7 resultados para DRY SEASON

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Fog deposition, precipitation, throughfall and stemflow were measured in a windward tropical montane cloud forest near Monteverde, Costa Rica, for a 65-day period during the dry season of 2003. Net fog deposition was measured directly using the eddy covariance (EC) method and it amounted to 1.2 ± 0.1 mm/day (mean ± standard error). Fog water deposition was 5-9% of incident rainfall for the entire period, which is at the low end of previously reported values. Stable isotope concentrations (d18O and d2H) were determined in a large number of samples of each water component. Mass balance-based estimates of fog deposition were 1.0 ± 0.3 and 5.0 ± 2.7 mm/day (mean ± SE) when d18O and d2H were used as tracer, respectively. Comparisons between direct fog deposition measurements and the results of the mass balance model using d18O as a tracer indicated that the latter might be a good tool to estimate fog deposition in the absence of direct measurement under many (but not all) conditions. At 506 mm, measured water inputs over the 65 days (fog plus rain) fell short by 46 mm compared to the canopy output of 552 mm (throughfall, stemflow and interception evaporation). This discrepancy is attributed to the underestimation of rainfall during conditions of high wind.


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Species composition, phytoplankton abundance, and relative yield of variable fluorescence (F_v/F_m) were determined in the mesotrophic Nhatrang Bay in October-November 2004. Species diversity (250 taxonomic units) and heterogeneity of the phytoplankton structure were high. With respect to number of species and their abundance, diatoms prevailed. In selected parts of the bay, dinoflagellates dominated. Average biomass in the water column under 1 m**2 (Bt) varied from 2.3 to 64.4 mg C/m**3 (av. 31.0 mg C/m**3). Bt values were the lowest at stations nearest to the river mouth. Seaward, Bt increased. Bt values increased with depth at some stations and decreased at others. In surface layers biomass was lower than that in the underlying waters. F_v/F_m values ranged from 0.10 to 0.64 (av. 0.49). The lowest F_v/F_m values were observed in the area close to the seaport. Over greater part of the bay, F_v/F_m values were higher than 0.47. Such values are indicative of relatively high potential of photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton. Abundance and species diversity were higher than those in the dry season (March-April).


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Past river run-off is an important measure for the continental hydrological cycle and the as-sessment of freshwater input into the ocean. However, paleosalinity reconstructions applying different proxies in parallel often show offsets between the respective methods. Here, we compare the established foraminiferal Ba/Ca and d18OWATER salinity proxies for their capability to record the highly seasonal Orinoco freshwater plume in the eastern Caribbean. For this purpose we obtained a data set comprising Ba/Ca and d18OWATER determined on multiple spe-cies of planktonic foraminifera from core tops distributed around the Orinoco river mouth. Our findings indicate that interpretations based on either proxy could lead to different conclu-sions. In particular, Ba/Ca and d18OWATER diverge in their spatial distribution due to different governing factors. Apparently, the Orinoco freshwater plume is best tracked by Ba/Ca ratios of G. ruber (pink and sensu lato morphotypes), while d18OWATER based on the same species is more related to the local precipitation-evaporation balance overprinting the riverine freshwater contribution. Other shallow dwelling species (G. sacculifer, O. universa) show a muted response to the freshwater discharge, most likely due to their ecological and habitat prefer-ences. Extremely high Ba/Ca ratios recorded by G. ruber are attributed to Ba2+-desorption from suspended matter derived from the Orinoco. Samples taken most proximal to the freshwater source do not show pronounced Ba/Ca or d18OWATER anomalies. Here, the suspension loaded freshwater lid developing during maximum discharge suppresses foraminiferal populations. Both proxies are therefore biased towards dry season conditions at these sites, when surface salinity is only minimally reduced.