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The Owen Ridge south of Oman represents oceanic crust that was uplifted by compressional tectonic forces in the early Miocene. Build-out of the Indus Fan led to deposition of a thick sequence of turbidites over the site of the Ridge during the late Oligocene and early Miocene. Early Miocene uplift of the Ridge led to a pelagic cap of nannofossil chalks. Two short sequences of turbidites from the pre- and syn-uplift phases were chosen for detailed grain size analysis. The upper Oligocene section at Site 731 is composed of thin (centimeter-decimeter scale) graded mud turbidites separated by relatively thick (decimeter-meter scale) intervals of homogeneous, non-bioturbated clayey siltstones. These finer intervals are unusually silt-rich (about 60%) for ungraded material and were probably deposited as undifferentiated muds from a series of turbidity current tails. By contrast, the lower Miocene section at Site 722 is comprised of a sequence of interbedded turbidites and hemipelagic carbonates. Sharp-based silt turbidites are overlain by burrow-mottled marly nannofossil chalks. The Oligocene sequence may have accumulated in an overbank setting on the middle fan - the local topographic position favoring frequent deposition from turbidity current tails and occasional deposition from the body of a turbidity flow. Uplift of the Ridge in the early Miocene led to pelagic carbonate deposition interrupted only by turbidity currents capable of overcoming a topographic barrier. Further uplift eventually led to entirely pelagic carbonate deposition.


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A combination of changes in the species composition of the radiolarian populations, and in the sediment chemical composition (content and mass accumulation rates of carbonate, organic carbon, and selected major and trace elements, with special attention paid to Ba) is used to reconstruct the variations in upwelling activity over the last 250 kyr in the Socotra gyre area (Somali-Socotra upwelling system, NW Indian Ocean). In the Socotra gyre (Core MD 962073 at 10°N), the variations in upwelling intensity are reconstructed by the upwelling radiolarian index (URI) while the thermocline/surface radiolarian index (TSRI) testifies to productivity variations during non-upwelling intervals. Despite an origin related both to marine and terrigenous inputs, the geochemical records of organic carbon, silica, and trace elements (Ba, P, Cu, and Zn) normalized to Al are controlled by the variations in surface paleoproductivity. The data indicate a continuous increase in upwelling intensity during the last 250 kyr with a maximum activity within the MIS 3, while high productivity periods in between the upwelling seasons occurred both during glacial and interglacial intervals. A comparison of our data with published observations from another gyre of the Somalian upwelling area located at 5°N in the Somali gyre area shows differences regarding periods of upwelling activity and their geochemical imprint. Three hypotheses are proposed to explain these differences: (1) changes in the planktonic community, resulting in more silica-rich deposits in the Socotra gyre, and more carbonate-rich deposits in the Somali gyre, that are controlled by differences in the source water of the upwelling; (2) a more important terrigenous input in the southern gyre; and (3) a different location of the sites relative to the geographic distribution of the upwelling gyres and hydrologic fronts.


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Vertical distributions and diel migrations of the main species of micronekton, four euphausiids, one mysid, one decapod and three fishes, were described in detail in the 0-1000 m water column on a fixed station in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. The euphausiids Euphausia krohni and Thysanopoda aequalis, the decapod Gennadas elegans and, to a lesser extent, the fish Argyropelecus hemigymnus were shown to perform clear diel vertical migrations. Results of horizontal hauls at a given depth around sunrise and sunset showed a marked diurnal symmetry of the migratory cycles, particularly for E.krohni, T.aequalis and G.elegans. The behaviour of the euphausiid Nematoscelis megalops was more complex: it presented a repetitive bimodal day distribution and only part of its population migrated. As very weak or non-migrators we found the euphausiid Stylocheiron longicorne and the bathypelagic mysid Eucopia unguiculata, for which migration concerned only some of the older individuals. The fishes Cyclothone braueri and Cyclothone pygmaea appeared to be non-migrants. As depth increased, C.braueri was replaced by C.pygmaea, with maximum concentrations at 350-550 and 550-700 m depth, respectively.


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In this study isopod species of the Ross Sea were investigated. Literature until May 2008 was checked to provide an overview of all known and described species in the Ross Sea. This species checklist was then enlarged through material of the 19th Italica expedition in 2004. During this expedition for the first time a small mesh net (500 µm) was used. Nine thousand four hundred and eighty one isopod specimens were collected during this expedition. Through this material the number of isopod species in the Ross Sea increased from 42 to 117 species, which belong to 20 families and 49 genera. Fifty-six percentage of the isopods species collected during the Italica expedition are new to science. The zoogeography of the 117 species was investigated. A non-transformed binary presence-absence data matrix was constructed using the Bray-Curtis coefficient. The results were displayed in a cluster analysis and by nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS). This paper gives a first insight into the occurrence and distribution of the isopod species of the Ross Sea.


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Day/night variations in the size distribution of the particulate matter >0.15 mm (PM) were studied in May 1995 during the DYNAPROC time-series cruise in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Data on vertical distributions of PM (>0.15 mm) and zooplankton were collected with the Underwater Video Profiler (UVP). The comparisons of the UVP data with plankton net data and POC data from water bottles indicated that more than 97% of the particles detected by the UVP were non-living particles (0.15 mm) and that the PM contributed 4-34% of the total dry weight measured on GF/F filters. Comparison of seven pairs of day and night vertical profiles performed during the cruise showed that in the upper 800 m, the mean size and the volume of particles was higher at night than during the day. During the night, the integrated volume of the PM increased on average by 32±20%. This increase corresponded to a shift of smaller size classes (<0.5 mm) towards the larger ones (>0.5 mm). During the day, the pattern was reversed, and the quantity of PM >0.5 mm decreased. During the study period, the standing stock of PM (60-800 m) decreased from 7.5 to less than 2 g m?2 but the diel variations persisted, except for two short periods in the superficial layer following a wind event. The cyclic feeding activity induced by the diel vertical migration of zooplankton could be the best candidate to explain the observed diel fluctuations in the size classes of PM in the water column. However, our results also suggest that in the upper layer additional driving forces such as the increase of the level of turbulence after a wind event or the modification of the zoo- and phytoplankton community can influence the PM temporal evolution.


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We report on the spatial distribution of isotopic compositions of the two planktic foraminifera species Globigerina bulloides and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (dex.), and the faunal assemblages of planktic foraminifera in 91 surface sediment samples along the Chilean continental slope between 23°S and 44°S. Both d13C and d18O data of N. pachyderma (dex.) show little variability in the study area. North of 39°S, the isotopic values of N. pachyderma (dex.) are heavier than those of G. bulloides, whereas south of 39°S, this relation inverses. This is indicative for a change from a well-mixed, deep thermocline caused by coastal upwelling north of 39°S to well-stratified water masses in a non-upwelling environment south of 39°S. In addition, the faunal composition of planktic foraminifera marks this change by transition from an upwelling assemblage north of 39°S to a high-nutrient-non-upwelling assemblage south of 39°S, which is characterized by decreased contributions of upwelling indicators such as G. bulloides, N. pachyderma (sin.), and Globigerinita glutinata. In general, we can conclude that food and light rather than temperature are the primary control of the planktic foraminiferal assemblage between 23°S and 44°S off Chile. Our data point to higher marine productivity at upwelling centers north of 25°S and at 30-33°S. South of 39°S, significant supply of nutrients by fluvial input most likely boosts the productivity.


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During the cruises 3 and 15 of R.V. "Meteor", representatives of 7 families of benthic abyssal gastropods were collected. The prevalent group was the Turridae; the Naticidae are represented by 2 species, the remaining families by a single species each. A survey of the frequency and distribution of the species within the study area is given. A systematic part deals with the individual species in detail, including notes on taxonomy, material and distribution. Concerning the composition of the abyssal gastropod fauna of the present material, Neogastropoda are 4 times as many as Archaeogastropoda and 6 times as many as Mesogastropoda and Opisthobranchia. 89 % of all specimens are Neogastropoda. Usually deep-sea organisms have a non-pelagic development, but many of the Iberian deep-sea Turrids have a planktotrophic protoconch, that means a long pelagic larval period. Among the 19 species, 2 are cosmopolitan, 9 show a transatlantic distribution and 8 are confined to East-Atlantic basins.


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Surface sediments from the continental slope and rise of North-West Africa between the Canary lslands and the Cape Verde Islands are mainly composed of silt-sized material (2-63 µm). A number of sampling profiles were run normal to the coast and the composition of the silt fraction was determined quantitatively by scanning electron microscope analysis. The carbonate portion of the sediment was found to be nearly exclusively of biogenic origin. The most important contributors are planktonic foraminifers and coccoliths with minor contributions derived from pteropods. Plankton-produced biogenic opal such as diatoms and radiolarians play a very minor role. The high production rates of opal-silica plankton which exists in the surface waters of the NW-African upwelling system does not give rise to corresponding increases of opal accumulation in the bottom sediment. Benthic producers consist mainly of foraminifers and molluscs but the entire input from benthic producers is extremely small. An exception to this occurs in the prodelta sediments of the Senegal river. Downslope particle transport is indicated by the occurrence of shallow-water coralline algae, ascidian sclerites and cliona boring chips and can be traced as far down as the continental rise. The non-carbonate silt fraction mostly consists of quartz which is derived as eolian dust from the Sahara desert by the Harmattan and the NE-Trade-wind system. The percentage of carbonate in the surface sediments directly indicates the relative proportions of autochthonous biogenic components and terrigenous allochthonous quartz particles.


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Based on the quantitative study of diatoms and radiolarians, summer sea-surface temperature (SSST) and sea ice distribution were estimated from 122 sediment core localities in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific sectors of the Southern Ocean to reconstruct the last glacial environment at the EPILOG (19.5-16.0 ka or 23 000-19 000 cal yr. B.P.) time-slice. The statistical methods applied include the Imbrie and Kipp Method, the Modern Analog Technique and the General Additive Model. Summer SSTs reveal greater surface-water cooling than reconstructed by CLIMAP (Geol. Soc. Am. Map Chart. Ser. MC-36 (1981) 1), reaching a maximum (4-5 °C) in the present Subantarctic Zone of the Atlantic and Indian sector. The reconstruction of maximum winter sea ice (WSI) extent is in accordance with CLIMAP, showing an expansion of the WSI field by around 100% compared to the present. Although only limited information is available, the data clearly show that CLIMAP strongly overestimated the glacial summer sea ice extent. As a result of the northward expansion of Antarctic cold waters by 5-10° in latitude and a relatively small displacement of the Subtropical Front, thermal gradients were steepened during the last glacial in the northern zone of the Southern Ocean. Such reconstruction may, however, be inapposite for the Pacific sector. The few data available indicate reduced cooling in the southern Pacific and give suggestion for a non-uniform cooling of the glacial Southern Ocean.


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Attempts to classify pelagic sediments have been based either on appearance and composition, or on the ultimate origin of the components. In particular it appears feasible to distinguish minerals which crystallized in sea-water from those which formed in magmas, in hydrothermal solution, or by weathering under acidic conditions. It is the case of iron and manganese oxide mineral aggregates which constitute one of the major types of rock encountered on the ocean floor; according to Menard (unpublished) about 10% of the pelagic area of the Pacific is covered by such nodules. The nodules consist of intimately intergrown crystallites of different minerals among those identified, besides detrital minerals and organic matter, are opal, goethite, rutile, anatase, barite, nontronite, and at least three manganese oxide minerals of major importance. Arrhenius and Korkisch (1959) have attempted to separate from each other the different minerals constituting the nodules, in order to establish the details of their structure and the localization of the heavy metal ions. The results demonstrate (Table II) that copper and nickel are concentrated in the manganese oxide phases concentrated in the reducible fraction. Cobalt, part of the nickel and most of the chromium are distributed between these and the acid-soluble group of the non-manganese minerals, dominated by goethite and disordered FeOOH.