81 resultados para ENRICHED FRESH PASTA

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The flows and sills drilled at Sites 794 and 797 in the Yamato Basin of the Japan Sea are subalkalic, olivine, and/or plagioclase phyric basalts. Compositionally, the rocks can be divided into a depleted, low-K type and an enriched, relatively high-K type. In addition, two contrasting evolution trends are reflected in the rock compositions, which allow four different magmatic suites to be identified. It is suggested that the depleted or enriched nature of these suites represent primary characteristics, while the different evolution trends are related to fractionation processes in crustal magma chambers. A tholeiitic evolution trend, with increasing FeO and TiO2 and decreasing Al2O3, can be modelled by fractional crystallization of 40%-50% plagioclase, olivine, and augite. A mildly calc-alkalic evolution trend, with decreasing FeO, increasing Al2O3, and nearly constant TiO2, can be modelled by 8%-12% olivine fractionation. Mineralogical evidence suggests that these differences may be related to the effect of small amounts of water during crystallization of the calc-alkalic suites. The tholeiitic suites occur in the lower parts of the drill cores, while the calc-alkalic suites occur in the upper parts. This suggests a complex tectonic and magmatic evolution, perhaps reflecting a transition between calc-alkalic magmatism related to subduction zone activity and tholeiitic magmatism related to back-arc spreading. Furthermore, any magmatic model must be able to account for the range in parental magmas from depleted to enriched throughout the tectonic history of the Yamato Basin.


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Ostracode species assemblages and stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of living and recent ostracodes, together with delta18O and delta13C_DIC values of host water samples, provide a first data set that characterizes a wide range of modern aquatic environments in the Laguna Cari-Laufquen (41°S, 68 - 69°W) and the Lago Cardiel area (48 - 49°S, 70 - 71°W) in Patagonia, Argentina. This data set will ultimately be used to interpret and calibrate data acquired from lake sediment cores with the goal of reconstructing past climate. Species assemblages and isotope values can be assigned to three groups; (1) springs, seeps and streams, (2) permanent ponds and lakes, and (3) ephemeral ponds and lakes. Springs, seeps and streams are characterized by Darwinula sp., Heterocypris incongruens, Eucypris fontana, Amphicypris nobilis and Ilyocypris ramirezi. Ostracode and water isotope values range between -13 and -5 per mil for oxygen, and between -15 and -3 per mil for carbon. They are the most negative of the entire sample set, reflecting ground water input with little or no evaporative enrichment. Limnocythere patagonica, Eucypris labyrinthica, Limnocythere sp. and Eucypris aff. fontana are typical species of permanent ponds and lakes. Isotope values indicate high degree of evaporation of lake waters relative to feeder springs and streams and range between -7 and +5 per mil for oxygen, and -5 and +4 per mil for carbon. Limnocythere rionegroensis is the dominant species in ephemeral ponds and lakes. These systems display the most enriched isotope values in both ostracodes and host waters, extending from -5 to +7 per mil for oxygen, and from -5 to +6 per mil for carbon. Living ostracodes show a positive offset from equilibrium values of up to 2 per mil for oxygen. Carbon-isotope values are up to 6? more negative than equilibrium values in highly productive pools. Comparison of ostracode and host water isotope signals permits assessment of the life span of the aquatic environments. Valves from dead ostracodes collected from ephemeral ponds and lakes show a wide scatter with each sample providing a snapshot of the seasonal history of the host water. The presence of the stream species Ilyocypris ramirezi and a wide range of ostracode isotope values suggest that ephemeral ponds and lakes are fed by streams during spring run-off and seasonally dry. A temporary character is also indicated by Heterocypris incongruens, a drought-resistant species that occupies most springs and seeps. In addition, Limnocythere rionegroensis has adjusted its reproduction strategies to its environment. Whereas only females were collected in fresh host waters, males were found in ephemeral ponds and lakes with higher solute content. Sexual reproduction seems to be the more successful reproduction strategy in high and variable salinities and seasonal droughts. The temporary character of the aquatic environments shows that the availability of meteoric water controls the life span of host waters and underlines the sensitivity of the area to changes in precipitation.


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Lake George, New York, is the site of a new discovery of iron-manganese nodules. These nodules occur at a water depth between 21 and 36 m along a stretch of lake extending for about 5 mi north and south of the Narrows, a constricted island-dotted area which separates the north and south Lake George basins. Nodules occur on or within the uppermost 5 cm of a varved glacial clay. Some areas are solidly floored with a carpet of nodules in areas where active currents keep the nodules exposed. The nodules form around nuclei which consist of clay and less commonly of spore capsules, detrital particles, or bark. By their shape we recognize three types of nodules: spherical, discoidal, and lumps. On X-ray examination all nodules show small goethite peaks; in one nodule the manganese mineral birnessite was identified. Manganese and part of the iron appears to be in X-ray amorphous ferromanganese compounds. The Lake George nodules are enriched in iron with respect to marine nodules but are lower in manganese. They have a higher trace element concentration than nodules from other known freshwater lake occurrences, but a lower concentration than marine nodules.


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Reentry of Hole 462A during Leg 89 resulted in the penetration of a further 140 m of basalt sheet-flows similar to those found during Leg 61 at the same site. Twelve volcanic units (45 to 56) were recognized, comprising a series of rapidly extruded, interlayered aphyric and poorly clinopyroxene-plagioclase-olivine phyric, nonvesicular basalts. All exhibit variable, mild hydration and oxidation, relative to fresh oceanic basalts, produced under reducing, low-CO2-activity conditions within the zeolite facies. Secondary assemblages are dominated by smectites, zeolites, and pyrite, produced by low-temperature reaction with poorly oxygenated seawater. No systematic mineralogical or chemical changes are observed with depth, although thin quenched units and more massive hypocrystalline units exhibit slightly different alteration parageneses. Chemically, the basalts are olivine- and quartz-normative tholeiites, characterized by low incompatible-element abundances, similar to mildly enriched MORB (approaching T-type), with moderate, chrondite-normalized, large-ionlithophile- element depletion patterns and generally lower or near-chrondritic ratios for many low-distribution-coefficient (KD) element pairs. In general, relative to cyclic MORB chemical variation, they are uniform throughout, although 3 chemical megagroups and 22 subgroups are recognized. It is considered that the megagroups represent separate low-pressure-fractionated systems (olivine + Plagioclase ± clinopyroxene), whereas minor variations within them (subgroups) indicate magma mixing and generation of near-steady-state conditions. Overall, relatively minor fractionation coupled with magma mixing produced a series of compositionally uniform lavas. Parental melts were produced by similar degrees of partial melting, although the source may have varied slightly in LIL-element content.


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New geochemical data from the Cocos Plate constrain the composition of the input into the Central American subduction zone and demonstrate the extent of influence of the Galápagos Hotspot on the Cocos Plate. Samples include sediments and basalts from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1256 outboard of Nicaragua, gabbroic sills from ODP Sites 1039 and 1040, tholeiitic glasses from the Fisher Ridge off northwest Costa Rica, and basalts from the Galápagos Hotspot Track outboard of Central Costa Rica. Site 1256 basalts range from normal to enriched MORB in incompatible elements and have Pb and Nd isotopic compositions within the East Pacific Rise MORB field. The sediments have similar 206Pb/204Pb and only slightly more radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios than the basalts. Altered samples from the subducting Galápagos Hotspot Track have similar Nd and Pb isotopic compositions to fresh Galápagos samples but have significantly higher Sr isotopic composition, indicating that the subduction input will have a distinct geochemical signature from Galápagos-type mantle material that may be present in the wedge beneath Costa Rica. Gabbroic sills from Sites 1039 and 1040 in East Pacific Rise (EPR) crust show evidence for influence of the Galápagos Hotspot ?100 km beyond the morphological hotspot track.