29 resultados para CHILLED MEATS

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Mineral and whole-rock geochemical data are presented for chilled dike margins from the lower sheeted dike complex of Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program (DSDP/ODP) Hole 504B. Compositions of phenocrystic plagioclase (An80-89); olivine (Fo82-86); clinopyroxene (Wo52En40Fs8, with Cr2O3 up to 1.2%); and rare chromian spinel (Cr# 43) are consistent with those from the lavas and the upper dike complex recovered previously (DSDP Legs 69, 70, 83, and ODP Leg 111). Major and trace element compositions fall in group D of Autio and Rhodes (1983) and have high CaO/Na2O, and low TiO2, K2O, and (La/Sm)N values consistent with previous analyses from this site.


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The uranium content of glass from chilled margins of oceanic tholeiitic basalt flows is generally <0.1 ppm, even for old samples with highly altered crystalline interiors. Such low values represent the original whole rock concentrations, although subsequent to eruption low-temperature weathering has added uranium, and other elements, to the crystalline portions of these basalts. Consideration of the K/U ratios of altered samples suggests that basalt weathering may provide the major oceanic sink for these two elements.


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The samples were collected using a T-80 net (375 µm mesh size) equipped with a non-filtering cod-end in the North Atlantic during the G.O. Sars Trans-Atlantic cruise in 2013. Within 15-30 minutes after the recovery, 20 Calanus finmarchicus females were sorted out under microscope in ice chilled petri dishes and incubated individually in 600 ml polycarbonate culture bottles resulting in 20 replicate measurements. The bottles were filled with 50 µm screened seawater originated from 6 m water depth. The samples were incubated upright in thermoroom for 24 hours at the surface temperature (3°C). After the samples had been filtered (40 µm filter), female prosome length, egg as well as pellet abundance were determined. Subsequently, eggs from six females were incubated in petri dishes at 5°C. After 4 days, the number of nauplii and eggs were counted in order to calculate hatching success.


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The basement of Bougainville Guyot drilled at Site 831 consists of andesitic hyalobreccias derived from a submarine arc volcano. The volcanic sequence has been dated by K/Ar at approximately 37 Ma. The 121 m of andesitic hyalobreccias drilled in Hole 831B have been divided into five subunits of two types: one appears to be primary, and the other contains evidence of reworking and a subaerial clastic input. Variations are attributed to fluctuations in water depth. The distinctive hyalobreccias consist of andesitic blebs with chilled margins and peripheral fractures set in a chaotic greenish matrix that is mainly altered glass, with crystals similar to those in the blebs or clasts. Their formation is attributed to violent reaction of andesitic magma discharged into seawater, in perhaps the submarine equivalent of fire-fountaining. There was limited reworking by currents and debris flows on the flanks of the submarine volcano. The andesite shows no significant compositional variation in phenocryst phases throughout the drilled sequence and contains phenocrysts of plagioclase (An88-43), clinopyroxene (Ca44Mg46Fe10-Ca41Mg40Fe19), orthopyroxene (Ca4Mg79Fe17-Ca3Mg58Fe39), and titanomagnetite. There is a systematic change in volcanic composition with height in the section, from more mafic andesites at the base, to overlying more acid andesites, and strong evidence exists that magma mixing may have played a significant role in the genesis of these lavas. The andesites have affinities with the low-K arc tholeiite series. Trace element and isotopic systematics for these rocks indicate very minor involvement of a LILE- and 87Sr-enriched slab-derived fluid in their petrogenesis. This accords with the previous suggestion that Bougainville Guyot forms part of an Eocene proto-island arc developed along the southern side of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone, above a southward-dipping subduction zone.


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Volcanic basement recovered at Hole 765D is characterized by nonpervasive, oxidative alteration, typical of seafloor weathering. Chilled margins and the mesostasis of the lavas are variably altered to assemblages of celadonite, Fe-oxyhydroxides, zeolites, and calcite with trace saponite. Plagioclase is partially altered to Ca-Na zeolites and/or albite. Well-developed alteration halos parallel fracture surfaces and extend several centimeters into the surrounding rock. These clay-rich halos are enriched in K2O and Fe2O3 relative to the adjacent clay-poor rock. The halos and adjacent rock are characterized by d18O values 2 per mil-3 per mil higher than those of fresh MORB. The "freshness" of the samples and the scarcity of saponite suggest that the duration of seawater circulation was short-lived. Albitization of plagioclase indicates that the volcanic rocks were altered initially at low temperatures and were subsequently reheated off-axis in a closed environment. Reheating did not result in significant modification of the bulk composition of the crust.