27 resultados para Blooming Grove

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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Changes in paleoclimate and paleoproductivity patterns have been identified by analysing, in conjunction with other available proxy data, the coccolithophore assemblages from core MD03-2699, located in the Portuguese margin in the time interval from the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 13/14 boundary to MIS 9 (535 to 300 ka). During the Mid-Brunhes event, the assemblages associated with the eccentricity minima are characterised by higher nannoplankton accumulation rate (NAR) values and by the blooming of the opportunistic genus Gephyrocapsa. Changes in coccolithophore abundance are also related to glacial-interglacial cycles. Higher NAR and numbers of coccoliths/g mainly occurred during the interglacial periods, while these values decreased during the glacial periods. Superimposed on the glacial/interglacial cycles, climatic and paleoceanographic variability has been observed on precessional timescales. The structure of the assemblages highlights the prevailing long-term influence of the Portugal (PC) and Iberian Poleward (IPC) Currents, following half and full precession harmonics, related to the migration of the Azores High (AH) Pressure System. Small Gephyrocapsa and Coccolithus pelagicus braarudii are regarded as good indicators for periods of prevailing PC influence. Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica, Syracosphaera spp., Rhabdosphaera spp. and Umbilicosphaera sibogae denote periods of IPC influence. Our data also highlights the increased percentages of Coccolithus pelagicus pelagicus during the occurrence of episodes of very cold and low salinity surface water, probably related to abrupt climatic events and millennial-scale oscillations of the AH/Icelandic Low (IL) System.


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The lengthy warm, stable climate of the Cretaceous terminated in the Campanian with a cooling trend, interrupted in the early and latest Maastrichtian by two events of global warming, at ~70-68 Ma and at 65.78-65.57 Ma. These climatic oscillations had a profound effect on pelagic ecosystems, especially on planktic foraminiferal populations. Here we compare biotic responses in the tropical-subtropical (Tethyan) open ocean and mesotrophic (Zin Valley, Israel) and oligotrophic (Tunisia) slopes, which correlate directly with global warming and cooling. The two warming events coincide with blooms of Guembelitria, an extreme opportunist genus best known as the main survivor of the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) catastrophe. In the Maastrichtian, Guembelitria bloomed in the uppermost surface water above shelf and slope environments but failed to reach the open ocean as it did at K-Pg. The coldest interval of the late Maastrichtian (~68-65.78 Ma) is marked by an acme of the otherwise rare species Gansserina gansseri, a deep-dwelling keeled globotruncanid. The G. gansseri acme event can be traced from the deep ocean even onto the Tethyan slope, marking copious production and circulation of cold intermediate water. This acme is abruptly terminated by extinction of the species, a dramatic reversal attributed to a short-term global warming episode. This extinction corresponds precisely with the second bloom of Guembelitria that began ~300 kyr prior to the K-Pg event. The antithetical relationship between blooming of Guembelitria and the G. gansseri acme reflects planktic foraminiferal sensitivity to warm-cool-warm-cool climatic oscillations marking the end of the Cretaceous.


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Calcareous dinoflagellates often dominate the dinoflagellate cyst assemblage in Cretaceous to Recent oceanic sediments. However, their distribution in Paleogene sediments has scarcely been studied. The investigation of samples from DSDP Site 356 for their calcareous dinoflagellate content revealed 35 mainly long-ranging taxa. The associations and characteristic wall types (pithonelloid, oblique, radial, tangential) fluctuate quantitatively and qualitatively in distinct stratigraphic patterns. Significant shifts, primarily at the K/T boundary and the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, reflect changes in environmental conditions. Certain dinoflagellates forming calcareous cysts, such as Operculodinella operculata, were well adapted to the relatively rapid change of environmental conditions at the K/T boundary, thus blooming to dominate the carbonate flux to the ocean floor. In contrast to the stable Paleocene associations, Eocene calcareous dinoflagellates show fluctuations in relative abundances. These fluctuations can possibly be attributed to redeposition related to increased seaward transport of specimens, due to strengthened western boundary currents. The flora includes two new genera, one new species, and two new forms: Retesphaera diadema Hildebrand-Habel, Willems et Versteegh, gen. et. sp. nov., Cervisiella saxea (Stradner, 1961) Hildebrand-Habel, Willems et Versteegh, gen. et comb. nov., Sphaerodinella? tuberosa forma elongata Hildebrand-Habel, Willems et Versteegh, comb. et forma nov., Sphaerodinella? tuberosa forma variospinosa Hildebrand-Habel, Willems et Versteegh, comb. et forma nov. Three new combinations are proposed: Cervisiella saxea (Stradner, 1961) Hildebrand-Habel, Willems et Versteegh, gen. et comb. nov., Operculodinella operculata (Bramlette et Martini, 1964) Hildebrand-Habel, Willems et Versteegh, comb. nov., and Sphaerodinella? tuberosa (Kamptner, 1963) Hildebrand-Habel, Willems et Versteegh, comb. nov. The genus Operculodinella Kienel, 1994 is emended.


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Data on chlorophyll a concentration and species composition and biomass of phytoplankton have been collected for two years continues monitoring in the central part and the slope zone of the Black Sea. Seasonal dynamics of chlorophyll a concentration correspond to U-type. It is characterized by low values in summer, high values in autumn, which are going to winter-spring bloom of phytoplankton. Oscillations of mean values of chlorophyll concentrations are equal to 3-4 in the central part and 2 - in the slope zone. In the autumn-winter-spring period high values of phytoplankton biomass are related to typical blooming diatom algae in the first year and other taxons - in the second year. Relationship between relative content of phaeopigment and chlorophyll concentration has been determined for the central western part of the sea. Seasonal dynamics of carbon/chlorophyll a ratio has been shown. For both regions mean values of this ratio were equal to ~20 in autumn-winter-spring time and 40-50 - in summer time.


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Studies of picophytoplankton were carried out in the open Black Sea from February to April 1991 with concomitant blooming of diatoms. During this period cyanobacteria predominated in picoplankton averaging 98.8% of total picophytoplankton abundance and 95% of total picoplankton biomass. In February number of cells reached 1.5x10**9 per liter in the East Black Sea. Picoplankton biomass decreased during the observation period. From February to March biomass varied from 452 to 4918 mg/m**2 (av. 1632 mg/m**2), and from March through April from 4 to 656 mg/m**2 (av. 190 mg/m**2). Vertical distribution of picoplankton was determined by the upper margin of the main pycnocline. The major part of picoplankton biomass occurred in the mixed layer. With appearance of seasonal pycnoclines in the last days of March maximum biomass occurred under the upper mixed layer. No relationship was observed between Nitzschia delicatula bloom and picoplankton.


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In September 1999 two short-term moorings with cylindrical sediment traps were deployed to collect sinking particles in bottom waters off the Ob and Yenisei river mouths. Samples were studied for their bulk composition, pigments, phytoplankton, microzooplankton, fecal material, amino acids, hexosamines, fatty acids and sterols and compared to suspended matter and surface sediments in order to collect information about the nature and cycling of particulate matter in the water column. Results of all measured components in sinking particles point to an ongoing seasonality in the pelagic system from blooming diatoms in the first phase to a more retention system in the second half of trap deployment. Due to a phytoplankton bloom observed north of the Ob estuary, flux rates were generally higher in the trap deployed off the Ob than off the Yenisei. The Ob trap collected fresh surface-derived particulate matter. Particles from the Yenisei trap were more degraded and resembled deep water suspension. This material may partly have been derived from resuspended sediments.


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A high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) reconstruction of the western Mediterranean was accomplished using two independent, algae-based molecular organic proxies, i.e. the UK'37 index based on long-chain unsaturated ketones and the novel long-chain diol index (LDI) based on the relative abundances of C28 and C30 1,13- and 1,15-diols. Two marine records, from the western and eastern Alboran Sea basin, spanning the last 14 and 20 kyr, respectively, were studied. Results from the surface sediments suggest that the two proxies presently reflect seasons with similar SST, or simply annual mean SST. Both proxy records reveal the transition from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene in the eastern Alboran Sea with an SST increase of ca. 7 °C for UK'37 and 9 °C for LDI. Minimum SSTs (10-12 °C) are reached at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum and during the last Heinrich event with a subsequent rapid SST increase in LDI-SST towards the beginning of the Bölling period (20 °C), while UK'37-SST remains constantly low (~12 °C). The Bölling-Alleröd is characterized by a rapid increase and subsequent decrease in UK'37-SST, while the LDI-SST decrease continuously. Short-term fluctuations in UK'37-SST are probably related to availability of nutrients and seasonal changes. The Younger Dryas is recorded as a short cold interval followed by progressively warmer temperatures. During the Holocene, the general lower UK'37-derived temperature values in the eastern Alboran (by ca. 1.5-2 °C) suggest a southeastward cold water migration by the western Alboran gyre and divergence in the haptophyte blooming season between both basins.


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Experimental phase relations were used to assess the role of volatiles and crustal level fractional crystallization in the petrogenesis of lavas from Hole 839B in the central Lau Basin. Melting experiments were performed on Sample 135-839B-15R-2, 63-67 cm, at 1 atm, anhydrous, and 2 kbar, H2O-saturated (~6 wt% H2O in the melt) to determine the influence of variable pressure and H2O content on phase appearances, mineral chemistry, and liquid line of descent followed during crystallization. The effects of H2O are to depress the liquidus by ~100°C, and to suppress crystallization of plagioclase and orthopyroxene relative to olivine and high-Ca clinopyroxene. At 1 atm, anhydrous, olivine and plagioclase coexist near the liquidus, whereas orthopyroxene and then clinopyroxene appear with decreasing temperature. Crystallization of 50 wt% produces a residual liquid that is rich in FeO* (10.8 wt%) and poor in Al2O3 (13.6 wt%). At 2 kbar, H2O-saturated, the liquidus phases are olivine and chromian spinel, with high-Ca clinopyroxene appearing after ~10% crystallization. Plagioclase saturation is suppressed until ~20% crystallization has occurred. The residual liquid from 35 wt% crystallization is rich in AI2O3 (17.4 wt%), and poor in MgO (4.82 wt%); it contains moderate FeO* (8.2 wt%), and resembles the low-MgO andesites recovered from Hole 839B. On the basis of these experiments we conclude that the primitive lavas recovered from Hole 839B have experienced crystallization along the Ol + Cpx saturation boundary, under hydrous conditions (an ankaramitic liquid line of descent), and variable amounts of olivine and chromian spinel accumulation. The low-MgO andesites from Hole 839B are the products of hydrous fractional crystallization, at crustal pressures, of a parent magma similar to basaltic andesite Sample 135-839B-15R-2, 63-67 cm.


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Bromoform (CHBr3) is one important precursor of atmospheric reactive bromine species that are involved in ozone depletion in the troposphere and stratosphere. In the open ocean bromoform production is linked to phytoplankton that contains the enzyme bromoperoxidase. Coastal sources of bromoform are higher than open ocean sources. However, open ocean emissions are important because the transfer of tracers into higher altitude in the air, i.e. into the ozone layer, strongly depends on the location of emissions. For example, emissions in the tropics are more rapidly transported into the upper atmosphere than emissions from higher latitudes. Global spatio-temporal features of bromoform emissions are poorly constrained. Here, a global three-dimensional ocean biogeochemistry model (MPIOM-HAMOCC) is used to simulate bromoform cycling in the ocean and emissions into the atmosphere using recently published data of global atmospheric concentrations (Ziska et al., 2013) as upper boundary conditions. Our simulated surface concentrations of CHBr3 match the observations well. Simulated global annual emissions based on monthly mean model output are lower than previous estimates, including the estimate by Ziska et al. (2013), because the gas exchange reverses when less bromoform is produced in non-blooming seasons. This is the case for higher latitudes, i.e. the polar regions and northern North Atlantic. Further model experiments show that future model studies may need to distinguish different bromoform-producing phytoplankton species and reveal that the transport of CHBr3 from the coast considerably alters open ocean bromoform concentrations, in particular in the northern sub-polar and polar regions.