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em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The full suite of magnetic polarity chrons from Subchron M''-2r'' (early Albian) through Chron C13r (latest Eocene) were resolved at one or more Ocean Drilling Program sites on the Blake Nose salient of the Florida continental margin. These sediments preserve diverse assemblages of calcareous and siliceous microfossils; therefore, the composite suite provides a reference section for high-resolution correlation of biostratigraphic datums to magnetic polarity chrons of the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene. Relative condensation or absence of polarity zones at different sites along the transect enhance the recognition and dating of depositional sequences and unconformities within the margin succession. A stable paleolatitude of ~25°N was maintained from the late Aptian through Eocene.


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Bedding dips in the CRP-2A drillhole were determined in two ways (1) analysis of a dipmeter log, and (2) identification of bed boundaries on digital images of the outer core surface. The two methods document the downhole increase in structural dip, to a maximum of 15° in the lowest 150 m of the hole. Dipmeter data, which are azimuthally oriented, indicate a 75° azimuth for structural tilting, in agreement with seismic reflection profiles. Core and log dips indicate that structural dip increases by 5-7° between 325 and 480 mbsf. Both, however, also exhibit high dip inhomogeneity because of depositional (e.g., cross bedding) and post-depositional (e.g., softsediment deformation) processes. This variability adds ambiguity to the search for angular unconformities within the CRP-2A drillhole. Dip directions of different lithologies are generally similar, as are dip directions for the four kinds of systems tracts. Downdip azimuths of sands and muds are slightly different from those of diamicts, possibly reflecting the divergence between ENE offshore dip and ESE glacial advance.


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The results of shore-based three-axis resistivity and X-ray computed tomography (CT) measurements on cube-shaped samples recovered during Leg 185 are presented along with moisture and density, P-wave velocity, resistivity, and X-ray CT measurements on whole-round samples of representative lithologies from Site 1149. These measurements augment the standard suite of physical properties obtained during Leg 185 from the cube samples and samples obtained adjacent to the cut cubes. Both shipboard and shore-based measurements of physical properties provide information that assists in characterizing lithologic units, correlating cored material with downhole logging data, understanding the nature of consolidation, and interpreting seismic reflection profiles.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Legs 152 and 163, we recovered core from the offshore East Greenland volcanic province. The basaltic core recovered included a set of structural elements reflecting the history of extrusion, cooling, postdeposition alteration, and minor tectonism. Brittle features in the basaltic core include faults and several generations of veins. Several minicore samples from the lower sections of core from Hole 917A were taken for paleomagnetic analysis, primarily to test whether there were any significant postdepositional tectonic rotations or whether the core could be reoriented using paleomagnetic techniques. The characteristic magnetization direction was used to estimate the in situ orientation of measured structural features within the core. Although significant uncertainty is associated with the analysis, the corrected attitudes of veins in basalt at Site 917 dip moderately west, with a smaller, conjugate group of veins dipping moderately east-southeast, parallel to other seaward-dipping faults in the area, which were interpreted from seismic lines.


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Kimmeridgian-Tithonian red marly limestones and Berriasian white limestones were recovered at Site 534 of DSDP Leg 76 in the western North Atlantic. These yielded a well-defined magnetostratigraphy with the characteristic magnetization carried by hematite in red sediments and magnetite in white sediments. The polarity sequence is correlated to the magnetostratigraphy of Kimmeridgian-Tithonian-Berriasian pelagic carbonates of northern Italy and southern Spain, allowing precise biostratigraphic age correlations. The Berriasian/Tithonian boundary occurs within the upper half of Core 90, the late Tithonian/early Tithonian boundary at the base of Core 96, and the Tithonian/Kimmeridgian boundary at the top of Core 102. Correlations are also made to M-16 through M-22 of the marine magnetic anomaly M-sequence. Poor recovery and irregular magnetic properties of the underlying Kimmeridgian-Oxfordian-Callovian marls and claystones prevented determination of a polarity sequence, but the entire interval has mixed polarity. Valanginian gray marly limestones have very weak magnetizations, and preliminary results are inadequate to determine the polarity pattern.


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Dark green spherules occur in the lower part of a turbidite in Section 603B-22-3, at the 70 cm level. In all probability these spherules originally consisted of massive glass, but now appear to have become completely altered into smectite. The presence of numerous microscopic fissures in the spherules probably mediated in the alteration process. Judging by the presence of similar spherules at the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary in DSDP Hole 390B, the green spherules are thought to represent diagenetically altered impact ejecta from one large or several smaller extraterrestrial objects at the end of the Cretaceous. The presence of anomalously high concentrations of Ni, Co, and As higher up in the turbidite are in agreement with an expected enrichment of these elements in the K/T boundary clay. However, precise Ir analyses are necessary in order to confirm this.