53 resultados para Chloride diffusivity

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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We quantified postdepositional losses of methane sulfonate (MSA-), nitrate, and chloride at the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) drilling site in Dronning Maud Land (DML) (75°S, 0°E). Analyses of four intermediate deep firn cores and 13 snow pits were considered. We found that about 26 ± 13% of the once deposited nitrate and typically 51 ± 20% of MSA- were lost, while for chloride, no significant depletion could be observed in firn older than one year. Assuming a first order exponential decay rate, the characteristic e-folding time for MSA- is 6.4 ± 3 years and 19 ± 6 years for nitrate. It turns out that for nitrate and MSA- the typical mean concentrations representative for the last 100 years were reached after 5.4 and 6.5 years, respectively, indicating that beneath a depth of around 1.2-1.4 m postdepositional losses can be neglected. In the area of investigation, only MSA- concentrations and postdepositional losses showed a distinct dependence on snow accumulation rate. Consequently, MSA- concentrations archived at this site should be significantly dependent on the variability of annual snow accumulation, and we recommend a corresponding correction. With a simple approach, we estimated the partial pressure of the free acids MSA, HNO3, and HCl on the basis of Henry's law assuming that ionic impurities of the bulk ice matrix are localized in a quasi-brine layer (QBL). In contrast to measurements, this approach predicts a nearly complete loss of MSA-, NO3 - , and Cl-.


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Eight DSDP/ODP cores were analyzed for major ion concentrations and d37Cl values of water-soluble chloride (d37Clwsc) and structurally bound chloride (d37Clsbc) in serpentinized ultramafic rocks. This diverse set of cores spans a wide range in age, temperature of serpentinization, tectonic setting, and geographic location of drilled serpentinized oceanic crust. Three of the cores were sampled at closely spaced intervals to investigate downhole variation in Cl concentration and chlorine isotope composition. The average total Cl content of all 86 samples is 0.26±0.16 wt.% (0.19±0.10 wt.% as water-soluble Cl (Xwsc) and 0.09±0.09 wt.% as structurally bound Cl (Xsbc)). Structurally bound Cl concentration nearly doubles with depth in all cores; there is no consistent trend in water-soluble Cl content among the cores. Chlorine isotope fractionation between the structurally bound Cl**- site and the water-soluble Cl**- site varies from -1.08? to +1.16?, averaging to +0.21?. Samples with negative fractionations may be related to reequilibration of the water-soluble chloride with seawater post-serpentinite formation. Six of the cores have positive bulk d37Cl values (+0.05? to +0.36?); the other two cores (173-1068A (Leg-Hole) and 84-570) have negative bulk d37Cl values (-1.26? and -0.54?). The cores with negative d37Cl values also have variable Cl**-/SO4**2- ratios, in contrast to all other cores. The isotopically positive cores (153-920D and 147-895E) show no isotopic variation with depth; the isotopically negative core (173-1068A) decreases by ~1? with depth for both the water-soluble and structurally bound Cl fractions. Non-zero bulk d37Cl values indicate Cl in serpentinites was incorporated during original hydration and is not an artifact of seawater infiltration during drilling. Cores with positive d37Cl values are most likely explained by open system fractionation during hydrothermal alteration, with preferential incorporation of 37Cl from seawater into the serpentinite and loss of residual light Cl back to the ocean. Fluid / rock ratios were probably low as evidenced by the presence of water-soluble salts. The two isotopically negative cores are characterized by a thick overlying sedimentary package that was in place prior to serpentinization. We believe the low d37Cl values of these cores are a result of hydration of ultramafic rock by infiltrating aqueous pore fluids from the overlying sediments. The resulting serpentinites inherit the characteristic negative d37Cl values of the pore waters. Chlorine stable isotopes can be used to identify the source of the serpentinizing fluid and ultimately discern chemical and tectonic processes involved in serpentinization.


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Dissolved iron (DFe) and total dissolvable Fe (TDFe) were measured in January-February 2009 in Pine Island Bay, as well as in the Pine Island and Amundsen polynyas (Amundsen Sea, Southern Ocean). Iron (Fe) has been shown to be a limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth, even in the productive continental shelves surrounding the Antarctic continent. However, the polynyas of the Amundsen Sea harbor the highest concentrations of phytoplankton anywhere in Antarctica. Here we present data showing the likely sources of Fe that enable such a productive and long lasting phytoplankton bloom. Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) flows over the bottom of the shelf into the Pine Island Bay where DFe and TDFe were observed to increase from 0.2 to 0.4 nM DFe and from 0.3-4.0 to 7-14 nM TDFe, respectively. At the southern end of Pine Island Bay, the CDW upwelled under the Pine Island Glacier, bringing nutrients (including Fe) to the surface and melting the base of the glacier. Concentrations of DFe in waters near the Pine Island Glacier and the more westward lying Crosson, Dotson, and Getz Ice Shelves varied between 0.40 and 1.31 nM, depending on the relative magnitude of upwelling, turbulent mixing, and melting. These values represent maximum concentrations since associated ligands (which increase the solubility of Fe in seawater) were saturated with Fe (Thuroczy et al., 2012, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.03.009). The TDFe concentrations were very high compared to what previously has been measured in the Southern Ocean, varying between 3 and 106 nM. In the Pine Island Polynya, macronutrients and DFe were consumed by the phytoplankton bloom and concentrations were very low. We calculate that atmospheric dust contributed < 1% of the Fe necessary to sustain the phytoplankton bloom, while vertical turbulent eddy diffusion from the sediment, sea ice melt, and upwelling contributed 1.0-3.8%, 0.7-2.9%, and 0.4-1.7%, respectively. The largest source was Fe input from the PIG, which could satisfy the total Fe demand by the phytoplankton bloom by lateral advection of Fe over a range of 150 km from the glacier. The role of TDFe as a phytoplankton nutrient remains unclear, perhaps representing an important indirect Fe source via dissolution and complexation by dissolved organic ligands (Gerringa et al., 2000, doi:10.1016/S0304-4203(99)00092-4; Borer et al., 2005, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2004.08.006).


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The hydrogeological conditions are unfavourable for a sufficient supply of drinking-water. The small size of the catchment area, the large hydraulic gradient inside the steep 'Buntsandstein'-cliff and the low geodetic level of the 'Dune Island' and the foreshore at the eastern foot of the cliff do not allow the formation and recharge of a sufficiently exploitable geodetic freshwater dome over the underlying saltwater. This means that until recently the provision of sufficient drinking-water for the island's inhabitants, for its garrison as well as for visiting ships was a problem. This problem has now been solved by the desalination of seawater.


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A joint research expedition between the French IFREMER and the German MARUM was conducted in 2011 using the R/V 'Pourquoi pas?' to study gas hydrate distributions in a pockmark field (1141-1199 m below sea surface) at the continental margin of Nigeria. The seafloor drill rig MeBo of MARUM was used to recover sediments as deep as 56.74 m below seafloor. The presence of gas hydrates in specific core sections was deduced from temperature anomalies recorded during continuous records of infrared thermal scanning and anomalies in pore water chloride concentrations. In situ sediment temperature measurements showed elevated geothermal gradients of up to 258 °C/km in the center of the so-called pockmark A which is up to 4.6 times higher than that in the background sediment (72 °C/km). The gas hydrate distribution and thermal regime in the pockmark are largely controlled by the intensity, periodicity and direction of fluid flow. The joint interaction between fluid flow, gas hydrate formation and dissolution, and the thermal regime governs pockmark formation and evolution on the Nigerian continental margin.