225 resultados para E. Platengrund, Kiel Bay
em Publishing Network for Geoscientific
The isotope-ratios of sulfur-components in several sedimentologically different cores of recent marine sediments from Kiel Bay (Baltic Sea) were investigated. In addition, quantitative determinations were made on total sulfur, sulfate, sulfide, chloride, organic carbon, iron and watercontent in the sediment or in the pore-water solution. The investigations gave the following results: 1. The sulfur in the sediment (about 0.3 -2 % of the dry sample) was for the most part introduced into the sediment after sedimentation. This confirms the results of Kaplan et al. (1963, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(63)90074-7). The yield of Sulfur from organic material is very small (in our samples about 5-10% of the total sulfur in the sediment). 2. The sulfur bound in the sediment is taken from the sulfate of the interstitial water. During normal sedimentation, the exchange of sulfate by diffusion significant for changes in the sulfur-content goes down to a sediment depth of 4-6 cm. In this way the sulfate consumed by reduction and formation of sulfide or pyrite is mostly replaced. The uppermost layer of the sediment is an partly open system for the sulfur. The diagenesis of the sulfur is allochemical. 3. The isotope-values of the sediment-sulfur are largely influenced by the sulfur coming into the sediment by diffusion and being bound by bacteriological reduction. Due to the prevailing reduction of 32S and reverse-diffusion of sulfate into the open sea-water, an 32S enrichment takes place in the uppermost layer of the sediment. delta34S-values in the sediment range between -15 and -35 ? while seawater-sulfate has +20 ?. No relationship could be established between sedimentological or chemical changes and isotope-ratios. In the cores, successive sandy and clayly layers showed no change in the delta-values. The sedimentation rate, however, seems to influence isotope-ratios. In one core with low sedimentationrates the delta34S-values varied between -29 and -33 ?, while cores with higher sedimentationrates showed values between -17 and -24 ?. 4. As sediment depth increases, the pore-water sulfate shows decreasing concentrations (in a depth of 30-40 cm we found between 20 and 70 % of the seawater-values), and increasing delta 34S-values (in one case reaching more than +60 ?). The concentration of sulfide in the pore-water increases with sediment-depth (reaching 80 mg S/l in one case). The (delta34S-values of the pore-water-sulfide in all cores show increases paralleling the sulfate sulfur, with a nearly constant delta-distance of 50-60 ? in all cores. This seems to confirm the genetic relationship between the two components.
This data volume presents a series of planktological observations carried out over a 19-year-period in Kiel Bight in the Western Baltic Sea. Three fixed stations were visited at monthly intervals, and the planktion standing stock was investigated in relation to depth and environmental factors, employing a standard observation programme. This consisted in the measurements of temperature, salinity, density, oxygen, phosphorus, seston, protein and chlorophyll a. Additional measurements comprised in the caloric content of seston, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, as well as dry weight and organic matter of plankton, sampled by vertical hauls of three plankton nets of different mesh size.
Manganese-iron accumulates in the Kiel Bay were investigated with regard to their occurence, chemical composition and formation. Three morphologically different types were identified: a) growth on mussels, b) spherical nodules (ca. 1-3 cm) and c) disshaped symetrical and asymetrical nodules (up to 10 cm). Average values from 110 accumulates representing the three types were: Mn 29.3%, Fe 10.0%, Co 77 ppm, Ni 97 ppm, Cu 21 ppm and Zn 340 ppm. Accumulates on mussels showed the highest trace metal concentrations. A growth rate of ca. 0.6 mm/yr for type (a) was estimated. Heavy metal concentrations were determined in ca. 60 sediment and 30 pore water samples, and in 110 Baltic sea water samples. During certain periods, large increases in Mn values (up to 400 (µg/l) were found in the deeper waters. These concentrations develop during periods of strong stagnant conditions in the sediments where dissolution of Mn oxides, and diffusion mobilizes the Mn into the overlying waters. The manganese is then reprecipitated close to the boundary of the O2-enriched surface waters. This critical O2-concentration was found to be 40% saturation. In the Kiel Bay, Mn-Fe-accumulates are found in a zone which marks the upper limit sometimes reached by the deep waters of lower O2-concentration. Additionally, the availability of larger particles (especially stones or mussels) on the sediment surface is necessary. These conditions are met in the Kiel Bay in a water depth of 20-28 m at several places.
Geological observations, using "free-diving" techniques (Figure I) were made in September, 1960 and March 1961 along two continuous profiles in the outer Kiel Harbor, Germany and at several other spot locations in the Western Baltic Sea. A distinct terrace, cut in Pleistocene glacial till, was found that was covered with varying amounts and types of recent deposits. Hand samples were taken of the sea-floor sediments and grainsize distribution determined for both the sediment as a whole and for its heavy mineral fraction. From the Laboratory and Field observations it was possible to recognize two distinct types of sand; Type I, Sand resulting from transportation over a long period of time and distance and Type 11, Sand resulting from little transportation and found today near to xvhere it was formed. Several criterea related to the agent of movement could be used to classify the nature of the sediment; (1) undisturbed (the sediment Cover of the Pleistocene Terrace is essentially undisturbed), (2) mixed by organisms, (3) transported by water movements (sediment found with ripple marks, etc., and (4) "Scoured" (the movement of individual particles of sediment from around larger boulders causes a slow downward movement or "Creeping" which is due to both the force of gravity and bottom currents. These observations and laboratory studies are discussed concerning their relationship to the formation of residual sediments, the direction of sand transportation, and the intensive erosion on the outer edge of the wave-cut platform found in this part of the Baltic Sea.
Sediment cores, mainly push-box samples, from a channel system of the Kiel Bay are described. The channel system, of glacial and fluviatile origin, is important for the distribution of heavy, salt-rich water entering from the North Sea through the Great Belt, Sediment erosion and transport in the channels is due entirely to currents, because the bottom lies too deep for wave action. The sediments of these channels proude information about current velocities and their frequencies. Grain-size, minor sediment structures and thickness of the sediments vary remarkably. Nevertheless, for those parts of the channels where stronger currents occur, some typical features can be shown. These include: small thickness of the marine sediments, erosional effects upon the underlying sediments, and poor sorting of the sediments, whereby fine and coarse fractions are mixed very intensively. Besides strong currents which effect the bottom configuration and deposits in the Fehmarn Belt, there must exist longer periods of low current action upon the bottom, although current measurements show that current velocities higher than 50 cm/sec at some meters above the bottom occur frequently during the year. In the channel to the west of the southern mouth of Great Belt, coarse sediments were found only in elongate, deep throughs within the channels. This is believed to be due to an acceleration of the entering tongues of heavy water as they flow downslope into the throughs. Minor structures of two sediment cores were made visible by X-ray photographs. These showed that the mixing of sand and clayey material is due partly to bottom organisms and that the mud, which appears 'homogeneous' to the bare eye, is built up of fine wavy laminae which are also partly destroyed by boring animals. At another location in the channel system, there was found a thin finegrained layer of marine sediment resting upon peat. Palynological dating of the peat shows that very little older sediment could have been eroded. The current velocities, therefore, must be too low for the movement of coarse material and erosion, but too high to allow the Sedimentation of a lot of fine-grained material.
Die angewandte Mikropaläontologie bestimmt heute im wesentlichen das Alter eines Gesteins mit Hilfe von Faunenvergesellschaftungen. Aus der Zusammensetzung der Fauna, aus dem Einsatz oder Fehlen bestimmter Gattungen und Arten, aus den Mineralien, die das Gestein aufbauen, aus dem ganzen Bild, das eine aus einem Gestein herausgeschlämmte Fauna dem Bearbeiter gibt, läßt sich das Alter dieses Gesteins festlegen. Will man aber verschiedene Bohrungen, vor allem auch räumlich weit voneinander getrennter Gebiete, miteinander parallelisieren, so liegt das Kernproblem der Mikropaläontologie in der Frage, ob es sich bei verschiedenen Faunen tatsächlich um Alters- oder nur um Faziesunterschiede handelt. Da die Grundlagen der mikropaläontologischen Arbeitsweise zum weitaus größten Teil auf den Ergebnissen von Untersuchungen fossiler Faunen beruhen, müssen zu ihrer Unterbauung Untersuchungen an recentem Material folgen. Besonders spielt das Ineinandergreifen mariner und brackischer Sedimente in der angewandten Mikropaläontologie eine große Rolle. Auf Grund der Tatsache, daß ein großer Teil von Gattungen und Arten der Foraminiferen an der Wende Kreide/Tertiär ausstirbt und neue an ihre Stelle treten, stellt Glässner (1948) die Behauptung auf, daß die aktualistisch gewonnenen Ergebnisse für vortertiäre Faunen nur eine geringe Bedeutung besitzen. Auch seien vortertiäre, brackische Foraminiferen nicht bekannt (Glässner 1948, S. 191). Hiltermann (1948) konnte aber bereits im nordwestdeutschen Malm brackische, d. h. in Brackwasser eindringende Foraminiferen nachweisen. Auf jeden Fall behalten aktualistische Unterlagen ihren Wert für das Tertiär und Quartär. Die Faunen, die in recenten, brackischen Sedimenten nebeneinander auftreten, sind in einem Bohrprofil in einem Gestein übereinander zu erwarten. Gelingt es, die Beziehungen einer recenten Fauna zu ihrer Umwelt zu klären, dann können umgekehrt aus fossilen, ihnen gleichen oder ähnlichen Faunen Rückschlüsse auf die Entstehungsbedingungen von Gesteinen gezogen werden. Unter Umständen können der Verlauf einer Transgression, Küstennähe, die Höhe des Salzgehaltes des Meerwassers, die vorherrschenden Temperaturen u. a., aus ihnen abgelesen werden. Die Ostsee ist ein klassisches Brackwassergebiet der Erde. Ihr westlicher Teil, die Kieler Bucht, wurde erst in jüngster geologischer Zeit vom Meer überflutet. Nach Tapfer (1940) begann hier die flandrische Transgression erst etwa um 7500 v. d. Zw. mit dem Erreichen des heutigen Meeresniveaus. Seit dieser Zeit erst entstehen neue Küstenformen, wird der Meeresboden umgelagert und bilden sich marine und brackische Absätze in diesem Gebiet.
Density and diversity of bottom fauna population as dependent on sediment types and water depth is largely well known in Kiel Bay. This is in contrast to structures and processes of bioturbation, although generally it has a big influence on the benthic boundary layer and its processes, e.g., the metabolism of the bottom fauna, the mechanical properties, the age dating, and the large field of chemical processes. In the densely inhabited sands and muddy sands of the shallower waters with sediment thicknesses of some decimeters only, bioturbation is usually ubiquitous, and most of the structures left are monotonously of "biodeformational" character. At greater water depths, however, where a sedimentary column of several meters of Holocene is developed, the X-ray radiographs of numerous sediment cores show heterogeneous biogenic structures with regional and stratigraphical differentiation. They are described in terms of ichnofabrics and are interpreted on ethological knowledge of the related macrobenthos species. lmportant organisms creating specific traces include the bivalve Arctica (Cyprina) islandica and the polychaete worm Pectinaria koreni. These species are abundant in Kiel Bay and produce by their crawling-plowing mode of locomotion, a characteristic biogenic stratification, the "plow-sole structure". Other typical biogenic structures are tube traces, which are left by a number of different polychaetes occurring either singly, or as U-pairs mainly in mud sediments. Although sea urchins are rare to absent in Kiel Bay, layers of their characteristic traces Scolicia occur as witness of paleohydrographic events in channel sediments of the central bay. Plow-sole traces, polychaete-tube ichnofabric, Scolicia layers and alternations of laminated and bioturbated layers are considered as building blocks of a future "ichnostratigraphy" of Kiel Bay.