32 resultados para Column interns of Plasma

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Insight into past changes of upper ocean stratification, circulation, and nutrient signatures rely on our knowledge of the apparent calcification depth (ACD) and ecology of planktonic foraminifera, which serve as archives for paleoceanographic relevant geochemical signals. The ACD of different species varies strongly between ocean basins, but also regionally. We constrained foraminiferal ACDs in the western Pacific warm pool (Manihiki Plateau) by comparing stable oxygen and carbon isotopes (d18Ocalcite, d13Ccalcite) as well as Mg/Ca ratios from living planktonic foraminifera to in-situ physical and chemical water mass properties (temperature, salinity, d18Oseawater, d13CDIC). Our analyses point to Globigerinoides ruber as the shallowest dweller, followed by Globigerinoides sacculifer, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Globotaloides hexagonus inhabiting increasingly greater depths. These findings are consistent with other ocean basins; however, absolute ACDs differ from other studies. The uppermost mixed-layer species G. ruber and G. sacculifer denote mean calcification depths of ~95 m and ~120 m, respectively. These Western Pacific ACDs are much deeper than in most other studies and most likely relate to the thick surface mixed layer and the deep chlorophyll maximum in this region. Our results indicate that N. dutertrei appears to be influenced by mixing waters from the Pacific equatorial divergence, while P. obliquiloculata with an ACD of ~160 m is more suitable for thermocline reconstructions. ACDs of G. hexagonus reveal a deep calcification depth of ~450 m in oxygen-depleted, but nutrient-rich water masses, consistent to other studies. As the d13C of G. hexagonus is in near-equilibrium with ambient seawater, we suggest this species is suitable for tracing nutrient conditions in equatorial water masses originating in extra-topical regions.


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In the reconstruction of sea surface temperature (SST) from sedimentary archives, secondary sources, lateral transport and selective preservation are considered to be mainly negligible in terms of influencing the primary signal. This is also true for the archaeal glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) that form the basis for the TEX86 SST proxy. Our samples represent four years variability on a transect off Cape Blanc (NW Africa). We studied the subsurface production, vertical and lateral transport of intact polar lipids and core GDGTs in the water column at high vertical resolution on the basis of suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from the photic zone, the subsurface oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), nepheloid layers (NL) and the water column between these. Furthermore we compared the water column SPM GDGT composition with that in underlying surface sediments. This is the first study that reports TEX86 values from the precursor intact polar lipids (IPLs) associated with specific head groups (IPL -specific TEX86). We show a clear deviation from the sea surface GDGT composition in the OMZ between 300 and 600 m. Since neither lateral transport nor selective degradation provides a satisfactory explanation for the observed TEX-derived temperature profiles with a bias towards higher temperatures for both core- and IPL -specific TEX86 values, we suggest that subsurface in situ production of archaea with a distinct relationship between lipid biosynthesis and temperature is the responsible mechanism. However, in the NW-African upwelling system the GDGT contribution of the OMZ to the surface sediments does not seem to affect the sedimentary TEX86 as it shows no bias and still reflects the signal of the surface waters between 0 and 60 m.


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We derive tropospheric column BrO during the ARCTAS and ARCPAC field campaigns in spring 2008 using retrievals of total column BrO from the satellite UV nadir sensors OMI and GOME-2 using a radiative transfer model and stratospheric column BrO from a photochemical simulation. We conduct a comprehensive comparison of satellite-derived tropospheric BrO column to aircraft in-situ observations of BrO and related species. The aircraft profiles reveal that tropospheric BrO, when present during April 2008, was distributed over a broad range of altitudes rather than being confined to the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Perturbations to the total column resulting from tropospheric BrO are the same magnitude as perturbations due to longitudinal variations in the stratospheric component, so proper accounting of the stratospheric signal is essential for accurate determination of satellite-derived tropospheric BrO. We find reasonably good agreement between satellite-derived tropospheric BrO and columns found using aircraft in-situ BrO profiles, particularly when satellite radiances were obtained over bright surfaces (albedo >0.7), for solar zenith angle <80° and clear sky conditions. The rapid activation of BrO due to surface processes (the bromine explosion) is apparent in both the OMI and GOME-2 based tropospheric columns. The wide orbital swath of OMI allows examination of the evolution of tropospheric BrO on about hourly time intervals near the pole. Low surface pressure, strong wind, and high PBL height are associated with an observed BrO activation event, supporting the notion of bromine activation by high winds over snow.


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The present study investigated the concentrations and patterns of PBDEs and hydroxylated (OH) PBDE analogues in two ringed seal populations: less contaminated Svalbard and more contaminated Baltic Sea. Mean concentration of hepatic sum-PBDE, which was dominated by BDE47, was six times higher in the ringed seals from the Baltic Sea compared to the seals from Svalbard. BDE47/sum-PBDE was higher in the seals from Svalbard compared to that for Baltic seals, while the trend was opposite for BDE153 and 154. The geographical difference in contaminant pattern of PBDEs in ringed seals could be explained by biotransformation via oxidative metabolism and/or by dietary differences. OH-PBDEs were detectable in the majority of plasma samples from both locations, and dominated by bioaccumulation of naturally occurring congeners. Low levels of 3-OH-BDE47 and 4'-OH-BDE49 in the Baltic ringed seals suggested minor oxidative biotransformation of BDE47. In the Baltic seals, BDE153/sum-PBDEs and BDE154/sum-PBDEs increased and BDE28/sum-PBDE decreased with increasing sum-POP concentration, which suggests BDE153 and 154 are more persistent than BDE28. Contrasting diets of the ringed seals in these two locations may influence the PBDE congener pattern due to selective long-range transport and direct effluent emissions to Svalbard and the Baltic, respectively.


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Seven opal-CT-rich and five quartz-rich porcellanites and cherts from Site 504 have a range in oxygen-isotope values of 24.4 and 29.4 per mil. In opal-CT rocks, d18O becomes larger with sub-bottom depth and with age. Quartz-rich rocks do not show these trends. Boron, in general, increases with decreasing d18O for porcellanites and cherts considered together, supporting the conclusion that boron is incorporated within the quartz crystal structure during precipitation of the SiO2. Silicification of the chalks at Site 504 began 1 m.y. ago - that is, 5 m.y. after sedimentation commenced on the oceanic crust. Temperatures of chert formation determined from oxygen-isotope compositions reflect diagenetic temperatures rather than bottom-water temperatures, and are comparable to temperatures of formation determined by down-hole measurements. Opal-A in the chalks began conversion to opal-CT when a temperature of 50°C was reached in the sediment column. Conversion of opal-CT to quartz started at 55 °C. Silicification occurred over a stratigraphic thickness of about 10 meters when the temperature at the top of the 10 meters reached about 50°C. It took about 250,000 years to complete the silica transformation within each 10-meter interval of sediment at Site 504. Quartz formed over a stratigraphic range of at least 30 meters, at temperatures of about 54 to 60°C. The time and temperatures of silicification of Site 504 rocks are more like those at continental margins than those in deep-sea, open-ocean deposits.


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Distribution and composition of lipids and contents of alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in bottom sediments of the Scotia and Weddell seas are discussed. Comparatively low concentrations of organic carbon (average 0.35%) and lipids (average 0.024%) result from rapid decomposition of organic matter in upper layers of the water column. Composition of alkanes indicates that lipids are of autochthonous origin, and stable concentrations of PAHs (average 25.8 ppb, sigma 15.3 ppb) indicate that they represent the background level for bottom sediments. Higher concentrations of PAHs in sediments near the King George Island (252.1 ppb) and different distributions of individual polyarenes are produced there by the heating systems of the Polish Antarctic Station.