16 resultados para Different mechanisms

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The ~90-year Gleissberg and ~200-year de Vries cycles have been identified as two distinctive quasi-periodic components of Holocene solar activity. Evidence exists for the impact of such multi-decadal to centennial-scale variability in total solar irradiance (TSI) on climate, but concerning the ocean, this evidence is mainly restricted to the surface response. Here we use a comprehensive global climate model to study the impact of idealized solar forcing, representing the Gleissberg and de Vries cycles, on global ocean potential temperature at different depth levels, after a recent proxy record indicates a signal of TSI anomalies in the northeastern Atlantic at mid-depth. Potential impacts of TSI anomalies on deeper oceanic levels are climatically relevant due to their possible effect on ocean circulation by altering water mass characteristics. Simulated solar anomalies are shown to penetrate the ocean down to at least deep-water levels. Despite the fact that the two forcing periods differ only by a factor of ~2, the spatial pattern of response is significantly distinctive between the experiments, suggesting different mechanisms for solar signal propagation. These are related to advection by North Atlantic Deep Water flow (200-year forcing), and barotropic adjustment in the South Atlantic in response to a latitudinal shift of the westerly wind belt (90-year forcing).


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Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was determined in pore water extracted from pelagic and hemipelagic sediments recovered during Leg 113. DOC concentration varied between 1.82 and 13.6 mg C/L which is one to two orders of magnitude less than previously reported for hemipelagic sediments. It is argued that this difference is related to differences in the intensity of degradation of organic matter. As a first approximation it is found that in reducing sediments, the level of DOC is proportional to the intensity of sulfate reduction. It is suggested that DOC is formed by different mechanisms in oxic and reducing environments.


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High-amplitude, rapid climate fluctuations are common features of glacial times. The prominent changes in air temperature recorded in the Greenland ice cores (Dansgaard et al., 1993, doi:10.1038/339532a0; Grootes et al., 1993 doi:10.1038/366552a0) are coherent with shifts in the magnitude of the northward heat flux carried by the North Atlantic surface ocean (Bond et al., 1993, doi:10.1038/365143a0; Bond and Lotti, 1995, doi:10.1126/science.267.5200.1005); changes in the ocean's thermohaline circulation are a key component in many explanations of this climate flickering (Broecker, 1997, doi:10.1126/science.278.5343.1582). Here we use stable-isotope and other sedimentological data to reveal specific oceanic reorganizations during these rapid climate-change events. Deep water was generated more or less continuously in the Nordic Seas during the latter part of the last glacial period (60 to 10 thousand years ago), but by two different mechanisms. The deep-water formation occurred by convection in the open ocean during warmer periods (interstadials). But during colder phases (stadials), a freshening of the surface ocean reduced or stopped open-ocean convection, and deep-water formation was instead driven by brine-release during sea-ice freezing. These shifting magnitudes and modes nested within the overall continuity of deep-water formation were probably important for the structuring and rapidity of the prevailing climate changes.


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Ultrafiltration with tagged atoms was used to study physicochemical states (dissolved, colloidal, suspended) of Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, and Ce in bottom and interstitial waters collected in two areas of the Pacific Ocean with Fe-Mn nodules of different size, shape, structure and origin in different abundances. Use of filters with pore diameter of 0.05 ?m allowed to identify colloidal forms of the metals in bottom sediments and interstitial waters. It was demonstrated experimentally that differences in physicochemical situation in the studied areas could result in formation of nodules by different mechanisms, producing characteristic differences that were observed.


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Microzooplankton (the 20 to 200 µm size class of zooplankton) is recognised as an important part of marine pelagic ecosystems. In terms of biomass and abundance heterotrophic dinoflagellates are one of the important groups of organism in microzooplankton. However, their rates - grazing and growth - , feeding behaviour and prey preferences are poorly known and understood. A set of data was assembled in order to derive a better understanding of heterotrophic dinoflagellates rates, in response to parameters such as prey concentration, prey type (size and species), temperature and their own size. With these objectives, literature was searched for laboratory experiments with information on one or more of these parameters effect studied. The criteria for selection and inclusion in the database included: (i) controlled laboratory experiment with a known dinoflagellate feeding on a known prey; (ii) presence of ancillary information about experimental conditions, used organisms - cell volume, cell dimensions, and carbon content. Rates and ancillary information were measured in units that meet the experimenter need, creating a need to harmonize the data units after collection. In addition different units can link to different mechanisms (carbon to nutritive quality of the prey, volume to size limits). As a result, grazing rates are thus available as pg C dinoflagellate-1 h-1, µm3 dinoflagellate-1 h-1 and prey cell dinoflagellate-1 h-1; clearance rate was calculated if not given and growth rate is expressed as the growth rate per day.


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Early diagenetic ultrastructural alterations of benthic foraminifers of the genera Elphidium and Ophthalmina from the shallow water sediments of the Kiel Bight were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Pure solution patterns were deduced from supplementary experiments.//Several carbonate destroying processes can be specified by ultrastructural patterns of the shell surfaces. Based on these patterns three zones are established, each showing different mechanisms of shell fragmentation: 1) zone of abrasion, 2) zone of disintegration, 3) zone of corrosion. This zonation depends on the water depth and is caused primarily by water agitation and by under saturation of the bottom water with respect to carbonate.


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Results of a study of contents and accumulation rates of Fe, Mn, and some trace elements in Upper Quaternary sediments of the Deryugin Basin are presented. Maps of average contents and accumulation rates of excessive Fe, Mn, Zn, Ba, Ni, Pb, Cu, and Mo in sediments of the first oxygen isotope stage (OIS) have been plotted. Anomalous contents and accumulation rates are confined to peripheral zones of the Deryugin sedimentary basin and large fracture zones. Different mechanisms of influence of fluid-dynamic processes on rate of hydrogenic and biogenic accumulation of ore elements are assumed.


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Microzooplankton (the 20 to 200 µm size class of zooplankton) is recognised as an important part of marine pelagic ecosystems. In terms of biomass and abundance pelagic ciliates are one of the important groups of organism in microzooplankton. However, their rates - grazing and growth - , feeding behaviour and prey preferences are poorly known and understood. A set of data was assembled in order to derive a better understanding of pelagic ciliates rates, in response to parameters such as prey concentration, prey type (size and species), temperature and their own size. With these objectives, literature was searched for laboratory experiments with information on one or more of these parameters effect studied. The criteria for selection and inclusion in the database included: (i) controlled laboratory experiment with a known ciliates feeding on a known prey; (ii) presence of ancillary information about experimental conditions, used organisms - cell volume, cell dimensions, and carbon content. Rates and ancillary information were measured in units that meet the experimenter need, creating a need to harmonize the data units after collection. In addition different units can link to different mechanisms (carbon to nutritive quality of the prey, volume to size limits). As a result, grazing rates are thus available as pg C/(ciliate*h), µm**3/(ciliate*h) and prey cell/(ciliate*h); clearance rate was calculated if not given and growth rate is expressed as the growth rate per day.


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To better understand the environmental variability during the Holsteinian interglacial, we have palynologically analyzed a new core from Dethlingen, northern Germany, at a decadal resolution. Our data provide insights into the vegetation dynamics and thus also climate variability during the meso- to telocratic forest phases of the interglacial. Temperate mixed forests dominated the regional landscape throughout the Holsteinian. However, changes in the forest composition during the younger stages of the interglacial suggest a climatic transition towards milder conditions in winter. The strong presence of boreal floral elements during the older stages of the Holsteinian interglacial suggests a high seasonality. In contrast, during the younger stages the development of sub-Atlantic and Atlantic floral elements suggests increasingly warm and humid climatic conditions. Peak warming during the younger stage of the Holsteinian is marked by the maximum pollen abundances of Buxus, Abies, and Quercus. Although the vegetation dynamics suggest a general warming trend throughout the Holsteinian interglacial, abrupt as well as gradual changes in the relative abundances of temperate plants indicate considerable climatic variability. In particular, two marked declines in temperate taxa leading to the transient development of boreal and sub-temperate forests indicate short-term climatic oscillations that occurred within full interglacial conditions. The palynological signatures of these two regressive phases in vegetation development differ with regard to the expansion of pioneer trees, the abundances and rates of change of temperate taxa, and the presence of frost-sensitive taxa. These differences point to different mechanisms responsible for the individual regressive phases. Assuming a correlation of the interglacial at Dethlingen with Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11, our data suggest that temperate forests prevailed in northern Germany during the younger parts of MIS 11c.


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We reconstructed a high-resolution, alkenone-based sea surface temperature (SST) record spanning the last ca. 150 years, from a sediment core retrieved within the main upwelling zone off Peru. A conspicuous SST decline is evidenced since the 1950s despite interdecadal SST variability. Instrumental SST data and reanalysis of ECMWF ERA 40 winds suggest that the recent coastal cooling corresponds mainly to an intensification of alongshore winds and associated increase of upwelling in spring. Consistently, both proxy and instrumental data evidence increased productivity in phase with the SST cooling. Our data expand on previous reports on recent SST cooling in other Eastern Boundary upwelling systems and support scenarios that relate coastal upwelling intensification to global warming. Yet, further investigations are needed to assess the role of different mechanisms and forcings (enhanced local winds vs. spin-up of the South Pacific High Pressure cell).


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We carried out short term pCO2/pH perturbation experiments in the coastal waters of the South China Sea to evaluate the combined effects of seawater acidification (low pH/high pCO2) and solar UV radiation (UVR, 280-400 nm) on photosynthetic carbon fixation of phytoplankton assemblages. Under photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) alone treatments, reduced pCO2 (190 ppmv) with increased pH resulted in a significant decrease in the photosynthetic carbon fixation rate (about 23%), while enriched pCO2 (700 ppmv) with lowered pH had no significant effect on the photosynthetic performance compared to the ambient level. The apparent photosynthetic efficiency decreased under the reduced pCO2 level, probably due to C-limitation as well as energy being diverged for up-regulation of carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCMs). In the presence of UVR, both UV-A and UV-B caused photosynthetic inhibition, though UV-A appeared to enhance the photosynthetic efficiency under lower PAR levels. UV-B caused less inhibition of photosynthesis under the reduced pCO2 level, probably because of its contribution to the inorganic carbon (Ci)-acquisition processes. Under the seawater acidification conditions (enriched pCO2), both UV-A and UV-B reduced the photosynthetic carbon fixation to higher extents compared to the ambient pCO2 conditions. We conclude that solar UV and seawater acidification could synergistically inhibit photosynthesis.


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An analysis was made of composition and content of nutrients, salts, particulate and dissolved organic matter, and various plankton groups in a series of samples collected by a 140-liter sampling bottle to depth up to 150 m at 4 equatorial stations between 97° and 154°W. Large and small phytoplankton, bacteria (aggregated and dispersed), heterotrophic flagellates, infusorians, radiolarians, foraminifers, fine filter-feeders, small and large, mostly herbivorous copepods, cyclopoids, predatory calanoids, and other predators were investigated separately. Trophic relations between these elements are established from personal and published data, and rate of their metabolism and some other physiological parameters are determined. Such functional characteristics as extent of satisfaction of food requirements of organisms belonging to various trophic groups, intensity of trophic relations, balance between production and consumption by individual elements of the community, ecological efficiency, and net and specific production of the groups distinguished, of individual trophic levels, of total zooplankton, and of the community as a whole are calculated. Variations of these characteristics along the equator with decreasing upwelling intensity are examined and their possible causes and mechanisms are discussed.


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Exposure to elevated seawater PCO2 limits the thermal tolerance of crustaceans but the underlying mechanisms have not been comprehensively explored. Larval stages of crustaceans are even more sensitive to environmental hypercapnia and possess narrower thermal windows than adults. In a mechanistic approach, we analysed the impact of high seawater CO2 on parameters at different levels of biological organization, from the molecular to the whole animal level. At the whole animal level we measured oxygen consumption, heart rate and activity during acute warming in zoea and megalopa larvae of the spider crab Hyas araneus exposed to different levels of seawater PCO2. Furthermore, the expression of genes responsible for acid-base regulation and mitochondrial energy metabolism, and cellular responses to thermal stress (e.g. the heat shock response) was analysed before and after larvae were heat shocked byrapidly raising the seawater temperature from 10°C rearing temperature to 20°C. Zoea larvae showed a high heat tolerance, which decreased at elevated seawater PCO2, while the already low heat tolerance of megalopa larvae was not limited further by hypercapnic exposure. There was a combined effect of elevated seawater CO2 and heat shock in zoea larvae causing elevated transcript levels of heat shock proteins. In all three larval stages, hypercapnic exposure elicited an up-regulation of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, which was, however, not accompanied by increased energetic demands. The combined effect of seawater CO2 and heat shock on the gene expression of heat shock proteins reflects the downward shift in thermal limits seen on the whole animal level and indicates an associated capacity to elicit passive thermal tolerance. The up-regulation of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation might compensate for enzyme activities being lowered through bicarbonate inhibition and maintain larval standard metabolic rates at high seawater CO2 levels. The present study underlines the necessity to align transcriptomic data with physiological responses when addressing mechanisms affected by an interaction of elevated seawater PCO2 and temperature extremes.


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To predict effects of climate change and possible feedbacks, it is crucial to understand the mechanisms behind CO2 responses of biogeochemically relevant phytoplankton species. Previous experiments on the abundant N2 fixers Trichodesmium demonstrated strong CO2 responses, which were attributed to an energy reallocation between its carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) acquisition. Pursuing this hypothesis, we manipulated the cellular energy budget by growing Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101 under different CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) levels (180, 380, 980 and 1400?µatm) and N sources (N2 and NO3-). Subsequently, biomass production and the main energy-generating processes (photosynthesis and respiration) and energy-consuming processes (N2 fixation and C acquisition) were measured. While oxygen fluxes and chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that energy generation and its diurnal cycle was neither affected by pCO2 nor N source, cells differed in production rates and composition. Elevated pCO2 increased N2 fixation and organic C and N contents. The degree of stimulation was higher for nitrogenase activity than for cell contents, indicating a pCO2 effect on the transfer efficiency from N2 to biomass. pCO2-dependent changes in the diurnal cycle of N2 fixation correlated well with C affinities, confirming the interactions between N and C acquisition. Regarding effects of the N source, production rates were enhanced in NO3-grown cells, which we attribute to the higher N retention and lower ATP demand compared with N2 fixation. pCO2 effects on C affinity were less pronounced in NO3- users than N2 fixers. Our study illustrates the necessity to understand energy budgets and fluxes under different environmental conditions for explaining indirect effects of rising pCO2.