9 resultados para Consume

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Feeding patterns of mass herbivorous copepods in upwelling areas are investigated. Daily rations and aspects of their formation are examined in Calanoides carinatus (Benguela upwelling), Calanus pacificus (off the California coast), and Calanus australis (Peru upwelling). Rations were calculated based on gut plant pigment contents obtained at daily stations using laser spectrofluorometry, experimental data on the rate of gut evacuation and data on the carbon/chlorophyll ratio in phytoplankton and particulate matter at the respective stations. When phytoplankton was abundant, diel feeding rhythms were not pronounced and gut pigment level was high during the entire 24-h period. When phytoplankton biomass was low, distinct feeding rhythms were pronounced with a nocturnal maximum. During active upwelling intensive feeding on phytoplankton supports energy (respiration) and plastic (growth, development, reproduction, accumulation of reserves) metabolism of copepods. When upwelling was inactive, the surface part of the population feeds less actively and is able only partially to cover its energy expenditures. The actively growing and reproducing populations of C. pacificus and C. carinatus may consume close to 20% of primary production, whereas the inactive population of C. australis consumed only 0.2% of primary production when upwelling weakened.


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Characterization of the diets of upper-trophic predators is a key ingredient in management including the development of ecosystem-based fishery management plans, conservation efforts for top predators, and ecological and economic modeling of predator prey interactions. The California Current Predator Diet Database (CCPDD) synthesizes data from published records of predator food habits over the past century. The database includes diet information for 100+ upper-trophic level predator species, based on over 200 published citations from the California Current region of the Pacific Ocean, ranging from Baja, Mexico to Vancouver Island, Canada. We include diet data for all predators that consume forage species: seabirds, cetaceans, pinnipeds, bony and cartilaginous fishes, and a predatory invertebrate; data represent seven discrete geographic regions within the CCS (Canada, WA, OR, CA-n, CA-c, CA-s, Mexico). The database is organized around predator-prey links that represent an occurrence of a predator eating a prey or group of prey items. Here we present synthesized data for the occurrence of 32 forage species (see Table 2 in the affiliated paper) in the diet of pelagic predators (currently submitted to Ecological Informatics). Future versions of the shared-data will include diet information for all prey items consumed, not just the forage species of interest.


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Acetate and hydrogen concentrations in pore fluids were measured in samples taken at seven sites from southern Hydrate Ridge (SHR) offshore Oregon, USA. Acetate concentrations ranged from 3.17 to 2515 µM. The maximum acetate concentrations occurred at Site 1251, which was drilled on a slope basin to the east of SHR at depths just above the bottom-simulating reflector (BSR) that marks the boundary of gas hydrate stability. Acetate maxima and localized high acetate concentrations occurred at the BSR at all sites and frequently corresponded with areas of gas hydrate accumulation, suggesting an empirical relationship. Acetate concentrations were typically at a minimum near the seafloor and above the sulfate/methane interface, where sulfate-reducing bacteria may consume acetate. Hydrogen concentrations in pressure core samples ranged from 16.45 to 1036 parts per million by volume (ppmv). In some cases, hydrogen and acetate concentrations were elevated concurrently, suggesting a positive correlation. However, sampling of hydrogen was limited in comparison to acetate, so any relationships between the two analytes, if present, were difficult to discern.


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Gypsum and halite crystals, together with saponite and phillipsite, were found in a vein in a basalt sill 625 m below the sea floor at DSDP Site 395A, located 190 km west of the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The delta34S value of the gypsum (+19.4?) indicates a seawater source for the sulfate. The delta18O values of the saponite (+19.9?) and phillipsite (+18.1?) indicate either formation from normal seawater at about 55°C or formation from delta18O-depleted seawater at a lower temperature. The gypsum (which could be secondary after anhydrite) was formed by reaction between Ca[2+] released from basalt and SO4[2-] in circulating seawater. The halite could have formed when water was consumed by hydration of basalt under conditions of extremely restricted circulation. A more probable mechanism is that the gypsum was originally precipitated as anhydrite at temperatures above 60°C. As the temperature dropped the anhydrite converted to gypsum. The conversion would consume water, which could cause halite precipitation, and would cause an increase in the volume of solids, which would plug the vein and prevent subsequent dissolution of the halite.


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Determination of when and where animals feed and how much they consume is fundamental to understand their ecology and role in ecosystems. However, the lack of reliable data on feeding habits of wild animals, and particularly in marine endotherms, attests to the difficulty in doing this. A promising recent development proposes using a Hall sensor-magnet System - the inter-mandibular angle sensor (IMASEN) attached to animals' jaws to elucidate feeding events. We conducted trials on captive pinnipeds by feeding IMASEN-equipped animals with prey to examine the utility of this system. Most feeding events were clearly distinguishable from other jaw movements; only small prey items might not be resolved adequately. Based on the results of this study we examined feeding events from free-ranging Weddell seals fitted with IMASENs and dead-reckoners during December 2003 at Drescher Inlet (Riiser Larsen Ice Shelf, eastern Weddell Sea coast), and present data on prey capture and ingestion in relation to the three-dimensionalmovement patterns of the seals. A total of 19 Weddell seals were immobilised by using a combination of ketamine, xylazine, and diazepam. Eight seals were drugged once, six two times, and two and three were drugged three and four times each, coming to a total of 38 immobilisation procedures. Narcoses were terminated with yohimbine (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.438931).


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Here, we present results from sediments collected in the Argentine Basin, a non-steady state depositional marine system characterized by abundant oxidized iron within methane-rich layers due to sediment reworking followed by rapid deposition. Our comprehensive inorganic data set shows that iron reduction in these sulfate and sulfide-depleted sediments is best explained by a microbially mediated process-implicating anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to iron reduction (Fe-AOM) as the most likely major mechanism. Although important in many modern marine environments, iron-driven AOM may not consume similar amounts of methane compared with sulfate-dependent AOM. Nevertheless, it may have broad impact on the deep biosphere and dominate both iron and methane cycling in sulfate-lean marine settings. Fe-AOM might have been particularly relevant in the Archean ocean, >2.5 billion years ago, known for its production and accumulation of iron oxides (in iron formations) in a biosphere likely replete with methane but low in sulfate. Methane at that time was a critical greenhouse gas capable of sustaining a habitable climate under relatively low solar luminosity, and relationships to iron cycling may have impacted if not dominated methane loss from the biosphere.


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We assessed relationships between phytoplankton standing stock, measured as chlorophyll a (Chl a), primary production (PP), and heterotrophic picoplankton production (HPP), in the epipelagic zone (0-100 m) as well as in the mesopelagic zone (100-1,000 m) in the polar frontal zone of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in austral summer (late December to January) and fall (March to early May). Integrated epipelagic HPP was positively correlated to integrated PP in summer (data for fall are not available) but not to integrated Chl a. However, integrated mesopelagic HPP was positively correlated to Chl a in summer as well as fall. The mesopelagic fraction of HPP as a percentage of total HPP was also positively correlated to Chl a, whereas the epipelagic fraction of HPP was negatively correlated to it. These results indicate that with increasing phytoplankton standing stock, constituted mainly of highly silicified diatoms, the focus of its consumption by heterotrophic picoplankton shifts from epipelagic to mesopelagic waters. With a growth efficiency of 30%, our HPP data indicate that in both the epipelagic and mesopelagic zone heterotrophic picoplankton consume 20% of PP. Mesopelagic heterotrophic picoplankton consumed around 80% of the sinking flux, measured from depletion of 234Th, which is a lower fraction than that reported from the central and subarctic Pacific. Our analysis indicates that it is important to include mesopelagic HPP in comprehensive assessments of the microbial consumption of PP, phytoplankton biomass, and particulate organic matter in cold oceanic systems with high rates of export production.


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Bacterial carbon demand, an important component of ecosystem dynamics in polar waters and sea ice, is a function of both bacterial production (BP) and respiration (BR). BP has been found to be generally higher in sea ice than underlying waters, but rates of BR and bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) are poorly characterized in sea ice. Using melted ice core incubations, community respiration (CR), BP, and bacterial abundance (BA) were studied in sea ice and at the ice-water interface (IWI) in the Western Canadian Arctic during the spring and summer 2008. CR was converted to BR empirically. BP increased over the season and was on average 22 times higher in sea ice as compared with the IWI. Rates in ice samples were highly variable ranging from 0.2 to 18.3 µg C/l/d. BR was also higher in ice and on average ~10 times higher than BP but was less variable ranging from 2.39 to 22.5 µg C/l/d. Given the high variability in BP and the relatively more stable rates of BR, BP was the main driver of estimated BGE (r**2 = 0.97, P < 0.0001). We conclude that microbial respiration can consume a significant proportion of primary production in sea ice and may play an important role in biogenic CO2 fluxes between the sea ice and atmosphere.


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The geochemical cycling of barium was investigated in sediments of pockmarks of the northern Congo Fan, characterized by surface and subsurface gas hydrates, chemosynthetic fauna, and authigenic carbonates. Two gravity cores retrieved from the so-called Hydrate Hole and Worm Hole pockmarks were examined using high-resolution pore-water and solid-phase analyses. The results indicate that, although gas hydrates in the study area are stable with respect to pressure and temperature, they are and have been subject to dissolution due to methane-undersaturated pore waters. The process significantly driving dissolution is the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) above the shallowest hydrate-bearing sediment layer. It is suggested that episodic seep events temporarily increase the upward flux of methane, and induce hydrate formation close to the sediment surface. AOM establishes at a sediment depth where the upward flux of methane from the uppermost hydrate layer counterbalances the downward flux of seawater sulfate. After seepage ceases, AOM continues to consume methane at the sulfate/methane transition (SMT) above the hydrates, thereby driving the progressive dissolution of the hydrates "from above". As a result the SMT migrates downward, leaving behind enrichments of authigenic barite and carbonates that typically precipitate at this biogeochemical reaction front. Calculation of the time needed to produce the observed solid-phase barium enrichments above the present-day depths of the SMT served to track the net downward migration of the SMT and to estimate the total time of hydrate dissolution in the recovered sediments. Methane fluxes were higher, and the SMT was located closer to the sediment surface in the past at both sites. Active seepage and hydrate formation are inferred to have occurred only a few thousands of years ago at the Hydrate Hole site. By contrast, AOM-driven hydrate dissolution as a consequence of an overall net decrease in upward methane flux seems to have persisted for a considerably longer time at the Worm Hole site, amounting to a few tens of thousands of years.