20 resultados para Carpentry of white

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Mineral composition of recent bottom sediments was studied in the White Sea. A single terrigenous-mineralogical province is defined; it is characterized by a mineral association of amphibole, epidote, garnet, and pyroxene. Five regions are assigned in the White Sea in accordance with mineral composition of surface bottom sediments. We argue that granite-metamorphic rock complexes of the Baltic Shield are the main source of recent bottom sediments in the White Sea, while the East European Craton (Russian Platform) plays the secondary role.


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Fifty-seven white mica clasts were separated from five samples taken from near the bases of turbidites ranging in age from early Albian to middle Eocene. Twenty two (39%) of the micas have ages between 260 and 340 Ma and five (9%) have older ages (~400-600 Ma). The former age range is characteristic of the North American Alleghenian orogeny and the Iberian Variscan orogeny. The latter range is characteristic of the North American Acadian orogeny and older basement rocks in the Grand Banks and Newfoundland areas. Both age ranges are present in the middle Eocene sample, but only the younger range occurs in the middle Albian sample. This difference could be a sampling artifact. If this is not the case, then the most likely explanation is that the Acadian-aged micas within the Meguma Zone underlying the Grand Banks were totally reset by Alleghenian reactivation of the zone, a feature which occurs extensively in Nova Scotia. The addition of Acadian-aged micas in the middle Eocene sample may reflect a change in sediment provenance as drainage systems unrelated to rift topography developed. With the exception of one clast dated at 186 Ma, the 12 other micas obtained from the upper Paleocene sample yielded ages between 55 and 74 Ma, with 7 falling within ±2 m.y. of the 57-Ma age of the sample indicated by the biostratigraphic age-depth plot for Site 1276. This, together with the volcaniclastic content of the sample, indicates an input from near-contemporaneous volcanism. The nearest known occurrences of near-contemporaneous late Paleocene volcanism that could have produced white micas are in Greenland and Portugal, some 2000 and 1500 km distant, respectively, from Site 1276 during the Paleocene. However, ages of volcanism in these areas indicate that they could probably not be sources of micas younger than 60 m.y., which suggests some as-yet unknown volcanic source in the North Atlantic area. Accumulation in the Grand Banks area of airborne-transported volcaniclastic material from eruptions of slightly different ages, followed by a single resedimentation event, could account for the spread of dates obtained from the sample. White micas from the lowermost Albian sample show a spread of ages between 37 and 284 Ma that is completely different from the age distribution pattern of the middle Albian and middle Eocene samples. The sample location is between, and at least 25 m above and below, two igneous sills dated at 98 and 105 Ma. The sills have narrow thermal aureoles and ages older than the youngest detrital micas in the sample. It is unlikely, therefore, that the spread of mica ages in the sample is due to partial resetting of ages caused by thermal effects associated with the intrusion of the sills. The resetting may have been associated with a longer lived thermal event.


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Stable isotope ratios from tree rings and peatland mosses have become important proxies of past climate variations. We here compare recent stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in cellulose of tree rings from white spruce (Picea glauca), growing near the arctic tree line; and cellulose of Sphagnum fuscum stems, growing in a hummock of a subarctic peatland, in west-central Canada. Results show that carbon isotopes in S. fuscum correlate significantly with July temperatures over the past ~20 yr. The oxygen isotopes correlate with both summer temperature and precipitation. Analyses of the tree-ring isotopes revealed summer temperatures to be the main controlling factor for carbon isotope variations, whereas tree-ring oxygen isotope ratios are controlled by a combination of spring temperatures and precipitation totals. We also explore the potential of combining high-frequency (annual) climate signals derived from long tree-ring series with low-frequency (decadal to centennial) climate signals derived from the moss remains in peat deposits. This cross-archive comparison revealed no association between the oxygen isotopes, which likely results from the varying sensitivity of the archives to different seasons. For the carbon isotopes, common variance could be achieved through adjustments of the Sphagnum age model within dating error.


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The phase relations of natural volcaniclastic sediments from the west Pacific Ocean were investigated experimentally at conditions of 3-6 GPa and 800-900 °C with 10 wt.% added H2O (in addition to ~ 10 wt.% structurally-bound H2O) to induce hydrous melting. Volcaniclastic sediments are shown to produce a sub-solidus assemblage of garnet, clinopyroxene, biotite, quartz/coesite and the accessory phases rutile ± Fe-Ti oxide ± apatite ± monazite ± zircon. Hydrous melt appears at temperatures exceeding 800-850 °C, irrespective of pressure. The melt-producing reaction consumes clinopyroxene, biotite and quartz/coesite and produces orthopyroxene. These phase relations differ from those of pelagic clays and K-bearing mid ocean ridge basalts (e.g. altered oceanic crust) that contain phengite, rather than biotite, as a sub-solidus phase. Despite their relatively high melt productivity, the wet solidus for volcaniclastic sediments is found to be higher (825-850 °C) than other marine sediments (700-750 °C) at 3 GPa. This trend is reversed at high-pressure conditions (6 GPa) where the biotite melting reaction occurs at lower temperatures (800-850 °C) than the phengite melting reaction (900-1000 °C). Trace element data was obtained from the 3 GPa run products, showing that partial melts are depleted in heavy rare earth elements (REE) and high field strength elements (HFSE), due to the presence of residual garnet and rutile, and are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), except for Sr and Ba. This is in contrast to previous experimental studies on pelagic sediments at sub-arc depths, where Sr and Ba are among the most enriched trace elements in glasses. This behavior can be partly attributed to the presence of residual apatite, which also host some light REE in our supra-solidus residues. Our new experimental results account for a wide range of trace element and U-series geochemical features of the sedimentary component of the Mariana arc magmas, including imparting a substantial Nb anomaly to melts from an anomaly-free protolith.


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Understanding species distribution patterns and the corresponding environmental determinants is a crucial step in the development of effective strategies for the conservation and management of plant communities and ecosystems. Therefore, a central prerequisite is the biogeographical and macroecological analysis of factors and processes that determine contemporary, potential, as well as future geographic distribution of species. This thesis has been conducted in the framework of the BIOMAPS-BIOTA project at the Nees Institute of Biodiversity of Plants, which was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The study investigated patterns of plants species richness and phytogeographic regions under contemporary environmental conditions and forecasted future climate change in the area of West Africa covering five countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Togo. Firstly, geographic patterns of vascular plant species richness have been depicted at a relatively fine spatial resolution based on the potential distribution of 3,393 species. Species richness is closely related to the steep climatic gradient existing in the region with a high concentration of species in the most humid areas in the south and decreases towards the northern drier areas. The investigation of the effectiveness of the existing network of protected areas shows an overall good coverage of species in the study area. However, the proportion of covered species is considerably lower at national extent for some countries, thus calling for more protected areas in order to cover adequately a maximum number of plants species in these countries. Secondly, based on the potential distribution range of vascular plant species, seven phytogeographic regions have been delineated that broadly reflect the vegetation zones as defined by White (1983). However notable differences to the delineation of White (1983) occur at the margins of some regions. Corresponding to a general southward shifted of all regions. And expansion of the Sahel vegetation zone is observed in the north, while the rainforest zone is decreased in the very south.This is alarming since the rainforest shelters a high number of species and a high proportion of range-restricted or endemic species, despite their relatively small extent compared to the other regions. Finally, the evaluation of the potential impact of climate change on plant species richness in the study area, results in a severe loss of future suitable habitat for up to 50% of species per grid cell, particularly in the rainforest region. Moreover, the analysis of the possible shift of phytogeographic regions shows in general a strong deterioration of the West African rainforest. In contrast the drier areas are expanding continuously, although a slight gain in species number can be observed in some particular regions. The overall lesson to retain from the results of this study is that the West African rainforest should be fixed as a high priority area for the conservation of biodiversity of plants, since it is subject to severe contemporary and projected future threats.


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The formation of a subsurface anticyclonic eddy in the Peru-Chile Undercurrent (PCUC) in January and February 2013 is investigated using a multi-platform four-dimensional observational approach. Research vessel, multiple glider and mooring-based measurements were conducted in the Peruvian upwelling regime near 12°30'S. The dataset consists of more than 10000 glider profiles and repeated vessel-based hydrography and velocity transects. It allows a detailed description of the eddy formation and its impact on the near-coastal salinity, oxygen and nutrient distributions. In early January, a strong PCUC with maximum poleward velocities of ca. 0.25 m/s at 100 to 200 m depth was observed. Starting on January 20 a subsurface anticyclonic eddy developed in the PCUC downstream of a topographic bend, suggesting flow separation as the eddy formation mechanism. The eddy core waters exhibited oxygen concentrations less than 1mol/kg, an elevated nitrogen-deficit of ca. 17µmol/l and potential vorticity close to zero, which seemed to originate from the bottom boundary layer of the continental slope. The eddy-induced across-shelf velocities resulted in an elevated exchange of water masses between the upper continental slope and the open ocean. Small scale salinity and oxygen structures were formed by along-isopycnal stirring and indications of eddy-driven oxygen ventilation of the upper oxygen minimum zone were observed. It is concluded that mesoscale stirring of solutes and the offshore transport of eddy core properties could provide an important coastal open-ocean exchange mechanism with potentially large implications for nutrient budgets and biogeochemical cycling in the oxygen minimum zone off Peru.