71 resultados para Diurnal

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Risk analyses indicate that more than 90% of the world's reefs will be threatened by climate change and local anthropogenic impacts by the year 2030 under "business-as-usual" climate scenarios. Increasing temperatures and solar radiation cause coral bleaching that has resulted in extensive coral mortality. Increasing carbon dioxide reduces seawater pH, slows coral growth, and may cause loss of reef structure. Management strategies include establishment of marine protected areas with environmental conditions that promote reef resiliency. However, few resilient reefs have been identified, and resiliency factors are poorly defined. Here we characterize the first natural, non-reef coral refuge from thermal stress and ocean acidification and identify resiliency factors for mangrove-coral habitats. We measured diurnal and seasonal variations in temperature, salinity, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and seawater chemistry; characterized substrate parameters; and examined water circulation patterns in mangrove communities where scleractinian corals are growing attached to and under mangrove prop roots in Hurricane Hole, St. John, US Virgin Islands. Additionally, we inventoried the coral species and quantified incidences of coral bleaching, mortality, and recovery for two major reef-building corals, Colpophyllia natans and Diploria labyrinthiformis, growing in mangrove-shaded and exposed (unshaded) areas. Over 30 species of scleractinian corals were growing in association with mangroves. Corals were thriving in low-light (more than 70% attenuation of incident PAR) from mangrove shading and at higher temperatures than nearby reef tract corals. A higher percentage of C. natans colonies were living shaded by mangroves, and no shaded colonies were bleached. Fewer D. labyrinthiformis colonies were shaded by mangroves, however more unshaded colonies were bleached. A combination of substrate and habitat heterogeneity, proximity of different habitat types, hydrographic conditions, and biological influences on seawater chemistry generate chemical conditions that buffer against ocean acidification. This previously undocumented refuge for corals provides evidence for adaptation of coastal organisms and ecosystem transition due to recent climate change. Identifying and protecting other natural, non-reef coral refuges is critical for sustaining corals and other reef species into the future.


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Precise measurements were conducted in continuous flow seawater mesocosms located in full sunlight that compared metabolic response of coral, coral-macroalgae and macroalgae systems over a diurnal cycle. Irradiance controlled net photosynthesis (Pnet), which in turn drove net calcification (Gnet), and altered pH. Pnet exerted the dominant control on [CO3]2- and aragonite saturation state (Omega arag) over the diel cycle. Dark calcification rate decreased after sunset, reaching zero near midnight followed by an increasing rate that peaked at 03:00 h. Changes in Omega arag and pH lagged behind Gnet throughout the daily cycle by two or more hours. The flux rate Pnet was the primary driver of calcification. Daytime coral metabolism rapidly removes dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from the bulk seawater and photosynthesis provides the energy that drives Gnet while increasing the bulk water pH. These relationships result in a correlation between Gnet and Omega arag, with Omega arag as the dependent variable. High rates of H+ efflux continued for several hours following mid-day peak Gnet suggesting that corals have difficulty in shedding waste protons as described by the Proton Flux Hypothesis. DIC flux (uptake) followed Pnet and Gnet and dropped off rapidly following peak Pnet and peak Gnet indicating that corals can cope more effectively with the problem of limited DIC supply compared to the problem of eliminating H+. Over a 24 h period the plot of total alkalinity (AT) versus DIC as well as the plot of Gnet versus Omega arag revealed a circular hysteresis pattern over the diel cycle in the coral and coral-algae mesocosms, but not the macroalgae mesocosm. Presence of macroalgae did not change Gnet of the corals, but altered the relationship between Omega arag and Gnet. Predictive models of how future global changes will effect coral growth that are based on oceanic Omega arag must include the influence of future localized Pnet on Gnet and changes in rate of reef carbonate dissolution. The correlation between Omega arag and Gnet over the diel cycle is simply the response of the CO2-carbonate system to increased pH as photosynthesis shifts the equilibria and increases the [CO3]2- relative to the other DIC components of [HCO3]- and [CO2]. Therefore Omega arag closely tracked pH as an effect of changes in Pnet, which also drove changes in Gnet. Measurements of DIC flux and H+ flux are far more useful than concentrations in describing coral metabolism dynamics. Coral reefs are systems that exist in constant disequilibrium with the water column.


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Egg and pellet production of Calanus finmarchicus was measured at 6-h intervals at all stations during the second leg of the cruise. Calanus was collected at the surface 150-m using a WP2 plankton net, and incubated in chl-max water for 24-h. Each 6 hours females were transferred to a new food solution and eggs and pellets were counted. In the end of the experiment, females were measured for prosome length. The purpose of the exercise was to calculate the minimum carbon consumption of Calanus, and how large proportion of ingestion is egested as fast sinking fecal pellets, and when.


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Coastal ecosystems that are characterized by kelp forests encounter daily pH fluctuations, driven by photosynthesis and respiration, which are larger than pH changes owing to ocean acidification (OA) projected for surface ocean waters by 2100. We investigated whether mimicry of biologically mediated diurnal shifts in pH-based for the first time on pH time-series measurements within a kelp forest-would offset or amplify the negative effects of OA on calcifiers. In a 40-day laboratory experiment, the calcifying coralline macroalga, Arthrocardia corymbosa, was exposed to two mean pH treatments (8.05 or 7.65). For each mean, two experimental pH manipulations were applied. In one treatment, pH was held constant. In the second treatment, pH was manipulated around the mean (as a step-function), 0.4 pH units higher during daylight and 0.4 units lower during darkness to approximate diurnal fluctuations in a kelp forest. In all cases, growth rates were lower at a reduced mean pH, and fluctuations in pH acted additively to further reduce growth. Photosynthesis, recruitment and elemental composition did not change with pH, but ?(13)C increased at lower mean pH. Including environmental heterogeneity in experimental design will assist with a more accurate assessment of the responses of calcifiers to OA.


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Ocean acidification leads to changes in marine carbonate chemistry that are predicted to cause a decline in future coral reef calcification. Several laboratory and mesocosm experiments have described calcification responses of species and communities to increasing CO2. The few in situ studies on natural coral reefs that have been carried out to date have shown a direct relationship between aragonite saturation state (Omega arag) and net community calcification (Gnet). However, these studies have been performed over a limited range of Omega arag values, where extrapolation outside the observational range is required to predict future changes in coral reef calcification. We measured extreme diurnal variability in carbonate chemistry within a reef flat in the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Omega arag varied between 1.1 and 6.5, thus exceeding the magnitude of change expected this century in open ocean subtropical/tropical waters. The observed variability comes about through biological activity on the reef, where changes to the carbonate chemistry are enhanced at low tide when reef flat waters are isolated from open ocean water. We define a relationship between net community calcification and Omega arag, using our in situ measurements. We find net community calcification to be linearly related to Omega arag, while temperature and nutrients had no significant effect on Gnet. Using our relationship between Gnet and Omega arag, we predict that net community calcification will decline by 55% of its preindustrial value by the end of the century. It is not known at this stage whether exposure to large variability in carbonate chemistry will make reef flat organisms more or less vulnerable to the non-calcifying physiological effects of increasing ocean CO2 and future laboratory studies will need to incorporate this natural variability to address this question.


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Continuous condensation particle (CP) observations were conducted from 1984 through 2009 at Neumayer Station under stringent contamination control. During this period, the CP concentration (median 258 1/cm**3) showed no significant long term trend but exhibited a pronounced seasonality characterized by a stepwise increase starting in September and reaching its annual maximum of around 10**3/cm**3 in March. Minimum values below 10**2/cm**3 were observed during June/July. Dedicated time series analyses in the time and frequency domain revealed no significant correlations between inter-annual CP concentration variations and atmospheric circulation indices like Southern Annular Mode (SAM) or Southern Ocean Index (SOI). The impact of the Pinatubo volcanic eruption and strong El Niño events did not affect CP concentrations. From thermodenuder experiments we deduced that the portion of volatile (at 125 °C) and semi-volatile (at 250 °C) particles which could be both associated with biogenic sulfur aerosol, was maximum during austral summer, while during winter non-volatile sea salt particles dominated. During September through April we could frequently observe enhanced concentrations of ultrafine particles within the nucleation mode (between 3 nm and 7 nm particle diameter), preferentially in the afternoon.


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The freezing and desiccation tolerance of 12 Klebsormidium strains, isolated from various habitats (aero-terrestrial, terrestrial, and hydro-terrestrial) from distinct geographical regions (Antarctic - South Shetlands, King George Island, Arctic - Ellesmere Island, Svalbard, Central Europe - Slovakia) were studied. Each strain was exposed to several freezing (-4°C, -40°C, -196°C) and desiccation (+4°C and +20°C) regimes, simulating both natural and semi-natural freeze-thaw and desiccation cycles. The level of resistance (or the survival capacity) was evaluated by chlorophyll a content, viability, and chlorophyll fluorescence evaluations. No statistical differences (Kruskal-Wallis tests) between strains originating from different regions were observed. All strains tested were highly resistant to both freezing and desiccation injuries. Freezing down to -196°C was the most harmful regime for all studied strains. Freezing at -4°C did not influence the survival of studied strains. Further, freezing down to -40°C (at a speed of 4°C/min) was not fatal for most of the strains. RDA analysis showed that certain Antarctic and Arctic strains did not survive desiccation at +4°C; however, freezing at -40°C, as well as desiccation at +20 °C was not fatal to them. On the other hand, other strains from the Antarctic, the Arctic, and Central Europe (Slovakia) survived desiccation at temperatures of +4°C, and freezing down to -40°C. It appears that species of Klebsormidium which occupy an environment where both seasonal and diurnal variations of water availability prevail, are well adapted to freezing and desiccation injuries. Freezing and desiccation tolerance is not species-specific nor is the resilience only found in polar strains as it is also a feature of temperate strains.


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The properties of snow on East Antarctic sea ice off Wilkes Land were examined during the Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystem Experiment (SIPEX) in late winter of 2007, focusing on the interaction with sea ice. This observation includes 11 transect lines for the measurement of ice thickness, freeboard, and snow depth, 50 snow pits on 13 ice floes, and diurnal variation of surface heat flux on three ice floes. The detailed profiling of topography along the transects and the d18O, salinity, and density datasets of snow made it possible to examine the snow-sea-ice interaction quantitatively for the first time in this area. In general, the snow displayed significant heterogeneity in types, thickness (mean: 0.14 +- 0.13 m), and density (325 +- 38 kg/m**3), as reported in other East Antarctic regions. High salinity was confined to the lowest 0.1 m. Salinity and d18O data within this layer revealed that saline water originated from the surface brine of sea ice in 20% of the total sites and from seawater in 80%. From the vertical profiles of snow density, bulk thermal conductivity of snow was estimated as 0.15 W/K/m on average, only half of the value used for numerical sea-ice models. Although the upward heat flux within snow estimated with this value was significantly lower than that within ice, it turned out that a higher value of thermal conductivity (0.3 to 0.4 W/K/m) is preferable for estimating ice growth amount in current numerical models. Diurnal measurements showed that upward conductive heat flux within the snow and net long-wave radiation at the surface seem to play important roles in the formation of snow ice from slush. The detailed surface topography allowed us to compare the air-ice drag coefficients of ice and snow surfaces under neutral conditions, and to examine the possibility of the retrieval of ice thickness distribution from satellite remote sensing. It was found that overall snow cover works to enhance the surface roughness of sea ice rather than moderate it, and increases the drag coefficient by about 10%. As for thickness retrieval, mean ice thickness had a higher correlation with ice surface roughness than mean freeboard or surface elevation, which indicates the potential usefulness of satellite L-band SAR in estimating the ice thickness distribution in the seasonal sea-ice zone.


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In the framework of the projects DYFAMED and PICASSO, diel variations of particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPp) and of its size fraction higher than 10 µm (DMSPp>10 µm) were studied in surface waters of the central Ligurian Sea in May 1990 and May 1995, and in the harbour of the city of Barcelona (Spain) in July 1998. Time series performed in stratified and nitrate depleted surface waters of the Ligurian Sea revealed that DMSPp>10 µm was undergoing diurnal variations. DMSPp-containing particles in the size range higher than 10 µm also markedly affected the DMSPp-to-chlorophyll (chl) a ratio of surface waters on a daily basis. The ratios were 35% to 72% lower at dawn than at dusk. The fact that the diadinoxanthin (DD)-to-chl a ratio of surface phytoplanktonic populations did not exhibit diurnal cycles suggests that physiological adaptation of cellular DMSP and chl a to the light conditions was not a likely process to account for the diurnal changes of the DMSPp-to-chl a ratio. It is suggested that such diurnal variability resulted from changes in plankton composition due to vertical migrations of DMSP-containing organisms larger than 10 µm. We have demonstrated from samples collected in the harbour of the city of Barcelona that DMSP-containing dinoflagellates are active diel migrants. However, the results obtained in the open sea in May 1990 suggest that dinoflagellates and also ciliates contribute to the pool of DMSPp in the size range larger than 10 µm. The results of May 1995 are ambiguous as to the role of dinoflagellates because, in the absence of specific cell counts, DMSPp>10 µm and the pigment peridinin, which is usually present in dinoflagellates (but peridinin-free dinoflagellates exist) showed very different vertical and temporal patterns.


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To evaluate the mechanical stress on the volcanic edifice that results from lava lake level variations, we deployed a self-recording, differential capacitance (MEMS Inertial Sensor STMicroelectronics LIS3LV02DQ), 3-axis X6-1A accelerometer (Gulf Coast Data Concepts, LLC) at a distance of ~100m from the center of the Nyiragongo lava lake on freshly erupted lava flows. The device range was used in high (12-bit) resolution mode, which corresponds to a sensitivity of about 1 mg. The device was set to high-sensitivity mode with four additional bits to improve resolution, yet with a much lower signal-noise ratio. Once in position, the accelerometer continuously recorded data for three-day periods in June 2010. The system was oriented so that the X- and Y-axes form a plain parallel to the lava lake. During data collection, we did not attempt to calibrate the precision of the angle because relative G-force measurements were required instead of absolute G-force measurements. To distinguish the tiny accelerations caused by temperature differentials of the atmosphere, from the forces caused by magma movements, the temperature of the X6-1A device was continuously recorded. Temperature variations were corrected for by applying a de-correlation method to the recorded signal. Data was collected at 20 Hz, regrouped into batches that cover 1 hour per observation and associated with one averaged temperature measurement. This method was reproducible because diurnal temperature variations were the main cause for heating and cooling.


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Feeding patterns of mass herbivorous copepods in upwelling areas are investigated. Daily rations and aspects of their formation are examined in Calanoides carinatus (Benguela upwelling), Calanus pacificus (off the California coast), and Calanus australis (Peru upwelling). Rations were calculated based on gut plant pigment contents obtained at daily stations using laser spectrofluorometry, experimental data on the rate of gut evacuation and data on the carbon/chlorophyll ratio in phytoplankton and particulate matter at the respective stations. When phytoplankton was abundant, diel feeding rhythms were not pronounced and gut pigment level was high during the entire 24-h period. When phytoplankton biomass was low, distinct feeding rhythms were pronounced with a nocturnal maximum. During active upwelling intensive feeding on phytoplankton supports energy (respiration) and plastic (growth, development, reproduction, accumulation of reserves) metabolism of copepods. When upwelling was inactive, the surface part of the population feeds less actively and is able only partially to cover its energy expenditures. The actively growing and reproducing populations of C. pacificus and C. carinatus may consume close to 20% of primary production, whereas the inactive population of C. australis consumed only 0.2% of primary production when upwelling weakened.