217 resultados para Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railway Company.

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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High-resolution stable carbon isotope records for upper Paleocene - lower Eocene sections at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1051 and 690 and Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 550 and 577 show numerous rapid (40 - 60 kyr duration) negative excursions of up to 1 per mill. We demonstrate that these transient decreases are the expected result of nonlinear insolation forcing of the carbon cycle in the context of a long carbon residence time. The transients occur at maxima in Earth's orbital eccentricity, which result in high-amplitude variations in insolation due to forcing by climatic precession. The construction of accurate orbital chronologies for geologic sections older than ~ 35 Ma relies on identifying a high-fidelity recorder of variations in Earth's orbital eccentricity. We use the carbon isotope records as such a recorder, establishing a robust orbitally tuned chronology for latest Paleocene-earliest Eocene events. Moreover, the transient decreases provide a means of precise correlation among the four sites that is independent of magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data at the <10^5-year scale. While the eccentricity-controlled transient decreases bear some resemblance to the much larger-amplitude carbon isotope excursion (CIE) that marks the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, the latter event is found to occur near a minimum in the ~400-kyr eccentricity cycle. Thus the CIE occurred during a time of minimal variability in insolation, the dominant mechanism for forcing climate change on 104-year scales. We argue that this is inconsistent with mechanisms that rely on a threshold climate event to trigger the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum since any threshold would more likely be crossed during a period of high-amplitude climate variations.


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Compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities have been measured to 1.0 kbar for 14 cores of well-consolidated sedimentary rock from Atlantic and Pacific sites of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. The range of VP (2.05-5.38 km/sec at 0.5 kbar) shows significant overlap with the range of oceanic layer-2 seismic velocities determined by marine refraction surveys, suggesting that sedimentary rocks may, in some regions, constitute the upper portion of layer 2. Differing linear relationships between VP and Vs for basalts and sedimentary rocks, however, may provide a method of resolving layer-2 composition. This is illustra ted for a refraction survey site on the flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where layer-2 velocities agree with basalt, and two sites on the Saya de Malha Bank in the Indian Ocean where layer-2 velocities appear to represent sedimentary rock.


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Carbon isotopic records from benthic foraminifera are used to map patterns of deep ocean circulation between 3 and 2 million years ago, the interval when significant northern hemisphere glaciation began. The delta18O and delta13C data from four Atlantic sites (552, 607, 610, and 704) and one Pacific site (677) show that global cooling over this interval was associated with increased suppression of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation. However, the relative strength of NADW production was always greater than is observed during late Pleistocene glaciations when extreme decreases in NADW are observed in the deep North Atlantic. Our data indicate that an increase in the equator-to-pole temperature gradient associated with the onset of northern hemisphere glaciation did not intensify deepwater production in the North Atlantic but rather the opposite occurred. This is not unexpected as it is the "warm high-salinity" characteristic, rather than the "low temperature", of thermocline waters that is critical to the deepwater formation process in this region today.


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The lithium content of planktonic foraminiferal calcite has been determined to evaluate temporal variability of seawater Li concentrations over the past 116 m.y. Mean foraminiferal calcite lithium/calcium in each time interval is no more than 16% greater nor 25% less than the mean Li/Ca of all samples. Li/Ca minima are observed for samples from 50-60 m.y. and 80-90 m.y., with Li/Ca about 25% lower than in adjacent time intervals. At no time during the past 40 m.y does mean Li/Ca appear to be higher than that at present. Subject to the limitations imposed by sample coverage and diagenesis, a similar conclusion holds for the past 116 m.y. Coupled with an oceanic mass balance model for Li, these data suggest that: (1) oceanic Li concentrations and, therefore, high-temperature hydrothermal circulation fluxes during the past 40 m.y. (and perhaps the past 100 m.y.) have not been more than perhaps 30-40% greater than at present for intervals any longer than a million years at most, and (2) these fluxes were not a factor of two higher 100 m.y. ago. By inference, variations in oceanic crustal generation rates over these time periods are similarly limited. Decreases in hydrothermal circulation fluxes and crustal generation rates or fluctuations up to 20% in these rates of a few million years duration are not necessarily ruled out by the Li/Ca data. The lack of variability in Li/Ca over time is not unequivocal evidence that hydrothermal fluxes have not varied because the rates of removal processes may be linked to changes in input fluxes.


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Four retrogressive thaw slumps (RTS) located on Herschel Island and the Yukon coast (King Point) in the western Canadian Arctic were investigated to compare the environmental, sedimentological and geochemical setting and characteristics of zones in active and stabilised slumps and at undisturbed sites. In general, the slope, sedimentology and biogeochemistry of stabilised and undisturbed zones differ, independent of their age or location. Organic carbon contents were lower in slumps than in the surrounding tundra, and the density and compaction of slump sediments were much greater. Radiocarbon dating showed that RTS were likely to have been active around 300 a BP and are undergoing a similar period of increased activity now. This cycle is thought to be controlled more by local geometry, cryostratigraphy and the rate of coastal erosion than by variation in summer temperatures.


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A comparative study was carried out on soils of the maritime (Arctowski, King George Island) and the continental (Casey, Wilkes Land) Antarctic. Soil sampIes are described for surface layers (0-10 cm) by their in situ temperature profiles as well as by field and laboratory analyses of grain sizes, pH and nutrient contents. Active cryoturbation is a main factor of mixing processes in surfaces with high silt and clay content. In both regions processes of podzolisation were recognized. Microclimatic conditions show the importance of small scale processes which are of special importance for freeze-thaw cycles. The distribution of nutrients and other inorganic components is rather homogeneous in regosols and leptosols. But in soils with organic top layers by lichen and moss cushions (crusts) accumulation occurs as well as displacement of metal ions into deeper layers (>10 cm). Histosols show patterns of brown soils. Special attention is given to the origin of nitrogen compounts and the different ways of import of other components (e.g. chloride) into the Antarctic system are discussed.


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Procedures for radiocarbon dating of ocean sediments on board the ship using the benzene variant of the method are described. The main features of the benzene synthesis scheme, together with its differences from the method usually used onshore laboratories, are discussed briefly. Parameters of radiometric installation, in which activity of synthesized benzenes is determined are cited. The method was used successfully during Cruise 14 of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev (45 datings) and Cruise 24 of R/V Akademik Kurchatov (81 datings).


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Selected calcareous nannofossils were investigated by means of quantitative methods in middle and upper Miocene sediments from the tropical Indian Ocean (ODP Leg 115) and equatorial Pacific Ocean (DSDP Leg 85, ODP Legs 130 and 138). Our goal was to test the reliability of the classic biohorizons used in the standard zonations of Martini (1971) and Bukry (1973) and, possibly, to improve biostratigraphic resolution in the Miocene. In a time interval of about 8 m.y., from the last occurrence (LO) of S. heteromorphus (~13.6 Ma) to the LO of D. quinqueramus (~5.5 Ma), a total 37 events were investigated, using both the conventional and some additional markers proposed in the literature. At least 17 of these events proved to be distinct biostratigraphic correlation lines between the two considered areas. This integrated biostratigraphic framework increases the biostratigraphic resolution in the middle-upper Miocene interval (of the order of about 0.5 m.y). All the investigated events were tied to the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS) and compared to biomagnetostratigraphy from mid-latitude North Atlantic Site 94-608 (Olafsson, 1991; Gartner, 1992), thus obtaining further information about the biostratigraphic and biochronologic reliability of the investigated events and a significant improvement of the available nannofossil biomagnetostratigraphic model for the middle and late Miocene.


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Most species of Late Cretaceous deep-sea benthic foraminifera are believed to be cosmopolitan and therefore to exhibit only minor biogeographical differences. In this preliminary report, six Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites from different oceans, paleolatitudes, and paleodepths were analyzed for terminal Cretaceous abyssal-bathyal benthic foraminifera in order to investigate their assumed cosmopolitan distribution and the question of whether different faunal compositions are related to time, different paleolatitudes, and/or different paleodepths. The material studied was obtained from the low-latitude Site 465 (Pacific Ocean), and the intermediate-latitude Sites 384 (North Atlantic) and 356, 516, 525, and 527 (South Atlantic). The material analyzed represents a time slice encompassing the last 20-50 k.y. of the Cretaceous. The faunas contain numerous "Velasco-type" species, such as Gavelinella beccariiformis (White), Cibicidoides velascoensis (Cushman), Nuttallides truempyi (Nuttall), Gaudryina pyramidata Cushman, and various gyroidinoids and buliminids. The results contradict the general assumption of the cosmopolitan nature of Late Cretaceous deep-sea benthic foraminifera advocated in the literature. Only about 9% of the taxa identified were found to be truly "cosmopolitan" through their occurrence at all the sites analyzed. On the basis of correspondence analysis and relative abundance data, three assemblages and three subassemblages were recognized: (1) a bathyal-abyssal assemblage [Nuttallinella sp. A, Cibicidoides hyphalus (Fisher), Valvalabamina sp. evolute form, and Gyroidinoides spp.] at the South Atlantic Sites 356, 516, 525, and 527, divided into three subassemblages, namely (a) a middle bathyal subassemblage [Eouvigerina subsculptura McNeil and Caldwell, Truaxia aspera (Cushman), and G. pyramidata] at Sites 516 and 525, (b) a lower bathyal subassemblage [Osangularia? sp., Pyramidina rudita (Cushman and Parker), and Quadrimorphina camerata (Brotzen)] at Site 356, and (c) an abyssal subassemblage [Gyroidinoides sp. C, Hyperammina-Bathysiphon, Gyroidinoides beisseli (White), and Globorotalites sp. B] at Site 527; (2) an abyssal assemblage [Buliminella cf. plana (Cushman and Parker) and Bulimina incisa Cushman] at the North Atlantic Site 384; and (3) a middle bathyal assemblage [Vulvulina sp. A, Osangularia navarroana (Cushman), Alabamina? sp., Bulimina velascoensis (Cushman), Spiroplectammina spp. calcareous forms, and Bulimina trinitatensis Cushman and Jarvis] at the Pacific Site 465.


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The final phase of the closure of the Panamanian Gateway and the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) both occurred during the Late Pliocene. Glacial-interglacial (G-IG) variations in sea level might, therefore, have had a significant impact on the remaining connections between the East Pacific and the Caribbean. Here, we present combined foraminiferal Mg/Ca and d18O measurements from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1241 from the East Pacific and ODP Site 999 from the Caribbean. The studied time interval covers the first three major G-IG Marine Isotope Stages (MIS 95-100, ~2.5 Ma) after the intensification of NHG. Analyses were performed on the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina dutertrei and Globigerinoides sacculifer, representing water mass properties in the thermocline and the mixed-layer, respectively. Changes in sea water temperature, relative salinity, and water column stratification strongly suggest that the Panamanian Gateway temporarily closed during glacial MIS 98 and 100, as a result of changes in ice volume equivalent to a drop in sea level of 60-90 m. Reconstructed sea surface temperatures (SST) from G. sacculifer show a glacial decrease of 2.5°C at Site 1241, but increases of up to 3°C at Site 999 during glacial MIS 98 and 100 suggesting that the Panamanian Gateway closed during these glacial periods. The Mg/Ca-temperatures of N. dutertrei remain relatively stable in the East Pacific, but do show a 3°C warming in the Caribbean at the onset of these glacial periods suggesting that the closing of the gateway also changed the water column stratification. We infer that the glacial closure of the gateway allowed the Western Atlantic Warm Pool to extend into the southern Caribbean, increasing SST (G. sacculifer) and deepening the thermocline (N. dutertrei). Additionally, ice volume appears to have become large enough during MIS 100 to survive the relatively short lasting interglacial MIS 99 so that the gateway remained closed. Towards the end of MIS 98, during MIS 97 and into MIS 96 temperatures on both sides are mostly similar suggesting water masses exchanged again. Additionally, Caribbean variations in SST and d18Owater follow a precession-like cyclicity rather than the obliquity-controlled variations characteristic of the East-Pacific and many other tropical areas, suggesting that regional atmospheric processes related to the trade winds and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) had a dominant impact in the Caribbean.


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Whole-rock d18O analyses of the Paleogene and Upper Cretaceous succession at Ocean Drilling Program Hole 807C suggest the presence of hiatuses between 876.95 and 894.47 mbsf and between 1138.82 and 1140.94 mbsf. The d13C data show a pronounced positive excursion between 1130 and 1180 mbsf that corresponds to the positive d13C values characteristic of the Paleocene. Despite the stratigraphic breaks in the section, the d18O data show a systematic increase between 1360 mbsf and the hiatus between 876.95 and 894.47 mbsf, which is consistent with previous suggestions of long-term climatic cooling through the Paleogene. The Cretaceous/Tertiary transition is apparently complete in this section and is of remarkable thickness. The expanded nature of this portion of the succession is probably the result of secondary depositional processes. High-resolution sampling across this boundary may reveal detailed structure of the d13C decline associated with the extinctions that mark the termination of the Cretaceous.