35 resultados para Backarc Basins

em Publishing Network for Geoscientific


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One hundred and twenty point counts of Oligocene to Recent sands and sandstones from DSDP sites in the Japan and Mariana intraoceanic forearc and backarc basins demonstrate that there is a clear compositional difference between the continentally influenced Japan forearc and backarc sediments, and the totally oceanic Mariana forearc and backarc sediments. Japan forearc sediments average 10 QFL%Q, 0.82 P/F, 2 Framework%Mica, 74 LmLvLst%Lv, and 19 LmLvLst%Lst. In contrast, the Mariana forearc and backarc sediments average 0 QFL%Q, 1.00 P/F, 0 Framework%Mica, 98 LmLvLst%Lv, and 1 LmLvLst%Lst. Sediment compositions in the Japan region are variable. The Honshu forearc sediments average 5 QFL%Q, 0.94 P/F, 1 Framework%Mica, 82 LmLvLst%Lv, and 15 LmLvLst%Lst. The Yamato Basin sediments (DSDP Site 299) average 13 QFL%Q, 0.70 P/F, 3 Framework%Mica, 78 LmLvLst%Lv, and 14 LmLvLst%Lst. The Japan Basin sediments (DSDP Site 301) average 24 QFL%Q, 0.54 P/F, 9 Framework%Mica, 58 LmLvLst%Lv, and 21 LmLvLst%Lst. P/F and Framework%Mica are higher in the Yamato Basin sediments than in the forearc sediments due to an increase in modal potassium content of volcanic rocks from east to west, on the island of Honshu. Site 301 possesses a higher QFL%Q and LmLvLst%Lst, and lower LmLvLst%Lv than Site 299 because it receives sediment from the Asian mainland as well as the island of Honshu. DSDP Site 293 sediments, in the Mariana region, average 0.97 P/F, 1 Framework%Mica, 13 LmLvLst%Lm and 83 LmLvLst%Lv, due to their proximity to the island of Luzon. The remaining Mariana forearc and backarc sediments show a uniform composition.


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To examine the processes and histories of arc volcanism and of volcanism associated with backarc rifting. 130 samples containing igneous glass shards were taken from the Plioccne-Quatemai^ succession on the rift Hank (Site 788) and the Quaternary fill in the basin fill of the Sumisu Rift (Sites 790 and 791). These samples were subsequently analyzed at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Shizuoka University. The oxides determined by electron probe do not account for the total weight of the material; differences between summed oxides and 100% arise from the water contents, probably augmented by minor losses thai result from alkali vaporization during analysis. Weight losses in colorless glasses are up to 9%; those in brown glasses (dacitcs to basalts) arc no more than 4.5%; shards from the rift-flank (possibly caused by prolonged proximity to ihc scafloor) generally have higher values than those from the rift-basin fill How much of the lost water is magmatic, and how much is hydrated is uncertain; however, although the shards absorb potassium, calcium, and magnesium during hydration in the deep sea, they do so only to a minor extent that does not significantly alter their major element compositions. Therefore, the electron-probe results are useful in evaluating the magmatism recorded by the shards. Pre- and syn-rift Izu-Bonin volcanism were overwhelmingly dominated by rhyolile explosions, demonstrating that island arcs may experience significant silicic volcanism in addition to the extensive basaltic and basaltic andestic activity, documented in many arcs since the 1970s, that occurs in conjunction with the andesitic volcanism formerly thought to be dominant. Andesitic eruptions also occurred before rifting, but the andesitic component in our samples is minor. All the pre- and syn-rift rhyolites and andesites belong to the low-alkali island-arc tholeiitic suite, and contrast markedly with the alkali products of Holocene volcanism on the northernmost Mariana Arc that have been attributed to nascent rifting. The Quaternary dacites and andesites atop the rift flank and in the rift-basin fill are more potassic than those of Pliocene age, as a result of assimilation from the upper arc crust, or from variations in degrees of partial melting of the source magmas, or from metasomatic fluids. All the glass layers from the rift-flank samples belong to low-K arc-tholeiitic suites. Half of those in the Pliocene succession are exclusively rhyolitic: the others contain minor admixtures of dacite and andesite, or andesite and either basaltic andesite or basalt. In Contrast, the Quaternary (syn-rift) volcaniclastics atop the rift-flank lack basalt and basaltic andesite shards. These youngest sediments of the rift flank show close compositional affinities with five thick layers of coarse, rhyolitic pumice deposits in the basin fill, the two oldest more silicic than the younger ones. The coarse layers, and most thin ash layers that occur in hemipelagites below and intercalated between them, are low-K rhyolites and therefore probably came from sources in the arc. However, several thin rhyolitic ash beds in the hemipelagites are abnormally enriched in potassium and must have been provided by more distal sources, most likely to the west in Japan. Remarkably, the Pliocene-Pleistocene geochemistry of the volcanic front does not appear to have been influenced by the syn-rift basaltic volcanism only a few kilometers away. Rare, thin layers of basaltic ash near the bases of the rift-basin successions are not derived from the arc. They deviate strongly from trends that the arc-derived glasses display on oxide-oxide plots, and show close affinities to the basalts empted all over the Sumisu Rift during rifting. These basalts, and the basaltic ashes in the basal rift-basin fill, arc compositionally similar to those erupted from mature backarc basins elsewhere.


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The Mariana arc-trench system, the easternmost of a series of backarc basins and intervening remnant arcs that form the eastern edge of the Philippine Sea Plate, is a well-known example of an intraoceanic convergence zone. Its evolution has been studied by numerous investigators over nearly two decades (e.g., Kang, 1971; Uyeda and Kanamori, 1979; LaTraille and Hussong, 1980; Fryer and Hussong, 1981; Mrosowski et al., 1982; Hussong and Uyeda, 1981; Bloomer and Hawkins, 1983; Karig and Ranken, 1983; McCabe and Uyeda, 1983; Hsui and Youngquist, 1985; Fryer and Fryer, 1987; Johnson and Fryer, 1988; Johnson and Fryer, 1989; Johnson et al., 1991). The Mariana forearc has undergone extensive vertical uplift and subsidence in response to seamount collision, to tensional and rotational fracturing associated with adjustments to plate subduction, and to changes in the configuration of the arc (Hussong and Uyeda, 1981; Fryer et al., 1985). Serpentine seamounts, up to 2500 m high and 30 km in diameter, occur in a broad zone along the outer-arc high (Fryer et al., 1985; Fryer and Fryer, 1987). These seamounts may be horsts of serpentinized ultramafic rocks or may have been formed by the extrusion of serpentine muds. Conical Seamount, one of these serpentine seamounts, is located within this broad zone of forearc seamounts, about 80 km from the trench axis, at about 19°30'N. The seamount is approximately 20 km in diameter and rises 1500 m above the surrounding seafloor. Alvin submersible, R/V Sonne bottom photography, seismic reflection, and SeaMARC II studies indicate that the surface of this seamount is composed of unconsolidated serpentine muds that contain clasts of serpentinized ultramafic and metamorphosed mafic rocks, and authigenic carbonate and silicate minerals (Saboda et al., 1987; Haggerty, 1987; Fryer et al., 1990; Saboda, 1991). During Leg 125, three sites were drilled (two flank sites and one summit site) on Conical Seamount to investigate the origin and evolution of the seamount. Site 778 (19°29.93'N, 146°39.94'E) is located in the midflank region of the southern quadrant of Conical Seamount at a depth of 3913.7 meters below sea level (mbsl) (Fig. 2). This site is located in the center of a major region of serpentine flows (Fryer et al., 1985, 1990). Site 779 (19°30.75'N, 146°41.75'E), about 3.5 km northeast of Site 778, is located approximately in the midflank region of the southeast quadrant of Conical Seamount, at a depth of 3947.2 mbsl. This area is mantled by a pelagic sediment cover, overlying exposures of unconsolidated serpentine muds that contain serpentinized clasts of mafic and ultramafic rocks (Fryer et al., 1985, 1990). Site 780 (19°32.5'N, 146°39.2'E) is located on the western side of Conical Seamount near the summit, at a depth of 3083.4 mbsl. This area is only partly sediment covered and lies near active venting fields where chimney structures are forming (Fryer et al., 1990).


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Currently, coccolithophores have a widespread oceanic distribution and are reported from most latitudes, but not those higher than 65°S. Fifteen piston cores were sampled with the aim of investigating the distribution and abundance variation of Quaternary calcareous nannofossils of the Antarctic region, south of the Antarctic Divergence (>65°S), particularly from Maud Rise, Bausan Bank, and from Weddell, Ross and Bellingshausen Seas. A calcareous nannofossil cold-taxa association is present in most of the cores examined and their discontinuous occurrence is thought to indicate key environmental relationships. The presence of calcareous nannofossils is correlated with interglacial intervals with warmer SSTs and may indicate high productivity and an open-ocean environment. Our results confirm that, during short periods of the late Quaternary, coccolithophorids occurred at southern high latitudes, in the western Antarctic basins, while in the eastern Antarctic basins they are nearly absent, suggesting more variable SSTs near West Antarctic Ice Sheet.


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A total of 69 surface sediment samples from several fore-arc basins located west and southwest of the Indonesian Archipelago was analyzed with respect to the faunal composition of planktonic foraminifera, the stable oxygen and carbon isotopic signal of a surface-dwelling (Globigerinoides ruber) and a thermocline-dwelling (Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) species, and the opal and CaCO3 contents in bulk sediment. Our results show that the distribution pattern of opal in surface sediments corresponds well to the upwelling-induced chlorophyll concentration in the upper water column and thus, represents a reliable proxy for marine productivity in the coastal upwelling area off S and SW Indonesia. Present-day oceanography and marine productivity are also reflected in the tropical to subtropical and upwelling assemblages of planktonic foraminifera in the surface sediments, which in part differ from previous studies in this region probably due to different coring methods and dissolution effects. The average stable oxygen isotopic values (d18O) of G. ruber in surface sediments vary between 2.9 per mill and 3.2 per mill from basin to basin and correspond to the oceanographic settings during the SE monsoon (July-October) off west Sumatra, whereas off southern Indonesia, they reflect the NW monsoon (December-March) or annual average conditions. The d18O values of N. dutertrei show a stronger interbasinal variation between 1.6 per mill and 2.2 per mill and correspond to the upper thermocline hydrology in July-October. In addition, the difference between the shell carbon isotopic values (d13C) of G. ruber and N. dutertrei (Delta d13C) appears to be an appropriate productivity recorder only in the non-upwelling areas off west Sumatra. Consequently, joint interpretation of the isotopic values of these species is distinctive for different fore-arc basins W and SW of Indonesia and should be considered in paleoceanographic studies.


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Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental history of deep and surficial waters of the Japan Sea are addressed using sequences recovered from the floor of the backarc basin. The study is divided into two parts: (1) foraminifer biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental assessment of sedimentary sequences recovered from above igneous basement at the four sites and (2) detailed planktonic foraminifer paleoenvironmental analysis of Quaternary and Pliocene sequences from Sites 794 and 797 in the Yamato Basin. A total of 253 samples were examined for the foraminifer biostratigraphy and 325 samples for the detailed paleoenvironmental study of Quaternary and Pliocene sequences. Low abundance and sporadic occurrence of foraminifers limited interpretation of results. Foraminifer-bearing intervals were correlated where possible to diatom and calcareous nannofossil zonations, and the sequences were successfully assigned to the foraminifer zonation of Matsunaga. Unfortunately, extensive barren intervals and sporadic occurrences of planktonic foraminifers prevented zonation of Quaternary and Pliocene intervals, although some interesting conclusions about paleoenvironment were possible and are listed below. A sequence of Neogene (sensu lato) paleoenvironmental events were identified: (1) deepening of the Yamato basins to middle bathyal depths by the early to middle Miocene, an event contemporaneous with the age of some deep basins known from uplifted sections adjacent to the Japan Basin; (2) cooling of the Japan Sea in the early middle Miocene; (3) oxygenation of deep waters in the late Miocene; (4) further cooling of surficial water masses between the Olduvai Subchron and the Brunhes/Matuyama Boundary; and (5) extermination of lower middle bathyal faunas and replacement by upper middle bathyal faunas near the base of the Quaternary.


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Interstitial water samples from Sites 834 through 839, drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 in the backarc Lau basin (Southwestern Pacific), have been analyzed for major elements, manganese, copper, strontium, barium, vanadium, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic composition values. The concentration-depth profiles of the major chemical components show almost straight concentration gradients at all sites, and seem to reflect slight alteration of volcanic material. However, in the lower part of the sedimentary cover, where volcanogenic material is abundant and where diagenetic minerals occur, systematic decreases in calcium, strontium, manganese, copper, and vanadium concentrations are observed. A downwelling flow of bottom seawater, which affected the diagenetic chemical signature of the interstitial water, is probably responsible for the recorded chemical features. This hypothesis is supported by strontium isotope data obtained from interstitial water samples at Site 835. It is also in accordance with data from heat flow and physical properties.


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Major and minor (Mn, Sr, Ba, V, Cr, Ni, Co, Zn, Cu, Zr, Y, Sc) elements and mineralogic compositions were determined on bulk sediments collected during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135. Three classes of sediment samples from holes drilled in the Lau Basin are discriminated by mineralogy and major element data. Samples labeled Class 1 are significantly enriched in biogenic calcite and occur predominantly in the northern part of the basin (Sites 834-835), whereas those of Class 3 are mostly enriched in volcanogenic material and are predominant in the central part of the basin (Sites 836-839). The minor element composition records the effects of the hydrothermal activity on the sediments. In the northern area of the basin (Sites 834-835), sedimentation is characterized by higher accumulation rates of the carbonate and hydrothermal fractions. These sediments are probably reworked predominantly, transported in the water column, and then settled locally. Thus, ponded sediments are probably responsible to this high accumulation rates. Diagenetic processes altered the volcanic material to a grade corresponding to the stability of phillipsite. In the central area of the basin (Sites 836-839), sedimentation is characterized by the action of bottom currents preferentially reworking the carbonate and hydrothermal fractions. Volcanogenic accumulation rates are greater at these sites than in the northern Lau Basin. Alteration of volcanic material is more important deeper in the holes and records authigenesis of clay rich in Fe-Mg, most likely smectite. Locally, clay minerals have apparently incorporated Cr and other ore-forming elements.


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Petrography, major and trace elements, mineral chemistry, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic ratios are reported for igneous rocks drilled on the northern flank of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 Site 828. These rocks comprise a breccia unit beneath a middle Eocene foraminiferal ooze. Both geophysical characteristics and the variety of volcanic rocks found at the bottom of Holes 828A and 828B indicate that a very immature breccia or scree deposit was sampled. Basalts are moderately to highly altered, but primary textures are well preserved. Two groups with different magmatic affinities, unrelated to the stratigraphic height, have been distinguished. One group consists of aphyric to sparsely plagioclase + clinopyroxene-phyric basalts, characterized by high TiO2 (~2 wt%) and low Al2O3 (less than 15 wt%) contents, with flat MORB-normalized incompatible element patterns and LREE-depleted chondrite-normalized REE patterns. This group resembles N-MORB. The other group comprises moderately to highly olivine + plagioclase-phyric basalts with low TiO2 (<1 wt%) and high Al2O3 (usually >15 wt%) contents, and marked HFSE depletion and LFSE enrichment. Some lavas in this group are picritic, with relatively high modal olivine abundances, and MgO contents up to 15 wt%. Both the basalts and picritic basalts of this group reflect an influence by subduction-related processes, and have compositions transitional between MORB and IAT. Lavas with similar geochemical features have been reported from small back-arc basins such as the Mariana Trough, Lau Basin, Sulu Sea, and the North Fiji Basin and are referred to as back-arc basin basalts. However, regional tectonic considerations suggest that the spreading that produced these backarc basin basalts may have occurred in the forearc region of the southwest-facing island arc that existed in this region in the Eocene.


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During Leg 124, off the Philippines, volcanic material was recovered in deep-sea sediments dating from the late Oligocene in the Celebes Sea Basin, and from the early Miocene in the Sulu Sea Basin. Chemical and petrological studies of fallout ash deposits are used to characterize volcanic pulses and to determine their possible origin. All of the glass and mineral compositions belong to medium-K and high-K calc-alkaline arc-related magmatic suites including high-Al basalts, pyroxene-hornblende andesites, dacites, and rhyolites. Late Oligocene and early Miocene products may have originated from the Sunda arc or from the Sabah-Zamboanga old Sulu arc. Late early Miocene Sulu Sea tuffs originated from the Cagayan arc, whereas early late Miocene fallout ashes are attributed to the Sulu arc. A complex magmatic production is distinguished in the Plio-Quaternary with three sequences of basic to acidic lava suites. Early Pliocene strata registered an important activity in both Celebes Sea and Sulu Sea areas, from the newly born Sangihe arc (low-alumina andesite series) and from the Sulu, Zamboanga, and Negros arcs (high-alumina basalt series and high-K andesite series). In the late Pliocene and the early Pleistocene, renewal of activity affects the Sangihe-Cotobato arc as well as the Sulu and Negros arcs (same magmatic distinctions). The last volcanic pulse took place in the late Pleistocene with revival of all the present arc systems.


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Cr-spinels in cores drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 exhibit wide variations in composition and morphology that reflect complex petrogenetic histories. These Cr-spinels are found within basaltic lava flows that erupted in north-trending sub-basins within the Lau Basin backarc. Cr-spinels from Sites 834 and 836 occur as euhedral groundmass grains and inclusions in plagioclase, and range up to 300 ?m in size. These Cr-spinels are similar in composition, morphology, and mode of occurrence to Cr-spinels found within depleted, N-type mid-ocean-ridge basalts (N-MORB), reflecting similar crystallization conditions and host lava composition to N-MORB. Their compositional range is relatively narrow, with Cr/(Cr + Al + Fe3+) (Cr#) and Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) (Mg#) varying from 0.38 to 0.48 and 0.56 to 0.72, respectively; like Cr-spinels from N-MORB, they contain low amounts of TiO2 (0.37%-1.05%) and Fe3+/(Cr + Al + Fe3+) (Fe3+#; <0.11). In contrast, Cr-spinels from Site 839 have much higher Cr# at a given Mg#, with Cr# varying from 0.52 to 0.76 and Mg# varying from 0.27 to 0.75. These Cr-spinels are similar in composition to those from primitive, boninitic or low-Al2O3 arc basalts, sharing their low TiO2 and Fe3+# (typically below 0.35% and 0.1, respectively for spinel grain interiors). Site 839 Cr-spinels occur as small (to 50 µm) euhedra within strongly zoned olivine or as unusually large (to 3 mm), euhedral to subhedral megacrysts. These megacrysts are strongly zoned in Mg#, but they display little zoning in Cr#, providing evidence of strong compositional disequilibria with the host melt. The magnesian cores of the megacrysts crystallized from primitive, near-primary melts derived from harzburgitic or highly depleted lherzolitic sources, and they provide evidence that the Site 839 spinel-bearing lavas were derived by the mixing of melt with a Mg# of 0.75-0.80 and evolved, Cr-spinel barren melt with a Mg# < 0.6 shortly before eruption.