12 resultados para CHEMICAL REACTIONS - Oxidation

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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The purpose of this work is to study the mobility and budget of Fe isotopes in the oceanic crust and in particular during low-temperature interaction of seawater with oceanic basalt. We carried out this investigation using samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 801C drilled during Leg 129 and Leg 185 in Jurassic Pacific oceanic crust seaward of the Mariana Trench. The site comprises approximately 450 m of sediment overlying a section of 500 m of basalt, which includes intercalated pelagic and chemical sediments in the upper basaltic units and two low-temperature (10-30°C) ocherous Si-Fe hydrothermal deposits. Fe was chemically separated from 70 selected samples, and 57Fe/54Fe ratios were measured by MC-ICP-MS Isoprobe. The isotopic ratios were measured relative to an internal standard solution and are reported relative to the international Fe-standard IRMM-14. Based on duplicate measurements of natural samples, an external precision of 0.2? (2 sigma) has been obtained. The results indicate that the deep-sea sediment section has a restricted range of d57Fe, which is close to the igneous rock value. In contrast, large variations are observed in the basaltic section with positive d57Fe values (up to 2.05?) for highly altered basalts and negative values (down to ?2.49?) for the associated alteration products and hydrothermal deposits. Secondary Fe-minerals, such as Fe-oxyhydroxides or Fe-bearing clays (celadonite and saponite), have highly variable d57Fe values that have been interpreted as resulting from the partial oxidation of Fe(2+) leached during basalt alteration and precipitated as Fe(3+)-rich minerals. In contrast, altered basalts at Site 801C, which are depleted in Fe (up to 80%), display an increase in d57Fe values relative to fresh values, which suggest a preferential leaching of light iron during alteration. The apparent fractionation factor between dissolved Fe(2+) and Fe remaining in the mineral is from 0.5? to 1.3? and may be consistent with a kinetic isotope fractionation where light Fe is stripped from the minerals. Alternatively, the formation of secondary clays minerals, such as celadonite during basalt alteration may incorporate preferentially the heavy Fe isotopes, resulting in the loss of light Fe isotopes in the fluids. Because microbial processes within the oceanic crust are of potential importance in controlling rates of chemical reactions, Fe redox state and Fe-isotope fractionation, we evaluated the possible effect of this deep biosphere on Fe-isotope signatures. The Fe-isotope systematics presented in this study suggest that, even though iron behavior during seafloor weathering may be mediated by microbes, such as iron-oxidizers, d57Fe variations of more than 4? may also be explained by abiotic processes. Further laboratory experiments are now required to distinguish between various processes of Fe-isotope fractionation during seafloor weathering.


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We have proposed a method of deducing the chemical compounds found in deep polar ice cores by analyzing the balance between six major ions (Cl-, NO3-, SO4**2-, Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+). The method is demonstrated for the Holocene and last glacial maximum regions of the Dome Fuji and GRIP ice cores. The dominant compounds depend only on the ion balance and the sequence of chemical reactions. In priority order, the principle salts are calcium sulfate, other sulfates, nitrate, chloride, and carbonate. The chemical abundances deduced by this method agree well with the results of Raman spectroscopy on individual salt inclusions. The abundances in the ice cores are shown to reflect differences in climatic periods (the acidic environment of the Holocene versus the reductive environment of the last glacial maximum) and regional conditions (the marine environment of Antarctica versus the continental environment of Greenland).


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Pore fluid calcium isotope, calcium concentration and strontium concentration data are used to measure the rates of diagenetic dissolution and precipitation of calcite in deep-sea sediments containing abundant clay and organic material. This type of study of deep-sea sediment diagenesis provides unique information about the ultra-slow chemical reactions that occur in natural marine sediments that affect global geochemical cycles and the preservation of paleo-environmental information in carbonate fossils. For this study, calcium isotope ratios (d44/40Ca) of pore fluid calcium from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 984 (North Atlantic) and 1082 (off the coast of West Africa) were measured to augment available pore fluid measurements of calcium and strontium concentration. Both study sites have high sedimentation rates and support quantitative sulfate reduction, methanogenesis and anaerobic methane oxidation. The pattern of change of d44/40Ca of pore fluid calcium versus depth at Sites 984 and 1082 differs markedly from that of previously studied deep-sea Sites like 590B and 807, which are composed of nearly pure carbonate sediment. In the 984 and 1082 pore fluids, d44/40Ca remains elevated near seawater values deep in the sediments, rather than shifting rapidly toward the d44/40Ca of carbonate solids. This observation indicates that the rate of calcite dissolution is far lower than at previously studied carbonate-rich sites. The data are fit using a numerical model, as well as more approximate analytical models, to estimate the rates of carbonate dissolution and precipitation and the relationship of these rates to the abundance of clay and organic material. Our models give mutually consistent results and indicate that calcite dissolution rates at Sites 984 and 1082 are roughly two orders of magnitude lower than at previously studied carbonate-rich sites, and the rate correlates with the abundance of clay. Our calculated rates are conservative for these sites (the actual rates could be significantly slower) because other processes that impact the calcium isotope composition of sedimentary pore fluid have not been included. The results provide direct geochemical evidence for the anecdotal observation that the best-preserved carbonate fossils are often found in clay or organic-rich sedimentary horizons. The results also suggest that the presence of clay minerals has a strong passivating effect on the surfaces of biogenic carbonate minerals, slowing dissolution dramatically even in relation to the already-slow rates typical of carbonate-rich sediments.


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We have investigated if in a cold seep methane or sulfide is used for chemosynthetic primary production and if significant amounts of the sulfide produced by anaerobic oxidation of methane are oxidized geochemically and hence are not available for chemosynthetic production. Geochemically controlled redox reactions and biological turnover were compared in different habitats of the Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano. The center of the mud volcano is characterized by the highest fluid flow, and most primary production by the microbial community depends on oxidation of methane. The small amount of sulfide produced is oxidized geochemically with oxygen or is precipitated with dissolved iron. In the medium flow peripheral Beggiatoa habitat sulfide is largely oxidized biologically. The oxygen and nitrate supply is high enough that Beggiatoa can oxidize the sulfide completely, and chemical sulfide oxidation or precipitation is not important. An internally stored nitrate reservoir with average concentrations of 110 mmol L-1 enables the Beggiatoa to oxidize sulfide anaerobically. The pH profile indicates sequential sulfide oxidation with elemental sulfur as intermediate. Gray thiotrophic mats associated with perturbed sediments showed a high heterogeneity in sulfate turnover and high sulfide fluxes, balanced by the opposing oxygen and nitrate fluxes so that biological oxidation dominates over geochemical sulfide removal processes. The three habitats indicate substantial small-scale variability in carbon fixation pathways either through direct biological use of methane or through indirect carbon fixation of methane-derived carbon dioxide by chemolithotrophic sulfide oxidation.


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The most direct method of investigating past variations of the atmospheric CO2 concentration before 1958, when continuous direct atmospheric CO2 measurements started, is the analysis of air extracted from suitable ice cores. Here we present a new detailed CO2 record from the Dronning Maud Land (DML) ice core, drilled in the framework of the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) and some new measurements on a previously drilled ice core from the South Pole. The DML CO2 record shows an increase from about 278 to 282 parts per million by volume (ppmv) between ad 1000 and ad 1200 and a fairly continuous decrease to a mean value of about 277 ppmv around ad 1700. While the new South Pole measurements agree well with DML at the minimum at ad 1700 they are on average about 2 ppmv lower during the period ad 1000-1500. Published measurements from the coastal high-accumulation site Law Dome are considered as very reliable because of the reproducibility of the measurements, high temporal resolution and an accurate time scale. Other Antarctic ice cores could not, or only partly, reproduce the pre-industrial measurements from Law Dome. A comparison of the trends of DML and Law Dome shows a general agreement. However we should be able to rule out co-variations caused by the same artefact. Two possible effects are discussed, first production of CO2 by chemical reactions and second diffusion of dissolved air through the ice matrix into the bubbles. While the first effect cannot be totally excluded, comparison of the Law Dome and DML record shows that dissolved air diffusing to bubbles cannot be responsible for the pre-industrial variation. Therefore, the new record is not a proof of the Law Dome results but the first very strong support from an ice core of the Antarctic plateau.


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C1-C5 hydrocarbons from DSDP Legs 56 and 57 sediment gas pockets were analyzed on board ship. Results suggest that the C2-C5 hydrocarbons accompanied biogenic methane and were generated at low temperatures - less than 50° C - either by microorganisms or by low-temperature chemical reactions. Neopentane, a rare constituent of petroleum, is the major C5 component (about 80%) in much of the sediment at Site 438. This compound, which appeared in smaller amounts at Sites 434, 439, 440, and 441, seems to correlate with either fractured or coarse-grained sediments. Scatter in C4 and C5 isomer ratios and generally good correlation between C3, C4 and C5 components suggest local sources for these molecules.


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Many important chemical reactions occur in polar snow, where solutes may be present in several reservoirs, including at the air-ice interface and in liquid-like regions within the ice matrix. Some recent laboratory studies suggest chemical reaction rates may differ in these two reservoirs. While investigations have examined where solutes are found in natural snow and ice, similar research has not identified solute locations in laboratory samples, nor the possible factors controlling solute segregation. To address this, we examined solute locations in ice samples prepared from either aqueous cesium chloride (CsCl) or Rose Bengal solutions that were frozen using several different methods. Samples frozen in a laboratory freezer had the largest liquid-like inclusions and air bubbles, while samples frozen in a custom freeze chamber had somewhat smaller air bubbles and inclusions; in contrast, samples frozen in liquid nitrogen showed much smaller concentrated inclusions and air bubbles, only slightly larger than the resolution limit of our images (~2 µm). Freezing solutions in plastic versus glass vials had significant impacts on the sample structure, perhaps because the poor heat conductivity of plastic vials changes how heat is removed from the sample as it cools. Similarly, the choice of solute had a significant impact on sample structure, with Rose Bengal solutions yielding smaller inclusions and air bubbles compared to CsCl solutions frozen using the same method. Additional experiments using higher-resolution imaging of an ice sample show that CsCl moves in a thermal gradient, supporting the idea that the solutes in ice are present in liquid-like regions. Our work shows that the structure of laboratory ice samples, including the location of solutes, is sensitive to freezing method, sample container, and solute characteristics, requiring careful experimental design and interpretation of results.


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Diamond dust (DD) refers to tiny ice crystals that form frequently in the Polar troposphere under clear sky conditions. They provide surfaces for chemical reactions and scatter light. We have measured the specific surface area (SSA) of DD at Barrow in March-April 2009. We have also measured its chemical composition in mineral and organic ions, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), aldehydes, H2O2, and the absorption spectra of water-soluble chromophores. Mercury concentrations were also measured in spring 2006, when conditions were similar. The SSA of DD ranges from 79.9 to 223 m**2/kg . The calculated ice surface area in the atmosphere reaches 11000 (±70%) µm**2/cm**3, much higher than the aerosol surface area. However, the impact of DD on the downwelling and upwelling light fluxes in the UV and visible is negligible. The composition of DD is markedly different from that of snow on the surface. Its concentrations in mineral ions are much lower, and its overall composition is acidic. Its concentrations in aldehydes, DOC, H2O2 and mercury are much higher than in surface snows. Our interpretation is that DOC from the oceanic surface microlayer, coming from open leads in the ice off of Barrow, is taken up by DD. Active chemistry in the atmosphere takes place on DD crystal surfaces, explaining its high concentrations in aldehydes and mercury. After deposition, active photochemistry modifies DD composition, as seen from the modifications in its absorption spectra and aldehyde and H2O2 content. This probably leads to the emissions of reactive species to the atmosphere.


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Frost flowers, intricate featherlike crystals that grow on refreezing sea ice leads, have been implicated in lower atmospheric chemical reactions. Few studies have presented chemical composition information for frost flowers over time and many of the chemical species commonly associated with Polar tropospheric reactions have never been reported for frost flowers. We undertook this study on the sea ice north of Barrow, Alaska to quantify the major ion, stable oxygen and hydrogen isotope, alkalinity, light absorbance by soluble species, organochlorine, and aldehyde composition of seawater, brine, and frost flowers. For many of these chemical species we present the first measurements from brine or frost flowers. Results show that major ion and alkalinity concentrations, stable isotope values, and major chromophore (NO3- and H2O2) concentrations are controlled by fractionation from seawater and brine. The presence of these chemical species in present and future sea ice scenarios is somewhat predictable. However, aldehydes, organochlorine compounds, light absorbing species, and mercury (part 2 of this research and Sherman et al. (2012, doi:10.1029/2011JD016186)) are deposited to frost flowers through less predictable processes that probably involve the atmosphere as a source. The present and future concentrations of these constituents in frost flowers may not be easily incorporated into future sea ice or lower atmospheric chemistry scenarios. Thinning of Arctic sea ice will likely present more open sea ice leads where young ice, brine, and frost flowers form. How these changing ice conditions will affect the interactions between ice, brine, frost flowers and the lower atmosphere is unknown.


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The speciation of strongly chelated iron during the 22-day course of an iron enrichment experiment in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean deviates strongly from ambient natural waters. Three iron additions (ferrous sulfate solution) were conducted, resulting in elevated dissolved iron concentrations (Nishioka, J., Takeda, S., de Baar, H.J.W., Croot, P.L., Boye, M., Laan, P., Timmermans, K.R., 2005, Changes in the concentration of iron in different size fractions during an iron enrichment experiment in the open Southern Ocean. Marine Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2004.06.040) and significant Fe(II) levels (Croot, P.L., Laan, P., Nishioka, J., Strass, V., Cisewski, B., Boye, M., Timmermans, K.R., Bellerby, R.G., Goldson, L., Nightingale, P., de Baar, H.J.W., 2005, Spatial and Temporal distribution of Fe(II) and H2O2 during EisenEx, an open ocean mescoscale iron enrichment. Marine Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2004.06.041). Repeated vertical profiles for dissolved (filtrate < 0.2 µm) Fe(III)-binding ligands indicated a production of chelators in the upper water column induced by iron fertilizations. Abiotic processes (chemical reactions) and an inductive biologically mediated mechanism were the likely sources of the dissolved ligands which existed either as inorganic amorphous phases and/or as strong organic chelators. Discrete analysis on ultra-filtered samples (< 200 kDa) suggested that the produced ligands would be principally colloidal in size (> 200 kDa-< 0.2 µm), as opposed to the soluble fraction (< 200 kDa) which dominated prior to the iron infusions. Yet these colloidal ligands would exist in a more transient nature than soluble ligands which may have a longer residence time. The production of dissolved Fe-chelators was generally smaller than the overall increase in dissolved iron in the surface infused mixed layer, leaving a fraction (about 13-40%) of dissolved Fe not bound by these dissolved Fe-chelators. It is suggested that this fraction would be inorganic colloids. The unexpected persistence of such high inorganic colloids concentrations above inorganic Fe-solubility limits illustrates the peculiar features of the chemical iron cycling in these waters. Obviously, the artificial about hundred-fold increase of overall Fe levels by addition of dissolved inorganic Fe(II) ions yields a major disruption of the natural physical-chemical abundances and reactivity of Fe in seawater. Hence the ensuing responses of the plankton ecosystem, while in itself significant, are not necessarily representative for a natural enrichment, for example by dry or wet deposition of aeolian dust. Ultimately, the temporal changes of the Fe(III)-binding ligand and iron concentrations were dominated by the mixing events that occurred during EISENEX, with storms leading to more than an order of magnitude dilution of the dissolved ligands and iron concentrations. This had strongest impact on the colloidal size class (> 200 kDa-< 0.2 µm) where a dramatic decrease of both the colloidal ligand and the colloidal iron levels (Nishioka, J., Takeda, S., de Baar, H.J.W., Croot, P.L., Boye, M., Laan, P., Timmermans, K.R., 2005, Changes in the concentration of iron in different size fractions during an iron enrichment experiment in the open Southern Ocean. Marine Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2004.06.040) was observed.


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Notable compositional changes of organic matter are observed below the silica transition zone in thermally immature sediments. The increase of bitumen ratio, and hopane and sterane isomerization parameters indicate an acceleration of the kinetics of the chemical reactions which transform the organic matter. This phenomenon is probably due to the numerous mineral and textural changes induced by the transformation of amorphous biogenic silica into crystalline authigenic silica.


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Samples of crystalline basalt from Site 396 B are all more or less altered, usually in strongly zoned patterns. Evidence has been found for several related or independent alteration stages, including (1) minor localized deuteric (amphibole and mixed clay minerals in miarolitic voids); (2) minor widespread nonoxidizing (pyrite on walls of vugs and cracks); (3) localized diffusion-controlled rug filling ("glauconite" in black halos); (4) pervasive low level oxidizing (transformation of titanomagnetite to cation-deficient titanomaghemite); (5) localized diffusion-controlled strongly oxidizing (breakdown of olivine and titanomaghemite in brown zones). Plagioclase and pyroxene are essentially unaltered. Detailed analyses of gray and brown zones in pillow basalts show that low temperature oxidation has proceeded in a step-wise fashion, with the relative stabilities of the igneous minerals controlling the steps. Secondary minerals that crystallized from pore fluids on to the walls of vugs may or may not be related to local alteration of primary phases. During the most intense stage of alteration, brown oxidation zones grew into basalt fragments behind diffusion controlled fronts. The specific reactions and products of this stage differ among the lithologic units at the site. A model is proposed whereby efficient seawater circulation through the pillow units maintains the pH and the concentrations of Mg2+ and SiO2 dissolved at low levels in pore fluids, so that olivine is replaced by hydrous ferric oxides, and Mg and SiO2 are removed from the system. In the massive basalt unit, circulation is somewhat less effective and Mg and SiO2 are retained in smectites. Deposition of authigenic minerals in the sequence saponite/Fe-Mn oxides/phillipsite/calcite in vugs and cracks may reflect the gradual closing of the systems and probably signals the end of localized oxidation in parts of the core. Mineral compositions indicate that most of these deposits formed from seawater at very low temperature.