of the Mesozoic, the super-ocean of the Pacific experienced adequate deep-water circulation to prevent stagnation. Efficient nutrient recycling may have been a factor in the abundance of radiolarians in this ocean basin.


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During Leg 177 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), a well-preserved middle Eocene to lower Miocene sediment record was recovered at Site 1090 on the Agulhas Ridge in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. This new sediment record shows evidence of a hitherto unknown late Eocene opal pulse. Lithological variations, compositional data, mass-accumulation rates of biogenic and lithogenic sediment constituents, grain-size distributions, geochemistry, and clay mineralogy are used to gain insights into mid-Cenozoic environmental changes and to explore the circumstances of the late Eocene opal pulse in terms of reorganizations in ocean circulation. The base of the section is composed of middle Eocene nannofossil oozes mixed with red clays enriched in authigenic clinoptilolite and smectite, deposited at low sedimentation rates (LE 2 cm/ka). It indicates reduced terrigenous sediment input and moderate biological productivity during this preglacial warm climatic stage. The basal strata are overlain by an extended succession (100 m, 4 cm/ka) of biosiliceous oozes and muds, comprising the upper middle Eocene, the entire late Eocene, and the lowermost early Oligocene. The opal pulse occurred between 37.5 and 33.5 Ma and documents the development of upwelling cells along topographic highs, and the utilization of a marine nutrient- and silica reservoir established during the pre-late Eocene through enhanced submarine hydrothermal activity and the introduction of terrigenous solutions from chemical weathering on adjacent continents. This palaeoceanographic overturn probably was initiated through the onset of increased meridional ocean circulation, caused by the diversion of the Indian equatorial current to the south. The opal pulse was accompanied by increased influxes of terrigenous detritus from southern African sources (illite), mediated by enhanced ocean particle advection in response to modified ocean circulation. The opal pulse ended because of frontal shifts to the south around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, possibly in response to the opening of the Drake Passage and the incipient establishment of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Condensed sediments and a hiatus within the early Oligocene part of the section possibly point to an invigoration of the deep-reaching Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The mid-Oligocene to lower Miocene section on long time scale exhibits less pronounced lithological variations than the older section and points to relatively stable palaeoceanographic conditions after the dramatic changes in the late Eocene to early Oligocene.


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Five sections drilled in multiple holes over a depth transect of more than 2200 m at the Walvis Ridge (SE Atlantic) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 208 resulted in the first complete early Paleogene deep-sea record. Here we present high-resolution stratigraphic records spanning a ~4.3 million yearlong interval of the late Paleocene to early Eocene. This interval includes the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) as well as the Eocene thermal maximum (ETM) 2 event. A detailed chronology was developed with nondestructive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning records and shipboard color data. These records were used to refine the shipboard-derived spliced composite depth for each site and with a record from ODP Site 1051 were then used to establish a continuous time series over this interval. Extensive spectral analysis reveals that the early Paleogene sedimentary cyclicity is dominated by precession modulated by the short (100 kyr) and long (405 kyr) eccentricity cycles. Counting of precession-related cycles at multiple sites results in revised estimates for the duration of magnetochrons C24r and C25n. Direct comparison between the amplitude modulation of the precession component derived from XRF data and recent models of Earth's orbital eccentricity suggests that the onset of the PETM and ETM2 are related to a 100-kyr eccentricity maximum. Both events are approximately a quarter of a period offset from a maximum in the 405-kyr eccentricity cycle, with the major difference that the PETM is lagging and ETM2 is leading a 405-kyr eccentricity maximum. Absolute age estimates for the PETM, ETM2, and the magnetochron boundaries that are consistent with recalibrated radiometric ages and recent models of Earth's orbital eccentricity cannot be precisely determined at present because of too large uncertainties in these methods. Nevertheless, we provide two possible tuning options, which demonstrate the potential for the development of a cyclostratigraphic framework based on the stable 405-kyr eccentricity cycle for the entire Paleogene.


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Changes in Mississippian global paleogeography derived from the reconfiguration of the continents, a reversal in ocean currents and global cooling. Although the tectonic and climatic changes are well-documented, their effects on the distribution of brachiopod fauna are poorly documented. Here we present systematic quantitative analyses on global paleobiogeography based on a global brachiopod database from the Mississippian (i.e., Tournaisian, Visean, and Serpukhovian). The dataset consists of 2123 species of 344 brachiopod genera from 1156 localities. Our results reveal that global provincialism was not evident during the Tournaisian and Visean Stages. Two realms, i.e., the Gondwanan and Paleoequatorial Realms, are recognized during the Tournaisian. The Paleoequatorial Realm dominates during the Visean Stage, whereas the Gondwanan Realm is not documented due to the absence of data points. In contrast to the early and middle Mississippian stages, faunal provincialism is greatly enhanced in the Serpukhovian Stage with Paleotethyan and North American realms easily distinguished. This indicates that the Rheic Ocean was closed before the Serpukhovian due to the collision between Gondwana and Laurussia, that disrupted faunal interchange between the Paleotethys and North America. In addition, the paleolatitude-related thermal gradient was enhanced and the Boreal Realm was distinguished from the Paleotethyan Realm during the onset of the Late Palaeozoic Ice Age (LPIA) in the Serpukhovian. The paleolatitude diversity gradient pattern further shows a distinct shift of diversity center from the southern tropic zone in the Tournaisian and Visean to the northern tropic zone in the Serpukhovian.


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We constructed a precise early Eocene orbital cyclostratigraphy for DSDP Site 550 (Leg 80, Goban Spur, North Atlantic) utilizing precession related cycles as represented in a high resolution X-Ray Fluorescence based Barium core log. Based on counting of those cycles, we constrain the exact timing of two volcanic ash layers in Site 550 which correlate to ashes +19 and -17 of the Fur Formation in Denmark. The ashes, relative to the onset of the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), are offset by 862 kyr and 672 kyr, respectively. When combined with published absolute ages for ash -17, the absolute age for the onset of the PETM is consistent with astronomically calibrated ages. Using the current absolute age of 28.02 Ma for the Fish Canyon Tuff (FCT) standard for calibrating the absolute age of ash -17 is consistent with tuning option 2 in the astronomically calibrated Paleocene time scale of Westerhold et al. (2008) [Westerhold, T., Röhl, U., Raffi, I., Fornaciari, E., Monechi, S., Reale, V., Bowles, J., and Evans, H.F., 2008, Astronomical calibration of the Paleocene time: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 257, p. 377-403]. Using the recently recalibrated absolute age of 28.201 Ma for the FCT standard is consistent with tuning option 3 in the astronomically calibrated Paleocene time scale. The new results do not support the existence of any additional 405-kyr cycle in the early Paleocene astronomically tuned time scale.