10 resultados para Cooling rate

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Equilibrium melting and controlled cooling experiments were undertaken to constrain the crystallization and cooling histories of tholeiitic basalts recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program drilling of Site 989 on the Southeast Greenland continental margin. Isothermal experiments conducted at 1 atm. and at the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer using lava sample Section 163-989B-10R-7 yielded the equilibrium appearance sequence with decreasing temperature: olivine at 1184 ± 2ºC; plagioclase at 1177ºC ± 5ºC; augite at 1167 ± 5ºC; and pigeonite at 1113 ± 12ºC. In controlled cooling experiments using the same starting composition and cooling rates between 10ºC/hr and 2000ºC/hr, we find a significant temperature delay in the crystallization of olivine, plagioclase, and augite (relative to the equilibrium appearance temperature); pigeonite does not form under any dynamic crystallization conditions. Olivine exhibits the largest suppression in appearance temperature (e.g., 30º for 10ºC/hr and >190º at 100ºC/hr), while plagioclase shows the smallest (~10ºC at 10ºC/hr; 30ºC at 100ºC/hr, and ~80ºC at 1000ºC/hr). These results are in marked contrast to those obtained on lunar basalts, which generally show a large suppression of plagioclase crystallization and modest suppression of olivine crystallization with an increased cooling rate. The results we report agree well with the petrography of lavas recovered from Site 989. Furthermore, the textural analysis of run products, representing a large range of cooling rates and quench temperatures (1150ºC to 1000ºC), provide a framework for evaluating cooling conditions necessary for glass formation, rates of plagioclase growth, and kinetic factors governing plagioclase growth morphology. Specifically, we use these insights to interpret the textural and mineralogical features of the unusual compound flow recovered at Site 989. We concluded from the analysis that this flow most likely records multiple breakouts from a distal tube at an abrupt break in slope, possibly a fault scarp, resulting in the formation of a lava fan delta. This interpretation implies that normal faulting of the oldest lava sequences (lower and, possibly, middle series) preceded eruption of Site 989 lavas.


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A dynamic crystallization study was undertaken to provide a framework for linking the textural variations observed in the Hole 648B lavas with the size and morphology of cooling units inferred from drilling and submersible observation. The textures produced in cooling rate experiments carried out using a Serocki lava (ALV-1690-20) are comparable to the groundmass textural characteristics of lavas from Serocki volcano. The results of the dynamic crystallization study provide a quantitative link between texture, cooling rate, and eruption temperature. The maximum half-width of cooling units estimated from textural characteristics is on the order of 3 m, a value consistent with constraints from drilling and submersible observation. Textural characteristics indicate that the temperature from which cooling began was slightly above the liquidus. The relation between cooling rate and texture are also tested on a drill core sample of basalt of similar composition from a 9-m-thick flow in DSDP Hole 396B.


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Samples recovered from Hole 504B during Leg 140 include a number of medium-grained, holocrystalline diabases that appear to represent the cores of thick dikes. The plagioclase and pyroxene in these samples occur in a variety of crystal morphologies. Plagioclase occurs as phenocrysts, microphenocrysts, elongate crystals, skeletal crystals, and branching radial clusters. Pyroxene occurs as phenocrysts, microphenocrysts, ophitic crystals, and poikilitic crystals. Plagioclase compositions became progressively poorer in anorthite and MgO and progressively richer in FeO as crystallization proceeded, while the average grain volume decreased and the aspect ratio of individual grains increased. Pyroxene compositions are largely independent of crystal morphology. The diabase dikes recovered from Hole 504B during Leg 140 appear to have crystallized in situ. Crystal compositions and morphologies are consistent with a rapid cooling rate and solidification times for individual dikes on the order of hours or days. The crystallization rate and nucleation rate of plagioclase lagged behind the cooling rate so that the degree of undercooling progressively increased as crystallization proceeded. Plagioclase crystal morphologies indicate much greater degrees of supersaturation than do pyroxene or olivine crystal morphologies. The 504B diabase magmas appear to have been emplaced with abundant preexisting pyroxene and olivine nuclei, but with few preexisting plagioclase nuclei. The suppression of plagioclase nucleation and crystallization relative to that of pyroxene and olivine could provide a mechanism by which the actual fractionation assemblage is more pyroxene-rich and plagioclase-poor than that predicted from thermodynamic models, or that observed in isothermal crystallization experiments.


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Variations in crystal morphologies in pillow basalts and probable sheet flows sampled from the region of the East Pacific Rise drilled during Leg 54 are related both to differences in composition and to an extreme range of cooling rate experienced upon extrusion. The basalts range in composition from olivine-rich tholeiites to tholeiitic ferrobasalts, and include some more alkaline basalts. The kinetics of crystal growth in some samples appears to have been influenced by the amount of initial superheating (or supercooling) of the magma, or possibly by differential retention of volatiles. Olivine in quartznormative ferrobasalts apparently formed metastably at high undercooling. Despite these effects, reliable petrographic criteria are established to distinguish the principal rock types described regardless of the crystallinity and grain size. Microphenocrysts formed prior to pillow formation correspond closely to mineral assemblages inferred from normative plots and variation diagrams to control crystal fractionation at various stages. The details of spherulitic and dendritic growth also provide some clues about composition. Petrographic evidence for magma mixing is scant. Only some Siqueiros fracture zone basalts contain zoned plagioclase phenocrysts with glass inclusions similar to those used to infer mixing among Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts. All basalts from the summit and flanks of the East Pacific Rise are aphyric. One possible petrographic consequence of mixing between olivine tholeiites and ferrobasalts - formation of clinopyroxene phenocrysts - is not evident in any fracture zone or Rise crest basalt. Highly evolved ferrobasalts with liquidus low-Ca clinopyroxene have not been sampled, nor does textural evidence indicate that any basalts sampled are hybrid compositions between such magmas and less fractionated compositions. Evidently the sampled ferrobasalts are close to the most evolved compositions that occur in any abundance on this portion of the East Pacific Rise.


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Five sites were drilled along a transect of the Walvis Ridge. The basement rocks range in age from 69 to 71 m.y., and the deeper sites are slightly younger, in agreement with the sea-floor-spreading magnetic lineations. Geophysical and petrological evidence indicates that the Walvis Ridge was formed at a mid-ocean ridge at anomalously shallow elevations. The basement complex, associated with the relatively smooth acoustic basement in the area, consists of pillowed basalt and massive flows alternating with nannofossil chalk and limestone that contain a significant volcanogenic component. Basalts are quartz tholeiites at the ridge crest and olivine tholeiites downslope. The sediment sections are dominated by carbonate oozes and chalks with volcanogenic material common in the lower parts of the sediment columns. The volcanogenic sediments probably were derived from sources on the Walvis Ridge. Paleodepth estimates based on the benthic fauna are consistent with a normal crustal-cooling rate of subsidence of the Walvis Ridge. The shoalest site in the transect sank below sea level in the late Paleocene, and benthic fauna suggest a rapid sea-level lowering in the mid-Oligocene. Average accumulation rates during the Cenozoic indicate three peaks in the rate of supply of carbonate to the sea floor, that is, early Pliocene, late middle Miocene, and late Paleocene to early Eocene. Carbonate accumulation rates for the rest of the Cenozoic averaged 1 g/cm**2/kyr. Dissolution had a marked effect on sediment accumulation in the deeper sites, particularly during the late Miocene, Oligocene, and middle to late Eocene. Changes in the rates of accumulation as a function of depth demonstrate that the upper part of the water column had a greater degree of undersaturation with respect to carbonate during times of high productivity. Even when the calcium carbonate compensation depth (CCD) was below 4400 m, a significant amount of carbonate was dissolved at the shallower sites. The flora and fauna of the Walvis Ridge are temperate in nature. Warmer-water faunas are found in the uppermost Maastrichtian and lower Eocene sediments, with cooler-water faunas present in the lower Paleocene, Oligocene, and middle Miocene. The boreal elements of the lower Pliocene are replaced by more temperate forms in the middle Pliocene. The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary was recovered in four sites drilled, with the sediments containing well-preserved nannofossils but poorly preserved foraminifera.


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Instrumental monitoring of the climate at high northern latitudes has documented the ongoing warming of the last few decades. Climate modelling has also demonstrated that the global warming signal will be amplified in the polar region. Such temperature increases would have important implications on the ecosystem and biota of the Barents Sea. This study therefore aims to reconstruct the climatic changes of the Barents Sea based on benthic foraminifera over approximately the last 1400 years at the decadal to sub-decadal scale. Oxygen and carbon isotope analysis and benthic foraminiferal species counts indicate an overall warming trend of approximately 2.6°C through the 1400-year record. In addition, the well-documented cooling period equating to the 'Little Ice Age' is evident between c. 1650 and 1850. Most notably, a series of highly fluctuating temperatures are observed over the last century. An increase of 1.5°C is shown across this period. Thus for the first time we are able to demonstrate that the recent Arctic warming is also reflected in the oceanic micro-fauna.


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During the middle Miocene, Earth's climate transitioned from a relatively warm phase (Miocene climatic optimum) into a colder mode with re-establishment of permanent ice sheets on Antarctica, thus marking a fundamental step in Cenozoic cooling. Carbon sequestration and atmospheric CO2 drawdown through increased terrestrial and/or marine productivity have been proposed as the main drivers of this fundamental transition. We integrate high-resolution (1-3 k.y.) benthic stable isotope data with XRF-scanner derived biogenic silica and carbonate accumulation estimates in an exceptionally well-preserved sedimentary archive, recovered at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1338, to reconstruct eastern equatorial Pacific productivity variations and to investigate temporal linkages between high- and low-latitude climate change over the interval 16-13 Ma. Our records show that the climatic optimum (16.8-14.7 Ma) was characterized by high amplitude climate variations, marked by intense perturbations of the carbon cycle. Episodes of peak warmth at (southern hemisphere) insolation maxima coincided with transient shoaling of the carbonate compensation depth and enhanced carbonate dissolution in the deep ocean. A switch to obliquity-paced climate variability after 14.7 Ma concurred with a general improvement in carbonate preservation and the onset of stepwise global cooling, culminating with extensive ice growth over Antarctica at ~13.8 Ma. We find that two massive increases in opal accumulation at ~14.0 and ~13.8 Ma occurred just before and during the final and most prominent cooling step, supporting the hypothesis that enhanced siliceous productivity in the eastern equatorial Pacific contributed to CO2 drawdown.


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A continuous high-resolution Western Mediterranean sea surface temperature (SST) alkenone record spanning the past 250,000 years shows that abrupt changes were more common at warming than at cooling. During marine isotope stage (MIS) 6, SST oscillated following a stadial-interstadial pattern but at lower intensities and rates of change than in the Dansgaard/Oeschger events of MIS 3. Some of the most prominent events occurred over MISs 5 and 7, after prolonged warm periods of high stability. Climate during the whole period was predominantly maintained in interglacial-interstadial conditions, whereas the duration of stadials was much shorter.