209 resultados para Ceara

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Mass estimates for Late Miocene and Pliocene (8.6-3.25 Ma) Discoaster species and Sphenolithus are determined using samples of the equatorial Atlantic (Ceara Rise: ODP Site 927). Based on morphometric measurements, 3D computer models were created for 11 Discoaster species and their volumes calculated. From these, shape factors (ks) were derived to allow calculation of mass for different-sized discoasters and Sphenolithus abies. The mass estimates were then used to calculate the contribution of nannofossils to the total nannofossil carbonate. The discoaster contribution ranges from 10% to 40%, with a decreasing trend through the investigated interval. However, our estimates of total nannofossil carbonate from size-corrected abundance data are consistently 30-50% lower than estimates from grain-size measurement; this suggests that data based on mass estimates need to be interpreted with caution.


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Die XRF-Daten wurden an Archivhälften der Schwerelotkerne GeoB4402-2 und GeoB4407-3 erhoben, die am Nordwest-Hang des Ceará-Rückens gezogen wurden. Der Ceará-Rücken liegt im westlichen, äquatorialen Atlantik im Ablagerungsgebiet des Amazonas. Die Messdaten wurden mit dem XRF-Kern-Scanner "CORETEX (Corescanner Texel)" im Marum in Bremen erhoben, der auf dem Prinzip der Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse beruht (gemessene Auflösung: 1 cm). Der Sedimenteintrag, speziell der Eintrag von terrigenem Material (durch Verwitterung entstandenes Material auf den Kontinenten), in die Ozeane ist ein immer noch schlecht verstandener Prozess, der aber für eine Vielzahl von geologischen Fragestellungen von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Der terrigene Sedimenteintrag am Ceará-Rücken ist nahezu ausschließlich vom Amazonas geprägt. Die abgelagerten Sedimente auf dem Ceará-Rücken können als Zwei-Komponentensystem beschrieben werden. Eine Quelle ist der terrigene Eintrag aus dem Amazonas. Die zweite Quelle ist biogenes Kalziumkarbonat, dass vom kalkigen Plankton (vor allem Coccolithophoriden und zum Teil Foraminiferen) aus der oberen Wassersäule stammt. Heutzutage ist der westliche, tropische Atlantik die Hauptpassage des Transfers von warmem Oberflächenwasser vom Süd- in den Nordatlantik. Die Abgabe von Wärme und Feuchtigkeit aus den Tropen könnte im Zusammenhang mit kurzfristigen Klimawechseln stehen. Untersuchungen an Hand von Aufzeichnungen aus der nördlichen Hemisphäre weisen darauf hin, dass kurzfristige Klimaschwankungen der Nordhemisphäre zu Veränderungen der atmosphärischen Zirkulation in niedrigen Breiten auf einer Zeitskala von nur wenigen Tausenden Jahren führen können. Eine wichtige Frage dabei ist, wie der spätpleistozäne Eintrag von Terrigen-Material durch den Amazonas gesteuert ist durch Klimaschwankungen in den Tropen in Wechselwirkung mit den Vereisungs- und Abschmelzphasen der Nordhemisphäre. Hierbei sind sowohl die Glazial-Interglazial Zyklen als auch kurzfristige Klimaschwankungen wie die Dansgaard-Oeschger-Zyklen und die mit ihnen verbundenen Heinrich-Ereignisse von Bedeutung.


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The oxygen- and carbon-isotope compositions of planktic and benthic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils from Middle Oligocene-Early Miocene Equatorial Atlantic sediments (DSDP Site 354) indicate two important paleoceanographic changes, in the Late Oligocene (foraminiferal Zone P.21) and in the Early Miocene (foraminiferal Zone N.5). The first change, reflected by a delta18O increase of 1.45? in Globigerina venezuelana, affected only intermediate pelagic and not surface, deep or bottom waters. The second change affected surface and intermediate waters, whereas deep and bottom waters showed only minor fluctuations. In the case of the former the isotope effect of the moderate ice accumulation on the Antarctic continent is amplified in the Equatorial Atlantic by changes in the circulation pattern. The latter paleoceanographic change, reflected by a significant increase in 18O in both planktic and benthic forms (about 1.0? and 0.5?, respectively), may have been caused by ice volume increase and temperature decrease. Both oxygen- and carbon-isotope compositions indicate a marked depth-habitat stratification for planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. Three different dwelling groups are recognized: shallow Globigerinoides, Globoquadrina dehiscens, Globorotalia mayeri and nannofossils; intermediate Globigerina venezuelana; and deep Catapsydrax dissimilis. The comparison of foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils suggests that the isotopic compositions of nannofossils are generally controlled by the same parameters which control the isotopic composition of shallow-dwelling foraminifera, but the former are more enriched in 18O.


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Ceara Rise, located east the Amazon River mouth, is covered with a thick blanket of pelagic carbonate and hemipelagic terrigenous sediment. The terrigenous component has been extracted from 57 bulk sediment samples at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 925 and 929 on Ceara Rise to obtain a Cenozoic record of riverine discharge from northern South America. From the early Eocene to early Miocene (55-20 Ma), terrigenous accumulation was dominated by moderate amounts of generally large-grained, gray to green sediment especially depleted in elements that are enriched in post-Archaean shale (e.g. Cs, Th, Yb). However, pulsed inputs of relatively small-grained, gray to green terrigenous sediment less depleted in the above elements occurred in the late Eocene and Oligocene. The accumulation of terrigenous sediment decreased significantly until 16.5 Ma. In the middle Miocene (16.5-13 Ma), terrigenous accumulation was dominated by small amounts of small-grained, tan sediment notably depleted in Na and heavy rare earth elements. The accumulation rate of terrigenous sediment increased markedly from the latest Miocene (10 Ma) to the present day, a change characterized by deposition of gray-green sediment enriched in elements that are enriched in post-Archaean shale. Observed changes in terrigenous sediment at Ceara Rise record tectonism and erosion in northern South America. The Brazil and Guyana shields supplied sediment to the eastern South American margin until the middle Miocene (20-16.5 Ma) when a period of thrusting, shortening and uplift changed the source region, probably first to highly weathered and proximal Phanerozoic sediments. By the late Miocene (9 Ma), there was a transcontinental connection between the Andes and eastern South America. Weathering products derived from the Andes have increasingly dominated terrigenous deposition at Ceara Rise since the Late Miocene and especially since the late Pliocene.