58 resultados para Data Repository

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The oceans play a critical role in the Earth's climate, but unfortunately, the extent of this role is only partially understood. One major obstacle is the difficulty associated with making high-quality, globally distributed observations, a feat that is nearly impossible using only ships and other ocean-based platforms. The data collected by satellite-borne ocean color instruments, however, provide environmental scientists a synoptic look at the productivity and variability of the Earth's oceans and atmosphere, respectively, on high-resolution temporal and spatial scales. Three such instruments, the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) onboard ORBIMAGE's OrbView-2 satellite, and two Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS) onboard the National Aeronautic and Space Administration's (NASA) Terra and Aqua satellites, have been in continuous operation since September 1997, February 2000, and June 2002, respectively. To facilitate the assembly of a suitably accurate data set for climate research, members of the NASA Sensor Intercomparison and Merger for Biological and Interdisciplinary Oceanic Studies (SIMBIOS) Project and SeaWiFS Project Offices devote significant attention to the calibration and validation of these and other ocean color instruments. This article briefly presents results from the SIMBIOS and SeaWiFS Project Office's (SSPO) satellite ocean color validation activities and describes the SeaWiFS Bio-optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS), a state-of-the-art system for archiving, cataloging, and distributing the in situ data used in these activities.


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Fluctuations in oxygen (d18O) and carbon (d13C) isotope values of benthic foraminiferal calcite from the tropical Pacific and Southern Oceans indicate rapid reversals in the dominant mode and direction of the thermohaline circulation during a 1 m.y. interval (71-70 Ma) in the Maastrichtian. At the onset of this change, benthic foraminiferal d18O values increased and were highest in low-latitude Pacific Ocean waters, whereas benthic and planktic foraminiferal d13C values decreased and benthic values were lowest in the Southern Ocean. Subsequently, benthic foraminiferal d18O values in the Indo-Pacific decreased, and benthic and planktic d13C values increased globally. These isotopic patterns suggest that cool intermediate-depth waters, derived from high-latitude regions, penetrated temporarily to the tropics. The low benthic d13C values at the Southern Ocean sites, however, suggest that these cool waters may have been derived from high northern rather than high southern latitudes. Correlation with eustatic sea-level curves suggests that sea-level change was the most likely mechanism to change the circulation and/or source(s) of intermediate-depth waters. We thus propose that oceanic circulation during the latest Cretaceous was vigorous and that competing sources of intermediate- and deep-water formation, linked to changes in climate and sea level, may have alternated in importance.


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Differences in regional responses to climate fluctuations are well documented on short time scales (e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation), but with the exception of latitudinal temperature gradients, regional patterns are seldom considered in discussions of ancient greenhouse climates. Contrary to the expectation of global warming or global cooling implicit in most treatments of climate evolution over millions of years, this paper shows that the North Atlantic warmed by as much as 6°C (1.5% decrease in d18O values of planktic foraminifera) during the Maastrichtian global cooling interval. We suggest that warming was the result of the importation of heat from the South Atlantic. Decreasing North Atlantic d18O values are also associated with increasing gradients in planktic d13C values, suggesting increasing surface-water stratification and a correlated strengthening of the North Atlantic Polar Front. If correct, this conclusion predicts arctic cooling during the late Maastrichtian. Beyond implications for the Maastrichtian, these data demonstrate that climate does not behave as if there is a simple global thermostat, even on geologic time scales.


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Chlorine isotope ratios were determined for volcanic gas, geothermal well, ash, and lava samples along the Izu-Bonin-Mariana volcanic front, serpentinite clasts and muds from serpentine seamounts (Conical, South Chamorro, Torishima), basalts from the Guguan cross-chain, and sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 800, 801, 802, and 1149. There is no systematic variation in d37Cl values along the volcanic front in either gas or ash samples. In contrast, distinct variations occur across the arc, implying variations in the fluid source at different depths within the subduction zone. Serpentinite clasts and serpentine muds from the seamounts tap a source of ~30 km depth and have d37Cl values of structurally bound chloride of +0.4 per mil +/- 0.4 per mil (n = 24), identical to most seafloor serpentinites, suggesting a serpentinite (chrysotile and/or lizardite to antigorite transition) fluid source. Tapping deeper levels of the subduction zone (~115-130 km depth), volcanic gases and ashes have d37Cl values averaging -1.1 per mil +/- 1.0 per mil (n = 29), precisely overlapping the range measured in sediments from ODP cores (-1.1 per mil +/- +0.7 per mil, n = 11) and limited altered oceanic crust (AOC). Both sediments and AOC are possible Cl sources in the volcanic front. The Guguan cross-chain basalts come from the greatest depths and have an average d37Cl value of +0.2 per mil +/- 0.2 per mil (n = 3), suggesting a second serpentine-derived source, in this case from antigorite breakdown at ~200 km depth.


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Oxygen isotope analyses of well-preserved foraminifera from Blake Nose (30°N paleolatitude, North Atlantic) and globally distributed deep-sea sites provide a long-term paleotemperature record for the late Albian-Maastrichtian interval that is difficult to reconcile with the existence of significant Cretaceous ice sheets. Given reasonable assumptions about the isotopic composition of Cretaceous seawater, our results suggest that middle bathyal water temperatures at Blake Nose increased from ~12°C in the late Albian through middle Cenomanian to a maximum of 20°C during the latest Cenomanian and earliest Turonian. Bottom waters were again ~12°C during the middle Campanian and cooled to a minimum of 9°C during the Maastrichtian. Correlative middle bathyal foraminifera from other ocean basins yield paleotemperature estimates that are very similar to those from Blake Nose. Comparison of global bottom-water temperatures and latitudinal thermal gradients suggests that global climate changed from a warm greenhouse state during the late Albian through late Cenomanian to a hot greenhouse phase during the latest Cenomanian through early Campanian, then to cool greenhouse conditions during the mid-Campanian through Maastrichtian.


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Massive discharges of freshwater from the glacial lake Missoula to the northeast Pacific Ocean are thought to have sculpted the Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington and debouched via the Columbia River near 46°N. The dynamics and timing of these events and their impact on northeast Pacific circulation remain uncertain. Here we date marine records of anomalous freshwater inputs to the ocean based on freshwater diatoms, oxygen isotopes in foraminifera, and radiocarbon data. Low-salinity plumes from the Columbia River reduced sea-surface salinities by as much as 6 psu (practical salinity units) more than 400 km away between 16 and 31 cal (calendar) ka B.P. Anomalously high abundances of freshwater diatoms in marine sediments from the region precede generally accepted dates for the existence of glacial Lake Missoula, implying that large flooding or freshwater routing events were common during the advance of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet and that such events require multiple sources.


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Identifying terrigenous sources in deep-sea sediments may reveal temporal trends in paleocirculation and the relative role of eolian, upwelled, and hemipelagic Fe sources to surface waters. Bulk elemental and isotopic geochemistry of deep-sea sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 177 in the southeastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean reveal several important aspects of paleocirculation and terrigenous provenance. The sites studied span 43°-53°S and represent different oceanographic settings relative to regional hydrography and sediment type. Bulk sediment geochemistry indicates that terrigenous provenance varied over the past 600 k.y. Site 1089, the northernmost site, exhibits clear glacial-interglacial variability in provenance, while provenance appears to vary regardless of climate state at the more southerly sites (Site 1093 and 1094). Nd and Sr isotopes and Sm/Nd ratios of the terrigenous fraction indicate that study sites have geochemically distinguishable provenance. Nd and Sr isotopes further suggest that Sites 1089 and 1094 both contain detrital components that originated in South America over the past 30 k.y.; however, Site 1089 is also influenced by southern African sources and the strength of the Agulhas Current. The e-Nd data support a more hemipelagic source for the terrigenous material rather than an eolian source based on comparisons with Antarctic ice core data and known sea-ice extent.


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Biological productivity and carbon export in the equatorial Atlantic are thought to have been dramatically higher during the last glacial period than during the Holocene. Here we reconstruct the pH and CO2 content of surface waters from the eastern equatorial Atlantic Ocean over the past ~30 k.y. using the boron isotope composition of Globigerinoides ruber (a mixed-layer-dwelling planktic foraminifera). Our new record, combined with previously published data, indicates that during the last glacial, in contrast to today, a strong west to east gradient existed in the extent of air:sea equilibrium with respect to pCO2 (DeltapCO2), with the eastern equatorial Atlantic acting as a significant source of CO2 (+100 µatm) while the western Atlantic remained close to equilibrium (+25 µatm). This pattern suggests that a fivefold increase in the upwelling rate of deeper waters drove increased Atlantic productivity and large-scale regional cooling during the last glacial, but the higher than modern DeltapCO2 in the east indicates that export production did not keep up with enhanced upwelling of nutrients. However, the downstream decline of DeltapCO2 provides evidence that the unused nutrients from the east were eventually used for biologic carbon export, thereby effectively negating the impact of changes in upwelling on atmospheric CO2 levels. Our findings indicate that the equatorial Atlantic exerted a minimal role in contributing to lower glacial-age atmospheric CO2.


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The detailed structure and timing of the penultimate deglaciation are insufficiently defined yet critical for understanding mechanisms responsible for abrupt climate change. Here we present oxygen isotope records (from planktonic and benthic foraminifera) at unprecedented resolution encompassing late marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 6 and Termination II (ca. 150-120 ka) from the Santa Barbara Basin, supported by additional southern California margin records, a region highly sensitive to millennial-scale climate oscillations during the last deglaciation. These records reveal millennial- and centennial-scale climate variability throughout the interval, including an interstadial immediately preceding the deglaciation, a brief warm event near the beginning of Termination II, and a Bølling-Allerød-Younger Dryas-like climate oscillation midway through the deglaciation. Recognition of these events in an oxygen isotope record from a 230Th-dated stalagmite allows the adoption of this radiometric chronology for the California margin records. This chronology supports the Milankovitch theory of deglaciation. The suborbital history of climate variability during Termination II may account for records of early deglaciation.